THE MICHI-GA'N.. D A - It. - Y'' TH MCHGADrL U - jSCNSIN ;RELAY~ TRACK TEAM;TE E1ND ETERED INTO HAPEGOPHfER MEETl I (Specilt h Daily) MA4DISON, Wis., April 4- Wiscon-- Six Men Will T5rip TO Kansas;snsrakelytm iletr, Relays; Mile And" Two Mile: sn5cakrly emwl nc Quarets.To C mpet a special university event to be staged at the Minnesota relays in 'l;DPRA.TiG :1V FI L inneapolis next saturday. Coach, (EE PRCIC N ILD .om Jones announced" today that e, had accepted an invitation from I i ~Although hampered by the cold the Gopher autlzities,, ad would. weather of ,the last week, Coach Isend his four quarter, milers, Hlenke, g Farrell of the Wolverine track team~ Ramxiey, Davidson, anid .Levy. feels that his men are rounding in- The Badger coach also expr ssec1'i to good shape, and that after the Igreat satisfaction with the perfor- vacation training period the Mich- mance of his two Mant team in Tex-s igan thin clads will be able to give Ias last week. Bahr and' Captain ~ a ,good account of themselves inI.Larson reached their peak in the any company. Ishot put and broad jump,' while in" Selecting his team from. the re- ,the South. The former won, firsts stilts which will be shown in the °in both the Texas* and Southern next week of work, Coach Farrell1 Methodist Relays. Larson leaped will send six men to the, Kansas ' 24 feet for a sccond "place on Sat- relays. It has not been decided1 urdtay. as yet What relay will go to this I Wisconsin's track and field ath- week, fetes will not perform again 'as a I meet, but it is certain that a mile team" until April; 20. 'Jones ,has'° and, two ; tile squads will be .sent.I withdrawn all entries. For theKan-t T 7ie ,men shzowinlg ,the ,best wuring sas Relays folowing a decisioni to the coming period of training are revive the old Wisconsin Intercol- slated to make the trip. legiate meet. Colleges of the state 1To Enter Drake Relays will compete here, with the Univer- Coach Farrell's change in the sity on April 20. nuimber of men he will keep fo his training table over vacation was Baseball Team Will mnade because the athletes enter- ed, in the field events have not, Start South Tonight had enough outdoor practice to get them, in shape for the coming (Continued From ,Page 6) meets, and he feels that the extra Iance on Ferry field yesterday aft- week of -training will" help mater- ernoon 'as the team took part in a Tally- in the season's campaign. batting drill on the turf of thel .With the Drake meet coming close outfield. While the conventional on he eel oftheKansas Relays grey sutwsagain adopted, addi- Coach -Farrell will probably enter' tional color has been secured about a15 men as has been the cus- ,; through new jackets of blue and ,tin the past, when the Wolver-l yellow. Coach "Fisher will hold an iet ri haegvnago ac - infield drill today if the diamond count of themselves. To condition dries ot the men for these two meets, the . Kegler is expected to start; MVichigan mentor expects to work1 }s agist Cincinnati tomorrow in the his men twice daily over the vaca- irs tilt of the 1929 schedule. Soe tion period. " .Truskowski will be his battery mate Two Drills Daily if "a right _handed pitcher iswrk Wihlight work scheduled for Iing for the opponlents. Should' al the morning periods, the Wolverin- isouthpaw be tossing them up for es illbe entthoug stff rils)Cincinnati, the veteran Gus Reich- during the afternoon in order to tector. nth ak n po make up for the long period when tect_____or._ they could not get' outside.LODN-Wle aean Many, other Conference track AreCmsnWlle Hee n indre teams have been sent South to 36choe matche wilme te inted :finish off their Pre-season train- 36taoe mthswieteUie ing where the weather is better. Stte' golfers are in Enlgland. Buy ADLER Clothes for Spring Vacation~ It's not too late to select your Suit and Topcoat, we have Z3 tailors working. We promise to alter your suit and deliver it any time you say. We can fit any shape, regular and irregular. Why be satisfied with good enough, when you can have the best? x Two Trousers Suits . .. . $35 to $50 yLong. Topcoats .... $25 to $35 Hats of the very latest style .$5.00 Arrow Shirts-all colors.' .. $1.95 - $2.50 Ties--all new shades .$10.$1.35 j .',."213 East' liberty r ~ , f 50/ " f ,Y f1 k "The Home of Hart Schiaffner& Marx" HaveYou Seen The New 3OPCOATP S 100%-CAMELS HAIR- 100cc Soft as Down at And many other new fabrics: ± rrring B#one, Knit Cloth and Ticks in Greys and 'Tans $30~ A.wonde4rf ul assortment of suitings in all the new shades and models at $3r50 --and they're all HART SCHAFFNER &3 MARX Conlin &Wetherblee- 18 E. Washington Downtown 4 i I t a iI I I I t i Ia. 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