K!DActA L B, 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *FA flV I" t, '4 '4 la ' I i. I 14;, I x t a? r RIB Poll o .. i f I:f"4 i: '- 4 I. :, :: .r n .1y ii I ,-- i I di - - -, -E I' AW-W LVAYAMU] WA'vAV 7ES"'ILT . N.3 C. AL sm AILN 13 LOCAL A A. LI. WWILL HAVE DELEGATES AT NATIONAL ASSEMBSLY MISS GRACE RICHARDS, ONE - ADVISORS TO ATTEND CONVENTION OF TO VISIT NEW ORLEANS Special Excursions Are Planned To Evangeline Country And Gulf Coast Five delegates from the locall American Association of University Women will attend the National Confederation of A. A. U. W., which convenes 'on Tuesday, April 9, in New Orleans. Miss Grace Rich- ards, advisor .of women, Mrs. L. C. Karpinski, Mrs. Margaret Bird, Miss' Helen Hall, and Dean Lydia Jones of Qentral State Normal. College at Ypsilanti are those who will repre- sent the Ann Arbor group. A four day program has been planned for the convention, which will be the sixth meeting of the National Association. For those who* can extend their visit in Louisiana,' an added day, there will be an ex-' cursion to the Gulf Coast or to the Evangeline country. Tea At Newcomb College On Tuesday afternoon, after the general registration of delegates, the program will open with an ad-' dress on "Art in New Orleans" to be giyen at a tea in the Art Gallery, Newcomb College. In the evening the New Orleans branch will be hostesses for a reception at the Or- leans Club. On, Wednesday morning, the na- tional president will give her ad- dress, and the other national offi- cers of the. organization will give their annual reports. The after- noon will be given over to discus- sion groups, Education and Inter-, waional Relations A. A. U. W. Questions onthe. International Fed- eration, of University Women and on the general topic of Fellowships wlill be taken up .at this time. Hold Meetings Of Groups On Thursday, various meetings, which the guests may choose to at- tend according to their interests, ,ilt be held. 'The presiding officers will be: Educational chairman, Dr. Lois ;ayden e Meek;. the Interna- tonal'Relations- Chairman, Dr. Es- ther Caukin; the Publicity chair- mnan, Miss Marie Dickore, Cincin- nati, Ohio; .the Branch president, Mrs Ruric Smith, Tulsa, Okla.; the Fellowship chairman, Dean Ada Bell' Stapleton, Nashville, Tenn.; the Membership chairmen, Miss Emma Hyde, Manhattan, Kans. In the evening, Dean Virginia C. Gil-. "dersleeve will preside at an open meeting 'on Fellowships. Plan International Dinner The last Cday of. the convention will be 'given over to reports of all committees, and at 8 o'clock in the evening, the entire assembly will meet at 'an International dinner, with Dr. Aurelia Henry. Reinhardt,, chairman of; the committee on In- terna~tiorial Relations, presiding. The excursions which are being planied for the pleasure of the guests include a sight-seeing tour through Frenchtown on Tuesday. The college groups will have a luncheon Wednesday noon at one of the Frenchtown cafes, and on Friday, the sectional groups will meet at a luncheon. In the after- noon on Friday, a tea is being planned at Madame John's Legacy. :Convention Ends With Trips On Saturday, April 13, a group will go to the Gulf Coast after which the members will disperse at Biloxi. Onanother trip, the Evan- geline country Will be visited. Points of interest which this tour will in- clude are St. Martinville, where, the heroine of Longfellow's 'Evan- geline' is buried, the New Iberia Salt Mine at Anery's Island; the Mcelhenney Gardens and Game Preserve, and a visit to the home of! Weeks Hall, a Louisiana artist. AIRPLANE JOYRIDING.IS! BANNED AT WELLESLEY WELLESLEY.-Joyriding in air-i planes has been forbidden to wo- men here. This restriction went into effect recently on account of difficulties encountered in the piroblem of chaperonage.c 1 1 1 1 FE !(I l ij 1 t WILL NAME CAST Dr. Myers Comments On Selection Of pr nrMEDICAL GROUP AFTER VACATION Life Vocations By College Studentsi HOLDS ASSEMBLY Posters To Be Due Immediately "Only about two-thirds of the stu- tance as a profession quite rapidly G Week-End Program Includes Tea, Upon Resuming Of dents entering the University of in the past few years. The demand ! Reception, And Visit Classes Michigan have chosen their profes- for public health nmri" "e id for To Hospital sions, according to statistics taken nurses in industrial plants an xpu a- Will Display Different Types Of!o There will be no announcementlin 1923," stated Dr. Myers, Profes- lic schools has opened a new field. Afternoon And Evening Convening in Ann Arbor this of the cast of the Freshman Page- sor of Vocational Education and "The tendency for women to go. *Clothes weekend is the Grand Chapter ant until after vacation, as the j Guidance, "and at the end of the into professions is likely to increase meeting of Alpha Epsilon Iota, na- committee has been unable to senior year 10 percent have still not during the next 10 or 20 years. TO BE HELD TOMORROW tional fraternity for medical wom- meet for a long enough time to decided on their future occupation. There is a larger number of women iren. Meetings will be held, and complete their judgment. Every |Since 1923 the questions on the in professions today than ever be- University women and theirmeals will be served at the freshman who tried out will receive ;freshman admittance blanks show fore. They are yearly assuming friends are invited to attend the Women's Athletic building. special consideration, and in as the same condition. positions of more and more re- Hudson style show, sponsored by Among the delegates are Dr. Mar- many cases as the committee thinks "I think it is wise to Know quite sponsibility and importance in the the undergraduate campaign com- garet Reynolds of New York, who, advisable, the girls will be placed a good . deal about an occupation journalistic and business world. The mittee of the Women's League, and as an undergraduate in the Univer- in the dances they designated as before entering it," he further stat- number of women entering public to be presented from 3 to 5 o'clock1 sity, was president of the Women's their preferences. ed. "My plan is to ask the person service as Congressmen and state tomorrow afternoon The show will, league, and also a member of Wyv- In the meantime, girls who are thinking of entering a certain pro- legislators is gradually increasing, be held in the Georgia room of the emu and Mortarboard. Dr. Marion planning to make posters for the fession several questions about the! and I believe that women will come J. L. Hudson Company in Detroit. Cole of Chicago, and Dr. Pauline contest are urged to take advantage line of work he wishes to take up. more and more into appointive The show is not a commercial Williams of Chicago of the vacation, as all posters willIFirst of all I ask of what use the positions. affair but a social function. Tea ITh be due the first Saturday after the!occupation is to the world, its na- Dr. Myers wishes to add, "I deem will be served by the Hudson Com- Frhdprogram will include a tea reopening of the University. ;ture and scope. What are the du- it very important that women begin pany for 50 cents, and bridge tal-I on Friday afternoon at the home of ties involved, and the education to realize the very professional lies and cards will be furnished for Dr. Jean Solis. On Friday evening Gargoyles Represent and special training necessary for character of homemaking. It reJ those who wish to play. a forma reception will be held at Michi Prs etsuccess? What other qualities be- quires a great deal of thought and A- group of University women e caer house. Among the Michigan Presidents sides training are needed? What care and is of tremendous impor- have already been chosen to model guests will be President Clarence remuneration should be expected, tance, especially to the wage- in the show and all types of dresses! Cook Little and Mrs. ittle, Dean Six o the former presidents of and what are the chances for pro-' earner, because the kind of home will be shown. These will include Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, Dean the University of Michigan have motion? Not connected especially from which he comes determines formals, ensembles, a f t e r n o o n Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber, and been honored in a unique manner. with the college student, but, never- whether it brings him satisfaction clothes, and sports wear. The er members of the medical Many students pass through the important, is the question and content, and this in turn is clothes have been especially chosen aculy. center archofheLawyers gatesswille have breakfast atosthe nconcerning conditions regarding determined by the woman whom he for the wearers. daily and do not realize that at the the hours of wor k, health and marries. It is not only for his Uiersi l have breakfast at the t r in each a also i the safety involved with the work. dren, that fhe he sakhof lhis ewl Cora Opines Before inspection of the hospital under the then, too, I always ask for some of ' tbdirection of Dr. Harley Haines, di- goyle representing one of the six the dvantages and disadvantages managed. I hope we will soon rec- Leaving For Vacation rector.In* presidents at the University of ognize more fully the importance , a Michigan between the yas15 connected with the occupation. Ofogiemrfulthipoane of Ann Arbor will be taken. The to 192gnbthe wstgsidyears -particular importance to the col- of the work of making a successful Well, my dear, here I am back conference will close on Saturday toy 192.O tewssidet H areh , lege student are the questions: Is home. It is an occupation which again after an enforced absence- evening with a formal banquet at goyles of Presidents Hutchinson, the occupation one that stimulates young people should consider more, enforced for two reasons, one being tehm fMs .W lpato Angel, and Burton, while on theteocpto n htsiuae for it is the occupation claiminefre o w esnoebing the home of Mrs. L. W. Oliphant of Ael ad urthon, whPiente thinking and mental growth or is it fri is the ocupton caming that- there hasn't been any room to Barton Hills. east side are those of Presidents ruieadmntoos si fthe largest per cent of our women,rumypingadteohris__________________ Freize, Haven and Tappan. routine and monotonous? Is it of and it always will run my opmmgs and the other is The other arches of the Lawyers' particular service to society and is that I haven't had any really bril- Club are decorated with similari there much contact with one's fel- liant ideas on which to opine of gargoyles representing various act lows? For some people do not like l Megan Lloyd George late. Of course, if I were the Rolls ivities, sports and schools in the any work except for public service. P t editor or some one like that, I d just University. Several of the lofty "In spite of the growing tendency praises Liberal earty go ahead and opine anyway heth- _ p rin g N beams which support the immense for women to go into other fields, er I had anything to say or not, dining-hall bear wooden heads of teaching still attracts the most Megan Lloyd George, daughter of but I'm not like that-thank good- famous Americans and English- women. However, there is a grow- the ex-prime minister, and Liberal ness. men. ing interest in other professions. candidate for Parliament, as one of But I just had to say something The history of the gargoyles is The number of women in the Med- the chief guests of the Manchester before vacation began. Aren't youAP not definitely known, but it is ical school has increased noticeably Reform Club, spoke on women in just too thrilled about it, my dear? known that since the completion within the last few years, as has it politics. I am, I mean I actually am. And of the building in 1924, two of the in the Law school and Architects "I stand before you," she declared who wouldn't be after eight weeks gargoyles in the center arch have school. Nursing, always attracting "as one of the 5,000,000 dangerous of the good old grind-if you can Chiffon been changed for various reasons. many women, has grown in impor- young women who will control the call it that. If only the weather destinies of this country at the next behaves itself for a week or so! 'Of election. Why we were dangerous course, I realize that everyone, in- Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice Johnson, I have never been able to make out. cluding the weather man, is en- Fancy lity Perhaps because we were an inno-titled to his little April Fool's joke, And Dr. Margaret Bell iscuss Persona y tion in politics. Perhaps because but there is such a thing as carry- Heel we're supposed to live up to the' ing it too far. Was it all right to "Personality is a comparatively gredient called charm are even age of 30 (the age at which women have March winds 'on the first of tangible quality which can be ac- more essential." are at present allowed to vote) in a April, and December ones on the WOMEN'S quired easily by any college wom- A fundamental interest in studies !sort of mental cocoon, from which second, not to mention the balmy {$195 pa Go an", is the opinion of' Miss =Alice and in ^enpus life are 'essential we emerge at our 30th anniversary, May or June weather we had on *Bow. Spik Lloyd, advisor to women Dr:' Bell' to personality in Miss Lloyd's opin- having developed all those mental Wednesday? states that personality and the ion. She said that if one is a good and moral qualities which give us And speaking of weather anc"; qualities which go to make it up mixer, participates in the social life full qualifications to vote." vacations and what have you, Wed- are inborn, the result of good of the University and is loyal to iNer, i esnesday night was just right for a. breeding and family background, her school, she has the basic qual-L pr, perfect serenade, I mean it actually and can never be acquired to the ities of personality. Of course she Libera party, she declared, has it perfec t seeaeIeyan cul shown getrraies org was. And I bet every woman one extent that it will not be discover- agrees, too, that "courtesy and gen- d ed by the discerning few. In still tleness in meeting people, intelli- an resothion tblan it does today in was simply thrilled to death over it. another interview, Miss Johnson gence, culture, and a modish and ipent.yIt was so romantic and everything. explained personality biologically. attractive, though conservative, ap- _nen_.Well, anyway, I hope everyone 11'So Each of the women interviewed pearance" are the fundamentals. terested in listening to what others has a perfectly grand time spring agreed that personality in a college Dr. Bell says that in judging a say, instead of voicing their own vacation. We may have to worry woman depended fundamentally on ' personality she looks for health, opinions. They should be respons- about the weather a little, but at appearance, intelligence, and a good posture, neatness, good taste. ive, yet maintain a quiet reserve. I least we won't live under the sha- pleasing manner. "Nothing. 'shows "All women, especially college wom- look for a well-modulated voice and dows of the fear that we will spend, e a d t h e C so evident a lack of personality as' en try to make an impression. In a choice of words suggestive of vacation in bed with the flu like C I an attitude of swagger and bluff." order to do this they should be in- background and opportunity." we worried at Christmas time! "Those qualities which constitute_-____ personality in a college woman are EIGHTWOMEN ELECTED exactly the same as those, which constitute personality in any wom-' an, whether she be social leader of the "400", a representative of the intelligentsia, or . a factory piece worker," Miss Beatrice Johnson, ad- visor to women, stated. "A scien- tific definition could be obtained from biologists who consider per- sonality largely dependent upon the endocrine gland secretiqns. I "Less tangible qualities are one's natural interest in other people, one's attitude toward life in gen- eral, whether it is largely consider- ed a glorious adventure or a rou- tine triumph of theoretical enemies and on one's personal appearance,' though, while beauty is a great aid, health, cleanliness, good taste in" clothes, and that all-impor.tant. In- I De Luxe Cab and Baggage Co. Cheapest Rates in Town FASHION 35c for 50c for 10c for 1 2 to 5 each additional fare DIAL 6870 DeLuxe Cab and Baggage Co. We maintain 24-hour service Aid WITH A LOW PRICE ON ITS HEAD! No" I CMor40,00 0504-1850-0, a+lr 01 Ms. Bair formerly of the Michigan Beauty Shop, is now located at the ii T RUE smartness is valued very highly, of course, and we do not believe that it may be had for nothing. Nevertheless, a single glance at this large group of crushable straw and high colored felt hats will prove to you that occasionally one may procure authentic chic for an exceptionally low price. The new shades . . . Totem, Bird Blue, Brioche, Pandora . . . and the fine felts and delightful, soft straws, will surely be appreciated by the college girl who is "fashion-wise." $3.75 to $6.50 ERY - 2nd FLOOR "NUDIES" SOCK AND STOCKING ALL-IN-ONE A sheer fine hose with a lisle foot in smart sports shades, knitted to the hose with silk ankle bands, giving the effect of actual socks worn over nude silk hose or the bare leg! /I MILLINI 11 IF1 I em i