. 5, 1929
T a-f MI** HT" -CAL".X
F .b ,
New Carillon Devices Di
Now Controlled Mechanically;
Operated Similarly To The
Player Piano
Discoveries a'being made so
often with regard to the instru-
ments used in the playing of caril-
Ions that it is almost impossible
to predict the results of future re-
search in'that field. .By the time
the Burton classes at the Univer-.
sity have completed their campaign
for a carillon of bells to be in-
{stalled in the Burton (Memorial
Campanile in 1937, it is quite pos-
sible that the bells will be played ° r b
with little or no effort at all.
Most of the recent developmentsn
both in he casting of bells and the°
tools used to play the instrument.
have come from one of the two
foundries in England. -Even, the "
art of casting perfectly tuned bells
which was discovered several cen-
turies ago and lost again has been
rediscovered by the John Taylor
and Company of Loughborough, T
England and the Gillett and John- The above picture shows a typU
son Bell Founders of Croydon. used in the largest carillons through
Introduced In 1867 of clavier and will soon be supp
Introdced I 1867a player-piano type of instrument '
The first carillon ever introduced
in England was one of 36 bells inches. The foot pedals are one and
which was installed in the Boston a half octaves in compass.
Parish Church in 1867. This set of, The keys are struck with the
bells was played mechanically and closed fist and the volume of the
the resulting tones were very un- tone depends entirely on the force
satisfactory. Later, in 1882, the exerted by the carilloneur. The
first carillon played by a clavier hands of the player are protected
was put up in Cattistock Church. by a leather pad fastened below
This instrument had 33 bells until the little finger. Connections -be-
recently when two more were add- tween the clappers and the keys
ed and the total is now 35 with the include iron levers, squares, and
heaviest bell weighing 2,200 pounds. wires used similarly to the wooden
It was the first Continental type of materials in the tracker action of
carillon to be introduced into Eng- an organ. The way in which har-
land and has been followed by im- monies are achieved and the way
proved claviers until at the present in which certain tones are made'
time nost carillons are controlled dominant and others submerged
by instruments similar to the one into an accompaniment depends
shown above on this page. entirely on the ability of the play-
This clavier is arranged on the er himself. Not only must he be a
same principles as the manuals of carilloneur but he must also be
an organ allowing easy playing of versed in other phases of musical
the pieces which cover 'a chromatic endeavor. The carilloneur has
compass -extending to four octaves constantly been elevated until to-
or even more. The keys are made day he is considered as a rare artist
of oak and are in two rows similar and recently a course in cam-
to the light and dark keys, on an panology has been introduced into
ordinary piano keyboard. The up- Birmingham University in Eng-
per set projects about 3 1-2 inches land, and this course is included in
and the lower set which corre- the requisites for the honours de-
sponds to the white keys of the gree of Bachelor of Music. It in-
piano keyboard project 6 1-2 cludes a series of lectures on the
cal clavier of the type which is now
;out the world. It is the latest style
planted by a still newer invention,
which is being developed in England.
r I
manufacture and tuning of bells,
carillons, carillon music, chimes,
chime tunes, automatic mechan-
isms for the playing of the instru-
ment and practical experience on
the clavier 'in the carillon at
There are very few well known
carilloneurs and in England the
four most famous are Jordan,
Barker and -Potter of Lough-
borough and Clifford Ball of
Bournville. In America the only
noted one is Anton Brees who has
played in concerts all over the
country and who is now pflaying in
the beautiful Mountain Lake Tow-
er at the Bird Sanctuary in Flor-
Announce Discovery
Recently in press dispatches
from Loughborough, the John Tay-
lor Company has announced start-
ling discoveries which have made
it possible to play a carillon from
an ordinary piano =keyboard which
requires very little effort. In fact
with this new invention, the slight-
est touch will produce a sound in
the bells. -However, the one failing
of this new idea is that the volume
of the tone can not be regulated
by the player. He merely manipu-
lates the keyboard and regardless
of the power which he exerts- a
tone of the same volume will be the
result. However, the research
workers promise better results in'
the very near future and have al-
ready made public a second dis-
covery by which music rolls may be
inserted in the pianoforte style
clavier so that it can be played
mechanically very similarly to a
player piano of the most modern
type. In this new device, likewise,
the volume of the tone produced is
uncontrollable at present.
In .connection with the Burton
Memorial Campanile -which is to
be built here by 1937, it is planned
to organize a course in campan-
ology in the School of Music and
to try to develop a corps of student
cai illoneurs and student music
composers to produce the programs
for the recitals which will be given
from time to time.
To Be Built' On Mall
Rumors have been afloat that the
new School of Music building
which is to be built very near the
Campanile will quite possibly - be
Ijoined to it by a passagewayand
that the bell tower will be used for
practical experience in carillon
playing. The two structures are to
be built on the proposed Mall'
which is to consist of a strip of
ground running north from North
University avenue on Ingalls. This
street is to be closed from North
University to Washington street
and the carillon will be built at the
north end of the plot. The new
Music building is to be built just
north of Hill auditorium- according!
*to the tentative plans and this ,
completed building program will
provide a direct view of the Cam-
panile from the step of the main
library and will provide an avenue
of lawn bordered on the west by
Hill auditorium and the School of
Music and on the east by the new-
ly completed Women's League
, building.
Weight Determines Cost
Carillon prices are determined by
the size of the bells used, the cost
being judged by the 'amount of
metal necessary. The goal which
the classes from '21-,to'2-28 have set
for their campaign to secure the
purchase and installation of a
carillon in the Burton Campanile
has now reached almost one hun-
dred thousand dollars.' If Congress,
I at its special session this month,
decides to exempt carillons from
I the 40 per cent ad valorem duty
which at present is levied on them
it will mean a differende'of at least
twenty thousand dollars to the
Burton carillon and will allow the
purchase of the finest carillon 'in
existence,' surpassing 'even the
Mountain Lake carillon -which 'Ed-
ward Bok of Curtis Publishing
company has just installed 'aid
which was dedicated recently "by
ex-President Coolidge.
,.c °'f
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