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April 04, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-04

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Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
A meeting. of the Dean's Advisory Committee is called for Thursday
afternoon, April 4, at 3:00 o'clock in the Dean's office.
John R. Effinger
Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The Administ ative Board will meet at 4:30 o'clock on Thursday,
April 4, in Dean Effinger's of ice.
W. ItIHumnphreys
'Exhibition of Paintings:
The exhibition of paintings by Mr. Hugh H. Breckinridge, under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, will be open evey afternoon
from April 1 to April 7 (inclu ivc) and from April 14 to April 23.
J. G. Winter
Todd Prize in Economics and Sociology:
Prospective contestants are reminded that they are not eligible to
present essays in the competition unless their subjects are approved by
Professor L. J. Carr, Professo C. F. Rener, or myself before spring

Foreign Women Students:
The bus will leave for Lansing from harbour Gymnasium at 9:00
o'clock next Wednesday morning, April 10. If you have not answered
your invitation you may do so before 5:00 o'clock today.
Beatrice W. Johnson
Senior E ngincers:
All orders for Seiio2 canes must be placed with Wagner & Co., by
Friday night, April 5. Aftor this date the price of $4.00 will be
J. R. Hall, Chairman, Eng. Cane Com.
All IMouse Presidenits:
The signing-out slips for March are due at the League Office now,
and MUST be turned in before the end of this week. House presidents
should bring also any sign-out slips for. previous months which they
neglected to turn in at the proper time.
Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman, Board of Representatives
Junior Engineers:a
Dues will be collected for the last time before Spring Vacation on
Thursday, April 4, 1929, in the West. Engineering Building. It is
necessary that all dues be paid it this time in order to be eligible
for Class activities.
Harry I1. Coll, Treasurer
Sophomore Lits:
Class dues will be collected today in University Hail.
Joseph A. Witter, Treasurer


The. Intramural Sports Building will be open from 9:00 a. m.
6:00 p. m., daily, during the spring vacation.
E. D. Mitchell, Director of Intramural Sports
University Club:
Club Night Friday evening, April 5. E. S. McCartney and Dean
C. Sadler.


Largest Fleet Owner ITHORPE WRITES - - '|""' p1111
Has Not Seen Europe RHETORIC TEXT
"College Composition" is the title
of a recently published rhetoric
text-book written by Prof. Claren With the ormation of an exh
jD.~~~frmto Thrpfo hi Uivrit i cl
laboration with Thomas E. Rankin bition of birds in the third floor
exhibition hall of the University
.es o En Museums uilding and the choo-
legeand Melvin lege govasoit
The ookis n mny espct and Warbler by Dr Alexander G
istinet departure from the coI bird for Michigan has gotten under
:ctventional composition text- thirk
the authors having based book, way in Ann Arbor.
treatment of the subject on the as- The contest, whch i being co-
sumption that the "art of writing ucted by the Michigan Audubon
is inextricably bound up with the society, is a popularity vote between
art of living" and that students will 21 birds whch ty
write well only when they are picked as being most fitted to rep-
keenly interested n wrtig well resent the Wolverine state. Voting
Consequently all efforts have been started last Monday and will con-
devoted to arousing this interest tinue for two weeks.
and the authors believe that the The Audubon society is conduct-
4 'book possesses that rare virtue of ing the contest in commemoration
U acualy ceatig te uge t wrteof its first year as an organization.
actually creating the urge to write..c nin rnza .
The state *convention of the society
__ _In accordance with this concep- meets in June in the Museums
tion part one of the book is devoted building
Paul W Chapman, Chicagoan, wholly to preparing the student for
who came to New York and pur-' composition, no theme-writing is
chased the largest fleet of Ameri- to be done until a thorough under- -
can transatlantic liners, including standing of what constitutes effec- New York Listed
the Leviathan from the govern- tive writing has been gained. Part
ment, never has 'been to Europe. j two is a detailed and helpful study Stocks
And, he adds, if .he ever finds time of the elements of composition,P
to go, he'll give up his berth to a while part three deals specifically rivate wires to a
flying passenger if the boat is with the conventional four forms Markets
crowded. of discourse, part four being a
manual of the mechanical aids to Conservative margin a:ccunts
Iniversity of Kansas.-By pour- writing not otherwise treated in solicited
ing hot water down the throats of the text. Telephone 22541
the pledges just before the morn- Although there will be no com=
ing visit of the doctor, fraternities' pulsory action toward the adoption; Brown-Cress & Co.,
on this campus during a recent in- of the book as the standard text
fluenza epidemic were able to in4 for rhetoric 1 and 2, it is expected Ic.
crease the number of students run- thaththe majority of these classes Investment Securities
ning temperatures and cause the; at the University will use "College
dismissal of classes. Composition" in the future.
__________________7th Floor First Natl
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Bank Bldg.
$2.25 for the half year. $2.25 for the half year.
SCopyrightFiction 75c
,I Regular Price-$2.0

Ann Arbor Residents:
Residents having furnished or unfurnished light-housekeeping
Sooms, apartments, or houses for rent fo: the Summer Session are 1
requested to list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, room 2,
Universiy Hall. Dial 6115.
F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean
All Faculty Members Interested in the Changed Policy of the CarnegieI
Friday afternoon, April 5, at 5:00 o'clock in the large lecture hall c
of the Romance Language Building, Professor Sharfman, University,
of Michigan delegate to the recent conference of ten Western universi-.
ties at Chicago, will report the results of that conference. A large!
attendance is most desirable.
C.hiU. VanTyne, U. B. Phillips, II. P. Thieme l
Graduate Stitletits:
Graduate students should remember that Friday of this week is the1
last date for. dropping courses.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder
Speech 31:
All students electing Speech 31 will meet in room 1025 Angell Hall
at 4:00 p. m., on April 4, for mid-semester examination.k
G. E. Densmore
Speech 32:
All students electing Speech 32 will meet in room 25 Angell Hall
at 4:00 p. in. on April 4, for mid-semester examination.
G. E. Densmore
Geology 2:
A second make-up examination will be given this afternoon at 4:00
o'clock in room 4054 N. S.
R. C. Hussey w
Engineering Stu'deits:I
The Classification Committee has placed the limit of time at which
a course may be dropped without record at the end of the eighth week
of the semester, or April 6, 1929, excepting in cases of continued illness;
or other extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier should1
consult with the instructor.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Mid-semester report cards are now being distributed through the
Dean's messenger se.vice. Instructors are requested to report before'
spring vacation if possible, in any case not later than April 16, the
names' of all students whose standing is at this time D or E. These
grades should not indicate merely the mark received on the mid-.
semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if
needed, can be had at my office.
These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students
en oiled in this college.-

Program Committee
Faculty Alumni Dance:
The extra dance for faculty and alumni sponsored by the Faculty
Women's Club will be held on Tuesday, April 16, at the Union.
Mrs. W. L. Badger
Christian Science Society:
Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan meets
tonight at 7:30 in the upper room of Lane Hall.
Eloise Rue, Secretary

Faculty iWonMen's Club:
The regular board meeting of the Faculty Women's Club will
held Thursday at 1:00 o'clocI at the Marbruck Tea Room.
Mrs. W. L. Badger


Only Map Of Indian Civilization Of State
Is Being Prepared By Local Archaeologists
An a' chaeological map of Michi- tribes, will be indicated . on the
gan, the only one of its kind ever maps.
undertaken, is being drawn by Dr. The sou-ces for the map are
W. B. Hinsdale, professor emeritus varied. Research has been done
W from the old track books of the
in medicine, and present custodian United States government suivey-
of Michigan archaeology in the ors. Early maps of the state drawn
Museum of anthropology, with the poer n yteFec
cooperation of Edward J. Stevens by pioneers and by the French
of ,Kalamazoo, an authority on thei have been consulted.. Old settlers
Indians of Michigan o n who are personally acquainted
Material which will included on with ancient . Indian sites or whc
the map has been inpces on own documents throwing light on
tempha beni process of the subject, have been consulted,
collection for the last six years by Complete cooperatio nsubed
DIr. Hinsdale and his colleague, al- goet e an has eer
[tog h culdaigwsgiven D. Hinsdale and Mr. Steven,
though the actual drawing wasbyteSaedprmnofC -
only started last, January. The by the State department ichigan
map w.ill be in a series, five to State Archaeological society.
seven counties of the state being Sn'
drawn on each of the sheets. It Senate Committees
will have as a background the Agree On Tax Plam
geography of Michigan with as
many lakes and streams as are (By Associated Press)
known, which will show the corre- LANSING, April 3.-Special taxa
lation between the present names Lion proposals appeared to be ap
of lakes and streams and the old proaching the end of their cours(
Indian names. today as house and senate financ(
The map will also have on it most committees announced their vir
of the hard roads of the state so tual agreement on a finance pro
that it may be shown how closelyI gram based entirely upon the stat
the modern roads have as their property tax.
foundation the ancient Indian The committees, in a joint meet
trails. Hundreds of- Indian trails ing late Tuesday night, voted to re
will be shown,. also all the ancient port the administration budget bil
camp sites and villages, cemetries, for the maintenance and operation
Indian forts, Indian mounds, port- ;of institutions and department,
age stops, and other points which j The measure carries expenditure
reveal the Indian history of Michi- Iof more than $33,000,000 a year, o
gan, which' $20,000,000 annually woul(
In the Northern Penninsula the be raised by direct property taxa
copper mines, thousands of them, tion. The remainder would com
which were worked by the Indian from fees.





Orientall Women:
The University wishes to have a record of your holiday address if
you a e leaving Ann Arbor. Kindly telephone it to my office, 8316.
Beatrice W. Johnson
Automobile Regulation:j
With the approval of the Dean of the School or College in which
the student is enrolled, the following disciplinary actions have been
taken for 'violations of the Automobile regulation:
Hobart D. Andrae, '30-probation until the close of the first semester
of 1929-1930.
+ 'Harriet Arnold, '32-probation for balance of current semester.
James FreeYnan, '30-probation for balance of current semester.
No' ris P.. Johnson, '32-probation for balance of current semester.
Easton ,T. Kelsey, ,29-probation for the balance of the current
James W. Orwig, '30Ed.--probation until December 20, 1929.
W. B. Rea, Asst. to the Dean of Students
Automobile ResTrictions Lifted:
The restrictions governing the use of automobiles by University
students will-be. suspended during the Spring recess period beginning
. iday noon, April 5, and ending Monclay, April 15, 8:00 a. m.
SW. B. Rea, Asst. to the Dean of Students
Chemical I4giueers:
On Wednesday evening, April 18, a moving picture entitled "The
Story of Rail Steel," will be shown to a joint meeting of the student
chapter of The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the
A. S. S. T. The film will be preceded by a business meeting at which
officers for neat year- will be nominated.

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