14 T ; ESABLISHED 1890 'C Ar r t an 4 ai~.i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 99. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1929. EIGHT PAGES CRISPRGA FOR IVEMONI S1 CONSTRUCTION ON SIXTEENTHI WARSIUP TO START AFTER I JULY 1k LEADERS AGREE ON POLICYk Senators Will Take Up Naval Appropriations Bill On Monday; (Dy Associated Pres) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Presi- dent Coolidge's decision to initiatel the 16 warships construction pro- gram in the fiscal year beginningt July 1, instead of at the presentt time was reached under an under- standing from Iouse and Senate' leaders that no funds were desired for this work during the current fiscal year. yThe views of the chief executive became known today almost si- multaneously with a recommenda- tion to the Senate by its appropria- t ions committee that $700,000 be provided immediately in the Navy department supply bill to com- mence building of the first six of the warships. The committee pro- posed that of the $12,370,000 re- quested by President Coolidge to start the building program, $700,- 0 ooobehallocated for work ,during the current fiscal period which continues until July 1. Meanwhile, at the other end of1 the capital, a move was launchedt during the day looking to a boosta in the amount suggested by the ' President to initiate the program., Chairman Britten of the Houset naval committee, announced that as soon as the Senate has com- pleted work on the Navy supply bill, swhich carries cruiser appropria-. lons, he would institute an inquiry to determine if the budget rule did not "arbitrarily" cut down the ap-- propriation prbposed by 'the Navya department for getting the building program under way.- Senators Appear Satisfied f Senate naval advocates, however,k appeared satisfied -today with the $12,370,000 appropriation. They contend that the big thing is tot get the program started immedi- ately. To that end the appropria- tions committee endorsed the pro-~ posal of its sub-committee to makek $700,000 of the appropriation m- mediately available.t Mr. Coolidge's belief that Con-1 gressional leaders were not desirous of funds for the present year was based upon conferences with mem-c bers of the House and Senate. Howver, his budget recommen- dation of funds for the next fiscal year was interpreted in some quar- ters to forestall construction at the present, despite a provision of the new construction act that five cruisers be laid down before 1 July 1. He believes it makes little differ- ence whether five of the vessels are started in June of this year andl five more in June of 1930 or the first five in September of this year and the second five in September of 1930. He feels that what little difference as. this would make would be lessened if construction is begun in July of this year and next year respectively. The amount of appropriation which he recommended was in ac- cordance with his understanding of what would be satisfactory to the Navy department. In the Senate, there has been fear of a fight against any ap- propriation for the' cruisers, but leaders were confident tonight of getting the Navy department bill through early next week. It will be taken up tomorrow or Monday. STUDENT GROUP TO HEAR CHINESE LEADER SUNDAY Dr. Tehyi Hsieh, "The Teddy Roosevelt of China," will speak here Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock,, before the Student Fellowship group of the Congregational church. Dr. Hsieh's address will be open to the public, following the fellowship supper at 5:30 o'clock, the speech to begin an hour later.; DILL PROPOSES TO BAR DEFEATED CANDIDATES, (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-A p-o- posal that "lame ducks" be barred from eligibility for federal appoin- tive jobs for two years after their defeat at the polls was presented to Congress today by Senator Dill, Democrat, Washington. The senator in submitting the bill denied that it was aimed at any; particular individual. The meas- ure also would apply to a mem- ber of one House of Congress who gave up his seat in that body to stand for election to the other house and who was unsuccessful in his attempt. Among the nominations pending in the Senate are those recom- MEAS% ABY 1 EDWARD R. NELL CHOSEN 1111 FlR F83 EDITOR OF TECNO I1 Edward R. Nell, '30E, and Theo- dore N. Will, '30E, have been named, managing editor and business manager respectively of the Michi-[ gan Technic for the coming year, it was announced yesterday by Ber- nard M. Cain, '29E, retiring man- JEI1 tt Tc LIaging editor.C Other appointments to the Tech- A ,M HIC0 SHAW! STUDY' LIIEGESI REPARATIONS COMMISSION FINISHES PRELIMINARIES (By Associated Press) PARIS, Feb. 15.-The second Dawes committee, as Chairman Owen D. Young has named the present reparations commission, today completed its preliminary examination of the big problems which it faces and adjourned until Monday. The holiday was decided upon in order to give the various international experts opportunity to think over the mass of figures and arguments which has been presented this week by Dr. Hjal- mar Schacht on behalf of the Ger- man viewpoint. The week has been devoted al- most in its entirety to a study of the economic situation in Ger- i t HOUSE SPENDS ENTIRE ON IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION 9NSIDERS DEPORTA" Bills Aim At Admission Of For Employment; Fa nic staff are as follows: articles ,editor L. Verne Ansel, '31E; col- lege notes editor, Robert D. Thomp- son, '31E; alumni news editor, Paul Cook, '32E; publication manager, Howard H. Forster, '31E; art editor, Frank Flores, '32E; architecture i editor, Clance A. Weymouth, 31E; accounts manager, Dean B. Ham- Smond, '30E; advertising manager, n' CHOSEN TO CONDUCT SURVEY FOR ASSOCIATION FOR ADULT EDUCATION GETS LEAVE OF ABSENCE1 Carnegie Foundation .Will Finance Investigations; T. I. Tapniing TION Aliens %vor mending appointment of former Skilled Workers - To Edit Alumnus I many as set forth by Dr. Schacht Senator Irvine L. Lenroot of Wis- . I and other members of the German consin, and Reprseentative Finis (1y ASOASHtN GOFb)Fl1-TwT AI As a distinct honor both for him- delegation. Questions by delegates Garrett of Tennessee, minority WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Two self and for the University, Wilfred from the other six countries repre- leader of the House to be judges immigration measures, one to make B Shaw '04 General Secretary of sented have brought out a number of the couit of customs appeals. more stringent the regulations gov- the Alumni association and editor of points in connection with Ger-t teDmcaiseaoilnmn-te UnitedmSatso orkal ereL to mancialsconditions. Garrett was defeated in a race for eni nthe admision of en t of The Alumnus, has been selected many's present and possible future ftheDeforaeti oni1. senaoil n- te tonte Seate. F Nrk Lrefi ania c ndttos tion in his state. Lenrot was de- passed today by the House and to conduct investigations concern- i feo ed reelection inr926 d- sent to the Senate. ingcollegiate alumni education for The whole day was given over to ( the American Association for AdultI the consideration of immigrationI Education, under a special budget and when the House adjourned it Praises World Court For Disposal appropriation provided by the was deep in the consideration of ' Of Many Disputes; To Consider ! Carnegie Foundation, it was an- bill to provide for the deporta- Changes In Court Statute ' nounced yesterday. He has just tion of undesirable aliens to which'I been granted a six months' leave of, it already had attached an amend- TJa FINISH RK YAP L absence by the directors of the O[S [ R E 61 ment directed at alien gunmen. Alumni association to carry on this The measure will be taken up againI(1131 Assoc ia Pre) work and during his absence, T. ---_ tomorrow. NEW YORK, Feb. 15.-Elihu Root Hawley Tapping, '16L, Field Secre Fifty Thousand Dollars Left To The second bill passed was one issued a statement tonight contain- tary of the association, l carry University In Will Of Australian Explorer Speaks Of which would grant a preference ing high praise of the permanent on Mr. Shaw's work in addition to Ierbert Murphy Trouble With Immense within the quota to immigrants court of international justice, his own duties. --_ Flocks Of Birds ?skilled in certain 'arts, sciences and properly known as the world court' AMichigan's sponsorship of the I crafts to such a degree that per- before sailing at midnight to par- d Am t is r LA S AN HR TI soswtotepomncolpaeiitedibrtosofa nized in this appointment. M.- PL ANS ANOTH ER T RIP sons witou t enployment tlanot ticipate in the deliberations of anies Shaw, in his official capacity as Announcement of a gift of $50,- (fl Associirtpd ress) I es.consier amendfpurs to tich stau Field Representative of the staff 000 to the University under the TALCAHUANO, Chile, Feb. 15.-i Bill To Affect Laborers creating the court. Today was the f the American Associatio or provisions of the will of the late Sir Hubert Wilkins, who reached The first measure, the Box bill, eighty-fourth birthday anniversary lof finding out the extent to which Herbert Murphy, Det:oit capitalist; here today on his return from An- . to prohibit the admission as vis- ! of the former secretary of state. other universities have acted and and philanhropist, who died Feb. tarctic air exploration from a base i itors of persons coming into the I "The court has disposed of a are willing to act in continuing 5 at the age of 73, was made public at Deception Island, said that he United States to seek or to take great number- of controversies and : the idea of alumni education. yesterday. Donation was made to pectd encerd a they nx- ujto, ih gew ut ofmdy a cir- disputed questions," the statement To Begin Work Immediately the University and is subject to. petted menace, aside from the an-I uation which grew out of a cir read, "and has been the means of Work will begin immediately the Regents' approval for expendi- tiEipated cold and rough terrain, cunt court decision affecting the r ial ipsn fmn ne-we r hwlae o eri tures of the School of Music. in he owe sothen ltitde cossng f te Cnadan ordr b ~finally disposing of many inter- i wheni Mr. Shaw. leaves for Detroit in the lower southern latitude. a crossing of the Canadian border by national qarltersl fnx odyt idothwmc The donation, according to Earl i national quarrels, the. result of next Monday to find out how much ITedntoacrigtoEr "The plane on numerous occa- aliens who work in the United i V. Moore, Musical Director of the sions," he said, "was hampered by States. cpy p School of Music, came as a sur- immense flocks of birds which flew Although it applies equally to trous conflicts. survey of the members of the D-rise, and it rep esens the cul- into the path of the machine in ' Mexicans, the debate centered ' It is difficult to see how the troit Alumni club. From there, Mr mination of a long friendship e- such numbers that hundrels were oaround the Canadian angle. Rep- busiess of establlshig peacefully Shaw will travel to Chicago, North- tween the late Prof. Francis 'W. killed by the propellor. Luckily, Iresentative Box, Democrat, of a new order of things following western, and Wisconsin universi- I Kelsey and Mr. Murphy. Prof. however, the plane was not dam- Texas, author of the measure said! the many changes of territory and ' ties for the same purpose. He will iKelsey was for many years asso- aged." that it would not affect those who boundaries provided for by the speak at a special Washington ciated with and president of the The Australian explorer, who has ! previously had been granted per- ; Treaty of Paris, could have been birthday celebration at De Pauw Ann Arbor Musical society, prior to added to the laurels of his north- ; mission to cross the border to work. i carried on without the opportunity university on his way back to Ann his connection with the University ern flight from Alaska to Spitz- I Those coming in the future, how- ',to appeal to this court when the Arbor and the Fast where he will Archaeological department and in bergen by maping hitherto almost ever, he said, would b subject to i states had grown too angry to agree conduct similiar investigations. this way he came in contact with unknown islands in the Antarctic, the immigration laws, would be ex- with each other and neither side Because of his services as an Mr. Murphy. said he was returning to New York amined and pay a head tax and was willing to humiliate itself by alumni secretary for more than Herbert Murphy has throughout to arrange for another exploration visa fees. Those from Mexico and giving in." twenty-five years, Mr. Shaw is his life been an art lover and bene- trip with the same companions who Canada, however, would not be The committee is meeting at the especially capable of the task at factor of musical societies and shared his dangers' oh that just ; subject to quota restrictions since i invitation of the League of Nations, hand. In addition, lie has taken I later in his life concentrated part concluded.,these are not applied to those its members representing no gov- an active part in the preliminary of his fortune and energies to Wilkins described the results of countries,I ernment but only their personal development of the project. It was building up the Detroit Symphony. his flight over the frozen south, the, Business Visitors Unaflected ( opinion. It will attempt to dis- during his regime as president of From the very outset Mr. Murphy first ever made in that section of i The measure would not affect in cover whether any lessons can be the American Alumni Council, that was intensely interested in the the globe. "I succeeded in estab- I any way the entry of aliens classi- I learned from the seven years of the proposal was first mace. I School of Music, although, due to lishing the existence of more than fled in the 1924 act as immigrants, practical experience of the world Survey Decided Upon his other activities, he had not of- 1.000 miles of coast line in the re- i nor would it exclude those coming court which could be used by im- As a result, a ;joint meeting of fred it any materialsupport. gion situated to the west of Wed- jtemporarily into the country for Tproveheeets of changes in the con-hreprsentatives of theAm s he income of the donation is del Sea," he related. "I named it business, such as commercial tray- stitemin of tcourt. ouicilnate A e Asoci 11bject to the Regents' approval in 'Bowman coast' in honor of the I elers, purchasing sales agents, and happlication in the School of Mu- distinguished director of the Amer- aliens engaged in industrial r- There has been no suggestion," tion for Adult Education was held sic and it is expected that nothing ican Geographic Society of New searchhe Root statement said, "of any recently at Vassar, and at that time definite will be done with the. York (Isaiah Bowman)."un Those, Iowevel:, WhO are spCII- fudamental changes in the statute it was decided to make a survey of mommy until next fall when that in- "Struggling agaiinst a thousand cally exempted under the contract, or anything more than minor ad- colleges throughout the country, stitutiou becomes a part of the natural obstacles, I could hardly I labor provisions of the present law Justments i the machinery. Nor Mr. Shaw and several university University. It is expected that the arrange with my companion a sin- !would not be alected by the bill. has there been any suggestion of presidents including President Lit- donation will be used either for gle place to land during one of the Under this section professional ac- any desire that the committee tic were present at the meeting. I the erection of a new building, aerial trips of more than 3,060 miles tors, lecturers, singers, nurses, min- should deal at all with the subject TheCarnegie Foundation became scholarships, or the further edu- when I might have made interest- I isters, college. professors, those be- I through early next week. interested and offered to finance cation of talented students, ing discoveries which would per- i longing to a learned profession, i " such investigations. Subsequently,- haps have an enormous influence and those employed as domestic "THE MARQUISE"1 Mr. Shaw was appointed to con- ENGLANDMAY PROPOSE in connection with the geography servants, are permitted to enter the duct the survey. of these places." country, nder an agreement al-' "The Marquise" will be pre- LIMITATION OF NAVIES ready made. sented at two performances at THE WEATHER H. . BAILEY TO SPEAK -the Mimes theater today, the - ( (Py Associated Press) T T.BAAKETBALL SPAES!irst at 2:15 o'clock this after- WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-Great A T SPRING CONVOCATION BS LInoon and the second at 8:15s) Britain's intention to take the i- So'clock tonight. Tickets may be Prtly cloudy to cloudy, possibly .tain soon in proposing further Henry Turner Bailey, author and Pittsburgh 49, Pen State 38. obtained at the Mimes theater local snow Saturday; slightly cold- inaval armaent limitations was art teacher, will speak on "The 37, Columbia 23. box office. eri n extreme north portions; snow announced here today by Sir Esme - .. . . I Miehie Jstat 40JDtrit U._15._1_ Hn annowardheritsabSroEsh JUNIOR V ARSITY CLOSES SEASON WIT 252OWIN- LAST PERIOD RALLY DEFEATS DETROIT CITY COLLEGE QUINTET FAULTY PLAY MARS GAME Record Shows Nine Victories Out Of Ten Starts; State Normal Chalks Up Only Loss By Morris Quinn After trailing their opponents for the first five minutes of the sec- ond period, Michigan's Junior Varsity basketball team rallied to overcome a two point lead and ring down the curtain on their 1928-29 schedule with a 25-20 victory over Detroit City college last night in the field house. % It was the ninth success for the Wolf Cubs in ten starts, Michigan State. Normal college having been the only combination to chalk up a win over them. The team's show- ing was all thei more creditable in view of the fact that three of the players who faced the Tartars in Dettroit last month, Lovell, Barley, and Cushing, did not perform, hav- ing made the trip to Minneapolis with the Varsity squad. With the single exception of the first few minutes of play when the invaders were leading 4-2, the Wolves maintained an edge over thee Tartars throughout the first half, the period ending with the score 16-11 in Michigan's favor. The Wolverine play was marred by inaccurate passing and faulty ball handling during this portion of the contest. Michigan Scores First Michigan drew first blood when Weinsteim dribbled through the Tartar defense for a short shot, but Sieger offset this advantage by- dropping in a basket from close range and following with a pair of penalty shots when he was fouled in making the shot. Joe Downing was inserted into the Michigan lineup at forward and the Maize and Blue offense be- gan to function more smoothly. On successive, plays Butch Lytle drib- bled past Jones to sink a pair of short shots. Jones registered an- other slap-shot after Schweizer nissed a free throw to pare the Wolverine margin to 11-9. Michigan's lead was temporarily increased when ',Whittle dribbled in for a short counter, but Sieger and Schweizer scored a free throw apiece to offset the advanthge. Downing contributed a free throw after being fouled by Sieger and Weinstein dribbled through the Tartar defense for another short shot as the half ended with the score 16-11, Michigan. City College Rallies City College opened the scoring activities after the recess, Crane making a nice basket from the foul line. It was five minutes before the Wolves finally managed to score from the field, Slagle count- ing on a difficult overhead attempt after dribbling in from the foul line. Downing spread the meshes with a "long tom" from beyond the foul line to keep the Wolves in the run- ning and free throws by Weinstein gave them a three-point margin. Downing scored the final basket of the game on a perfect overhead shot from short range. 'Weinstein with two field goals and five free throws was the high point man of the game. Captain Evans and Schweizer of City Col- lege tied for second honors with six points apiece. The rest of the Wol- verine points were well divided, everyone except Balsamo ~and Dougal scoring at least once from the field. Importance of the Arts in Educa- # tion," at the annual Spring con-S vocation to be held at 11 o'clock Friday morning, April 26, in Hillf auditorium, it was announced yes- terday by Frank E. Robbins, as- sistant to the President. According to custom, classes scheduled for; that hour will, be dismissed. At 2 o'clock the same day, Dr. Bailey will speak on "The Value of the Talented" to the Art section of the Michigan Schoolmaster's Club, which is to meet in Ann Arbor April 26 and 27. Dr. Bailey has long been promi- nent in art circles, a glance at his biography reveals. Graduated from the State Normal Art School in Boston in 1887, he studied abroad for a year, and then for a time acted as teacher and sullerinten- dent of art work in various Mas- sachusetts towns. Ivil4AAAr'all w' l'alit; IVY LGo1vio U. IV. I.U ) !'z SAUL C. JAFFEE WILL SPEAK ON INTERA LANGUAGE; LIBRARY DISPLAYS E. (t)- Saul J. Jaffe, '21, who is one of the leading Esperantists of the United States today, will speak here at 4:15 on Tuesday, Feb. 19, in Natural Science auditorium on "Esperanto, The International Auxiliary Language of the World." Jaffe has conducted several courses in Esperanto at Flint, where he has met with much sue- cess. Esperanto is an artificial langu- age used widely throughout Eu- rope, especially in the smaller countries which feel that the sole use of their own tongue severs them from much needed. contact with the rest of the world, and develops a spirit of animosity, as well Esneranto was developed by tions closer together and remove many causes of hatred.' Zamenhoff proceeded to devel- op his ideas and in 1887 he pub-. lished at his own expense a primi- tive grammar and key in several languages; it was called the "Linguo Internica," which was{ later changed to "Esperanto" probably signifying hope. As a feature of Jaffe's coming lecture, an exhibit has been placed on display in the library. The materials are Jaffe's property and are presented through the cour- tesy of Dr. Francis Onderdonk, of the Architectural school. In the exhibit are contained' grammars and dictionaries written for every nation, as well as many books of instruction which use the E iC c A { 2 Z T i/ y{ 1 j1 It y. 1 ard its ambassador to Wash- tIngton. A TIONALIThe recent enactment of the SPERANTO EXHIBIT cr e construction bill by Co- ________ gres_ paved the way, the ambassa- exhibited. Commercial firms have dor said today in response to ques- come to realize that Esperanto is tions, for the fruitful consideration so widely known and in use in of the problem of naval arma- Eurpoe that they have used it for { ments which up to now the British' its regular advertising. government had not cared to One of the interesting items is broach for fear of appearing to a protest by the Chinese govern- interfere in the passage of the ment against the atrocities com- naval measure. mitted by the Japs at Shantung, In Washington circles, following printed entirely in Esperanto. 1 the issuance of the ambagsador s Otherdnotices, such as the Ger-I statement, it was thought probable man explanation of their position that the proposal of the British in the World War and the publica- government would be for a pre- tion of items of general interest liminary conference in preparation have likewise been i .nt d in hi'liinary conference. r S e BOX SCORE Michigan FG Balsamo, rf ............ 0 Downing, rf ..;......... 2 Whittle, if .. 2 Dougal, c 0 Slagle, c . .. .. .. Weinstein, rg . , 2 Lytle, Ig . . , 2 Totals ...., 9 Detroit City College FG i Wenzel, rf . 0 FT 1 0 0 7 FT 1 TP 0 5 5 '0 2 9 4 11aG 1m~ibuwaprnlea in in international auxiliary tongue. I Original works including poetry and fiction have been written in this language, and the Japanese and Chinese have developed the pronunciation by meansoft n es TRYOUT NOTICE Second semester freshmen who have at least one grade better than a C average and no grade 25 TP 1 ENTERING STUDENTS1 .1 ,I,