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April 04, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-04

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President Will Speak On Cancer
Over WJR; Harrison Will
Sing Number Of Solos
President Clarence Cook Little
will head the list of three speakers
who are scheduled to appear on
the 24th Michigan Night radio pro-
gram which will be broadcast be-
tween i und 8 o'clock tonight. The
program, regular Thursday nightI
feature, will be put on the air from
the new Morris hall studio, located
at the corner of State and Jefferson
streets, through WJR, the "Good
Will Station" of the Richards Oak-
land Company, Detroit.
Public Invited
Tonight will be the last oppor-
tunity this year the public of Ann
Arbor will have to witness the!
broadcasting of these programs,
according to Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
of the rhetoric department, who is;
announcer and* program manager.
for the local studio. The final of!
the series of 25 broadcasts will be
given on Thursday .night, April 18,;
and since the band is to appear on
that program, it will be necessary,
to use the large studio to accomo-
date them at that time. The pub-i
lic is welcomed to view thehbroad-
cast tonight however.
President Little's speech is the
third and final number of a series
of talks on medical subjects which
he has given over the radio on the1
Michigan Night programs this,
year. Dr. Little has gathered thou-'
sands of mice from all over the
world in his research laboratory
where among other things he is'
studSying ,the transmission of can-1
cer tendencies His topic for to-
night will be "Predisposition to
Cancer as an Inherited Trait."
Whittemore To Speak
Emil Lorch, associated Dean of
the College of Architecture, will
speak on 'The Extension of the'
Height of the Building Line." The'
final talk will be given by Harlow1
Whittemore, assistant professorof
landscape design. Professor White
temore, who is both a teacher and
a practical worker in his field, will
speak on "Planning the Perennial
Flower Garden for Color Effect."I
As for the musical portion of to-
night's program, Theodore Harri-
son, head of the voice department
of the University School of Music,
will once more be heard on the
Michigan Night programs, singing
b n,,,.,.of solnoc Mr Hri- rison

Bulwark Receives
Watch From Daily1

Late American Envoy Accorded
Most Imposing Honors Ever
Given To A Foreigner

Professor Yost Named As Lubricator-
"Went 30,000 Miles, Never Saw Inebriate"

Convicted on a charge of loquacious lubrication in judge
Clarence Cook Little's Supreme court of injustice of the Univer-
sity, Coach Fielding H. Yost was sentenced to one year with the
oil can at the seventh annual Grid-iron banquet of Sigma Delta
CA (aL 6-0 'rlJ l st ni ht in di p h t all room' of the Union while

Otto Pommerenning
Who last night was presentedI
with a watch by The Daily in hon-
or of his winning All-American
recognition at tackle and guard
positions, last fall.
I -
United States Will Seek Reparations
From Germany For $24,000,000
Kingsland Wartime Loss
(By Associacd Press)
WASHINGTON, April 3. -New
evidence intended to fix on the;
German government responsibility
for the war time munitions explo-
sibns and fires at the Black Tom1
terminal and at Kingsland, N. J.,-
for which the United States claim;
$24,000,000 damages-was received!
today by the German-American !
claims commission.
Americanagent Robert W. Bon-
ynge, representing ' the United
States, dealt with an alleged sabot-!
age program planned by German}
agents in the United States before1
war existed between the two coun-
tries. The commissions' hearing of
arguments was the first official in-
quiry into war time explosions,
with the exception of the Senate
investigation of the same cases in
Bonynge demanded that the
commission officially call upon Ger-
many to produce notebooks, 'in-
structions and other records.

(1y Associated Press)
PARIS, April 3.-The body of the
late American ambassador, Myron
T. Herrick starts tomorrow on its'
homeward journey with honors
never before accorded a foreigner
in France.
An imposing military pageant
will accompany the coffin from the
American embassy to the church,;
after services embodying speeches
by General John J. Pershing, Count
Quinones de Leon, the Spanish am-
bassador to France, and Premier!
Poincare. The troops will be under
the personal command of the one-
armed hero, General Gouraud, mil-
itary governor of Paris.;
The pall bearers will include Pre- Who last night was awa
mier Poincaire, Foreign Minister left handed compliment w
Briand, Count Quinones de Leon, received the famous Oil C
Owen D. Young, General Pershing title of Loquacious Lubrica
and J. P. Morgan. the seventh annual Gridiro
The procession will proceed from quet at the Union. Profess
the embassy to the American pro- was voted as recipient oft
cathedral in the following order: Can by' the uembers of Sign
the family is to lead the way, fol- -
lowed by the embassy staff, e
ee- ral Lasson, representing President
Doumergue, the president of the
Senate, the president of the Cham-I
her of the French cabinet, Marshal
Joffee, Lytautey, Petain and Fran-
chet d'Espercy, the diplomatic
corps, the prefect of the Seine, theC
prefect of police, the president of -_
the municipal council, the presi- F
dent of the general council, Gen- Frost Will Be Asked To
eral Gouraud and representatives Efforts; Prizes Donated
of American society. .a ---s
Detachments of the finest units-
of the French army will render; STAFF ADDITION M
honors. The batallion of the 31st'
Infantry will salute the body at the With the announcement
embassy, and the route of the pro- new contest is being plann
cession to the church will be lined
by a battalion of the Fifth Infant- mediately following the spr
ry with its band and flags. Battal- cess, the staff of the Inlan
ions of the 45th and 46th infantry taken another step in de
and of the 21st and 23d colonial in- proving its intentions of
fantry, two batteries of artillery sion in Michigan's litera
and two squadrons of cavalry. deavors.
A battalion of infantry leading' Calling for new additions
the procession will form a line on present staff at a meeting1
reaching the church to salute the March 26, the publicationi
body as it is carried in. that literary competition wo
- sist the staff in putting the
FAL A-BUZZING * zinc on a mote favorable lev
students at the university.


L al dlo V;J V F.I KIZL11J1 1 I t1 V~lV I .L1 , L
President Little was the recipient of the favorable epitaph.
Following the banquet, the feature of which was the presenta-
tion of a gold wrist watch to Otto Pommerening, '29, All-American
-football star, by the Michigan
Daily Clerk Waldo Abbot
called the court to order and read
the indictments which ultimately
lead to the conviction of Coach
Yost. George Burke prosecuted the
cases for the students of the Uni-
versity and definitely established
evidence which provedincriminat-
ing in the minds of the jurymen.
Fielding 11. Yost I Referendum Victory Of Wisconsin About 300 Attend
irded a ta Chi, honorary professional jour- Wets Not Effective Untilott
hen he nalism fraternity. The basis of the Bills Are Passed Doors to the court room were
,an andaward was Professor Yost's state- -dhrp
ator at, ment that he had traveled 30,000 mately 300 men who were gather-
n ban- miles and in that time had never LEGISLATURE MUST ACT ed in front of the scene of the
or Yost seen an intoxicated alumnus or stu- trial, after which Bob Carson's
the Oil dent! He was awarded the can (By Associated Press) prison. ad attired in striped
ma Del- with little argument. MILWAUKEE, April 3.-With the su a the teel en
wet victory in yesterday's Wiscon- closure -at the south end of the
sin dry enforcement referendum, room where they opened the pro-
Ban Will Be Relaxed showing a margin of 125,000 votes, gram with the prisoner's song. Dur-
S iorSpingVaatondiy leade s marshalled their mg the course of the meal Pom-
For Spring Vacation dry ad mrhaed her erng was brought before a
_--- fo ces for an attempt to annul special session of the court at
Restrictions governing the use of the results in the state legislature. which time he was sentenced to
automobiles by University studentslDry leaders pointed out the ref- take the watch on the grounds of
EST by niesty erendum will have no effect in terrorizing football players, by
wil e relaxed uring te'spring changing the situation in Wiscon- Patrick, '29, managing
sin unless the legislature acts fav- editor of The Daily.
Judgealouncement made yesterday by orably on the bills designed to When Judge Little had been'
By Walter B. Rea, assistant to the carry out the mandate. Those bills brought to court on a special truck
dean of students in charge of auto- to repeal the state enforcement behind a motorcycle .escort, the
act and remove the penalty ry a ipnld n nl
mobile administration. Cars may possession of home brew, jurywas impaneled, and an in
1 dive b sueaveuin teditment of Prof. William H. Hobbs
ADE be driven by students during the en introduced in the legislature as readh by the clerk The defen-
I period beginning aL noon, Friday, now in session by State Senator dant
aApril 5, and continuing until l3 Thomas M. Duncan, Milwaukee So- caewsbogti!rzni
that a k5ady rn gAr 1.T maM.DnaMl ke - cake of ice. Prof. P. M. Jack of
ta o'clock Monday morning, April 15. cialist sponsor of the refendum I o c.Po. .M ako
ed im- en- , scne o e be sit the rhetoric department, was the
Regulations will be strictly en- As the scene of the battle shifted next man accused and brought be-
ing re-forced up until the time set for from the polling place to the state fore the court, his case being dis-
der has suspension of the ban and begin- capital there were expressions posed of shortly after he had taken
efinitely ing immediately after the rules from both wets and drys presaging the witness' stand.
expan- are scheduled to take effect after a .stiff fight over repeal of the en- Abbot Also Charged
ry en- she recess. forcement act.HrAbbotwAsChargedh
Violation of the automobile reg- Senator or Duncan observed that Horatio Abbot was charged with
to the ulations as set forth in the Univer- the vote was "a tremendous vic- various and sundry political crimes,
held on sity code has resulted in disciplin- tory" for the wets, which he said activities. Evidence was introduced
decided ary action against six student vio- must be followed up with legisla- 'by attorney Carl A. Lehman, who
ould as- lators. Hobart D. Andrews, 30, tive action. The Rev. Warren G. bdemonstrated some of the methods
maga- Harriet Arnold, '32, James Free- Brown, dry leader, expressed his'deostre dsodentofnthe metods f
vel with man, '30, Norris P. Johnson, '32, determination to "repeal the reo the defendant in the roll of a
I ~' * ,,stump speaker for the Democratic
and Easton T. Kelsey, '29, have pealers.
beenplaced on probation for the "The result showed that while petical evidence In the case of
balance of the present semester, Milwaukee is wet the state is dry. Coach Yost was introduced by
ncerned while James W. Orwig, '30Ed., will We have a majority of the counties. Lawrence R. Klein, and was sup-
definite be on probation until Dec. 20, 1929. More than we had the last time.' portedrn turn b harles R
e com- The action was taken with the ap- Rev. Brown attributed the poor bin, managing editor of the 'To-
ision ofproval of the deans of the schools turnout in rural dry strongholds to ledo Blade, and by Robert J. Brown,
manu- and colleges in which the students bad weather conditions. '26,former captain of the football.
merit were enrolled. - Counties ran much to the same1 team. The defendant had nothing
-spread IIt is expeciea that several more form as in the 1926 referendum on to say in his own behalf. A novelty
in this cases of disciplinary action will be memorializing Congress to modify in court proceedings was inaugu-
igh no forthcoming.:I the Volstead Act. rated when the jury, composed of
r judgesI four members of the faculty, four
Robert iANN ARBOR'S OLDEST LANDLADY students and four citizens of Ann
oet anA DO R D EArbor,found the athletic director
iousn finalDISCOVERED BY DAILY REPORTER guilty in an open discussion in the
"osI- court room
Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medical
Poetry Months of investigation by a I Skillman, '98L., is now teaching at school, who acted as foreman of
greater Daily reporter have at last resulted! Harvard and visited Miss Hamilton' the jury, disposed of the cases one
mber of in the discovery of Ann Arbor's last summer while passing through by one in'his report to the judge,
The in- oldest landlady, who lives in one Ann Arbor. and finally declared a unanimous
erest I of the oldest buildings in the vicin- Dr. Woods Hutchinson, '84M., one ballot against Coach Yost.
recent IIity of the campus. of the countries leading writers on Little 61ven Epitaphs
Inaugu-I Besides being a landlady for the medical topics, and his brother, As the final case, Judge Little
r a head last 32 years, she has also been an Paul, who is now a practicing law- p
at poet- insurance agent and has several' yer, were at the Hamilton home be- wpitaphe the fonlyserous andrle
letters of commendation from the! fore the death of Mary's mother. uine compliment presented at the
companies for whom she has sold i Other college professors includ-'razzfest. The award was read by
offered policies. This rather active lady, ing Prof. Walter Fishleigh, '02, '06 Morris Quinn, '29, general chair-
ters are who is now 73 years of age, finally B.S.C.E., who served as a professor man of the affair.
der staff admitted that her name was Mary in the English department here for Scooping all of the metropolitan
d place K. Hamilton, and that she and two several years and James Herbert papers in this vicinity, Sigma Delta
c given brothers, both graduates, are the Russell, '03, '17A.M., who' is now Chi's Daily Gaboon extra was cir-
book as only living members of the family teaching at Detroit City College eulated through the crowd carry-
h prizes which has resided in a large white were at her house during their stu- ing a complete story of the con-
r's book frame house at 219 S. Thayer street dent days. Prof. Russell, who lived viction not more than two min-
purchased in 1865 just after they with Miss Hamilton even when he' utes after the sentence had been
.had moved here from Salem. came back to the University for1 passed. It was announced later
Ever since her mother died in the graduate work, still visits her occa- 'that the: Gaboon had gone to press
1890's, Miss Hamilton has conduct- sionally when he gets a chance to just a few minutes before the
ed the rooming house by herself leave his work in Detroit. story concerning the favors was
accomodating about 12 boys at a Hundreds of boys of all types,,turned in. The souvenirs were in
time. Even before that time, her shapes and sizes have roomed at the form of genuine police buttons,
mother had conducted a rooming her house at one time or another.-f use fo which had not been found
and boarding establishment begin- She has had representatives from by several of the guests at a late
ning about 1869 and since that every section of the United States hour last night.
c- 'time, many illustrious alumni have and from Porto Rico and the Phil- Telegrams were received late. yes-
roomed there. lipines. A curious fact is that she terday afternoon f'om James
Louis Elbel, '00, worked on his has had 23 boys from Spokane, Schermerhorn, former editor of the



a numne er ui. i . Llilw
has won distinction both in Amer- (By Asso.te Press) After the decision of Mr. Kellogg
ica and Europe .for his work. He! WASINGTON, April 3.-A social was made public recently, Mr. Cur-
hssn anulyfor five ycars WS I~Gy
has sung annuallyu Ciyears war in the capital broke tonight as tis decided to bring the whole siti
with the Aoalo Club, Chicago's Vice-President Curtis laid before uation into the open and today he
leading choral society, and has ap the State Department a firm pro- made public a statement disclosing'
eared with many other well-known test against its decisions that his that he had protested to Mr. Stim-
musal organizations gAs uance sister and official hostess, Mrs. Ed- son and that he had asked for a
scores of proesounaer isguiansward Everett Gann, should rank reversal of the Kellogg order. Mr.
whore pruingfsuessfnl mscas below the wives of the foreign Kellogg retired from office the day
aspubi pfrmers or diplomats at official dinners. after the vice-president received
teachers in high schools through- Just before he retired last week, the ruling. The statement issued
ot the ountry. Secretary Kellogg informed Sir at the office of Mr. Curtis read:
out the country. Esme Howard, the British ambas- "The vice-president states thati
sador and the dean of 'the diplo- I the question of the seating of his
Adelphi Holds Speech manic corps, of this ruling on theI hostess, Mrs. Edward Everett Gann'
Tryouts For Freshmen seating arrangements at officialI at official dinners has not been set-
-..-dinners. Mr. Curtis is considerably i tled. He has notified the Secre-
All freshmen who . have not yet aroused and he has gone personal- tary of State, Mr, Stimson, of his!
tried out for the debating team of ; ly to the new Secretary of State, dissatisfaction with the action of
the Adelphi House of Representa-- Henry L. Stimson, to seek a reversal the former secretary, Mr. Kellogg
thies AuCgg order, , andmc had asked for the reversal of it.
lives will be required to do so at a of the Kellogg order.
special meeting of the committee Hardly settled in his new office, The vice-president states further
at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Mr. Stimson is cogitating over the that at the suggestion of the state
Adelphi room on the fourth floor dilemma and society is speculating department he notified the depart-
of Angell hall. Try-out speeches on what the next step will be. At ment on March 19 that Mrs. Gann
are to be five minutes in length the state. department it was said is his official hostess and asked for
and on any topic. that Mr. Stimson is studying the her full recognition as such. With-
The topic chosen for the annual Curtis appeal. It was suggested out discussing the matter with him,
freshman debate with Alpha Nu is there that numerous precedents' Mr. Kellogg, acted upon it in the
"Resolved: that Congress provide exist for the Kgllogg ruling. I manner heretofore given to that
for a navy equal to that of Great i The seating of guests at official I press.
Britain." Adelphi will have the i dinners is one of Washington's so-, "The vice-president feels that he
negative of the debate, which willI cial problems. It is the subject of is not bound by Mr. Kellogg's con-j
be held on Tuesday, April 16. I great study and there exists an in- elusion and he has protested to
Iformal code and laws on the ques- Mr. Stimson,"
Ptio"It is even the thesis of books.' The status of Mrs. Gann at of-
Wesley Guild Players It has been the subject of disputes, I ficial functions has been a con-
To Give Ruth Of Moab m serious, since the hectic days Stat sub ject of speculation in so-
--of President Jackson when the ciety since Mr. Curtis became vice-
Members of the Wesley players, wives of some of his cabinet refused president. The wife of Mr. CurtisI
Wesleyan Guild dramatic organiza- to recognize the bride of his Sec- died five years ago and he has
tion, will present their annual retary of War, Peggy O'Neil, and made his home since with Mr. and
spring play, Ruth of Moab by Mina caused a cabinet break-up. Mrs. Gann.
R. Maxfield, at 8:15 o'clock tonight By just what course the present The devotion existing between theI
in the auditorium of the First difficulty arose is not certain, but brother and sister is well known by1
Methodist church. Ion March 19, at the suggestion of their friends here. Mrs. Gann ac-

The new contest is cot
with poetry, although noc
length has been set by th
mittee in charge. The dec
the staff that the submitted
scripts will be judged on
alone has given a wide
field to those interestedi
phase of writing. Althou
provision has been made fo
as yet, it is hoped that
Frost, nationally known p©
critic, will consent to give t
opinion, as in several previ
lander contests.
The rivalry in the new
competition is growing
through the increasing nu
manuscripts submitted.I
Iluence in creating an mt
such contests which the
short story competition
rated will give the Inlander
start on previous attemptss
ry submissions.
Prizes Offered.


Identical prizes to those
to the aspiring prose wri
contemplated by the Inlan
for the first and secon
poems. Ten dollars will b
as the top prize and a
runner-up recognition. Bot
will be donated by Wahr


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