'MCtr~ EIGT THE MICHICAN DAILY I WEDESDAY, AP1RL 3, 192D °' i r ,:. Point System Committee: !RETURN OF OLD ALUMNUS REVEALS - There will be a meeting of the Point System Committee of the;OFVEN U Women's L eaee at 4:00 o'clock Wednesday, in Barbour Gymnasium. ADVENTURES OF WESTERN PIONEER Ne Mary Alice Moore, Chairman ......-- Exciting experiences in a life versity. He also tells of his ma- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members crowded with adventure have just nipulations in regard to the open- of .the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- Women's Athletic Association: come to the light with the return ing of a railroad line between here dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Members of the Women's Ahletic Asociation are urd to of Alexander W. Hamilton, '71, 73 and Toledo on what is now the Ann in the elections at the table in University Hall on Wednesday from 8 A.M., from a 20 year isolation on a Arbor railroad. After helping the Vol. XXXIX WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1929 No. 138 to 5 o'clock. farm at Hamilton, Nebr., 400 miles railroad to get on its feet, he be- Conser lIWN A A 31Betty Smither, President west of Lincoln and 56 miles from came attorney and secretary for - --the Wyoming state line. Hamil- the company and only the other Rxthibition of Paintings: Varsity Glee Club: ton, whose family has lived here in day he found one of his old passes, The exhibition of paintings by Mr. Hugh II. Breckinridge, undernthe Buses will leave the no th side of the Union promptly at 4:20 this Ann Arbor for years and whose which was dated 1881. Bro" from April 1 to April (inclusive) and from April 14 to April 23. afternoon for Highland Park. Full dress is to be worn by all with sister, Mary, has maintained a He is somewhat of a temperance ribbon. Be there without fail and on time. rooming house at 219 S. Thayer for man because of the fact that so: J. G. Winter ibL. M. Goodspeed, Manager 30 years, lived entirely by himself many of his classmates who were i ___on this plot of ground which he rounders have died off and been Art Exhibitions in Architectural Building: Varsity Band: received as " a government land forgotten for years while he, at 81,: 7t The water colors and pencil drawings by F. W. Henrich will rem r; Regular rehearsal totnight at 7:15 at Morris Hall. grant and which he has just sold is still dissatisfied with a life of on exhibition until Friday, April "a, when they will be replaced by the Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Student Manager for $20,000 because of its value as ease and retirement. In fact, since: water colors of Andre Leconte. The public is cordially invited. ,«alfalfa land. the sold his Nebraska farm, he has Emil Lorch The Seminar in Chemica Engineering: He has led a checkered career purchased a small plot just out--- The Seminar in Chemical Engineering which was postponed from and has compiled an exceptional side of Ann Arbor so that he may U sC Ann Arbor Residents: Monday, April 1, will be held jn Wednesday, April 3, at 4 o'clock in collection of yarns. Speaking free- have something to do. He, in his Residents having furnished or nroom 3201 East Engineering Building. The talk will be by Mr. Charles ly after having been alone for so own words, "is a man who has iooms, apartments, or houses for rent fo the Summer Session are P Teeple on "Properties of Steel Heated in the Immediate Range Below many years, Hamilton told impor- worked hard for everything that requested to list them in the Office of the Dean of Students, room 2, the Burning Temperature.'' tant and unique events of his en- he has received." universiy Hall. Dial 61B1un. Alfred Bm. White tire life starting with his birth in_- F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean Ald WiSolem, Mich., 81 years ago. His LAW PRFESSOR HAS FautCleeo ieaue cecadteAt:A. S. M. E.: ;grandmother, he explained, had,~am a Faculty, College of Literature, Sice, arnd the Arts: A.The trip to Jackson has been postponed until after Spring Vacation. comedwest on one of the first boats SEVENTIEl BIR THDAY LeI Mid-semester report cards are now being distributed through the Due to new additions and factory repairs, the Sparks concern advises to travel the Erie canal in the Dean's messenger se vice. Tnstructors are requested to report before that we make the trip in about two weeks. Information concerning 1840's. Her husband had died and Prof. Horace L. Wilgus of the spring vacation if possible, in any case not later than April 16, the the Selfridge Field trip for April 27 will appear on the bulletin boards she had taken her . five childreni Law school celebrated his seven- names of all students whose standing is at this time D or E. These the lattr pt of th wk J- and settled in Salem. In 1865, Alex's tieth birthday last night at a ban- grades should not indicate merely the mark. received on the mid- terpar tiswee.. Gay parents bought the white frame quet given in his honor by the semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if house two doors north of Hill au- senior members of the Lawyers .aSenior Mechanical Engineers: ditorium which sister Mary is still club. Members of the Law faculty These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students Mr. E B Mde a M :0A. J. Underwoodnwilbe inr om 221 Wstlisn and using as a boarding and thei ives were the guests. noleinhlcolg.Engineeing Building at 10:00 a. m. on Wednesday, April 3, to interview 1 esalsmn..Po.Wigsi eiiga h . W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean seniors interested in a position in the Chevrolet Experimental Engineer- All through school, Alex was close of the current year. He has ing Department at Detroit. rather brilliant and he finished his taught the subjects of, Torts and Moving Pictuires of industry: W ' 'Ly work at the old Ann Arbor high Corporations for many years and dm ing is tr o illb nds nNatry:ScsnchAudtorum at :0np, nyeherrwilebsameeinggno theEn iherin C unclttdneday 'pescibeatmebnd hknentred laher The fifteenth moving picture program by the School of Business Engineering Council Members: school in one year less than the has written several books on theI (dmnisratonwill be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 P. m. There will be a meeting of the Engineering Council Wednesday, phescriertime and thegn entre attr. Wlu a toetm edmnstarail Pes oethttego~mwllbgn1 iue the University of Michigan as a I Prof. Wilgus was at one time a Wednesday, April 3. Please note that the progam will begin 10 minutes April 3, 7:30 p. m., at the Michigan Union. member of the freshman class surveyor and engineer, having re earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films will be Ftanv.eBe-ee, Secretary shown: -Laes uirIXI.Bbe ertr which defeated the sophomores in' ceived his bachelor of science de- The: Aethe famous class rush of '65 which, I gree from Ohio State University The Age of Speed (spectacular, historical, educational--the story, of Group Leaders, Junior Education Class: according to him, was a rough and and having studied civil engineer- quickening progress-the gift of grinding to civilization)-4 reels. There will be a meeting of all group chairmen this afternoon (Wed- tumble affair and the last of such ing at the National Normal school, Trapping Tuma (a comparatively new industry on the east coast nesday), at 4:00 o'clock, in room 4020, University high school. programs to be alloed within the Lebanon, Ohioalso.mHea sdioed of Canada)-1 reel. I t is imperative that all be there, as there are important matters to fence which at that time surround- law by himself and was admitted All persons inte ested are invited to attend these programs which be settled. ed the campus. to the Ohio bar in 1884. He practiced are designed partcularly to give business students background material. C. B. Wightman, President He claims recognition as the in- in Troy and Columbus, taking an Carl N. Schmalz fluential power behind the move- active part in the organiation of Sophomore Lits: ment which secured a public water the Law department of Ohio State C 0 Terig wil bClass dues will be collected today in University Hall. works for this 'city and several University. There will be .a field excusion Wednesday afternoon as usual Joseph A. Witter, Treasurer large appropriations for the Vni- He came to Michigan in 1895. 1 SPEC y' It. C. Hussey Notice: Alpha Kappa Delta: The Intramural Sports Building will be open from 9:00 a. in. to A afrona Al The mid-semester will be held today (Wednesday) at 4:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m., daily, during the spring vacation. Membes of Alpha Kapp. Delta are urged to meet at Dr. Wood s land, Li The M-F 8 and 9, and the M-W 1 sections will meet in 231 A. H. The . D. Mitchell, Director of Intramural Sports home, 3 Harvard Place, Wednesday evening at 7:30 for consideration Wayne, M4' 10 and 11 in 103R. L.; the T-Th 8, 9 and 10 in 1025 A. H.; the of nw members and election of officers for the coming year. Pittsbur T-Th 11, 1 and 2 in 101 Ec. Oratorical Board: jeginald D MacNitt, President Erie, Bu R. H. Holmes There will be a sho t meeting of the Board Wednesday afternoon mediate at 4:00 o'clock in 3209 Angell Hall. Enjoy yt Physics 4 Laboratory-Section 15: Robert J. Gessner, Pres. Phi Delta Kappafortable Please read necessary sections in text covering Wednesday's experi- o r. s chl :There will be a meeting of the members of Phi Delta Kappa Thurs- lowest e ment, on Light. Jday, 7:00 p. in., at the Michigan Union to elect officers for the coming: transpo J. S. Donal, Jr. Oin account of the showing of the Canti motion picture film the year. served. -_ _;_meetingof Junior Research club is postponed without change of program Reginald D. MacNitt, President Buse Forestry 31: to Wednesday, Ap il 3, at 7:30 p. in. This class will not meet on Friday, April 5. L. O. Case, Secretary Pi Lambda Theta Initiation: L. J. Young University Club: ~ The date of initiation has been changed from April 4 to Wednesday, Club Niht .. -April 17, on which date there will be a meeting of the members and' i Political Science 112: C. SdlerFNightFriday evening, April 5. E. S. McCartney and Dean H. the initiates at Pae FieHose a 5:30 iSThis class will meet in room 402, Library, today, Ap i 3. Program Committee Bernice McHale, President w York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets vative margin accou rit? solicited Telephone 22541 wn-Cress & Co., Inc. vestment Securities Gh Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. %ribe To The Michigan__Daily verlx fr DEPENDABLE AST TO COAST IAL VACATION SERVICE in Arbor to Chicago, Cleve- ma, Dayton, Cincinnati, Ft. Indianapolis, Youngstown, 'gh, St. Louis, Kansas City, iffalo, Rochester, and inter- points. our trip home in these com- parlor coaches. Fares are ever offered for dependable rtation. All seats are re- s leave from the Union. Tickets at UBS HOUSE PhONE 5672 J. I. Hayden Engineering Students: . The Classification Committee has placed the limit of time at which a course may be dropped without record at the end of the eighth week: of the semester, or April 6, 1929, excepting in cases of continued illness or other extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier should consult with the instructor. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Faculty Alumni Dance: The extra dance for faculty and alumni sponsored by the Faculty Women's Club will be held on Tuesday, April 16, at the Union. Mrs. W. L. Badger A. S. C. E.: Due to unforseen complications, the initiation banquet has been postponed until after Spring Vacation. L. D. Kirshner i I ____ Summer Employment: ies- W. George A. Cable, representing kitchen electrical appliances, will I There will be a meeting of all active membe s of Mimes on Wednes- be in room 302 Michigan Union, on Wednesday, April 3, from 1 to 5 clay, April 3, atb4:30 at the Theater. This not include the initiates. ,clock p. in., to interview students-both men and women-and demon- as strate his hot water heater, etc. Mary L. Stewart, Employment Bureau Junior Enkineers: Dues will be collected for the Thursday, April 4, 1929, inpthe necessary that all dues be paid for Class -activities. last time befoge Spring Vacation on West Engineering Building. It isI At this time in order to be eligible harry H. Ccll, Treasurer ;.y ''" 'L... i; r. :' :. t e'' 'i:' ; j "_. .:': 11: . . .,f. '.V: : ;':: : ! ::: "'- . . ' ;,« l .a!4 r 2 i I [ - ...... 1I All House Presidents: The signing-out slips for March are due at the League Office now, and MUST be turned in before the end of this week. House presidents should bring also any sign-out slips for previous months which they neglected to turn in at the proper time. Elizabeth Welman, Chairman, Board of Representatives I Take something home for Snring Vacation Pennants-All kinds of Sealed Jewelry and Novelty Gifts 1111 South University ' Block from Campus 7 Emmommrok DANCE Tonight and . Saturday Flo I Ii t j1}IF t THE WESLEY PLAYERS Present "RUTH of MOAB" A Prize-winning Biblical Drama by MINA R. MAXFIELD Thursday, April 4 -8:15 P. M. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Tickets at Wahr's and Wesley Hall - 50c ur11111 lii i l i li it 11t1!1l1 I 1l111l1111111111111111 1 11It lllt 1 111 lttu11111111 1ti ti )1 t I 111 I l tiii Over w The -aCounte Sale OF Remaining Season Tickets BEGINS Monday, April 1 q:oo O'CLOCK A. M. At School of Music, Maynard Street ..: _ _ G at i i l t l BOOKS VACATION SPECIAL A A M AflCI' FOR 10 DAYS WE COFFER 250 TITLES Copyright Fiction 75c III 11 I' III'lII