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April 03, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-03

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-T ® , 1




FA~f RIecent student production of miration of the quaity and effec- ater wou
LAUE N AILTwri*.~ii Aghts has revealed. a new light plays. Also the -acting of the plays Iltrsi
" ' --- on he qestin ofa University! and their general production, under t the begi
Fckds IFor I'ricday Pesntationi Of Theater on this campus, accordng Professor Wendt of the speech de- have its
ASSOC IATION BALLOTS Jnnsir Play in Det oit Are to Professor Peter Jack, of the partment, were much beyond what would c

Id add to, and make the,
ricular activities still moi
ig and important. Froi
nnmg,. the theater woul
own work to do, whic
ansist mainly of laboratoi


5r <-
M .
k ,-
Ii, A

!) +y
ii _:,'S
;t -'
i '

Only Women Who Have Paid Dues

Katherine Holland,
'98A. M., (lion.)
whose novel,
"The Fathers,

Now Oni Sale i hetoric department.
B roa n , - B e fo re th e p ro d u c tio n o f th e se Ipa , i 2 , ? P I E I L N T C A G to e s r ~ c~ y h t~ l n p r
sons on campus have not whole-
4Theater parties on Friday night heartedly subscribed to the promo-
' ~are being planned by a number of; tion of such a project, becauseI
Detroit students, when "Forward they have doubted the existence of
' ~March," the Junior Girls' Play, sufficient talent to make the the-
------- hichfivnicsbnAn n w-~ksrunviihe-re'nprn * rpc

one could
one considf
with which
work. Froi
seems cer
theater wo
from the
"Such a
damage thf

reasonably expect when and -experimental work in the field
lers, the limited resources l of dramatic arts, and 'would not
h play production had to !In any way interfere with the pro-.
)m all <thisd evidence, it. gress or plans of. these societies.
stain that a University "it seems to me that the need
iuld find abundant talent' for such a, work shop, properly en-
start. dowed and technically complete is
ttheater, as has b o e n obvious," concluded- Professor Jack.
would not 1n any, way 11I feel certain that the theater will
to existence of the various come, ,and that when it does Mich-
organizations on campus igan will take as high a place in the
ve grown ump by' them- ,f'#e14 of play-writing, and dramatic
d achieved their own in- produc~tion as that held now by any
TIf anything, -the the- other University.


,r..ea Eligible"°"° r'I"'0'cq" Vw n th V V r .' onWiUL e 1i1CUv WU . 111111C Aera U((;6a
e o o^P ,ccT epas m sto wicdrmsioW. A. A. Ticket fl' wo h r),U rie o March 23, is to be presented in' T e pas oto hc have da ai
in a atio-wid Orchestra Hall. Box parties for been written under the direction of.' which hav
Anul lciosfr h vo- their friends promise, to be quite Professor Rowe of the rhetoric de-sles n
en's League and W. A. A. will be ' .*' , comp etitionI general among the Michigan women partment were admirable and diidulit
hedtdyattevtngbohi & ,,hsehmsae nDtot there is no question, but that the -
Uneritody allte vtin both n fr Orchestra hall is well suited to' production of the plays has helped
frmBt 'lc.AlUniversity Hal whch illbe pe the giving of a number of theater; the playwrights enormously. The
wromenae gil to vot'clink.the Universityarties, as it has a large number Of; three judges expressed great ad-
Loeae eltinsando vollteguarnS . the ~~//boxes. Women wishing to arranlge--_____
Legu eetins n al egla? box parties for Friday night may
members-of W.° A. A:==those who *;k : ,,. obtain tickets in Ann Arbor at theOu
have paid their annual dues-are1; ' Alumnae office In Room A, AlumniOu
eligible to vote for officers of that Memorial hall. The tickets are be- ' r anen1t Wave
organization. Since both elections ! ing sold at the same prices as for !aV
are to choose officers for the cor- W llRnclESISnc o~ the Ann Arbor performances,. box ArIhtPakr n
WilIcuefac tickets being priced at $3.
it is urged that all women make it 1 I egeR cpin-I!Lnonroesaet
a point to vote. I rhsi ilmeta171 o of unusual interest to Detroiters. automobiles, the Best
The.- complete ballet for thei Planned for the undergraduate ! night in the Women's Athletic Louise Codytegnrlcamnhreifr poi-
League elections is as follows: women of the University and their I building. It is very important is from Detroit, as well as three' rent Dial 3003.
President, Dorothy. Beck, '30, Mar-' guests, a formal dance in the main I___thatallmembrsbeprsent.__ members of her committee; Mar-!
garet Bush, '30, and Louise Cody, ballroom of the Michigan League ___________________gaet Bush, Camilla ube, and;
'30; vice president, Dorothy Mapel, will be a part of the reception Ann Arbor before the week of cor-1 Dorothy ""Bloom. Of the leads, 3,Ja alc,'0Ior ie yteAuneCucli
'3,Ja alc,'0 orspond- gvnbthAlmaCociinmencemnent the naming of the room Helen Bush, and Kathleen SuggsI
Woomase, 31 rcodig copraio wth~th Wme's0fth oenngofth bilin un toy hos ha 5 prcntofth MC H G A
igsecretary, Roberta Read, '31,, has been postponed from the date are Detroit students. The direc-.
secretary, Helen Cheever, '31, Helen ILeague and the Board of Governors, the dedication, women in the play are from De- Bat~ op
Jones, '31; treasurer, Hermine; when they formally open the newt The undergraduates who are co-I troit. eue~ op
Soukup, '31, Jane Yearnd, '31; senior building on May 4 Tickets will be operating with representatives from t " ich. Theater Bldg.
representative, Frances Xovy, Er-, distributed among the houses in { the Alumnae Council and the Board Subscribe to The Michigan Daily
Willi, Schneider, Margaret Sibley, (proportion to the number of res-; of Governors of the League in plan- $225 for the half year. __________
anl- Dorothy Woodrow; junior rep- dents and the preference in mak-I ning the program for May 4 are!1
resentative, Eleanor Cooke, Ruth Ing reservations will be given to! Mary White, '29, Hilda Mary Evans,!
Marshall, Albertina Maslen, andi the senior women. No more thanf '29, Florence Watchpocket,- 129
Katherine: Wilcox; sophomore rep-1250 tickets will be distributed, it Jeanette Sauborn, '29, and Mar-
resentative, Dorothy Birdsell, Kath- has been announced. gat Bush, '30 On your trip homne_
erine Ferrin, Betty Healy, and Bet-; o asnsocetao ih
ty Loudon; junior members of the {pieces has already been engaged to; ' ! Take a
judiciary council, Isabelle Rayen, furnish the -music. The only de-
Elizabeth Sun derlund, Barboura ,orations, are to be spring flowsersiH a s2 91
Swift, and' Ruth VlanTuyl; senior iwhich will be distributed profusely + IS 1 .9
member of ,the Judiciary council,evrwretouhttebil
Jean Duffield, Virginia Losee. ng 'ioengg ayprtIsCeHL1L~fIA N IX
Thecoplee allt or heW. . ng planned by the social commit-j Felt - Felt and
A. elections follows: President,t tee :of the Woman's League headed! StawMombnaton
Gertrude Smith, '30, Dorothy Touff, bytlornceWaohpoketn'2.iM MOR
'30,' "vice "'president, Arlione 'Heil- bAFlsecn'important ,annune-WE NE DA
man,'30 Ed, Mrgart Olso, ~ment in connection with the im-
secretary, :florothy Griffith, '30, pending opening and dedication of ONLY - OI
Betty' Kahn, '30; treasurer, Alber- I" the League is that the, large as-:
:tia Mas ', '31, Elizabeth Whit-iebl-al sttbiamdb- 'Flled wth l icious
ney, w'31; point recorder, Helen Do-r undergraduate women of Miehigar m C}l
mine,.'1;,' Ruth Marshall, '31; in- l in 'honor of Miss Myra Beach J or- { I ~n e
tramural manager, Jannett Mich- aafr ayyar enofwmI ''.~BETSY ROSS
ael, '31, Doris Renikenberger, '3OEd., en. This privilege is in recognition (£at Shop~E
publicity manager, Esther Ander- ofteaheeeto1h ner 2 ot tt A ~ D
sn'3,MraeEces'3. graduate women who have pledged i-
BASE ALLGAM S J$163,000 since March, 1923. Miss)
BASE ALLdAME was invited to be present _________________
ARE HELD TODAY be named in her honor, but due t i J / l~"l'""f'7 "'Ja"' '1.1
-the fact, that she cannot be in'?
~ ~~~Bt y R'sThe -games in the intramural' __________
been scheduled for today will be {I N ls B a rikesAad
played if the weather permits. TheNcesAcd
games which were* to have been j1 a i e Ifrel of the
played on Monday were postponed;' iha Bat hp
in accordance with the.. University MichganBat hp
observance of suspended activitiesI Call 9616 '' oae
played after vacation and the ath- -.TH E BLUE BIRD " j
letic managers of the -houses will't iale euy_
enotified of the date. HShopOP
following teams will play today at, and make an Appointment , i im CL C b
45-eaTnApav.Kppa: for that Hair Cut with 209AJ7South St.ate
Delta; Alpha Gamma Delta vs. A-;'R.Ovrihub oue rI
pha Epsilon Pi; at 5:00 Sigma Kap-, MR BARTLETT
pa vs..- Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa ;t Dial 8383 for appointment +'
Kappa Gamma vs. Gamma Phi formerly with theTHN1 WAT
Beta. J. L. Hudson Co. IJY~J.,l/~
'Subscribe to The Michigan Dailyatno etr cost I
g22 foytehafyer Want Ads Pay
$2 d w
/fc SC t® eI1 Sicre1 n 5 f e reir
I''' Beware the Mothl! IY-..' . / AVi.Y; h h
Fire and Theft! ~~'--.5 ~ wrapa
Our Storage Vaults Offer = f3; rar I
Absolute Protection!
" - 1 2i'2. *..S } Yx a ' J1
I 'C1/I. AFFFurs renovated and remodeled during ; T i ,~"°
th umrmotsaspcillwH R{i1rityintesbl

rate-letus all or yur urs owlT ance of soft straw and fine felt, in
- the clever placing of the charming accents
F u r S cgarfs -o and details and in the dashing lines;
artistry. th at gives these new hats a dis- -
iIeV o u ! , tinclion that will be appreciated by the j
Ofcuse osmr omnwllws college girl who knows that a hat may
to be without a luxurious fur scarf I make or mar the smartness of her costume.=!

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