ESTABLISHED 1890 ' Ivan Ii Y1LM S MEMB3ER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol XXXIX, No. 138. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1929 GXCHANGE PRICES[R I 01 MS SAGE RECOVERY[JJ[ M kL [UIIL GUESTS OF UNION![lf~E (13 Associated Pess) C N [ I A E NEW YORK, April 2.-Prices on With the sending of letters to the New York Stock Exchange fraternities, preliminary prepara- TO MAK ADDRESSmade further recovery today but tions for the staging of an annual speculators stepped aside to await 110and 11 under the auspices of the further developments in the credit Union are now virtually complete, situation. William E. Nissen, '29, president of Call money was renewed at 12 UNIII the Union stated yesteday. IN MDLLAUINh Yevlpet nteceitNFR EIFSALTONmie l rtrite H~ y ___ percent, a rather stiff charge to mailed etoaThe Union letter which was DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE OFI pay for the privilege of carrying mOW MdCHoaEW fraarnities suggested EDUCATION WILLTstock yielding, in the majority of cr gHOW MUCH NEW SEC ETARY MAIN REBEL ARMY PENNED UP that many of them might find it, COURT OF INJUSTICI MAIN SPEAKER cases, much less than half that WILL REVEAL ATTITUDE IN JIMENEZ AND RETREAT desireable to sponsor Father and Mfigure, and held steady at that rate IS SPECULATIVE IS MADE IMPOSSIBLE Son activities of their own in con- AGAINST NUMERO FOTRWL LOSEKall day despite the calling off of inection with the program being AT RAZZ-FES'T OSTER WILL ALSO SPEAK out 0 n ln ime CONFERS WITH HOOVER TELEGRAPH LINES DOWN arranged by the Unionforbthe money was quoted as high as 9 per --week-end. More Than 20 Michigan Colleges cent for some of the shorter matur- Committees Of Senate And House Rebel Headquarters Report That The annual spring struggles be- P To have Representatives On itis, the highest rate since the Continue To Take Testimony 1,000 Federals Have Been tween the sophomore and fresh- . rivatelives of prominent c1ze early part of 1920. On Farm Aid Problem Captured In South man classes on Friday afte noon will be as an open book before thee Stephan P. Duggan, director of Total sales today were only 3,- { . and Saturday morning together trial of the loquacious lubricator on th 776,370 shares, as contrasted with (By Associated Pess) Oil Associated Press) with a baseball game with Illinoiso thenstiution of Inerational 4,162,830 yesterday and 8,246,740 WASHINGTON, April 2.-Secre- A ring of federal guns Tuesday on Saturday afternoon make it injustice o the University, to be h Education since 1919, will be one of m the record-breaking session just tary Hyde will make his first ap- penned up the main army of the possible for visiting parents 'to be iron banquet of Sigma Delta Chi a the principal speakers onl the pro- a week ago. pearance before a Congressional Mexican rebellion in the straggling exceptionally well entertained dur- Under constant gram of the model assembly of the Wietecmitea edo h e'nUdrcntn grilling by the prose League of Nations to be held here While the bulk of today's busi- committee as head of the depart- sg eets of the desert town of Jim- ing the week-end. Lagreofatonsto byetheltdhereness news was capable of bullish ment of agriculture tomorrow when enez with all rail lines of retreat Passes to the baseball game will fense of those accused, the guilty m Christian association. Sir George nterpretation, Wall Street received he goes before the Senate agricul- cut, federal bombing planes drop- be furnished visiting f a t h e r s tenced to one year with the oil can b Chist i assoiaton. ir Geoge fanother disagreeable shock after tural committee to give his views ping death from the skies and fed- through the courtesy of the Ath- G Burk Foster, premier of the province of the close when the monthly com- on the new farm aid measure. eral artillery reported master of letic association, Nissen announcedeorgee, prosecuting atto Ontario, Canada, will also be a 1hc- pilation of loans of stock exphange How far the new secretary will the rebel machine guns. The Majestic management has also dents completed and threatens to intro turer at one of the meetings, as has members disclosed an increase of go in revealing the attitude of the "Mexico City received this infor- arranged to entertain the visiting to a confession even before the trial< been announced previously. qf "Mfatho siandrtheiresonsifollowing Mr. Duggan who is a graduate of 125,111,491 over last month, bring- administration beyond the general mation from General Calles, but fa thesanl heir ss following a close. The expose will go on, how Crlugan y who e-fIng the total to a new high record principles that were laid down by ebel headquarters at Chihua the annual banquet which is to be Columbia university and tho re- for all time at $6,804,457,408. This President Hoover during the cam- City reported capture of 1,000 fed- held Saturday night. of the accusers have been redressed, ~ceivd his maste -'s degree from Rollins college, is widely known as compares with $4,640,174,172 at the paign still is a matter of specula- eral soldiers in an engagement raz an author and educator. He wasI end of March, 1928. tion. The secretary conferred with south of Jimenez and declared thenn lations at Columbia for two yearsf Kansas City and in view and the federals was yet to come."VVee and has been secretary of the of his appearance tomorrow before Wire communication between lob American University -Union in Eu- 1INDthe committee, it was believed they Chihuahua City and Jimenez has ope rope since 1926. Mr. Duggan hasyh been closely connected with du-Meanwhile both the Senate and The government described in- cation in the Philippines, Con- House committees proceeded with su 'gent troops as "bottled with theadm stantinople, and AthenS, Greece their taking of testimony today and railroad station and other small -yet and.-was director of the Council on a new method of approach to the positions which they hold within a who Foreign Relations, the Italy-Ameri- surplus problem was suggested by limited radius in the town." The Final Preparatios Now Underway Charles Dornberger And His Victor tod can society, the Hungary society, Brief Stay Expected To Result In G. L. Coulter, president of the State rebels were said to have made des- For orteth Obs rance Of P Recording Orchestra To boo a n d t h e Netherlands-America Naming Date And Place Agricultural College of North Da-:perate but futile attempts to break deniorT ionProvideMusic__air_ foundation. He is the author of Of Wedding kota. through the federal lines. A IY "The Eastern Question-A Study Coulter declared that the surplus Casualties Undetermined ORDERS DUE BY FRIDAY TO HLD AFFAIR MAY 3 D In Diplomacy," "The League of K HURRIED FLIGHT of farm crops in the world rather; Fighting was hot but ful lists of' Fmor Nations, and"A History of Educa- AEthan that in the United States was casualties could not be procured. Fm tion.(Ilv Associated Press) causing distress to the American General Calles said the fede als derway for the first of the tradi- yesterday that Charles Dornbergertent Mnisters To Be.HereMEXICO CITY, April 2.-Col. farmer. He suggested that the had "lost 25 dead, but the enemy 'tional senior graduating events, and his Victor Recording orchestra sale Foreign ministers of 55 countries 'Charles.A. Lindbergh tonight was tariff law be extended so that the [many more." Federals captured 50 Cane day, which is to be observed had been definitely engaged, plans o'cl from more than 20 Mihian Ac0o- at the Umitd. ASmareemssA served for the farmers of the coup- General Almazan, commanding by members of the senior classes for the Senior Ball, to be held Fri- Alex for the model assembly of the S. Morrow. It was to be Mi A try the attacking federals, estimated of all schools and colleges of the day night, May , in the ballroom 0 for g the m o' d el ss m b.0 ly f e, 'e oSo v. It w a toe ,at y.~-we e y u l y c or - th at League to discuss nmany of the 1. brief visit,'twa days it waB te~e d~ Colter -als&pproved 4Th& -pro the irurgert- wer.e. "log 20gb rniversitya eenSpaeydeecs- .lftha ig toLoySurand,-tat portant questions Which ace at but the public that followed' hi posed creation of a federal farm men daily. Each moment the rebels cording to the statement made yes- pleted according to Loy Sutherland, tati present vexing the World. The ad- rapid flight from California hoped board with price stabilization cor- demoralization increases," he add- terday by Donald B. Fleming, '29. '29, general chairman of the affair. for mission of Russia (a question that- it would result in naming o porations to handle the domestic ed. chairman of the senior literary The orchestra, which has been peri which is purely- hypothetical in th day and place of the wedding problems that arise in the market- General Escobar was reported to class cane committee. playing the winter season at one to t ghat it has never come up for dis- The aviator left California yes- ing of different agricultural com- be personally in command of the This year's observance of Cane of the leading hotels in Hot Springs, 50 t ,cussion before the League) the 'terday and, with the briefest pos- modities. He added that many iebel troops at Jimenez, but federal day will mark the fortieth year Ark., is making a tour of the Mid- the Mandates system of governing sible stops in Texas, sped on to his farmers, basing their activities up- 'aviators had sited and pursued a that members of the senior classes' dle West, and for that reason the ope small countries, and the problem of second meeting with Miss Morrow on a belief that the problem of rebel plane which rose from- Jim- have carried canes in the month I engagement was made possible. . be h Disarmament will be the major here since their engagement was farm aid would be worked out at enez in the morning and which preceding Commencement. Tickets for the ball, which have dor topics for cont oversy at this as- announced. Col. Lindbergh cover- ,the special session, were preparing General Calles supposed to bear' The tradition in its present form been held up pending the negotia-'Sp sembly. ed the 475 miles from Brownsville to plant larger crops this year. away some rebel leader fleeing the is continued each year to com- tion of the music contract, are now ope This meeting is the second of its Tex., in five hours and ten minutes' Before the Senate Committee; beleaguered city.-; memorate the use as canes of on sale at the Union and at a spe- o'clo kirtd be held a Michigan, the ?and set his plane down on ,Val- Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary General Almazan was constant- wooden pickets which were taken cial booth in the corridor of Angell Jury first being held at Lansing lastField here at 1:55 p. m. as of agriculture in the Wilson a-ly on the firing line from 5 a. m. from the wooden fence which at Hall. The booth will be open from the yer olgsaloe h onrbuena Fedhr t15 .m sofarcluei h isnad-{j will year. Colleges all over the country always, his first thought was for his ministration, proposed an acreage when the federals began their at- one time surrounded the campus. 1:30 until 5 o'clock today and to-' are awakening to the importance ship and he spent 10 minutes or so limitation plan under which an tack. At the pesent time, according to morrow afternoons. Plans are also clos ofteinternational problems; en aetocnutatcktsl mv which arelternari forrsettle- in a careful inspection of it. educational campaign would be- Fleming, not more than one hun- being made to conduct a ticket sale mov Then Miss Morrow appeared on made to induce the farmers to lim- N E X T CUSTODIAN dred literary seniors have made campaign in all- of the fraternity bent, and are attempting to pies- the field with her family. it production. In conjunction with arrangements to secure canes for and 'sorority houses on the campus. Ab yn ts pes innhemos "Hello," said Anne. the plan, he proposed reforestra-. S T I L L U NKNOWN this year's Cane day observance. If: They are priced at $5.00. stat jtyable as well as the most pene- "How are you?" responded the tion to utilize many lands that are the canes are to be ordered in time Dornberger Well Known be u trating manner. colone. pory date1t 'rmnhav AssembiesnHeld.Elsewhere adapted to to arrive here by May 5, orders Dornberger is best known on the ance assembl y wa reenl There were smiles and hand-sret - will have to be placed at Wag- campus for his records of "Tiger will heldat Vassar colegein wcentey shakes all around before the party o GRID-BANQUET TICKETS - oner's on State street before spring Rag", "One Sweet Letter From Sh helabout V20 scollege a n un irs entered the automobile to drive to aWouMo2-coDuegto tedfactvthattsevevacation, Fleming stated. pp.layed in George W hite's "Scan- our fromtNew orenJersed the embassy. Mrs. Dwight W. Mor- Due to the f that several The price being charged for the dals" as well as many of the lead- for Pennsylvania togetherswith dis- row and Eliabeth Morrow with Col. tickets were late in being mail- senior literary canes is $4. Of this ing hotels and ballrooms in theteam tnguished speakers from New Alexander MacNab, UnitedStates ed, those who have returned amount, it is required- that $2 be country, the organization promises appe York City, and Washington pare military attache, had accompanied their checks to the Marshall of ' placed with the committee as a de- something well worth while in the ness ticipated. New England colleges Anne,___the Con t of the Grid-banquet ' posit and that the other $2 be paid way of entertainment, according to W will assemble at Mt. Holyoke in f{and who do not receive their on delivery of the canes. Edward T. Burroughs, '29, chair- room April for the second conference for WyPlayers admission cards in today's mail WesleyPlayersWill man of the music committee. Bur- unde this region, while ineLousPana, Chi- should call at the ticket booth Purchase Large Yacht roughs also states that Dornberger Mon gaga, and California similar meet- resent Prize Drama in the Union sometime before Expe .itis anxious to play on the Mich- cord ings are to be held. the banquet tonight. I For Arctic Expedition igan campus and is arranging sev eral Ruth of Moab, one of the prize For those who have not re- { eral feature numbers for the occa- be i EIGHT PAGES OF AMOUS MEN OUS LUBRICATOR E TO HEAR CASE 1S DEFENDANTS TONIGHT ns and members of the faculty eyes of the select group at the ie docket of the Supreme court d at the seventh annual Grid- t 6:30 tonight at the Union. cution battering down the de- an will be convicted and sen- y Judge Clarence Cook Little. rney, has the case of the stu duce evidence which may lead could otherwise be brought' to ever, until all of the grievances as is the custom at the annual z-fest. \pproximately 300 tickets have n sold and the booth in the by of the Union will be kept n from 3 oclock this afternoon ii time for the banquet to in. The last consignment of 'ission slips were mailed out erday m o r n i n g, and those se tickets are not delivered in ay's mail may get theirs at the th or at the door before the af- begins. Sale Of Extra Tickets ue to the fact that only a few 'e than 350 of those who were poenaed have signified their in- ions of being at the banquet, a k of 50 tickets will be put on to the general public at 5 )ck this afternoon, according to ander K. Gage, Jr., custodian the tickets. He strongly urges men. whp have received .ini- ons and who wish to attend cal their tickets early during the od set aside for ticket sales due he fact that the general sale of ickets will go on regardless of number left at the time of ning. A few extra passes will ield over for those whose tickets not reach them by mail today. ecial officers- of the court will a the doors at exactly 6:30 ck and will begin escorting men, witnesses, and lawyers to r seats immediately. This group be seated near the court en- ure in order to facilitate their ing about during the trial. Clerk Abbot Presides out twenty-five members of the e legislature, all of whom may used as witnesses in the trial, set bonds for their appear- , and others of prominence be called to the stand. James rmerhorn, well-known Detroit nalist, and Robert Brown, '26, ler captain of the football n, will be among those who will ar on the stand to bear wit- to the charges.d ork on remodeling of the court n was well under way last night r the direction of Charles S roe, '30, contractor, and ac- ing to Morris Quinn, '29, gen. chairman of the affair, all wl n readiness for the trial of th winning plays of the 1927 play- turned acceptances, there! are - CHICAGOAri .secon S Phillips GivesTal writing contests is to be presented several tickets' left which will CHICAGO, April 2.-A second Novel decorations are promised Southern Architecture by the Weslebe sold to those bfinging sub- MacMillan-MacDonald Arctic ex- by the committee on that phase of outed to nWesley players at 8:15 r poenas to heUnion after 3 pedition which is in prospect for the party which is under the super-.Pa thnr urasais- o'clock tomorrow night in the First o'clock this afternoon, and a j{departure in June became known vision of C. Fenton Raber, '29, whileo imp tinct contribution of America in Methodist church Ralph R. John- block of 50 general admission here today with the purchase of the programs designed for the ball ofet the field of architecture was the son, instructor of English in the tickets will be placed on sale ' the yacht "Allegro" from the estate are unusually attractive, accordinghf subject of an illustrated lecture by College of Engineering,' is the di- - late in the afternoon. of James Elverson, Jr., former own- to Gerald J. Harrington, '29, chair- of a Prof. U. B. Phillips in the audi- rector.0o- er of the "Philadelphia Inquirer." man of the program committee. pose torium of architectural college at, P I E T RN1IE A M RN T SIC E S Arbo 4:15 yesterday afternoon. Although{ APRIL GARGOYLE FEATURING LIFE PALMER CHRISTIAN NOTES INCREASE from a professor of history, Prof. Phil- AS SEEN ABROAD APPEARS TODAY IN POPULARITY OF ORGAN RECITALS'seate lips is an authority on the subject ADT Arepr ofs outernparhitectue Taking travel as its theme and broadening would certainly not be "Every year I play to about 24,000 try with the same idea to motivate new showed its- peculiar development .., into American form influenced by painting the varieties of life abroad amiss." iVfichigan students," said Palmer'{ them but these series are not more whil foreign strains from early France in all its colors, the Michigan Gai- To this end, the regular sections. Christian, head of the organ de than six or a dozen in number. Not ave nand Englishsettlers.goyle makes it April appearance on "Campus Talk" and "Chokes and peven the human voice, the most Aft mentioin the log huts of the campus this morning. Sales- Gargles," appear again this month. partment of the School of Music, in I beautiful of all musical instruments Fol h a men will be stationed at all prom-' "Diagonal Slants," a third feature ian interview with him yesterday because the Lord made it, is cap- h runner that type sof early eori- inent spots on the campus and a devised for the amusement of stu- regarding the Twilight organ con- able of bearing the strain. ote runro http feryAe-Gargoyle booth will be established; dents does not appear in this issue ! cers. "very ensa lo can houses, Prof. Phillips portrayed Agyls certs. "Every Wednesday afternoon "In arranging the selections for Ken the negro background of the south- i Angell hall of the Gargoyle. I figure that I have an audience of each concert I have to exercise aledito p Somewhat in contrast to the "The Family Motors" and "Desire approximately 700 to 800 people good deal of ingenuity, as it is hard hold and nttoindustry the tobacco"Abroad" issue bf the Gargoyle pub- at the Dance" are articles of the listening to me, and if you count to please everybody in the audience. the lished in April, 1926, which carn -(month which lend much to the at-' the times the 30 concerts that I I At the same time I try to make the epita catured "girls, pretzels, and bull mosphere of travel. A page of give early, you'll find that the fi- pierograms appropriate for the occa- epita fights," the irony of the editors music comments by Charles S. Mon- gures are just about right." sion. .genu Sfalls this year upon revolutions, roe, '30, and a review of Sinclair Regarding the concerts Mr. Chris- The concert today will be theewhin particularly of the Mexo-Ann Arbor Lewis's latest effort, Dodsworth, by atian further said that he -felt that last one of the Twilight Concert: the k yp.Lawrence R. Klein, '30, serve to . they were becoming a definite part series for some time to come, Mr. ceive Gurney Williams, '31, submits an complete the editorial features of in the life of the student body Christian said, as the May Festival eIv 'Ino- - - ury early today. Jury Now Impaneled art of the jury has already been Lneled, with Dean Hugh Cabot, he Medical school, named as foreman. The jury, for the sake bsolute fairness, will be com. d of four students, four faculty ibers, and four citizens of Ann r. Newspaperhrepresentatives i all parts of the state will be' ed at the press table, whilt esentatives of 'the "Gaboon" s ;paper published once in e by Sigma Delta Chi, will direct wire connections witl home office of the paper. llowing the presentation of the can to the convict, and one r surprise award never before a at a similar affair, and which neth G. Patrick, '29, managing ir of The Daily, contends will a great deal of interest for student body, the favorable ph will be read by Quinn. The ph is the one serious and inely complimentary award h is customarily presented at banquet, and last veqr was re- -d by Prof. Wilbur R. Humph-