=,.hISAY, APRYL 2, 19'2§
- - - - - -- - . - - sea
Upperelass Students:
andl CI L O LL NIt is suggested that upperciass members, particularly seniors, take| s EDITION OF hOPeaysrsDiary;
advantage of their opportunities du:ing the remainder of thc yearc
and secure a medical examination. Work Is Ranked With Pepys' Diary;
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members The reduction in illness is making more time available at the Throws Light On Literary
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- Health Service for health reviews of students. Society Of Time
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Warren E. Forsythe, Director.
What is considered as a work of
Vol. XXXIX TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 No. 137 Freilhman Women and HFouse Heads: equal or of greater rank than
-- -A---- The Board of Representatives of the Women's League have just Pepys' Diary has been recently re-
Exhibition of Paintings: passed the following regulation: Freshman women will not be required ceived by the University library in
Ey1ibiti1nroknrde udrs: to be in their houses until 9:00 p. m. on Monday evenings. This becomes the shape of "The Private Papers
The exhibition of paintings by ~r. Hugh 1.Breckinridge, under the effective immediately. ,if Janes Boswell," famous bio-
auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, will be open eve y afternoon {Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman, Board of Representatives graper of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Not
from April 1 to April 7 (inclusive) and from April 14 to April 23. j grapyos Dr. SameldJohnsonrpNot
~ only is it considered a masterpiece,
J. G. Winter I i n .i-nrna a 1 rnnrA hilt it
cation, only three volumes yet hav-
ing beenreleased. The printing is
from the press of William Edwin
Rudge, of Mt. Vernon, while the
format is designed py Bruce Rog-
ers, an eminent American printer.
The work is considered a master-
piece of typography. It is of hand-
made paper and contains facsimiles
of many original documents.
According to Geoffrey Scott, edi-
tor of the edition, the egoism of
Boswell' is clearly indicated in that
he kept copies of letters he sent to
. _
Twilight Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the following pro-.
gram in Hill Audito ium, Wednesday fternoon at 4:15 o'clock. The
general public, with the exception of small children is invited to attend.,
No admission charge.,
Hanff: Choral Prelude on "Ein feste Burg"; Bach: Sonatina from
the Cantata "God's Time Is Best"; Bach: Fugue in E flat (St. Anne's);
Gilson: Prelude on an anciept Flemish Theme; Sowerby: Choral Prelude
on "Rejoice, ye Pure in Heart"; d'Antalffy: Drifting Clouds; Borowski:
Allegro conspi ito (S'nata II ; Rousseau Scherzo; Strauss-Christian:
Traume; Liszt: Prelude and Fugue in B A C M.c
Charles A. Sink
Students' Recital:4
A students' recital will be given at the University School of Music
Auditorium Tuesday, evening, April 2, at 8:15 o'clock sharp. The generalt
public is invited. No admission charge. The program is as follows:
Liszt: Petrarck Sonnet; Scott: Passacaglia; (Jack Conklin); Les-
chestizky: The Two Larks; (Evelyn Douglass) Grieg: Nocturne in C;}
(Madeline Brooks) Leschestizky : Arabesque; (Helen Pence) Bach: Pre-;
lude in E flat minor; Schubert-Liszt: Hark, Hark the Lark; Chopin:1
Nocturne in F sharp; (Rousseau Criswell) Liszt: Valse Oubliee (Jean-
nette Sparling) Wolf-Ferrari: a. Uin ve de Praticello; b. Is dei Saluti;x
Quando ce piricolo; O Si chi non sapero.
Charles. A. Sink
Moving Pictures of Industry:
The fifteenth roving picture program by the School of Businessl
Administration will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. m.'
Wednesday, April 3., Please note that the progam will begin 10 minutes:
earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films will be
The Age of Speed (spectacular, historical, educational-the story of
quickening progress-the gift of grinding to civilization)-4 reels.
Trapping Tuma (a comparatively new industry on the east coast
of Canada)-1 reel.I
t All persons interested are invited to attend these programs whichi
are designed paritcularly to give business students background material.I
Carl N. Schmalz !
The Thomas E. H. Black Oratorical Contest:}
Students who have not registered for this contest may leave their 1
names at the office of the Department of Speech, room 3211 Angelli
Hall. This contest is open to all students who are eligible to take
part in student activities. P eliminaries will be held during the first#
week in May. Speeches must be based on themes suggested by the
New Testament, and will be limited to 15 minutes in delivery. First
prize-$100, second prize-$50.E
R. D. T. Hollister
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:{
Mid-semester report cards are now being distributed through the!
Dean's messenger se vice. Instructors are requested to report before
spring vacation if possible, in any case not later than April 16, the!
names of all students whose. standing is at this time D or E. TheseC
grades should not indicate merely the mark received on the mid-:
semester examination, if such an examination is given. More cards, if
needed, can be had at my office.
These cards should be used only for reports of the work of students
en olled in this college.
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean
Engineering Students:
The Classification Committee has placed the limit of time at which
a .course may be .dropped without record at the end of the eighth week
of the semester, .or April 6, 1929, excepting in cases of continued illness;
or other extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier should
consult with the instructor.
Uot yiCeI o ini mae persona. u 01tIU ecur U, PJuL.a1l"v
All sessions of the Indust. ial Heating Conference, held under the is also expected to recast the lit- others in addition to keeping orig-
joint auspices -of the University of Michigan and the Michigan Manu- erary history of..that period. inals or copies of those he re-
facturers' Association, are being held in rooms 319-21 of the Michigan The papers .are from the collec- ceived. In the collection is a copy:
Union. These sessions are open to the public. Programs of the meet- tion of Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph of a letter sent to Monsieur do
ings may be obtained in the corridor of the third floor, Union. Heyward Isham, who recently pur- Tuyll :proposing his marriage 'to!
A. E. White chased them- from the Johnson I that gentleman's daughter, Zelide,
- -a family. The set will comprise 16 and asking that if the letter is not
** *
(If 016111 An . 4*1 . yr ~Cjy^ ?*iTCBtVW
Special Vacation
Round Trip Fares
Geology 2:.
There will be a field excursion Wednesday afternoon as usual. t
R. C. Hussey
Speech 32:
All students electing Speech 32 will meet in room 25 Angell Hall
at 4:00 p. m. on April 4 for the mid-semester examination.
G. E. Densmore
Speech 31:
All students electing Speech 31 will meet in room 1025 Angell Hall
at 4:00 p. m. on April 4 for the mid-semester examination.
G. F. Densmore
Physics 46 Laboratory-Section 15:,
Please read necessary sections in text covering Wednesday's experi-
ment on Light.j
J. S. Donal, Jr.
Sociology 51:
Contras y to previous announcement there will be a lecture today
(Tuesday) for the members of this class in Professor Cooley's Tuesday
lecture section at the usual hour.h
L. J. Carr
Sophomore Lits:
Dues will be collected Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this'
week in University Hall,
Joseph A. Witter, Treasurer
to 18 volumes when completed and returned, might ne ue permiLuea to
will require three years for publi- make a copy of it on his next visit. I
.. .1 ..... ..- ~ '- a
Gargoyle Business Staff and Tryouts:
There will be an important meeting of the Gargoyle upper and
lower business staffs totgether with the tryouts on Tuesday, April 2, at
4:30 p. m. Tryouts should report at 3:00 o'clock for mailing out the,
April issue.
LIM A. ................
Carl U. Iauster, iBusiness wMana~ger
'W- . .1..L
Faculty Womens Club:
The Play Reading Section will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:301
o'clock, with Mrs. Donal H. Haines, 1229 Traver Road.
Mrs. W. V. Marshall.
Michigan Dames:
The next meeting of the Michigan Dames will be held Tuesday,
April 2, at 8 o'clock at the Faculty Women's Clubhouse. Mrs. A. J.!
Rousseau will discuss the subject of Child Study.
Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President
Women's Athletic Association:
Corresponding Low Rates-to Inter-
mediate and Connecting Points
Reservations for this special express
service from and returning to Ann
Arbor - should be made at once.
Travel home this convenient, eco-
nomical way on new comfortable
inter-state parlor coaches.
FROM 12 - 7 P. M.
at Chubb House
PHONE 5672
Members of the Women's Athletic Asociation are urged to vote
the elections at the table in University Hall on Wednesday from 8
5 o'clock.
Betty Smither, President
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. E. S. Meade and Mr. A. J. Underwood will be in room 221 West' Hillel Foundation:
Enginee'°ing Building at 10:00 a. m. on Wednesday, April 3, to interview Prof. Peterson will speak this afternoon at the Union luncheon.:'-
seniors interested in a position in the Chpvrolet Experimental Engineer- "The Arctic," will be the subject.
ing Department at Detroit. Philip Stern
Z. ililitJ A7vu s7
W. E. La
V .. ay
Engineering Council Members: Adelphi House of Representatives:
There will be a meeting of the Engineering Council Wednesday Final tryouts will be held for the Alpha Nu Freshman debate. All'
April 3, 7:30 p. m., at the Michigan Union' Freshmen will deliver five minute speeches on any topic they choose.
. H. ebee, Secretary Lawrence Hartwig, Speaker.
Alpha Nu:
Meeting will be held at 7:45 tonight in the society room on the
fou th floor of Angell Hall. Meeting will consist of talks by members
on current topics. Tryout speeches will be held for the last time this;
semester tonight.
John Langen, President t
Physics Colloquium:
Mr. ,Lorne A. Matheson will speak on "Modern Theories of the
Nucleus," at 4:15, Tuesday, Ap-il 2, in ro6m 1041, East Physics Build-
ing. All interested are cordially invited.
W. r. Colby
A. S. M. E.:
The bus chartered for the inspection trip to the Spartan Radio
Corporation, Jackson, Mich., will be at the Engineering Arch at 12:50,
Wednesday, April 3. There is room for about ten more men for this
trip; sign up with R. V. Johnson or J. Gray, East Engineering Building.
J. Gray,
Ju tlin Rt%~wp t"hh
Portia Literary Society:
There will be a regular meeting Tuesday, April'2, at 7:30 p. m.
Nellie Becker, President
Gargoyle Staff and Tryouts:
There will be a meeting of the editorial staff and tryouts at 4:30
this afternoon. Bring your copy.
Philip M. Crane, Editor
Hindustan Club:.
Hindu supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. on April 2,1
1929, at the Congregational Church Parlors (corner Williams and State ?
Streets). Eve:'ybody is welcome. There will be a cover charge.
Mrs. Ranjithan Aaron,
Chairman Social Committee
The Esperanto class will meet Tuesday, April 2, at 4:00 p. m., in
room 1021 Angell Hall.
New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
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Brown-Cress Co.,
Investment Securities
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Subscribe To The
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Charles Claypool
f nuor esearch utb:
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary On account of the showing of the Canti motion picture film the
meeting of Junior Research club is postponed without change of program
Sophomores Who Contemplate Teaching: to Wednesday, Ap: it 3,. at 7:30 p. m.
A conference of all sophomore students who are thinking ofaquali- * l. . Case, Secretary
Eying for the teacher's certificate is called for Tuesday, April 2, at 4:10
p. m., in room 25, Angell Hall. Representatives of the School of Edu- A. S. C. E.:
cation and of the Appointment Bureau will be p:'esent, and matters will ' Due to unforseen complications, the initiation banquet has been
be presented of interest and value to all who contemplate taking up postponed until after Spring Vacation.
this work. Every sophomore student who proposes to do so is urged to L. D. Kirshner
h. nr.wriLs
John R. Effinger Athena:
Athena litrary society will meet on the fourth floor of Angell Hall
Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: : at 7:30 tonight.
Excepting under extraordinary circumstances, courses dropped after Lois Webb, President
the Sp. ing Vacation will be recorded with the grade of E. --
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean
Summer Session' Announcement: MERRILL, & CO.
Members of the University faculty and students who wish to haveNMembers
copies of the 1929 Summer Session Complete Announcement mailed to YChicago Stock Exchange
names, or mail them, to the Summer Session office, Room 9, University Cleveland Stock Exchange
Carlton F. Wells Detroit Stock Exchange
New York Curb Market
Geology 2:"
The makeo- examination will be Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin
room 4054 N. S. 201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294
R. C. Hussey
R That means the most to
Round you,-That you would not
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T rip . They would appreciate one
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Keep your
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New all-steel palace buses leave Michigan Union at 1:00 p. m.,
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