S ESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 .T H E - 'Iii G AN .A-I.L I WolverinesPlace Second In Swimming Meet_- ADERmDING__-MO SONAL ATTE~NTION LIKE )ME AT :A SAVING OF 100% [TH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, )E LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. SWIM STARS SHATTER EVERY MEET RECORD I Five New National Intercollegiate Recorda Are Also Set At St. Louis NQRThWESTERN IS WINNER Record-breaking performances in every .event featured the national collegiate tank meet at St. Louis last week in which Michigan took second place with 21 points, 10 points beh i n d Nothwestern's squad of star performers, which assumed Michigan's role of team champion. Five new national in- tercollegiate records were estab- lished in the 75-foot Washington university pool, while every meet record was shattered. Although :they failed to win a single event, Coach Matt Mann's swimmers gained enough places to outscore. both Princeton and Rut- gers, who tied for third with 14 points apiece. Garnet Ault, cap- tao-elect, was 'high scorer for.the Wolverines, finishing second to Bud Shields of Brigham Young in both the 220 and440 yard races. Shields Sets Mark1 Shields broke 'Ault's record in the quarter mile by four seconds, swimming the distance in 4:57.8 to beat the Wolverine by 10 yards.r The Brigham Young entry was I again the star of the meet, being; the only competitor to win twot events. Rutgers' fast quarter defeated the Wolverines by a yard in the! 200 yard relay. Bob Walker, swim- ming anchor man, covered the 50 I yards in :23 seconds to gain a yard! on Kojac. The Michigan medleyr trio ook third place when RutgersY was disqpalified. Northwestern setc a new world's record of 3:09.4 ins winning the event. Tilley's illegal turn cost Rutgers second place, r giving Princeton second and Michi-g gan third. Walker Disqualified . In the 50 yard sprint Walker placed third,. but was disqualified' for interfering with Oker. He came back to finish third in the century free style behind Schwartz ands Bryant of Dartmouth, the formerf setting a new record of :53.2 sec-s onds. George Kojac of Rutgers, Olym-V pie champion, added the collegiate o back stroke title to his list of laur- i rels, establishing a new world's record of 1:38.4. George Hubbell of!a Michigan took fourth place behind a Hinch .and Marsh. Every one of the': four place winners broke the form-.g er' meet record. In the breast b stroke, Ted Moles of Princeton de-,e feted Petersen, Purple ace, and set & a new intercollegiate mark of 2:35. 1y TO HOLD 'MURAL INTERSCHOLASTIC TOURNEY DRAWS CAGERS FROM SPORTS OUTSIDE MANY LOCALITIES FOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS! Prep cagers' from forty different to 25,000; and eleven are from Brought to a successfui close high schools scattered from coast cities of over 25,000. Broght stgo a sucef cose tocoast and from Montana to New Champions of two years ago, with the staging of the open house Mexico are preparing to enter the Morton high school of Cicero, Ill., celebration, the intramural :indoor, national prep school championship opposes Central high school of activities will for the most part be starting at ten o'clock this morn- Oklahoma City at five o'clock this shifted to out-door tournament, eig in Bartlett gymnasium of the afternoon. Oklahoma City Is rep- following the Spring vacation pe- University of Chicago. Represent- resented by two teams in the' - ing state champions or runners-up tournament. mnd acoding to Ean n.kne - ithirty four states the teams Stay at Fraternities ment made by Earl N. Riskey, Ac- practiced yesterday in various Chi- Provisions have been made for tivities Supervisor of the Intra- cago gymnasiums. some of the players to live at fra-, mural Sports Department. Twelve games will be held today ternity houses during their stay in TrThe program that will bring to a and twelve more tomorrow which the Windy City while :others will close the .1928-29 activities under will cut the competitors down to reside at hotels. Coaches have the reign of the new building in-1sixteen. The losers will play in a made stipulations that sight-see- cludes theannual playground base- consolation tournament. ing is to postponed until after the ball tournament in the fraternity Raton, N. M., and Portsmouth, N. frays. division, as wei as-the horseshies H., start the performance this The teams entered in tourna- tourney, and the tennis competi- morning while Ashland, Ky., de- ment, represent about 25,000 high ion. The interclass spring athletic fending champions will play to- schools. Johnson City, Ill., state program will feature the baseball night. They are not expected to champs gained the title after beat- championship league among the repeat as their mainstays have ing the winners of tournaments various classes of the University. been lost by graduation. that represented 479 Illinois bas- Coloradoans Arrive ketball teams. Joes, Colo., a town of less than . one hundred inhabitants, was the frst to be represented by a team on the scene of the championships as they arrived Sunday.. fIh~~ ;Interesting sidelights on the terri- tory represented by the teams is;PLANS F R SI L ) shown by the fact that sixteen (Continued From Page 6) come from towns of less than 5,000 lasing to the men who won the population, six of whom come (special To The Daiiy) championships in the final match- from villages of less than 1,000; LAFAYETTE, Ind., April 1.- es, while Bob Warren lost to the th teen come from towns of 5,000 Ward Lambert, Purdue basketball champion in the semi-final round. ________________ Two men, Kelly and w nParker, - de -1 lOJA i mentor who has piloted four Boil feated men who had won Con'fer-, - ermaker teams to titles or shares ence individual. championships atT in titles and three teams to the the individual meetinwhich the runnr-uppos in Bt teaske Wolverines were not entered. 1uneruppatOn ig,''et aset Kelly Defeats Montague ball in the last 10 years, will con- Kelly lost to Bancroft of Okla- ;Sduct his fourth annual basketball homa, and then won from Mon- school at Lake Manitou, Rochester, tague, who won the Big Ten title, (Continued From Page 6) from August 13 to August 20. while Ray Parker defeated Ham- Hochland seems to be the class of he mer, Conference 158 pound title the 145 lb. division, but . Donnelly announced today. Lambert's holder. Hewitt lost to Mantooth I has shown a great improvement schools annually attract high of Oklahoma for the champion- lately and should give the favorite school and college coaches from ship. a great bout. In the 155 lb. class Indiana and adjoining states anx- Caldwell, who went on to win the Fuss and Muehlig appear to be ious to observe the system that has national crown, only defeated the the logical finalists, while Clark given Lambert's teams by far the Wolverine captain by a time mar- must also be considered. best rating in the Big Ten over the gin which would have been called ,Brockmeier is regarded as the :10 year period. a draw but for the necessity of best bet in the 165 lb. class in view: The Boilermaker mentor is rec- making a referee's decision, which of his good showing in the all- ognized as one of the greatest went to the man having any time campus meet, but Stuteville should hardwood strategists in the game, advantage at all, give him some good competition. for he is able to adapt his 'play to Dougovito Loses by Seconds Foster is the outstanding contender fit the opponent, and his teams Dougovito was the victim of the in the 175 lb. class. The unlimited have always had high scoring pro- same rule in his match with Staf- division has' an unusually large: clivities. During the past season,, ford, 175 pound winner. Aftel the representation this year. Sorensen the Purdue five set a new all-time second overtime period, the referee is favored to take this event. The !high scoring record for the Big Ten gave his decision to the Easterner, all-campus champion, however, in a single game when it defeated who' had an advantage of 11 sec- will have to down two good men in Chicago, 64 to 16. ands. Stafford has been represent- Blowney and Stoddard to win, al- The school 'will, be a thorough ng Cornell in the heavyweight though Stoddard has been handi- one, touching upun all phases of division for ,the last two year4, capped for the past few weeks by the game from 'rules to the details and made 175 pounds for this meet. a shoulder injury. iof actual play. The Michigan entry weighs about 1,60 a dnA no n'l ty at . PURDUE TO MEET FACULTY family desires to rent salfurnished house. October, VARSITY GOLFERS to June, 1929-30. Call 21415. 4561 _______ !WE ARE taking the contracts now (I T. ne. for renovating mattresses and pli- F SpcYalT I. p . lows during summer vacation. LAFAYETTE, Id., April 1. - Reduced prices for large order. Seven dual meets, including five T. S. COLVIN Big Ten engagements, are included Ph~one 6652 'C 135 on the schedule for Coach Jack Pon____ 5_ __C___ Bixler's Purdue golf team an- NOTICE-We have a large selec- nounced today. The Boilermakers tion of Greeting Cards and Mot- will meet Illinois, Michigan, Chi- toes. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni. cago, Indiana and Northwestern in 13 Big Ten links struggles, while De- Pauw and Butler will be met in WE BUY USED CLOTHING non-conference engagements. B EJAM I Bixler, minus the services of 2HnBnJA PIn Johnny Lehman, last year's Boiler- 134c' maker captain who was one of the ___34_-_____ outstanding golfers in the middle NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of west and captured the state and Axminister and Wilton rugs. Big Ten individual titles, faces a Koch & Henne. c big task this season. 1, unu consequent y, was au a treat weight disadvantage in his out. Stafford has won the East- ern Intercollegiate heavyweight championship for the last two years. GRAVEL YOUR DRI KIL LINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 7112 or 7075 l .3 Fone ,how can I ";, # ' miake Whoopee up here ..w dowit in front the -coughers' are whooping?" C . r r 's ' F t k' . \.. , ' ; ; ;:.. > , x K R ti.: . . "Mi~aybe the aJni r vtl c at~i.f tpct the fooIdi ieii bs"l-avti t "w vc It,41he h t p r4'te t .lA ti te '4(?1I"laiJ4'IkcolIIM"'Idown Otit "roxlt, hu IILI.aaJ4!ilhe' d ",, E iuaagf d " r' Q i' ' te; es' , h .jutit. 'l "W~~hat ho need., toav~oid that ihrp at fickle, is anin ttjriolation Ia tol) GOLDS." ( $ i ; 'EP) C' - ""' . ,I' N vs i /d ! i. " "'C Conquering the Cascades r EDDIE CANTOR Premier American comedian starring in 21he glorious new pro- duction, "Whoopee." 0II ," ;" t f O 'U 1 1 11 ,() ~ cLI) (.i ;tcoet f;sa 0c'ai~''b';dcA "aa f :A, :" r-.I'' ,. iwcco, thae itxmL I atui'c gro1i.i. S'cciecd loo' ilkinc@ aud ~ripan.: ' Cr out tha e t of "i I ac It. bacfOjplant. A'r' and imellowiied1 cxlra Ii,I ip s Ieiimiuarritre ofC niid-lu} M.. --.. ..w 'w~. I4a lY ---(