T~iS MII-IICA' * tL r ... .._ s.rr.a. . Y cw r ENRLLMENT STARTS, FOR SUMMER GEOLOGY AoGYCM C FORMER PREM BIER CAMPAIGNS V JUNE 18 DATES TO JULY 27 SET AS FOR TENTH ANN~UAL SESSION UNIVERSITYCREDIT GIVEN' Ehlers WAI;j Direct Geology Field Work; Jamies Will Presenit Geography Courses With the publication of, a Uni- versity bulletin tellinig-the' partic- ulars of the geology and geography summer camp in Kentucky, eiroll- mient has begun for the, tenth sea- son of this annual summ~er session feature,. from June 18 to July 2'7,, at Camp Mills , Spring in the, Cumn- Berland valey. Prof. George M. Ehlers of the geology department will. again apt a~ director of the field station and will be in charge of~ the courses U~ geology. Prof. Preston _E: James of, the geography department' Willt give the field courses in geography, anid Ralph L. Belknap of the ge- ology -departmen~t',will have chargei 2of the work in' physiography.' Belknap To Teach r Belknap,, who in 'former years Wtas the second in command of the University of Greenland expedi- .bons, is taking the place of Prof. L. D. Scott of the geology depart- ment who has been given leave of absence to study 'the dune forma- tions. of Michigan.. The field work at~ Camp . Mills will offer the forty or fifty Stu- dents who take the courses oppor- tunity to do actual research work in their subject. After the more TIR[E [FACULTY 1 I. r%SCREEN REFLECTIONS __ H anue Swbre- iir "Wuerth"' Seeing' Incidentally, the Liberty Street For' ~ ~ uYLn RDIO Two of the lest pictures of the screen will be transformed from year have both visited this fair 'silent to speaking form while the town at the same time namely, "In-! great majority of students play A specimen,, 21th A icbigan ,Night Will ,Include. terferenge" and "Alias Jimmy Val-j around in the old back yard next tooth. tier is Tal : By Little, Lorch, And. entine", the former at the Wuerth' week. To bie exact, the first talk- Whitteamore ll week and the latter at the ing feature will arrive at the Dtichx- i aua -iMichigan until Wednesday night. igan April 10. If1pleted by Three talks by members, of theJj'As the second all-talking film at II More Power To The Maj!f preparateur of Unvesiy faulywil oprse.the downtown theater, "Interfer- William Boyd, an American "mo- mens, and pla rene" has helped the cause im-; tion picture player, arrives at the temi o the 4thMiciganNigt rdiomensely. From the standpoint of Majestic Theater in Ann Arbor, tuem program of the }current series rto excellent staging,'dretngIadMichigan, U. S. A., Wednesday, This skeletci be broadcast between 7 "and 8 photographing, this picture stands, April 3, 1929 A. D., in a new -film ed one of the o'clock next Thur sd ay ilght from as one of the, if not the best, f titled "Power" in which he is sup-( paleontology e. thene Mori hal tudo hroghtalkies yet. produced. The cast, all :ported by Alan Dale, and; that's by the local th e orshl tdotruhiof whom contribute, excellent per- that!chnewt !WJR, the Richards Oakland corn-j formances, speak their lines well In The .Fourth City California. it pany's$ "Good Will Station", of Do- I!and in a natural manner with noi Mrs. Fairbanks follows Mr. Fair- famous fossill troit. a.'ttempt at rhetorical splendor. banks 'in a talking picture at the La .Brea in Ca Pre~idtClaenc Cok itl We've always liked Clive Brook, United Artists in Detroit, just~ utnr will give the third and final talkand that noble looking Englishmani taken over by Kunsky. "Coquette"4F all th~e lard 'fhssre nmdclsbet came through with flying colors in! is Mary Pickford's first talking ye-lxhbtha His opi wil b "Pedipostio t~this talking film. Bill Powell gives i 'nicle and it seems to be going overthsie O Cancr as anInheite Trat."a masterful performance, dark-! well with audiences there. "H-earts tefmu haired revengeful, as dloes Evelyn; of Dixie" another all-Movietone Prof. Emil Lorch, associated Deanflm i a heFo adisliews Knight, a pit of the College of Architecture, will beenisatthpFxacedslie-ii spakonth "xenio o te Turning from the plots and i being praised by Detroit critics. be laced i Height of Building Line", while counter plots,. of the upper strata I A new- type of talking screen ,en- Halo Witeofe asociate pro-t afe crooks: tertainment is to be ; found at thel The tar be Heasroflandsemesiate will and cops in "Alias Jimmy Valera-! Adams in "The Broadway Melody" tiger was tak I alk, son "lanningate ernn iall tine" wherein Mr. William Haines) a musical comedy conglomerationj cause of thet Flower G ardeni for Color Effect." (of smart-alec fal-e does well in aI which seems likely to tenant thatI specimenxs fr43 Theodore Harrison, head of the new role. Originally a talkie, we theater for some time to come. Its cene , and e, voice department of the University doubt if it loses anything in its1 success will probably determine to which ha-ve "be School of Music, will be the soloist silent form, in fact, probably be-f a great extent the value of the since, it ,Was on this program. comes more entertaining by a talkiies in the legitimate field., 1animal death swifter plot action. B. ,I. A. Merriam of '0a Prepares Tooth Tiger 4ew . xhibitio n of a California sabre- 3nilodon Californicus) attitude, has been Mr. W. H, Buettner, of paleontology speci- "ced on exhibition in onm of the University in, which is consider- ,e show pieces of the exhibits, Was obtained institution in an ex- the Unive;rsity of G .was f ound in. the 1tar beds of Rancho who has prepared rqe pieces of th'e mounted =this tiger in ition as the tiger in inting. by Chiarles R. icture of which has in the case with the As -from which the ,en are f amous be- thousands ..of fossil qrn Pleistocene, Plio-- even modern times, Ren taken fron'i there discovered to be an trap by Dr. John C. 'aifornia in 1.906. ., ._ LloydPGeorge Erstwhile ,British premier,_delivering animpassioned speech on be- half .Qrf the Liberal Party candidates before a open-air gathering at Chesire, England. The famous stateman was an international fig-. ure during and immediately after the latter part of the World War and his. present, campaigning marks his return to the stump after a prolonged absence. In former days, his stirring speches were an outstanding factor in his niation~wide popularity. ____ ., > 3 " { s I I I I lim 11111 if [I ITTP I I Im I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I ,,IIIMRWIIII HIIIII1ii1i111111tt I t, l iE ttitt 4I CMBRIGE RAand LINCOLN AVE. Splendid location, for.a fraternity or sorority! Fx- ~tra large lot with about 190 feet frontage-on Cam- bridge 'Road and over 200 op Lincoln. Part of lot could. be sold off if desired. The residence is a spacious brick Colonial home intensive work at the station is completed, the field parties will make a reconnaissance trip east- ward across the Cumberland plat- eau, the Great Valley of Eastern Tennessee, the Great Smoky moun- tains, the Piedmont plateau, and the Atlantic coastal. plane. Trip To End In Washington The work is included as part of the work of the;,'summer school session and* regular University credit is, given. The party will break up in Washington, D. C., at the end of the reconnaissance trip. .Prof. Ehlers expects a large ap- plication list' which will exceed the limnited numnber which Camp .Mills Spring can accommodate. Stu- dents interested inl applying for the Work are asked to' obtain the bulletin of the field courses at the offices of. the Summer Session and to consult with the instructors in whose. courses they expect to en- 1roll. CABOT TO "DDRESS CLUB Dean Hugh Cabot of~ the Medical school will address the University of Michigan Club of Kansas City at its annual meeting, Wednesday night, 'April 17, it was, announced yesterday. of nine rooms, .equippcd with vapor steami heat, laundry, extra lavatories, etc. remodelled as desired'. Can be Service driveway on one sidce. At, the price of only ,$26,000, your c..sidCration is inerited. Terms are offered. F'or appointment call CALL MR. RUNNER with CHALESL. BROO60KS. RAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, INC,, Brooks Bldg. Office Pho ne .2257:1 Rcsidenc e I-4ign 5J97 1.111LIIIli I1111111 F1111111W111 I I I111111 I1111II11111lll l I i ti t I111111 I I 111111 MTI t ;111 I 111 ! M I I Ill lilt 11 4.1n I ..I.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It SO ,on ,M14...,............,. "' in 1 1.1 M.fl.i11I1M'11IIl111lfi!!IlllillltEll1111111111IIII)111111111I111111I1lIIII IIIII II1111111111111iIIIH1411 111111111111111It1lIIIINIiIIIIH1111.11 HIM I'M111111HlIIIi-4 , , I f T ICKETS & 1IESERVATIONbS For Altl I-portatt Lake and Ocean Lines Tours. Cryises Isufepeftdent 7 avje E. G. J~uebl r in. SteamshipiAgn 601 X. Hur~on .,phi 6412 "!l~tltlttl~tllttlttNltltRtBORl~tt FURS AND FUR COTS ' e Made Up, remodeled, Relined and Repaired Exclusive Workmanstip E. L. Greenbaumn a Ann . Arbor's Hest and Lowest I Priced Furrier 448 Spring St.; Dial 9625 Poetic Now 3rh)fl MiflYf Mm w __ _ __ _ Great states from wvheat seeds rc r a i i I Jan. 31, 1928 'Whleji you've lplawm d a trip for * fishing, And you've spent a lot of kale, flet the whole of your vacation On some advertiser's tale. Awd you fish a lake of beauty I idden in a land of dreams, Where the air is clean as sullsbine Haunted by songs of crystal streams. Comes the mioment when you're casting Ai1u a smasher hits your line, Tien you play Min, like a gamester With the battle going fine, 'Till a snag, a yank, and silence And the Iiine is hainging slack, While you grit your teceth a'id whistlet T. was vunprolitalbic wilderness, .most men though'lt. But James J. Hill had faith that it could grow wheat and so he built his railroad. Settlers turned the waste-land into wheat-land, the wheat into wealth, the wealth into great west- Systemare plantting the see(Is *f vast po'- sibilities for even hcttcr wcot tnicatiom. Out of the. belief that the Public needs a b~roader use of the telephone is gnow- img a constantly improved, long distance telephone service. Like the raroads of an earlier dlay, t his servicc is now tapping -ind helping to dlevelop rich new terri- tories of conlinicrmc ern states. Faith in the econormic future still the way. Right now men in the *Ti cpoil 11 -r 1N v " t