PAR O~ -T HFE MICHI GAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1929 I +N FORJUNRSTO ISTIAdd Two New Men MRSTo V jTo Language Stafl N CFor Next Semes iThieme Announces Appointn Of Chales Knudson An Jean Ehrhard f ter ment d i GOVERNOR GREEN MAY COMMUTE Engineers Convene PROHIBITION OFFENDERS' TERMS To Discuss Heating Methods For State Conference Is Designed To Bring °': About Closer Relations GROUP WILL GIVE PROGRAM AT KALAMAZOO COLLEGE CONVOCATION ZEE WILL BE SPOKESMAN1 Battle Creek, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, And Jackson To Be Principal Stops Two men of outstanding perso- nalities and of ability as teachers. and scholars will come to the Uni- versity next semester with the ap- pointment of Charles Knudson and1 Jean Ehrhard as assistant profes-I sors of French, according to Prof., Hugo P. Thieme, of the Romance languages department. Professor Knudson is to give par- timiul a.r fttenm tiAn t r F nrh litprn.- $ei nling April 8 and ext~endin ;UUUUt11U1l !. III il d prin 12, twenty foreign student ture and the language of the Mid- oil 12, tent foreig sr dle Ages. He received his doctorate will go on the eighth annual.. spring'a avr ihhnradhl yacation tour of Michigan cities. at Harvard with honors, -and held The trip includes a visit to each the Sherafe bllowship for two of the following cities on succes- years travel asroad. Although a live days:btte dCreGk, onday'; youngeman heas calready ,ubli h -Ke ays:zoo BuatterMndRay; ed a series of articles in one ~of the Kalamazoo, T y; p foremost of contemporary French ids, Wednesday; Lansing, Thurs- journals "He is a man of out- day; and Jackson, Friday. standing personal charm, of great In addition to inspection of in- culture, and of wide sympathies," dustrial plants and places of his- said Professor Thieme. ,trical interest, the group will give professor Ehrhard comes here a brief program at Kalamazoo col-Iro eborE rcoe here lege convocation and a half-hour from Middleboro college, where he was assistant professor. of French. radio program broadcast from ivsas trained at the Ecole Nor- Grand Rapids. male Superieure, in Paris, and re- Zee To Talk On China ceived his Agrege des Lettres in Mr. T. T. Zee, graduate student e1927 with highest honors, leading ijn .highway engineering, will- be his class. He is to specialize in the spokesman, for the party. His French literature of the nineteenth :talksdealing with aspects of con- and twentieth centuries. "Profes- temporary conditions in China, p01- sor Ehrhard is one of the most lical, social, and educational will' brilliant men to be turned out be given in all of the cities. .Atl from the University of Paris," said present, 17 persons are signed up 'Professor Thieme. ;t go, including Prof. J. A. C. Hild- Both men are to give advanced her, of the German department, ,and elementary courses in their and Carleton F. Wells, faculty man-Irespective fields. alter of the tour. The personnel as it is as follows: A. ier Anders ARBOR C ER sen, J. C. Conroy, S. H. Sankas, T. COMBINE IN NEW CU Pj T. Zee, Yun-Kwun Yang, Stanfordi ' Seo, K. A. L. Suez, Graham Chen,' Ann Arbor is soon to have a new Andrew Zee, K. W. Kwan, Ray-'framing and printing shop, the S. xaond Chan, Ning Fong, Eugene and S. Supply Store, located on Lattimore, S. S. Asgarzade, Amir H. Maynard near Liberty. Uzri, Professor Hildner and Mr. The business is a combination of Wells. It should be noted that five the Craft Type Shop, owned by oditiodalnstudents can . be ac Walter M. Stiller, and. a framing baodatcd and any wish Mr. Wellsconcern headed by J. B. Saunders. soon as possibe. lBoth have been, in business for many years in Ann' Arbor. I With University . iContinuing their sessions which I opened yesterday morning, morej than 70 engineers and industrial administrators are in attendance today at the Michigan, Industrial * f ..Heating conference being held at the Union, by the Michigan Manu- .. : ~facturers' association in co-opera- lion with University, the Consum- ers Power company, and the De- troit Edison company. The conference is designed to r :. '" take the University, with its re- sources and staff, available to- the industries of the state, with a view to closer cooperation. Yesterday's session centered onz Sthe discussion of the electric fur nace equipment of the Dodge Bros. plant in Detroit and descriptions 1iof other heat treating appliances. Papers were presented yesterday at the morning session by Prof. A. * kt E. White, director of the University bureau of engineering research; ,:: rProf. C. F. Hirshfeld, chief engi- neer, Detroit Edison company, and A. D. Dauch, engineer for the I George J. Hauan company, Pitts- Among those most directly af- burgh. fected by the passage of Michi, At ;the luncheon meeting -F. C. gan's WVatson bill, which strkes Young, chemist and .metallurgist' prohibition offenses from the list for the Ford Motor company spoke; of felonies outlined in the habitual on "Ford Steel and Heat Treat- riminalcode which provides life 'ment"; W. B. Wallis,- president of imprisonment for fourth offenders, the Pittsburgh Electric Furnace are Mrs. Etta Mae Miller, left top, company, discussed "Melting of 'and Clarence, Tripp, below. Gov- Grey Iron" ; and R. T. Cadwell, en- ernor Fred W. Green, right above, gineer Holcroft and company, De- is expected to commute their sen- troit, presented "Electric Forging tences. Furnaces." s1 Organist Will Give Recital Wednesday Palmer Christian, University or- ganist, will give his weekly twilight concert at 4:15 o'clock, Wednesday in Hill auditorium. The general public, with the exception of small children is invited to attend. The program will include Hanff's Choral Prelude on "Ein feste Burg,' Sonatina from the Cantata "God's Time is Best" and Fugue in E flat (St.. Anne's) by Bach, Prelude on an ancient Flemish Theme-Gil- son, Choral Prelude on "Rejoice, ye Pure -in Heart"-Sowerby, Drifting :Clouds-d'Antalffy, Allegro conspi- rito (Sonata 111)-=-Borowski, Scher- zo-Rousseau, Traume - Strauss- .Christian, and Prelude and Fugue I in Bach-Liszt. News From Other Colleges FRATERNITY MEMBERS LIMIT "HELL WEEK" TO ARE POORER SCHOLARS SHORT PERIOD AT OHIO UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA.- OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY- According to a report recently Rules limiting "lell Week" aetivi- completed here, the scholastic ties to 36 hours will go into effect average of non-fraternity men and April 12 and 13, dates set for spring women is higher than that of their quarter initiations in all fraterni- fellow students:"affiliated Withties and sororities. Every effort such organizations. The report will be made to enforce the ruling indicates that of the twenty -fra- which was passed by the Council ternities and soroities on the on. Student Affairs some tine ago. camtpus, fifteen "ranked "below the. - general average for all students. I N BUREAU USES EW ..- DATING iR UUS ,NE PRINCETO N FRESHMEN HAVE SYSTEM AT WASIINdN U. QUEER TASTES, VOTES SHOW r iUNVERSITY .OF WASHINP- I PRINCETON, N. J.-Princeton TON.-There is a dating bureau on frosh prefer a Phi Beta Kappa key the Uiiversity of Washington cam- Ito a varsity letter, a college girl to pus. A card index of all men and any other kind, and would rather women students is being made 'up support a college paper than a containing the names of all those football team, a ballot held here available for parties and dances. COOPERATIVE BUYING WILL FIND GRADE CARDS HELP CUT FRATERNITY EXPENSES OHIOSTUDENTS AVERAGES UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA.- OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY.- A. .plan for cooperative buying ,for The practice of sending grade re- 'campus fraternity houses aiming ports to the parents of students, to reduce expenses for these or- which was inaugurated last se- ganizations is now being consider- 1 mester, met with marked success ed by the inter-fraternity council. in improving the general scholas- "It has been found among Oreek tic average, according. to Miss letter societies in many places that Helen Clark, assistant iegistrar. expenditures for commodities such The practice will be continued, and as food and coal could de -apiprec- the parents of failing students ably reduced by cooperative pur- will receive a report all' deficiencies chasing,? says Dean Otis McCreery, before the regular reports are sent. president of 'the council. -S -means a spotless garment, fariC soft and springy ..and pressed and Yu've a right to expeCt such work. T a 19 Rmember our "ash and Carry~ priCes .sve you ,m ney, too'! We're open ungin p. mi Whio tote; s wieo ane -'oLAUNDRY COMPANY OPEN UNTIL 8P, M. - -Across from the Majestic S e e Dawn Donuts The i r r . .{ E Partner for- your Coffee at Breakfast Bismarcks and Raised nuts at all the Stores and Restaurants. Strings . . Supplies Repairs for all Musical Instruments Sch-brl on MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. I Our Don Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $2.25 for the half year. Detroit Theaters SHUBERT AFAYETTE ONE IWEEKi ONLY Ee World Renowned D'OYLY CARTE OPERA CO. Nights, 75e, $1, $1.50,.$2,.$3 -Matinees TImrsda and Saturday. 50c,.$1, $1.50, $2 Stiller, having lost his shop in the. Arcade fire, moved into his present quarters, where he was joined by Saunders, who has been' doing framing work for 32 years. The store in now open for busi- ness, but since all supplies have not yet arrived, a formal opening Will not take place until the mid- dle of April. PROF. PHILLIPS WILL LECTURE -"Southern Architecture" is the subject of an illustrated lecture to be delivered by Prof. U. B. Phillips at 4:15 today in the auditorium of the architectural college. Although he is a professor of history, he has made an intensive study of this type of architecture. ------ Otretoh the Check from home. Spend less for food S have mo r for fun. Shredde Wheat-for breakfast and for midnight supper. Delicious and economical. Help :you Work and lets you sleep. Shredded W CASS THEATRE Geo. Choos Presents CYCLONIC MUSICAL COMEDY HELLO YOURSELF with WARING'S PENNSYLVANIANS and Chorus of 50 Bewitching Dancers NIGHT PRICES: $100, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.85 Saturday Matinee: $1.00 to $2.50 J WI Kee-s you acive a nd alert 4 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily S"TE "SCREEN UERT SPEA KS The Art of the Films fill I NOW $ LAST TIMES TODAY The -latest and last co-starring feature of these famous screen lovers is the most thrilling romance they have ever made. All the world will love "Two Lovers." Watch out for Jimmy Valentine 1ne s in town, and he Weans business! If you'vec got gold, he'll get that! And if you have a girl, he'll steal her heart! Never has Bill Haines had a role like that of the gallant cracksman! SEE IT. WILL IAM PERFECT ALL TALKING PICTURE - ell-r £ , 2E51 v; l ,a Y. s NJ $ I\ V"Interference!." A Man rose from the dead to" in- flict the penalty! And LOVE was the motive! The screen's most gripping drama! !* .. I.- I 2:.00 3:35 35e loc 7:00 with 7 LIONEL BARRYMORE KARL DANE = LEILA HYAMS - The greatest of all crook dramas lives again on the screen as William Maines' finest romantic role. ~VELYN BRENT CLIVE BROOK DORIS K ENYON WILIMPOWELL ;/ k,~ I 1 Aw