.. a _ _ ,,, ,, LAHOMA AGGES WIN NATIONAL WRESTLING R IA 'ASKI-JUMPER IS AWARDED ERHir SCHOOL TO. HAVEH ii ~Iill LRIt I MAJOR BADGER LETTER, FRATE Rn vz BTTLE BASEBL'LTEAM AI1 ACE11 IESM Sh (Special To The. Dil) Baseball as a high school sp r N O Thirte en officia e W awards, in Ann A rbor w ill be resumed this S-five junior letters and twenty-four spring for the first time since freshmen numeral sweaters were! Wuisconsin Sugeats!93we optiinwt tt awarded University of Wisconsin Sigma Alpha Mu Leads Theta Chi 1913 when competition with state t alTournament Unrorm tl#Ig ility athletes by the Athletic Council at By 14 Points With Three high schools was abandoned. Inter- their regular meeting this week.! Events Remaining 'class games hate served to keep trt Tesda (Special To The Daily) 'Ten members of the championship'the game alive among the students The Wiougsin. student athletic Badger basketball team received, DELTA SIGMA PHI THIRD since that time. a CHICAGO arch 30-Precedeutbhs board, through. its president, John thevarsity monogram. ____Wys n fefthat cn tspr ime-.faomtghetin badeof farer; youths McCarter, of Madison, today sag- Nineteen frosh cages were voted WiWays of financing the sport with- from the tiny hamlet of Joes, Colo- gested that the University faculty their numerals and sweaters with With the fall and winter seasons out adding additional burdens to rado, the vanguard of America's co-opetate with the faculties of thirteen other first year men were of Intramural activities completed, the athletic association have been I best high school basketball teams other Big Ten schools for the pur-,given numerals only. Six officials Sigma Alpha Mu and Theta Chi found and this accounts for the arrives tonight, seeking honors in pose of securing uniform eligibility, "W's" were awarded members of the are far ahead of th.e rest of the1 revival of the diamond game. Sea- the University of Chicago's eleventh requirements. in the conference. Wisconsin hockey team, and three field n the matter of tot int son tickets are being sold and the annual national tournament.. A small group: in. the Badgers were given the junior emblem. ima A- sum netted from these coupled Forty teams from 33 states will faculty led by P. A Raushenbush Eight yearling hockey men were d. Sigma Alpha Mu has with donations by business men compete for the championship. of the economics, department, and granted numerals. amassed a total of 853 points to will pay the expenses of the nine. Pairings will be announced tonight Prof. Walter Sharp, a political sci- Two varsity letters will be worn Theta Chi's 839. With only the I "Dobie" Drake, a member of the and play starts Tuesday morn- entist, is attempting to ra-ise the this year by students competing for baseball, tennis, and horseshoe physical education staff in the high ing. eligibility requirements at Wiscon- the university in winter sports. tournaments remaining to be play- school, has been appointed coach From past performances, six sin. Knute Dahl, ski jumper, and Bobby ed, one of these two fraternities by Louis Hollway who is head teams stood out as heavy favorites The athletic board pointed out Ocock, speed skaters, are the pair ,seems assured of first place in the coach. The first practice will be to cop the national title. They that seven schools in. the Western recognized by the 'Council. There standings. held on Monday probably at the I were Joes, Colorado state chain- conference already have lower re- were also some junior awards made Third in the race for high scor- new city athletic field near Island pions, Johnston City, Illinois cham- quirements that the Badger school. to skaters and skiers. ing honors is Delta Sigma Phi, Park. i pions, and Wheeler, Miss. Jliit I~l~ttl71B1If.11IN~#IIt1 itlh. 785. points, It is followed by M I lalltM11 1H ta~iltailiiilllullllla~g ii g iggHi 711ts s IapalitF111111! 11 1111 11rt l rrrll l ll111111rlfilflltf1111111 ililitil1111 v Phi Beta Delta, with 742, and Kap - - Spa Nu with 734. Three fraternities - boast scores of 600 or better. They - are Tali Kappa Epsilon, 604; Alpha i WtKappa Lambda, 627; and Phi Kap- - (m illilntunn~tf illim~IllnJillil1 tlllui tilliillt ~ilfl iliilfil~llil lli tltlillr pa Psi, 617. Included in 'the list= 1III 114111111111111111111t] 1111111tN111 1111111 1111111111111Illilill1ll With the collapse of Heine game cups will be aw- ed for ranging from 500 to 600 are found With Ferry Field too muddy to of the inning however Centenni Schuble as, a candidate to fill his the' best defensive work as well Phi Chi, 590; Phi Sigma Kappa, practice on the varsity baseball struck out on three pitched all important shortfield berth as the best ofensive mp syel 579; Tau Epsilon Phi, 540; Beta ,candidates shifted to the corner' balls from Jim Hil. ~nager Harris has announced his of the passing gase at he Theta Pi, 530; Theta Xi, 519; and of south Ferry Field for their game, intention of sending' Charley Geh- nell spring football Coatie-, Alpha Delta Phi, 505. with the Yannigans. Bursts of goodI Jim Hill's brother catching for ringer to-fill the shortstop position. - The nextten highest scorers in baseball interspersed with periodsthe recruits could do little against Harris hi'mself will be forced to Cthe order named are as follows: of little activity marked the prac- Ihim, being put out at first on an share the guardianship of the key- Clarence Crabbe, Americas Olym- Sigma Chi, Chi Psi, Alpha Omega, tice session against the recruits. { infield grounder. Pitcher Hill, stone sack along with his ma distance swim star, provede' ISigmaa Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi after striking Centenni out on agerial dutiesw lner over Arne Borg, Sweden's Kappa, Tau Delta Phi, Triangle, On a good hit and run play three pitched balls repeated his long distanceo ace, in a 400 meterAlpha Tau Omega, and Beta Sigma Neblung forced Corriden in to performance on Wheeler to retire Much depends on the ability was iatHonolulu Thursd.Borg Psi. Sixty other fraternities were score ahead of him when he the side: oM the tenoeramentai i Geh-h lead at the first turn also entered in the competition, rapped out x pretty double. itaer te master the chres of but Crabbe overtook him at the but all fell short of 330 points.b After hitting a hard liner just the short~isto T The wlerville halfway mark and led thereafter. The winners and the runners- Moody, varsity second baseman, over McCoy's head at first, lad has been a good second e finished 12 yards ahead of the up in the various forms of competi- hit a long clout out into right field Squiers neglected to touch the baseman. In facg we believe Scandinavian. tion are. as follows: speedball won! and stretched it into a triple when first sack and was called out him, to be the equal of any of by Sigma Alpha Mu, Delta Sigma Eastman fell after a valiant at- after he safely reached sedond. the- kepers of th middje sacal C. C. Pyle who held the piro- Phi second; cross country won by tempt to. catch the fly. The ball" iIt looked like a. nice two-bag-1 in proessionaL oompany. verbial bag for over $100,000 in I Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa I just escaped Eastman's finger tips ger. but the umpire called him4 his last major attempt as a second; dual swimming won by Phi and he lost his balance in stretch- out when he missed the first With Jolwnnie Neun and Lu Blue Isporting promoter in financing Kappa Psi, Theta Chi second; in too far for the speed in which corner sack. no longer available for duty at the "bunion derby" of last year water polo won by Theta Chi, Phi he was travelling. first base and Mc anus the will try another cross-country I Beta Delta second; wrestling won IMcAfee hit out a long poke into Tigers third sacker no longer his pro by Phi Beta Delta, Delta Sigma Phi Centenni, playing second for center field that at first looked former self in the fielding depart- mater insists that this year's second; handball won by Alpha Ithe Yannigans, made two nice like a homer b.ut he pulled up at ment, although he still swings a race will assume all the char- Omega, Sigma Alpha Mu second; catches of the hits of Myron the third sack. I was a nice hit, wicked bludgeon. It seems as though aeteristics of a fiasco from a "A" team basketball won by Phi and McCoy. McCoy's poke be- curving to the right and over the Detroit will boast one of her usual financial standpoint and claims Sigma Kappa, Alpha Delta Phi sec- ing a fast liner a few feet to Icenter fielder's head. mediocre- inner lines of defense that his net profit should total ond; "B" team basketball won by the left of the recruit second unless the second base and short- considerably more than hisSigma Chi, Phi Sigma Delta sec- sacker, In the Yannigan's half stop positions are just a little disastrous loss of last year. ond; volley ball won by Phi Lambda ' more than capably filled. Kappa, Kappa Nu second; bowling also announced its spring schedule. For the benefit of the The inimitable former manager won by Delta Sigma Delta, Alpha There will be six events on the The training season has been of Red Grange is back with a Delta Phi second; foul throw won Icards, competition in whichf will go home for Easter] a disastrous one from the point bigger and better organization, by Delta Sigma phi, Sigma Alpha begin immediately following spring of view of games won and lost more prize money, and a hokums Mu second; relay won by Phi Sigma vacation. Regulation baseball will'reanol for the Detroiters but there Show, to prove that the 1929 bun- Kappa, Alpha Sigma Phi second; be played by the various class seems to be lot of baseball in ion derby can be operated at a indoor track won by Theta Chi, Tau teams, with soft ball games featr ASL EA the Bengal clan which has not handsome profit. About 100 assort- gKappa Epsilon second; and swim- emg the fraternity and independent S been brought to the surface as ed entries will start on the first lap ming meet won by Phi Kappa Psi, schedules. Three tennis tourna- D I yet. from New York City today for Alpha Kappa Lambda second. ments will take place, the all-cam-I Elizabeth, New York. The Intramural department has 1 pus, fraternity, and all-frosh.S d Harris expects much from his - li iliaill iliiliiinlrillir11111111Fiifiti11111111111 1ii1 1ii 111111111lli lerlvi : pair of young outfielders, Johnson - with his new moundsmen, Johnny l ehg a+ Yi .S PdhI Em-Td 'eore CROuW N ES HIS OWN RECORD. PSON AT TEXAS RELAYVS TEXAN EASILY OUTCLASSES REST OF FIELD TO TAKE EVENT NURMi GIVES EXHIBITION Two Interscholastic And Thirteen Meet Marks Are Shattered Before Big Crowd Claude Bracey, wearing the col. ors of Rice Institute, smashed his own mark in the century dash in leading George Simpson of Ohio State in the sprint classic of the Texas relays, to the tap in the sen- sational time of :09.5. The flying Texan, a member of the 1928 Olym- pic team, garnered the major share of the attention in a meet which practically every existing mark was sent by the boards. In almost all the events the marks were either equalled or bettered. Besides the record that Bracey set, two intercollegiate rec- ords were broken and 13 meet rec- ords shattered. Bracey so easily outclassed the other entrants in the 100 yard dash that it made his run all the more spectacular to the 7,000 Texans gathered in the Uni- versity of Texas stadium. Nurmi Runs To add to the glamour of the meet Paavo Nurmi, the greatest middle distance runner in the world, put on an exhibition two- mile race against the stars of the lone state. As was expected, the Flying Finn was never pushed for I time all during the race and finish- ed with a safe margin. Todd Defeats Baldwin In the all around championship for relays a new star came to the fore. Robert Todd, University of Indiana athlete defeated the pre- vious title holder, Leo Baldwin of Texas, by running up a total of 5,238% points as against 5,204% the champion amassed. In the early part of the relays Baldwin was leading the field with a margin of , 108 points, but his failure to finish better than last in the half mile cost him the title. ose who are unable to Day we are serving a ne-Cooked oTER SUNDAY } 1 r ] 00 to 10:00, ARK'S Uhle, and Frank Barnes. Yde and-' Uhle may be ranked as veterans 1 from the point of experience and Dinner Today should go far as a steadying influ- ence on the younger flingers. ChiCken or Stea In view of stimulating devel- with everything opment of the Big Red aerial -- ~Save Money_ Badger Crew Uses Lake Save M ne y -with Meal TicIkets (By Associated Press) = Aimkeepsie regatta, Wisconsin's varsity . erew was under heavy taining to- FAMOUS FOR FOOD day. George Murphy, new Badger Over Slater's coach, sent his crew on Lake Men- dota for their 'first outdoor work. SlI lllilfllllllilfflllililllifllflflllfllifflliffllflffillilfflfltlllfllfliliifilfilifflliififffiiiii Paid for Your N..r L r. I 1 2 O South University Discarded Clothing CLAUDE BROWN SPhone616 115 E. Ann St. I' ___________________________________________NOW__, I Subscribe to The Michigan Daily err: .. Ir We Want to Talk to p. a'[! !nF9nr-% Fn Fir" rW.' i.P-1ryawfta-i wow-m Nom-w w-cc-i sewio% Pnwa"wm% #-% w% r% vF4P" -%mnmr-4mM.RS ram Fraternity House Stewards A bout Mountain Valley Water --what m hit it will make when substituted for ou; harsh city water, how the, chapter will like its bland taste and sparkling puriVy!: Come in-let us give you a glass of chilled Mountain Valley Water at the soda fountaiu. andi explain why every fraterliity house should use it. BMW ?-lam 11 i1 1 REGULATION 'amilk a Go Oficial University Outfit 15 Years Experience Supplying Senior We guarantee these to be new Caps an and also guarantee delivery ters Classes d Gowns, Chicago TH STORES OE LYNN W. FRY 318 North, Ingalls Street Wins the Weekly Camera Prize The framed enlargement will be made as soon as he brings in his favorite negative. It will be a beautif iece of work, too- tyjical of our Photo Departuient. The Dental Building- this Week's Camera Subject. Snap it-leave the film at 4ny of our stores. That enters you i" the contest. If your snapshot is judged best. you may have any $3.50 article in our stor;,, free, as your reward! This con- test is proving extremely popular with local camera fans. Try it! Representing E. R. MOORE CO. of World's Largest Outfitters ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN AT BOl GEO. J. I Calkins-Fletcher Ul. I l ul V -f tai 1111 !!l1' 1111 1111,