rou THE MICHIGAN DAILY U AM i ,GFTf S I i 29 Published every morning except Monday du injg the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. ar Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.- The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the ..use for republication of all news dispatches credited to, it or not otherwise credited in 'this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at An Arbor, Michigan, is second class matter. Special rate of postag" granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, Aices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- siard Street., ; Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 22214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR. KENNETH G. PATRICK, Editor........... ..Nelson.1.Smith City Editor............'1. Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Richard C..Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. -atone Tale Taoh Editor............. George Stautei Musicand Drama. ..........R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar Night Editors j 'E.h E. Howell Charles S. Monroe snald 3. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams, Donald E. Layman Morris Aiexandf? Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram AskwifN Henry Merry Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife Arthur klernste'&a Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L.R. Chubb Rachel Shearer t -sink N Covper Howard Simon Helen Donine Robert L. Slos Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansea Robert J.. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry BethValentine Ruch Geddes Gurney ,Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Welter Wilds 'Richard Jung George E. Wohlgeniuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey ,Cleland Wyllie tems to the attention of the powers that be as well a.s the gen- eral public. An investigation of the organization of the govern- mental machine will disclose many confused functions, mixed respon- sibilities, hazy powers, and alto- gether antiquated means of prop-j erly carrying out the very impor-l tant functions of government that are left in the hands of officials. In addition to the element of far greater efficiency being possible as a result of such a -reorganization' which would combine where com- bination of functions is advisable and which would separate powers where responsibility is confused or duties are unwisely grouped there would result an 'annual saving to the government of many millions of dollars according to figures; pre-" pared by Rep. Williamson, chair- man of the house committee on expenditures in the executive de- partment. President Hoover has for some years advocated such changes, but since many of the changes would affect offices established and con- trolled by statutory law, the ac- tive co-operation of Congress is necessary in order that anything be accomplished in the movement for reform. At any rate, the coun- try at large looks to Washington for definite action on the proposi tion.. Let us hope that something concrete will be accomplished in the direction of greater efficiency. , 0 TOASTED ROLL GOV., GREEN 5,4PROTESTS -a i tI I 1 /11 " . f -1-1.1-11,11- BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214' BUSINESS MANAGER ; EDWARD L. HULSE Assistaat Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Manag r8 advertising........ ... ,....Alex BK. Scherer Advertising...........A. James Jordan Advertising..............Carl W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnum Lirculation ..........:..... George S. Bradley Accouns............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.................Ray M. Hofelich Mary Chase Jeanette Dale ernor Davis Bessier Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg, KasperGHalverson George Hamilton Jck Horwich Di Humphrey Assistants jui ion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie _Wellstead : , Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1929 TODAY IS EASTERj For the "first time in several .years, the student body is spending Easter Sunday in. Ann. Arbor, with school still in session. In the past few years, this day has come during the Spring vacation perioduand has enabled the large majority of the student body to spend its Easter week at home. This year, however, the Regents were unable to include it in the vacation 'e- riod.1 To a great many Easter means only the date on which new modes of dress are displayed to the won- dering public, the date on which one performs the semi-annual or annual function of church atten- dance, or the- date on which one seeks colored eggs in secret places.' Churches decorate their interiors with flowers and choirs sing an- thems to an audience attentive with eye than ear. In fact, it ap- pears that in recent years, the rea- son for Easter has been forgotten for the) accessories. Not thatdthe accessories should be set aside ;for a pious .attitude, for the latter would probably be more false than the former. In fact, the whole idea of dressing up in gay, new costume must be praised rather than set aside as a mere display of egoism aid self- satisfaction. The idea bears out' the theme of Easter Sunday: some- thing radiant and new. Perhaps,, onsecond thought, Easter spirit may be best expressed by this cus- tom, for it is in many ways char- acteristic of the event, although, far too capitalized. Easter Sunday is held to com-l nemorate the Resurrection, per-c haps Christianity's most glorious1 date. It should carry with it thec power to bring the human mind toc bear upon a great and far-reaching event. To this end, the churchesc plan their special programs, their., flowery decorations, their atmos- phere for this day. On such a. day1 as this, none should mind church attendance. The services lift them-1 selves beyond the routine Sunday-f to-Sunday ones. Church atendances is a pleasure on this day, and with1 this in mind, the students shouldf plan to attend a service today tof help commemorate Christendom'sv greatest date: Easter Sunday. t GOVERNMENTAL EFFICIENCY 1 BASEBALL AND THE M. I. A. A. Following- on the heels of an an- nouncement that Alma college, one of the smaller schools in the state, would support no baseball team this spring, comes a similar story that Kalamazoo college has done the same, thus eliminating two contenders for the M. I. Ai A. race. The. reason given in both cases is that baseball does not produce enough funds to justify its reten- tion on the sport calendar. Insofar that baseball does not pay its way as an intercollegiate sport might be said in at least 95 per cent of the colleges in this country today. Nearly every school that boasts a baseball team makes up the deficit incurred from the football receipts. The Fall sport has grown to such proportions that it pays for the other competitions, and sometimes has some left over. In a few schools, basketball breaks even, but limited space counter- acts the cash effect of - large crowds. It is probably necessary that these smaller schools drop baseball from its list, and yet it is deplorable that the axe must fall upon the one game that is gen- erally known as "the Great Amer- ican sport". In a little more than two weeks, tens of thousands of fans will awaken from winter, lethargy to cheer on 16 contenders for the two major league pennants. In no sport is interest so general, so dis- played, and so protracted as in baseball. It appears that there is a great iovd between interest in major leag- ue baseball and the collegiate ver- sion. In recent years schools have found it necessary to drop baseball because it is unsupported. Yet it is this branch of the game that has supplied the majors with some of their greatest luminaries. There must be some explanation for the difference between the large at- tendance records, the interest, and the moneymaking possibilitiesof major league ball and the small attendance, the small receipts, and the general disinterest shown to- ward the college sport. It may be that spring is too full of other things for students to evince an interest in the national pastime, while the league fans seek baseball as an outlet for winter-bound emo- tions. The dropping of baseball from school sports has another phase that has been discussed andre-! discussed in other sports: thataof commercialised atheltics. Coach John Kobs of Michigan State has pointed out that if other M. I. A. A. colleges drop baseball, that the schools .ho maintain teams will have to go farther afield in search of opposition. This will mean that teams will have to play more than one or two games with the same opponents, or will have to risk the incurring of heavier financial obligations by traveling farther to play. In a University such as this, it is hard to see the importance of such a move or the reason for it.' Here and in other large schools, football makes so much that. other sports .can coast by with big ex-' penditures and yet money is left. But in smaller schools, where the football crowds are "mammoth" when 500 are present, and where the field is enclosed with boards, it is a matter of sink or swim. Football must remain for it pays;. Ed. Note: Now that our little governor has decided to protest about the im- moral practice of distributing free cigarettes to little boys and girls at the University of Michigan, we can soon expect investigations and bans on almost anything. A fitting reply, we feel, is Ex- pressed in Yellit's immortal clas- sic, his ode to the ciggy butt. We may, we suppose, look to the time when physical exercise at M|ichigan will consist of bouncing little rubber balls against the walls of Waterman's gymnasium. ODE ON INTIMATIONS OF THE IMMORTALITY OF THE CIGGY BUTT To G. F. All hail, thou smouldering ciggy butt, Be thou Lucky, Chesterfield, or what, Old Gold, thou treasure of them all- But why shouldst little Angell hall? All hail, thou half-extinguished weed That comforted man in hourly need, Thou blessed respite in life's wild trammel- But what sme'Is worse than a dying Camel? Oh banished butt. but not yet gone, Not relegated yet to the cam- pus lawn, No printed warnings tacked on the wall Have taken thee yet from Ang- ell hall. So elevate still thy stagnantt stenches Thou mashed butts 'neath mouldy benches- No signs can remove the tobac- co yearning From President Angell's Hall of Learning. Come, students, from your deadly classes, Light cigarettes inside the door, And departing leave behind you Mashed butts upon the floor. Score ye not the bold professor He who tells you not to smoke. Must not his sense of humor have Its semi-annual joke? Flick your ashes on the steps- Preserve those steps of stone! Ay, maybe then th' insidious moth Will leave thos steps alone. Scratch matches on those noh'e pillars That hark back to the Greeks, For all the sooner will they look Like genuine antiques. And sing, O Muse, of the jani- tors' wrath- How they loom through the bluish haze, Plying their brooms among the butts Sweeping them up with angry gaze. Singof the sweat upon their brows As they toil in the summer heat, Cursing while they do their best To keep our building neat. Praise the speed of these worthy tmen As across the floor they go, Like flivvers taking hills on high When the gas is getting low. Smoke on, you men of Michi- gan, The lighted butt still flout: The Regents have not acted ye~t To rule your smoking out. Enjoy the privilege while you tmay, Old time flies like an eagle, And the self-same butt you smoke today Tomorrow may be illegal. 0 0 Music And Drama f THIS AFTERNOON: The eighth of the series of Faculty Concerts will be given by the University Symphony orchestra, in Hill auditorium at 4:15 sharp. "THE FRONT PAGE" At the Wilson tonight opens one of the big thrills of the year, "The Front Page", authored by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. From .the first line, a line that sends the cur- tamn hurtling up with a smash that reechoes all evening, the show is one dizzy thrill after another of the blaring melodrama newspaper men have discovered to be the in- gredients of what other people call life. News of the nature of the show has too well penetrated this vicin- ity to require further comment than that newspapermen rarely wear gloves in their business and the, authors of this show have used them not at all in displaying the extraordinary gamut of experiences criminal court reporters can enjoy. The cast Jed Harris has collected is the Chicago organization which was constituted to satisfy the: demands of a patriotic Chicago anxious to applaud the work of a f couple of "home boys"-a work that was rocking a supercilious New York and still is-and Harris has cast beautifully to type. Roger Pryor, the lead last year in "The Royal Family", plays the enviable Hildy Johnson and with Fuller Mel- lish, Jr., heads a fast moving gang who make up the show. REDEVPTION Reviewed By P. M Jack The imiportance of Redemption, as I see it, lies in its complete justi- fication of Play Productions. To an observer like myself, who has followed the development of this gr:oup of players throughout the year, the progress from play to play has been remarkably evident. In Redemption, all that has been Ilearned in different directions has been co-ordinated by a single in- telligence that seems to pervade the I entire company. The result is a performance that I do not hesitate to describe as memorable, The settings and general produc- tion are for the first time really satisfactory. One has always praised the producer for his ingenuity. But here, in scenes 4,.5, and 7, one praises him for the effectiveness and beauty of his sets. There is no! vulgar displY f realisni; the effects are subtle symrboli, and satisfying. They tellame that . Mosss 'tavern arrangement (se.7) was more im pressive. That may very well be. But Mr. Windt, or Mr.' Foster, or1 Mr. Holden, or whoever is respon- sible for the settings and lighting, has done his job as well as it need be done. Nothing more can be tried until' further lighting potentialities are at the disposal of the group. The direction of the play was particularly competent, and this is the more praiseworthy because of the curious episodical nature of Tolstoy's drama. With the excep- tion of the uncomfortable scene with the examining magistrate, which needs to be rethought, the performance was entirely coherent. Mr. Berry in his stage managing was very able, if very noisy. Mne. Pargment is to be congratulated on the, direction of the choir. Mr. Windt is to be congratulated at all points. The acting was perhaps less im- portant 'than the direction, but there is a great deal one would wish to say if one had the space. Mr. Truesdale Mayers does here what he has always promised to do, and, with the exception perhaps of Miss Miller in The Play's The Thing, I do not recall a nore cap- able perform-nance within the last two years. A little more emotional variation in his voice, however, iF necessary for so prolonged an ap- pearance on the stage. He begins by having a better quality of voice than any other; but he d.aes no end with any appreciable bettering of it. As it is he has a sense of emotional behaviour generally far beyond the reach of an amater Miss Leone Lee was Russian, Tol stoyan, fresh, naif, altogether charming. No happier choice could have been made. But Miss Shirley King is still obviously their best comedienne. She has, or seems to have, no tragic effectiveness. She played well, as did Mr. Peake andI Miss Tennant, and as they always do; but neither was the whole char- acter at any time. Perhaps there has not been sufficient :practice in this type of drama. My last word must be in praise of Play Productions for attempting I *EEUEUEUEEUEUUUEUEEEWEEEU EEEUUE Eu...... ENNUNE EUN EUW EUE EUUEUEUUUUEEUUEE WAGItR&COMPANY Jfor Ti/en c"§ -J&nce l&4 i Read The Classifed Ads on Page 7 c AnrSrigVaato ]a A ND E VER1Y TH I NG I S G E NE RA LLY' C R OW DED I N TO T HE L A ST F EW D AYS - clean before you leave for home. Genrally this iopotant faCtor is ralized one or two days before departure, and necessarily means hurry and sometimes disappointment when your desires are not fulfilled. Why not take an inventory immediately and send your Clothes tO THE VARSITY the first thing Monday norning, so that they will be returned to you Wednes- day afternoon or Thursday morning at the latest. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY EARLY ® rI m _- 31 e rr~eTsirE Irlsh Homespuns fashioned by the skilled tailors of HICKEY- FREEMAN - the ultimate choice of the well dressed men who demand individuality in their apparel. These homespuns are very popular for the spring outfits - either three or four-piece A4