'Tiq Pv H, ATHT, dx+' ry MOOFI I fAEII JJpfl gPretty girl Flyers Continue Battle MATH MATIP, PAPrP 'IssoowRides IWISSN VOER WLL CONSIDER gfw r .Ltw 1WI;ior world's Endurance Flight Record""'lull [ Bot3 Of Bosos1___ (By Ascite lI aloc bMILWAUKEE, March 30.-An- f almi I oh sides as having an importantina 0 HED I TIU INFour Mvichigant Professors Speak ~ bearing on Wisconsin's future beene York AndChicagoo course in enforecement, will be de- gl 1f ETING WILL BE HELD HERE __ cided at the polls next Tuesday ment OVER APRIL 19 AND 29 $/L 4bTC 'flr ' By a "yes" and " no" vote, the, Th BYS .AVARIOIUS U BJECTS USED state's citizenry will express its at- state e ~~~~~~~~~~Representing the University aaw>>Istepoitonnfrmnt acIfon PREMIER WILL LECTUREA meeting of the American ;Mathe- ate prohibiltioelnfore enta o matical society held yesterday at . .penalties for manufacture and sale 12.75 c Chief Minister' Of Canada Will ~' . . . Chicago, three members of the fac-' 1 of beverages of not more than 2.75 atorI Give Mains Talk; Other Schools, " :.. ulty of the mathematics depart- B" alcoholic content. brew rorm Simillar Clubs met delivered papers on subjects°?! Bills have been introduced in the amen ti.4 in which they are undertaking re- I legislature to carry out both pro- ment Rowland Egger, Grad., has been { search work. A fourth 'member .. !. jposas should the people issue such lvetoec seected to take the presidency of of the department participated, ac=;' 'a a mandate and action has been Gov, th~e Model Assembly of the Leaue ieyi ,s'nsu tasril postponed pending the outcome ofpassa tively inte aeserensium mattaasimule The of~ Nations; to be held here on~ bt ossaotdtersltotel sNe orkmetig f°hesoieybtthhoreferendmpaemothraguon, he l Api 9ad2 yteSuetA hcoo Po.George Y of which Senator Thomas M. Dun-I tion 5hita1socain ths en" e can, Milwaukee Socialist, was the the s a nounced,.by the committee in k .of the Tperesenthe Pvatrof ":".r,, [athor.the cl~rge of the assembly. Egger hasx Field Determines the Electrom- ::.:.,::..: Both sides have carried their. manu ben. onecedwi ,h political magnetic Field," Prof. James A ",' r' n ' I appeals to the voters and have ?cent x science department for' some time Shohat read a paper "n a Certain __ madep an effort to get out the vision aiid is versed in international f-'! Formula of Meccl uda vt.Tevoei'asrg"eetonbve f:airs.af '. 2° "tures with Non-equidistant Ordi- usually is very light, with only local! drunk~ Th nysekrwohsbe ates," and Prof. Raymond L Icontests to be decided. !The otained for the meeting thus far Wilder, spoke "on thehImbedding F":'; i"' On the side of the drys, the Anti- -to-1 is i ereFse, premier of r' r :"§ M; z ' . of Subsets of a Metric Space in re th rvneo naicaaaJordan Continua" and "On the Re- < :;: :; - 4.tono.Cran.esothi ates Offers Critique of Ar The agenda committee is, however, !lotion of Certain sets to theI at. present negotiating for three v:, ' ..... Complements in Euclidean Spaces ! xhbte#n l other speakers well. knowrn inxoibThreeandHigheiteme IonsAlu. world affairs, but none have defi' f. Thre n Hgew Yfrk r Thneophil H nitely accepted the invitations is- I f °rHldebrandrat .. . C iMssAne1lorw ontinued From Page One) tures sued' besides Premier Foster. .smoimo.atcpte n aMs neMro to be caused by the gravitational order sympsiu on"Fourier Series and Fiancee of Colonel Charles A pull of the masses, much as the' In Schools To Send Delegates almost Periodic Functions from the Lidegja h ie nafo onefcstetdso h at.'r Of the 24 colleges attending the i ,Standpoint of the Theory of;Lnbrhasseidsoaflw;m nefcttetdsonheathM.B model assembly, more than two-: Groups"; er-decked boat in one of Mexico He has carefully controlled his his in thirds have been definitely assign-'i City's brilliant floral celebrations lina sequence, and lines which ion, 1h 64 to subjects pertaining to the,1 OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY.- Miss, Morrow who is the daughters vas aremte conscientiously goftcah -upfom, Lege fNtin. uhine-Fifteen years 'ago a student could 'of' the American ambassador to ancovnagiuit h truc-1iftherp est has been fostered in these in- !live in luxury on an allowance of; Mexico, was one of the guests of. stitutions for discussing world; at- New records Continue to be es- .tors constantly entering the field $10 a week according to data cor- honor at the event. ture.' ed bo fairs, and many have' fo meed clubs : ablishjed in the battle for slgpem- 1and with the two of the three p do h"eltv ot fat isMro ttne h ee Aodrnio nc t ept anvolnthog itot f'r international discussion as lacy among womien flyers who seek 3 pretty flyers pictured above still tending college then and now. The one of the many affairs at Mexico!I the sen of colort ad olenotthCe p rmanent organizations,. n o t 1the world's endurance flight record. trying to wrest the crown from the piefrprehueseauas0Ct twihsh a enpeet"oe off."oTheskyespec iys winer ri erely for the purpose of working. First to set a record among the head of the present chamnpion, cents and ar 'wtehole sealkSuay d Ctun ty at t heaMbexnp- turbuloenof"Thendyuncontrollis winter out the problems of this one assem- " Hom'en was Miss Elinore Smith of iMiss McPhetridge, there will no dinn ofwroscie ndl d urIitalheresaythe o exic agletouhom uis nt an ncsieountopwii']ne nevr 44lYIn Fre po art, L. Ic e fty w os eaachieve- Io uIbt be several new records es- ;obtained for a quarter. The well she is to be m arried in the early I gioo d m de rn trt.f An y r t m ut be' v r.tet r l aa i n l i n u u e e a n c u h c s! M ss B b y T o t oxo A g l s r s n M m t esm k ngenlrs e a ou d - u ca e a oosme ,hs b e trnamtingrelanrlubtwich iswerMissBobytrotfoosAne eprseftMs thiseakingh an-tlesuit for $10, while a topcoat Cost has not yet designated where the course there is room for disagree-j ized i W eWetinSttr eguahr stwcolowerss rtiunbwdtotic herefocttoregadin the ie$7. The tonsorial rates were also wedding will be held, although shejmet inr picking out which pic- {Ann S lege and Kalamazoo college have Miss Louise McPhetridge of San next few weeks Miss Trout will also I__________________________________ also undertaken to start organiza- ~Francisco, upper right, who is the make another attempt to lower the I'--, tuins, and each of these institutions present titleholder record which was set at San Fran-rSEVC intends to bring a bus load of stu- With the flock of new competi- {Cisco i4 dnts to the assembly here, besides }-___________________W______________________e___e__ry_ their regular delegates. Hlillsdale, Adrian, Alma, and I G U ~ r ~ W r~ I High Grade Repair Service Ialamazoo colleges have all held I GRA EL YU R i V r i convocation services at which 'the K L I S G A E O P N League of Nations was discussed,!30 i1 -40 . a id wide spread interest has beenT Telephone 7112 or 7075 R1 fhown by all of the colleges which -_______________________________ will attend the University model --- ---. assembly. .IR a he C a sfe A s_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ,The questions which freign 'Read______________a______________e________d_____ .,ministers from 5 countries "repre-I .''... _______ ----------__ ___-I___ ;.ented bysudn& n' ae . .. "' .. ,'. puses of the state willdiscuss, ,wil i 'be the admission of Russia, to the" League of Nations, ;(a purely hypo- thetical suppostion in view of the! fact that no such question has aictually come up before the Leag-, ,i-) the mandates system and to 1 W ,at lengths it should be carried, and the vitali problem of disarma- 1rT~i xient. is, n league, Women's Christian. perance union and the Naton- rohibition party joined forcs ieffort to have the law upheld, the brunt of the attack has borne by the Association est the Prohibition Amend- e question as to whether the enforcement act should b' deld to eliminate penalties nanufacture, sale and psSe1&- of alcoholic beverags up to ontent was sponsored by Sen- Duncan, he said, to aid "home rs." It is in line with an idment to the state enforce- act fostered by Duncan and d as "unconstitutional" by Fred R. Zimmerman after age by the 1927 legislature. Duncan referendums 'mark atest chapter in the prohii- fight in Wisconsin. In 1906 Late asked congress to modify Volstead act to permit tle facture and sale of 2.75 per beer under government supe- iwith the provision that no age so consumed should be on the premises where sold. referendum was carried by' a 1vote. 'Display mni Memorial HA are chaotic and which sh~ow Italian Pitcher and Fruit" reckenridge has accomplishd' cost distinguished orgamzaw- iandling his rhythms in three isions, actiievin,g solidity' of and harmony of color. I'n [ter and neighboring cover- wl he has even made use of ion, that bone of contention e academically minded. Lek in Winter" is a very fine , landscape. Though perhaps ow is somewhat overcolored, Wheless, the general effect is, mt.'Another canvas that has uralities but is not quite real - ,n Cezanne's sense is"Cp hore."3 is Secondin Mate This assembly, the second to be held in Michigan, is part of a na- tion-wide' movement, in which 'colleges are awakening to the im- portance of the international 'Aspects of present day life. They are presenting some of 'the most important questions which are clamoring for settlement;' and are attempting to put them before the . ublic in a way which will be In-, teresting and unique. The procedure will follow close- ly that of Gen,eya, where 55 states gather every September 'to con- sider the importance ,of world peace and the best metho ds of furthering it. a Changing World 111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII111111111111111IfIifIfIIIIIIIIf111111IllI11IIIIIIfIIfIIIIIIII#Eigl ifill11-1.111111 1 1111 II I1 11t1IIIi1 l i 11 111 t Ove-, A ,= Wr lw T f To-day, you can see bi build- ings erected noiselessly-by Sale 'III electric welding. {~ _: ......r.-di .M Strings .. upplies Repairs. OF for all Musical Instrumets Schabr & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. I M, Remaini ngeao Want Ads'Pay T cet Earn Extra Credits During Summer Vacation The change and recreation so necessary to ev-f eryone are here combned withsuperioroirpar- tunity for educational advancement. Boating, swimming, tennis, conce ts,dra matic pei form:- ances, inspiring lectures, etc., are all available. Organized excursions to industrial, financial and art centers of Chicago. Courses covering full year's work in General Chemistry, Playsi- ography and Geology or Zoology. N SEUSIO= ONM THE SHOARE OF L~ AKE I~MCIGAN The structural steel worker is dr~pping his clattering ham- mer for the electric arc. Silently, swiftly, rigidly, economically, buildings are being fabricated by electric welding, which knits steel with joints as strong as the metal itself. Building silently! Nothing seems impossible in this elec-1 trical age. +Not only in building construc- tion, but in every human activity, we instinctively turn, to electric- ity to add to, the comforts of life and to eliminate the wastes Eof production-another evi-' dence that the electrical industry i 14 . . . 111n .r]t LIllii " I PEGINS Monday, April1 9:00 O'CLIOCK A6 M. At Shool ofMusic, Maynoard Street "nT %v"C d6 -%tt I pl rtmJYt a B~'iwrI T el 1e _ - I E leticc ronc,,,tAll arcsrpni