IHL ... r _HiAI 1Y [Y I;M -Iti,- CONTINUE 7T Ell: STREAK BOSTON REDS MAY. COMBINATION IF PROVE WINNING lATER PLISTS NEW MEN DELJVERM '#ILL Jack Rothrock is Carrigan's best TTRT[ TII[ bet as general relief man. Ken Williams and Ira Flagstead, both veteran flychasers, are almost -- sure to start in left and center at Michigan Team To Enter Tourney the beginning of the season, with For A. A. U. Championship right field open to either of three Today In Detroit players. Doug Taitt, last year's regular, appears to have the in- side track, with Scarritt, an expen- UAVE BEATEN CHAMPIONS sive American Association slugger, and Bigelow as his chief competi- In quest of the state A. A. U. tors. title, Michigan's water polo team Alex Gaston, a brother of Milt will enter the elimination tourney Gaston, will do the bulk of the Ito be held at the Detroit Yacht catching He will be assisted club this afternoon. The Wolverines by Heving and Berry. None will be somewhat weakened, °.s six of the three are wonders, so it members of the Varsity team are. would appear at the present time competing in -the National collegi-I that the Sox catching will be only ate meet at St. Louis.gI mediocre. Captain Spindle, Hubbell, Wat- 1 Morris, Ruffing, Lisenbee, and son, Ault, Walker, and Walaitis arel Gaston will carry the bulk of the the players who will be missingI pitching burden, with Russell and from the Michigan lineup. How-1 McFayden as their most able as- ever their places will be filled by sistants. Morris and Ruffing are the reserve players who have been both excellent moundsmen, and working out with the team all with any support at all should give Iseason. the Sox some real pitching. Four Lettermen To Play It is hard to pick the Sox to The Wolverines will probably finish far out of the cellar, but line up with Mertz, Reif, and Mc- they should give their opponents'ldfopw ars, Mcifnd - more fight than they have in for- Donald, forwards; McCaffree, 0. mer years. With any pitching and Goldsmith, and Dinklespiel, backs;c any luck they may finish seventh. and Warner, goal. Thompson and n o Grimshaw are also likely starters. YEARLING TRACKMEN Mertz, Reif, McDonald, and War-c aner have been playing regularly Freshman outdoor track prac- thishseason, winning their letters. tice will begin this afternoon. n t sport. All freshmen who wish to try- I Two games will probably be play- out for the squad are urged to I ed by the Wolverines, as the tour- start as soon as possible and ney is an elimination affair. If the report at 3 o'clock this after- Varsity wins this afternoon, they noon at the field house will enter ;the final game tonight ~Coach. Charles IHoyt~. I}against the other surviving team. 0C______ h___s__o__. Detroit Yacht club is expected to offer the greatest opposition, as they are defending champions. it Gives Numerals j Michigan defeated the Yacht club j aggregation, 10-5, earlier in the, inners In Track Meet season when all the players were available. TOMMY LOUGHRAN GAINS DECISION \j[ t T OVER WALKER TO-RETAIN CROWN, 1 Light Heavyweight Champ Defeats[ [ Lighter Opponent In Slow Fight Tommy Loughran, world's light heavyweight boxing champion, successfully defended his title - against Mickey Walker at Chicago CAPT. BE . Thursday, when he nosed out a TOI decision over the middleweight S'L~::r"": ;:: : title holder in 10 rounds. The rfight wasrdevoid of knockdowns and lacking in any real fighting MATERI rwith the exception of several small VARSITY GOLF fE0 P.LAC-E HlIGH IFERENCE RlACE RGELIN AND FORM NUCLEUS OF TEAM WARD AL IS PLENTIFUL .......... rallies. Despite the loss of Captain Ad- Walker, far outweighed by Lough- die Connor, one of the greatest ran, found it impossible to 'stave competitive golfers that Michigan off the rushing of his larger op- has ever boasted, and a duo of ponent. During the first few other veterans in Vyse- and Cole rounds of the fight, however, from last year's second place varsity Walker pummelled Loughran se- golf team the Wolverine cause ap- verely about the mid-section, only pears promising. to lose his small advantage during Captain elect Johnnie Bergelin the later rounds of the scrap.[and Art Ahlstrom are the only let- Walker's only chance appeared to termen who will be available for lie in a knockout, but Loughran's competition but an unusually strong customary great defensive battle group of newly eligible men should spoiled the little Irishman's establish Michigan as a prominent chances of a K. O. Walker's big contender for individual as well as effort was in the fifth round, when ; team honors in the Big Ten links he had Loughran holding on tight- campaign. Bergelin turned in some Tommy Loughran ly to keep from being beaten to fine golf last year in alternating __the canvas. with Connor as first man while FRESHMAN BASEBALL The fight failed to draw as large Ahlstrom saw service in fourth I_1__,an attendance as was expected, at- position. More candidates are still want- ?Ctracting :only 20,000k to thel new Former State Champ Eligible ed to tryout for the freshman Chicago stadium. Dave Ward, easily leads the new- baseball team. All freshmen In the semi-final bout of the ; ly eligible golfers in point of prom- who wish to tryout for the evening, Tuffy Griffiths defeated ise. The former Michigan state squad may report any afternoon Leo Lomski in a hard fought bat- amateur is capable of matching I at the field house, and should 1tle. The fight was a slugging match strokes with anyone in the Big Ten bring their own equipment. all the Way, with Griffiths doing and even at this early date rates Coach Jack Blott. a little the harder punching of the as a favorite to gain top honors in o- - o two. the Conference individual competi- tion. Ward has figured prominent- ly in state and midwest golfing cir- Horton Smith, Joplin Pro, Wins Six cles for the past few years and lo- cPyal golfing enthusiasts confidential- "pnG l tilsD r rt s ly expect him to capably fill the © hw hyvacancy left by the graduation of 'oung. Professional Finishes Season pionships in which the country's1Connor. Intramnural Departmen To Eleven Point V leading professionals were entered. With Bergelin and Ward virtual- Leonard won the low hurdles and Sth ryA He won the north and south open ly assured of the first two positions placed second in the running broad HELEN WILLS TO TOUR South Tournament with a card of 67, five strokes on the team and Ahlstrom favored jump while Mohr broke the tape under par. Throughout the winter for the third position there is a first in the high hurdles and was EUROPE THIS SUMMER Climaxing a winter season that season his playing has been so wealth of reserve material 'from second to Leonard in the low hur- was extremely satisfactory, both consistently -4brilliant tthat critics which Coaches Trueblood and dle event. (liy Associated Press) financially and from the point of 'are considering him as a logical Courtwright can draw the remain- Mosser won his numerals by win- SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 29. fame, by winning the north and isuccessor to the throne of Bobby der of the varsity selection. Liv- ning the 440 and placing fourth in Helen Wills, women's tennis south open championship at Pine- Jones who recently stated that he ingston, a numeral winner, Lewis, the broad jump.nty sate Sntarengso, aSumeeterer Leis the broad jump. SnareySheeter, champio, and Edith Cross, third hurst, Horton Smith, 20-year-old was considering retiring. Harrison, Hand, Hoover, and Mo- Reason, Ploster and Groeden were ,in national ranking, will leave Joplin, Mo., pro is looked to as Smith has travelled 14,000 miles bart will probably lead in the 'bat- included in the select circle when April 20 for their European inva- threatening the place of Bobby this winter and collected cash tle for the remaining positions. they gained top honors in the .50 sion, sanctioned by the United Jones in the golfing su-. prizes to the extent of $14,000. yard dash, pole vault, broad jump, States lawn tennis association. Smith captured the honors in Jones himself has never set up Austin, Texas.-The University of half mile and mile respectively. Their schedule includes matches in the La Gorce, Catalina Island, such a string of consecutive vic- Texas Longhorns lost "a practice Cheadle and McCassree each gain- Holland, France, Germany and Pensacola. and Fort Meyers. Flori- tories as the youthful Joplin golfer game to the Chicago White Sox, ed five points by annexing a sec- England. Ida, and Oklahoma City open chain- has collected. 5-1 Monday. ond and third place to also garner sweaters. I What Shakespeare Delicious and Refreshing says about Coca- Cola ... ' ' ' v ., . < .' , _. ,. ,: ;:.. ' ,. / p -p c 3iN 44, mp ,«." '° ; ., "F. "Fill full. I drink to the general joy o' the whole table" Macbeth was a king. He could make his hearers listen as long as he liked. We doubt if Shake- speare reported his speech in full. An after-dinner speaker will usually talk as long as he can make his audience listen. So it was that Macbeth elaborated on the terse, modern invitation to raise a glass of Coca-Cola to your lips, namely- P1?'Dvch r ,,4 1 0 4 .f 1!N" t { i ? : < <: 'S., :. 4 Machrctr Act111 ,Sccnc 4 i " 1 U 0 ,ilA