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March 30, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-30

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Director Gives View Prominent Alumna
On Campus Theater LI Dies Unexpectedly
Five main points should be con-ITODAY Phenomenal business enterprises
sideredin connection with the civic activities, and duties as a loya
building of a new campus theater, Michigan alumna have ended fo
Extend Time Because Two-Thirds in the opinion of Professor Valen- Sororities and dormitories will be Mrs. Frances Hinckley Moore, '90
Of Class Have Not Yet tine B. Windt, director of Play Pro- hostesses to more than 20 League '9ag, whose recent death was re-
Turned Out duction. benefit bridge parties this after- ported here yesterday. Mrs. Moor
"In the first place,"said Direct noon, at which both men and wom- was sixty-two years of age and ha
COPRTQ SAKD Wnti nitriwyesterday, ,'been active in numerous oraniza-
"I should say that a campus thea-;en are invited to be present. tions in Benton Harbor, Michigan
There will be additional Fresh- tre, one in the nature of a lalora- Marjorie Muffley 30, general chair- since she and her husband moved
man Pageant tryouts held on Mon- tory such as I understand the pro-'man, expressed the belief that the there in 1907.
day March 31, from 4 to 6 o'clock jected one would be, 'should ;b parties would be well attended, After graduating from high
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall of small. It should not seat over 400 sine the allair has become well school, she received degrees from
B or 425 people, but should have a! known in the several yea- s when Ypsilanti Normal college and the
Barbour gymnasium. It has been YslniNra olg n h
necessary to set this ext:a day be- large and thoroughly equipped similar parties have been held. University of Michigan and taught
cause only slightly more than a stage. There are several advantages IRefreshments, prizes, and deco- at a girls school in Kentucky for
third of the eligible girls have to be derived from a small seating rations will be features of the several years until her father call-
turned out for tryouts on the four capacity. In the first place, the parties, and the League has made ed her north in 1893 to help him
days which have been giyen over actors are always encouraged by provision for the expenditure of with the management of his mill.
to them. the sight of a full house, and are funds for these purposes at no ex- She took charge of the mill, boss-
The' dance committee under Dor more apt, therefore, to give a good pense to the various houses. Deco- ed several hundred men, and
othy Felske, and Miss one John- performance. Secondly, there is rations will ca ry out an Easter achieved a wide reputation as a
son, who is the instructor in charge much benefit to be derived from; motif this year, according to the business woman. When the lumber
sonwhois the inrucntoichg repetition of the play. There is plans submitted by representatives business became slack she retired
of the dancing, are only too willing
to spend their time judging try- time for judgment and correction of the sororities and dormitories, and entered social activities. She
general chairman, if the girls will of faults, and consequently the A charge of 75 cents per person, was a di ector of the D. A. R. and
outs, according to Betty Healy performance becomes more smooth whether or not the reservations are a charter member of several Ben-
general chairman, if the girls will and polished each night." I made for individuals or for an en- ton Harbor clubs. She, along with
only. come. Everyone who tries is The second thing which a stu- tire table, will be collected by the Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, '97, was one
certain of getting a part; tryouts dent theater should have, Profes- organization giving the party. Res- of the only two woman members
are only for the purpose of placing sor Windt thinks, is a feeling of in- ervations can be made as late as of the Board of Directors of the
the girls in parts to which they are timacy and congeniality. He says 12 o'clock today by calling Marjorie University Alumni association.
suited, that with all the inadequate facil- Muffley, 9617. Two o'clock has They represented the Alumnae
" ci Miities with which Play Production been set as the hour for the play- Council in which Mrs. Moore was
"The committees", continued has had to contend in their thea- ing to begin, very active.
Hlealy, "are only the representatives ter in University Hall, the proxim- . The League bridge parties, She has t.aveled extensively, go-
of the class as a whole, and are not ity of the dressing-rooms to the which are annually given on the ing around the world in 1913 and
able to stage the Pageant alone. It stage and the general intimate feel- day of the Fancy Dress Ball, have later making two other trips to
will take the cooperation of every ing which pervades a small place in past years proved a decided suc- Europe. During the war she was
one -of the 150 eligible girls in the has been an advantage. He de- cess from both a financial and a very active in war relief work.
class to make the Pageant the suc- lared that the size and profession- social stand-point. This year, due
cess that it has been in the past al air of the theater in the new to the general exodus of students
and deserves to be this year. It is Women's League building was a for Easter, the Fancy Dress Ball, Iotir
only fitting that the freshmen disappointment to him. "For use which was planned for tonight, II
should acknowledge the honor be- as a laboratory, a place in which to was given up.
stowed upon them by their part m learn, professionalism should be Projects to raise money for the j aTab i s tItn f no snmLg u n r ni
a ceremony as beautiful as that of left out, and a feeling of closeness Women's League building are con- fI li U\VIINI~l
Lantern Night by giving the best and congeniality substituted in its tinually being undertaken by a U
they have to the Pageant." place," said Director Windt. special committee of the League.
After Monday, when tryouts will He went on to say that in his The women in charge of this With the Women's Athletic Asso-
be for both interpretive and folk opinion a campus theater should be party make up a sub-committee ciation elections coming next Wed-
dancing, there will no chance for run just as far as possible by stu- of the larger organization. nesday, it is important that all
any girl to get into the Pageant. dents. There should be student Through the Women's League membe: s of the organization or
Last year 'only two days of tryouts acting, student stage-management, offic, every-one who is interested prospective members be on the
were necessary to cast the Pageant, student costuming, and as far as is in the League building project is membe: ship list.. Any University
while 'Monday will be the fifth day practicable, student play-writing, urged to attend one of the parties. woman who has earned any
for this year's freshmen women. "I think that no professionalism -.W. A. A. points in athletics, that
'Dorothy Birdzell, chairman of fi- should enter into such a theater, -- A A is, played on any interclass or in-
nances,. wishes that all girls who Ixcept in the matter of directors," roups Earn W A* A"- tramural team, passed any swim-
do Attend tryouts would pay their Professor Windt. continued. "There, P T i ming tests, earned any individual
dllars when they come, although should be four or five such faculty Points a ing Ke points in sports such as golf, rid-
a girl may try out without having directors, one solely to watch the ing, or skating, or hiked five miles,
paid.' diction of the actrs o t ea Organized hikes and breakfasts has applied fo these points to
dancing, one to teach stage-craft,,i at the fireplace have been planned the point recorder, and has paid
Indian Women Want and so on. Otherwise, I think a for later in the spring, but at the her dues is eligible to vote.
e astudent laboratory theater should present time groups who wish to Almost every woman in the Uni-
GreaterPrivilees urse have private parties may do so, versity has at least one point which
bring professional companies here, earning W. A. A. points for all of would enable her to obtain mem-
but let them play at other theaters. them. Any large party that wants bership in W. A. A.. It is neces-
Women in India, through such The student theater should be to be sure of being able to secure sary, however, to apply for these
organization as the Bombay Wom- made and kept amateur.-the use of the fireplace at any points and to pay the annual dues
#n's Committee on Education Re- "In the matter of repertoire, I time that an excursion is arranged, of one dollar to have her name on
form, have expressed themselves on think the theater ought to colla- may procure a receipt by applying the roll and participate in the elec-
the question of greater privileges. / borate with the English and drama at the board of parks at the city tion and other W. A. A. functions.
In her presidential address, at departments. They should put on hadl. ' The nominees for the following
the third annual conference of the I at least one. Shakespearian play, at Tables and benches are provided year are: president, Gertrude
above-named organization Lady least one old French classic such beside the outdoor cooking facili- Smith, '30, Dorothy Touff, '30; vice
Tata :was recently quoted as saying, I as one of Moliere's comedies, and1 ties at the fireplace. It is expected president, Arliene Heilman, 30,'
"Unless the Indian women are given other material which would illus- that during the spring months i Margaret Ohlson '30; secretary,
their rightful share of service to trate what is being taught in many. W. A. A. trips will take place Dorothy Griffith, '30, Betty Kahn,
their country in those spheres courses dealing with such subjects.-I there. -1'30; treasurer, Albertina Maslen,
which are essentially the spheres Of course, they should also do con- ;-31, Elizabeth Whitney, '31; intr-
of women's work, the Indian Nati- temporary d, ama, and I think putting on merely popular plays, mu'al manager Jannet Micheal,
can never rise or be great." She they should experiment with mod- I so-called "box-office attractions." '31 Doris Renkenberger, '30; point
went on to lay stress on the need Iern plays having' new types of act- Besides this, I do. not personally I recorder, Helen Domine, '31, Ruth
for the removal of the three great ing, new stage effects, and other think that - amateur plays are Marshall '31; publicity manager,
evils, early marriage, purdah, and new and untried ideas. One or worth a dollar's admission. The Margaret Eckels, '30, Esther Ander
cast or caste prejudices. two student-written plays should subsidy would not have to be large, son, '30.
One resolution at the conference be attempted, the number depend- for it does not cost much to put on
sought unqualified support to the ing on the available talent." a student play, once you have the
Sarda bill which demands that the Professor Windt's last point con- theater. Royalties seldom amount
legal age for marriage for girls be cerning the campus theater is a to over a hundred dollars, and they Accessori4
fixed at 06. vital one. He does not think it are reduced when shows are given
should be on a commercial or free. Moreover, it is better not to
money-making basis. "The ideal always be able to go out and buy
Notice plan," he said, "would be to have a new set, for it gives the students
- - the theater subsidized so that no Ia chance to use their ingenuity on
The Symphonic League will give admission would be charged for the the old ones. We have put on New Easter
their sixteenth annual banquet for plays put on there. Then the stu- shows here for three and four dol-
the faculty and members' of the dents would not be forced into lars," he concluded. HA TS
Rfhtl,, f ,.,f MtTw4 n. ,'i ' t 6 1

Inherently Artistic
, REL CEDRESS BALL "The Polish peasants are inherT
r ently artistic, and spend much of
In place of the fancy dress ball their spare time in the production Thirteen Women Are
- that the Women's League had and creation of artistic things," . Me mbership In. Hi
e originally planned to sponsor to-Ir.Cr n ,. in Sorority
nih ndwihha obeps rs. Carleton 'Wells, said in aniIn-, «___y
ned because ofa varietyocon terview, in which she showed some N
flicting interests, an informal examples of Polish art. One form
pat ty will be held in Sarah Cas- that belongs particularly to Poland Thirteen freshman
well Angell Hall. ;is paper-cutting, in which.pieces of eligible to membership
musi Mower's oracinr will eigh colored paper are designed and cut Lambda Delta, nationa
1vide music for dancing from eight odn he d h srrtyfr rehe
I to eleven o'clock and all University by folding the paper, and then sorority for freshmei
women are invited to come. The pasted on top of other paper which scholarsp, ,according
party will be very informal, but the 'forms the :background. "It is a udrlan '1rid
music promises to be good accord- matter of pride," Mrs. Wells ex- local chapter. Initiati
muiroie. new "members wall be he
ing to the committee in charge. plained for each one to see what a er spring vacation, she
The fancy dress ball is an annual beautiful design he can get dif- Election to Alpha La
affair, but owing to the fact that ferent from that of everyone else." is based on high
various other activities are engag- She showed lacework, hand- freshmien ' who have
ing a large number of University paintt c toys, hand-made chairs, scholastic averageeqt
r women just now, coupled with the and rugs, hope chests, shawls, in- halfA ai half B wh
fact that many would be out of lay work in which designs on small a normal schedule duri
town for over Easter, it was ;wooden boxes are carved, and semester being eligible
thought best to postpone the party beads inserted, and a unique 'egg- ter. The women who 1h
. until next year. shell pitcher. According to Mrs. ed this average this
Wells, the Polish excell in wood Dorothy Birdzell, Stella
'Physiotherapy Opens arving, and the interiors of their Gallmeyer, Berenice G'
huts, the walls, furniture and ceil- thy Goldberg, Mirian
New Field To Women ings are generally hand-carved. Thelma Ingram, Kath
One of the' foremost Polish worn- Winifred Root, Margai
I en artists, Mrs. Wells said, is .ys. Frieda 'hevitz, Kathe:
Physical therapy, or physiothe- Z. Lubanska, who is doing an in- and LaVerne Weigel.
rapy, is one of the latest pro- teresting work in renovating the The Michigan chaptE
fessions to be added to the long list buildings in the Polish capital in Lambda Delta was in
open to women. Although it in- the style of the thirteenth, four- spring, at which time
eludes methods of treatment which teenth and fifteenth centuries. The mores were initiated
are very ancient, such as massage, government intends to preserve members..Membership
baths, exercise, and sun treatments, them as they were then. She conferred upon 16 fres:
the newer methods such as electro- brought out a book of Christmas garet, Ohlson '30 was
I therapy, ultra-violet, and diather- carols illustrated by Madam Lub- first president of the &
my have been developed during and anskfa. lbwin the retireme
since the World war, according to The Polish costumes are worn by sophomores from activ
facts gained in an interview with the peasants mostly on festival ship, :Miss Sunderland
Mabel E. Holton. instructor in Phy- occasions, Mrs. Wells explained, president.
siotherapy at the University hos- and added that they generally "go Miss Alice C. Lloyd,
pital. barefooted. "Their fondness for adviser of Alpha Lamb
"As a profession for women, phy- I bright colors is evident in the cos- also an' honorary me
siotherapy began with the training tume." It consists of a bright skirt was inst:umental in t:
of reconstruction aides during the of red or white with flowers,. a lace tion of the 'Michigan.
World war," stated Miss Holton. apron, a velvet jacket ornately .em- spring.
"The Army still trains these aides broidered with sequins, coral beads,
at the Walter Reed hospital in a kerchief, and brightly colored
Washington, D. C. Several other i ribbons which hang down the- backNotice
schools have been established, al- of the gown.
Ithough they are far too few to sup Mrs. Wells and her husband, Mic.1igan Dames will
ply the ever growing demand. The Carleton Wells, of the Rhetoric de- o'clock on Tuesday at
increased amount of orthopedic paxtment, recently translated a 'Women's Club house.
work being done and the large Polish tragic drama, Mazeppa, Rousseau,- a member o
number of industrial . accidents the first of the authoz's work to Study club of the A. A
yearly have developed enormous be translated into English. talk on Child Study.
fields for Physical Therapy. Much
of the work done. by the surgeons -"'
in these two fields may be made or
marred by the follow-up treatment '
available", she continued.
The profession is still in its pio-
neer stage, -since methods and ________________________________
standards of training are con-
stantly changing. At present, grad-
uation from a school of physical E ABO Ks
education or nursing and a post WE nAVE DO ,
graduate course in physical therapy N
are required. In addition to this,J$
one year .of experience is demanded
before membership is granted in.
the American Physiotherapy Asso- Gardening ad Nature Stu
j There is a big field open for i nr . rn.- _11. "a.gA '9"l.A""*

p .

young women who are interested in
entering a new profession, con-
cluded Miss Holton. "Better than
average health and muscular de-
velpment are necessary as well as
a keen interest in medicine, an in-
finite amount of patience, and a
personality which will secure the
icooperation of the patients."

'es for the


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