7@U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday dining the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorialt Association. f The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to. the use lot, republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,1 Michigan, s second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50- Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mard Street. Phones: Editorial, 492S; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor..... .............. .Nelson J. Smith C~tv Eitor............. . Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor.............W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor.. ......Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor. ........George Stautet an Draa............R. L. Askreu Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors I, "seph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Cnald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Paul L. Adams Morris Alexandef C. A. Askren Bertram Askwid Louise Belyme Arthur Bernste~'u Seton C. B oye Isabel Charles L.R. Chubb Prank F. Cooper Helen Domino Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldman Marjorie Folmer William Gentry 1uth Geddes David B. Hempste. Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufm Ruth Kelsey Reporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Henry Merry. Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swansea Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams ad Jr. Welter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth an Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie save making work harder for the average student, arc awarded scholarships.In a word, the school awards them a prize because, in the majority of cases they have foregone the pleasures and con- tacts of school life and mutual helpfulness, and by so doing have accomplished more work than those who partook of the fuller life.'' An) examination of this bit of reasoning reveals that it is morel startling than meritorious. It would) seem the the Missourians would raise their school to be a stadium. I As for the attack on honor stu- dents, the merit of the honor stu- dent lies in just that which the "Missouri Sudent" bemoans, the fact that the honor man brings up the average and emphasizes scholarship in a university. As long as theMissouri paper wishes that its universi~ remain an education- an institu on, such editorial gib- berish is uncalled for. If the "Stu- dent" urges that the name of the University of Missouri be changed to the "Missouri Athletic Plant" its editorial is very feasible. 0 AN ATHLETIC NEED In an address to both houses of the state legislature, Coach Field- ing H. Yost commented on the need of physical education and on the need for proper equipment for the training. While in his mind Coach Yost has a plan which would require the building of a new gymnasium near the Union and connected to that building by a tunnel, he diplomatically refrain- ed from asking for appropriations for the new unit of the athletic plant. Although the famous grid coach feels that it is a project which should be taken over by the state as an addition to the educational facilities of the University, he has not tried to force another burden upon the revenues of the state. He has explained the need as it actual- ly is and probably will rely entire- ly upon the judgment of the legis- lators to provide for the needs of the University. In this they have seldom fallen short, and in this case they may be expected to do the wise thing. Coach Yost has emphasized the opinion that the youth of today is smarter and less likely to be trick- ed than in the olden days, and that with proper training they may be expected to become better citizens than his own, the present, genera- tion. The legislators, as public servants,.seldom fail to provide for the means of betterment of the race. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less thanr o words U possible. Anonymous com- nmunications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. 'Letters published should nt be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. A FRESHMVAN'S VIEWS To the Editor: OASTED ROLL THE LAST " INTERVIEW PROPHETS PORTRAYED EDITOR'S NOTE: Being the twelfth and last in a colection of interviews on the idiosyncra- cies of P. S. . U. C. These little 'skits will appear spas- modically, and will let the cat out of the bag? Hy, Hy! MARK ANTONY LARK Mark Antony Lark, thus named because his ears were unusually large, and also be- cause the neighbors had named their daughter Ueo- patra. (low's that for subtlety? advt.) He greeted us with a warm and hearty hand-clasp and a dazzling smile and'offered us an Old Gold. (We're still try- ing to give ours away too, Lark.) His corner of The Daily Office radiated such an at- mosphere of distinct charm. A little chintz lamp cast a sub- dued glow over the marble-top- ped desk and illuminated ivory-framed woodcuts of con- temporaries (as W. Rogers, Dorothy Dix, S. Leacock and the Gargoyle Staff.) "Do sit down," moving the cretonne-covered waste basket. We sat. "You're interested in your work, Lark?" Thus us-. Says, "Yes! It's so creative." (Lark is a&ways humorous even in, his best and wisest mo- ments.) Wenattempted to draw him out. "What' is your greatest ambition, Lark?" Says, "To be Warden of the check-room in the new Wo- men's League Bldg. Also a secret desire todgo highbrow and make Inlander." Lark sighed. We held our breath. "Once I dreamed of being president. But. . Rolls offers me more opportunity for expression..-" "What is Rolls' platform?" Says, "All the news that isn't fit to be printed elsewhere." "And your hobby, Lark?" Lark looked at us coldly. Ile towered over us. "You. . you dare to ask THAT?" he cried. But the anger in his eyes soon changed to a haunting look of sorrow. Looking melancho!i- cally' about him, he dashed fron the office (without his hat, mind you.) "Do you believe in Santa Claus?" we shouted after him waving our note-book alluring- ly, but a thin "Yess" floated back to us. . . nothing more. Dear temperamental Lark! Strange are the ways of genius. We next saw him drinking recklessly. .great, frothy mugs of root-beer down in the Cam- pus Dump, and muttering the names of great men to himself is 11 _ _ niarm-. rrP;l. Y Music And Drama O C A"REDEMPTlONA A Review By Paul L. Adams 11 .r Strings .. Suppli es Repairs. for all Musical Instruments Scheeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. I1 There are so many things which might be said about the produc- tion of "Redemption" last night by Play Production, that the reviewer' is forced with the fact that not,] even one ;off many which merit discussion and praise, such as the work of the cast, the direction and interpretation of this masterpiece,! or the make-up and staging, can be treated adequately. Certainly there may, and have been better professional perfor- mances of the play, but anyone who sees Play Production's labora- tory presentation will be unable to go away from it without feeling ,that this great, and difficult play has been done with a splendid sim- plicity which unquestionably makes it the high water mark in campus dramatics for many years. r I Dawn Donuts 11 Spring One Cent Sale The Only Origimnl REXALL ONE CENT SALE All New Rexall Merchandise Stationery, Candy, Toilet Goods Rubber Goods and Food Products Sale Now Going On The Partner for your Coffee at Breakfast I--- Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the Stores and Restaurants. Edsill's Rexall Drug 208 S. Main Street Store L BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER AdvrtiingDepartment Managers Adertising. ..........Alex K. Scherer Advertising..............A. James Jordan Advertising............ CalW. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation..............George S. Bradley Accounts ............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications. ............. Ray M.. Hofelich Mary Chase J eanette Dale (ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasp~er H alverson George. Hamilton ack Horwich x Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsvy Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley L. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1929 GRAVEL YOUR DRIVE KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 7112 or 7075 ' Truesdale Mayers as Fedya was the outstanding actor of the eve- ning, and this is more remarkable since his part is the most difficult in the play. To portray, as he did, the deep torment of a beautiful, sensitive, and weak soul who real- izes the full beauty of life and yet sinks into the lowest degradation finally to rise to supreme nobility ,by the sacrifice of his own life for those whom he feels have in some subtle way destroyed his own hap- piness, is truly the closest approach to art which has been seen on the campus in a long time.; In the great panorama of hu- man characters presented in "Re- demption" where the actors range from the'nobility to the tramp, it is hard to be unable to pay tribute to the whole of the large cast in- dividually, and even more diffi- cult to chose from the fine perfor- mances those about which some- thing certainly should be said. Shirley King as Lisa gave a very good portrayal of a character quite different from any she has done before. Twisted by her love for two men, continually being played upon by different and. powerful forces in her own nature which contribute to the tragedy, the character Lisa is probably the most complex in the play,- next al- ways to Fedya. I In the part of Victor Karenin, Charles Peake did not completely fulfill expectations. One could not get awayfrom the feeling that he was always a little conscious of the audience, .and that he was not in the part with full sincerity. Masha, the pure love in Fedya's j life, the gypsy girl, was played with feeling by Mildred Todd, and one feels that here is a new and prom- ising actress. Wallace Baxter as the drunken "genius", Ivan Alexandrov should certainly be mentioned, not only for his fine work in the part, but also because the character examp- lifies the sweep of Tolstoy's pen. Ivan is really only a comedy figure worked into this sombre drama, but yet it seems that he is an in- tregral part because he is a por- tion of his creator's conception of the humor and pathos of life. * * * CHRISTIAN ORGAN CONCERT One of the finest features of the organ concert yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium, a concert which was not particularly- interesting, was the absence of applause be- tween the numbers. It is rather regretable that Ann Arbor audi- ences usually feel it necessary to play a game with musical artists I,7' REP f 3 I5 tATKJ~a\('s YOU'LL agree that Pep Bran Flakes are better the very first time you try them. Order them at your campus cafeteria or at the fraternity restaurant. These better bran flakes bring you the nourish- ment of wheat. Just enough bran to make them mildly laxative. And how crisp they are! Eat them with milk and cream. A perfect food any time. You'll agree at the first taste these bran flakes made by Kellogg of Battle Creek are better. PEP BRAN FLAKES i ..-^ r 1, ,. - , . 4 4 f,. / The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include ALL-BRAN, Pep Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Krumbles, Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Shredded Whole. Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee H-ag Coffee --the coffee that lets you sleep. + a' e . S RI . ' '. ... i., .0 ,.. PEP BRAN FLAKES W H Tt1 d ~ 1 R 'M~nO Vd*~ ROBERT MARK WENLEY The University again has t mourn the sudden death of one o its best known and most highli esteemed professors, Robert Marl Wenley. The shock of his deatl leaves us with bowed heads. Pro fessor Wenley has been so long an so prominently identified with ou campus, as a vigorous thinker an a stimulating teacher, that his los comes home to us all with thi deepest regret. To those student, and other friends who have beer privileged to know Professor Wen ley his death is accompanied by2 deep sense of personal loss. For years the students at Michi- gan have crowded Professor Wen ley's classes. Many students have selected to hear his lectfures or philosophy, attracted in the first instance by his dynamic personal- ity. In his class-room student have learned to admire and then to follow his brilliant and inde= pendent pursuit of truth for truth's sake. His influence in awaking the minds of his hearers to a degree of alertness unsuspected by them- selves cannot be forgotten by those that have experienced this process As a teacher we have lost in Pro- fessor Wenley; a man who not only could point the way inspiringly, but could himself lead to the heights of truth and wisdom. The man behind the scholar and the teacher in Professor Wenley was the source of his influence. Forceful, always cheerful, with sympathy for causes and persons that deserved sympathy, impatient of less than one's best, whether his own or others, he faced life reso- lutely. Self pity was alien to his nature. Gifted; with unusual ability and power of self expression, he spoke out more frankly than most men. The record of his observa- tions on our campus, recorded in his diary over the period of his residence in Ann Arbor, when pub- lished, should reveal him as his friends knew him, a cheerful phil- osopher, a sympathetic friend, and a helpful guide in the counsels of the University which he so faith- fully served. 0 f y k h d r d ;s e s n S S m I I am disagreeably find that disciplinary surprised to action is be- - ing taken by the Student Council I in a strange, strange voice. - Ito insure that each and every MARY GOLD. e Freshman wears his "pot." * * e. 1 Upon entering this University I The Effect Of Spring t found that here, as in"nearly all On The Adolescent Mind - large educational institutions, s there were a great number of Spring fever has slowly crept ir 1 traditions. A Freshman usually upon our brave Lark. We the littl - finds it hard to accustom himself elves of the campus have stoler s to the position of the under dog on in through the window and hav( e the campus, but the demands of stolen his place behind his belovec f the upperclassmen in upholding typewriter. You have probably - the traditions of the University seen us:. We are the spreaders of :are not over-great. It certainly is sunshine and beautiful perfume, no very great degradation to wear we are the handsome B and G - those attractive little gray "pots" boys. We must work fast if we are for a year, especially during such to get in our work before little Lark a year as this one has been so again opens his eyes upon this far. The Freshmen defied prece- fairy scene. We will steal his job dent and thoroughly vanquished We will write his column. But we 1 the lordly Sophomores in pitched must do it like he does it so no battle at the time of the Fall one will find us out. First we sup- Games. On the traditional Black pose we must tell a joke because Friday, the Freshmen, by dint of Lark always tells a joke. We must careful organization,) mobbed the Jtell a joke on the administration. Sophomores. Because Lark always tells a joke Of course this was entirely ir- on the administration. There will regular, but for those skeptical not be any point to the joke be- Freshmen who are not proud to cause Lark never has any points to I be considered members of their his jokes. This is our joke. The class, perhaps I could present an other day when we were wandering argument. If they think that tradi- about the campus with our little tions are tommyrot, -let them look shovels over our shoulders and a at the matter in another light. plug of tobacco between our first Everyone likes to belong to the and last bicuspids,-we saw two winning side, whether in football professors talking. This is no typo- or in the battle of life. The Fresh- graphical error. We did see two Imen have not been defeated in professors talking. They were ges- traditional battles with Sopho- ticulating. GESticulaTing that is 'mores so far, and they do not a fine word. It has a nice homey ever expect to be, even though 'sound. Just like the squash of 'their ranks are sadly depleted. tobacco juice between the bicuspids.! Why then, is a Freshman ashamed Maybe what we said is too out-P to belong to, the ranks of.the class spoken. We must be careful not of 1932? He is a coward. He is to say anything that might irritate lashamed to be classed with the Lark. You'll see him trying to most vigorous group on the cam- make a touch off almost anyone. inn e, is th enrt. n o an rO m WA he1...d-4-, 1.,- Il e whenever they present a program . by attempting to see how many encores they can obtain. The absence of such tactics at the recital yesterday left one a mo- ment after the conclusion of each number to linger over it, and drift gradually into the mood of the next without shattering all aesthe- tic enjoyment by athletic exercises. The appreciation of such a twilight concert might be even further in- creased by the absence of the glar- ing lights which flooded the audi- torium yesterday. The first half of the program, featuring modern composers was lacking in anything of. worth, The pieces were lacking in structure, forced climaxes were noticeable, and one was left without anything substantial, not even a Good Friday 'hood. With the Bach, silfonia from the 'cantata "I Stand With One Foot In The Grave," the program was much richer. The grave, horizon- tal flow and counter flow of the melody, the quiet reserve of the organist's playing, and the sincere ! Pmanin. mi t fa nm--o 0 EDITORIAL GIBBERISH A startlingly frank editorial in the "Missouri Student" very openlyE urges that athletes be allowed to get their intellecual training for i 1