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March 30, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-30

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1 890












. WE


umrau u nnnrnuiiain 1 CALL AT SESSION



Dean Ellinger's Plan For Combined
Letters, Forestry Course
Meets Approval
Expressing its sentiments on the
death of Professor Wenley, the
Board of Regents of the University
passed the following resolution at
the monthly meeting last night:
"Resolved, that the Board of
Regents regrets their inability
adequately to express their sorrow
and sense of loss at the death ofI
Prof, Robert M. W'enley, not- that
they wish to do all that they can
to pay humble and sincere tribute
to the passing of a great teacher.
a profound scholar, and a vital and
moral force. for good for over 30
years on the Michigan campus."
Approval of the request of Deai
John R. Effinger of the literary col-
lege that a combined course in

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 29.-An
emphatic declaration as to the
scope of the i'ew farm relief bill,
coupled with an announcement
that relief legislation will receive
first call at the special session of
Congress, was made today by Sen-
ator Watson of Indiana, the new
Republican leader.
This announcement, made during
the day while both the Senate and
House agriculture committees
again we're in session, received
the immediate attention of those
interested in the farm legislation.
have viewed hearings largely as a
This interest was heightened as a
matter of form and have not ex-
number of this group all alongr
any new ideas.

German Airship Will Make
Round Trips Across


Ralph Lupton, Defending 125 Pound
Title Holder, Eliminated In
First Round
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 29.-
Michigan's powerful wrestling
'team was leading the field at the
end of the preliminary round here
yesterday with all seven members
of the Wolverine squad advanced
leading in the number of men who!
into the semi-finals.' As well as
were left in the tournament, the
Michigan team was ahead in the
number of falls scored with four to
its credit; each fall counting one
point toward the team total.. The
closest rival of the Big Ten cham-
pions was the Okkahoma Agglc
squad with two points.
So far the meet has been full of
fine wrestling and upsets are not
rare. One defending champion
champion was dethroned and an-
other emerged from his bout vic-
torious when Ralph Lupton of
Northwestern, defending 125 pound'
title holder, was beaten by Cole of
Ames, and Earl MacReady of the
Oklahoma A. & M.. defeated Sweii-
was dethroned and another emerg-
ed from his bout victorious when
Ralph Lupton of Northwestern, de-
fending 125 pound title holder, wast
beaten by Cole of Ames, and Earl
MacReady of the Oklahoma A. & M
defeated Swenson of Wisconsin.
These two men were the only 1928
chnimpions entered in the meet.
One of the biggest upsets of the,
afternoon was the victory of Ray'
Parker, Wolverine 155 pound rep-'
resentative, over the Big Six cham-
pion Adolph Simic of Nebraska
who was one of those favored to
win the crown in that division.f
Parker won a technical fall when

o -0
President Clarence Cook Little-
"Endowed magnificently with all
those qualities of vigor, hardihood,
virility, courage, and uncomprom-
ising honesty that have made the
Scottish people a beacon through-
out its history, Professor Wenley
gave liberally and tirelessly of his
great ability to all his students and
He will stand in Michigan's an-
nals for all time as one of her
greatest teachers and scholars.
Quick to draw the rapier of
keenest satire he was at heart
gentle and endowed with the in-
ward peace found only in great
The Univecsity has added a last-
ing figure to its history but at the
cost to many of us of a good and
true friend whose passing leaves
us in the most profound sorrow
and with a sense of enduring loss."

Prof. Roy Wood Sellars-"Pro-
lessor Wenley's sudden and unex-
pected death was a shock to all of
us. For' deca.des, he was an in-
fluential figure on the campus and
in the state. His was a striking
personality, vivid, fo:ceful, and
colorful. One of the things that
distinguished him was a faculty he
possessed for saying things in an
apt and brilliant way. He was an
effective teacher and had become
almost a tradition at Michigan. To


letters and forestry similar to the ( l 1 F VT FW, Dl I Y
plan of combined courses in law
and medicine was voted by the Re- (By Associated Press)
gents. NEW YORK, March 29.-To
Accept Several Gifts demonstrate the feasibility of
Among the several gifts accepted trans-Atlantic dirigible service on
for the University by: the Regents a regular schedule, the Graf Zep-
last night was one by the Carnegie pelin will make a double round trip
Institute giving the University between Germany and New York
$6,000 a year for an indefinite num- early in May, the stops between
ber of years, probably five, .to be the four ocean crossings being only,
used in connection with improving long enough to refuel.
the dental library; more than 350 Hugh Allen, of the Goodyear
volumes of law books comprising a Zeppelin Company of Akron, 0.,
library donated by Regent James came here today to complete ar-
Murfin; and $2.500 given by 4Mrs. rangements on th'is tide and an-
Jessie Collier Mechen at the re- nounced that the Graf, which
quest of her late husband, Prof. made its first visit to this country
Floyd R. Mechen of the law school, last fall, would start across the
the income from which fund shall ocean again on May 10 or within a
be used to maintain the Prof. Floyd few days of that date.
R. Mechen Memorial library. It is planned to start back for
Grant Leaves Of Absence Germany within two days after.
Leave of absence for the school reaching Lakehurst, N. J., and to;
year 1929-30 was granted Prof. John repeat the return trip from
Winter of the Latin department Friedrichschafen with only a stop
that he might deliver the Jerome there long enough to refuel and
lectures at the American academy rest the crew.
in Rome. Prof. James Pollock. of ( The course will be decided at the
the political science department time to meet best weather condi-1
was granted permission to leave tions. The double round trip over
Ann Arbor May 1 in order that he the ocean will be in effect final
may be in England during the training for a proposed flight
progress of the English elections. around the world from F iedrich-
Prof. Aubrey Tealdi was appointed schafen later in the year with
the University of Michigan delegate stops only at Tokio, San Diego,
to the international conference on Cal., and Lakehurst.
city planning to be held in Milan, By leaving Germany about May
Rome. and Naples next September., 10, the Graf Zeppelin is expected
Additional business transacted to open the trans-Atlantic air sea-t
last night included the appoint- son well ahead of the larger Brit-
ment of Acting Dean Clare Griffin 'ish dirigible which it is planned to I
of the School of Business Adminis- fly from England to Canada and
tration to the post of dean of that back this summer.
.school. Dean Allen S. Whitney of Allen came here for conferences
the School of Education was made with Lieut. Commander Charles E.,
professor-emeritus of Education. Rosendahl at the Lakehurst air
The resignation of Prof. Alvin G. station, where the Graf will be
Whitney of the Forestry school to berthed once more alongside its
take effect April 5 was accepted. smaller sister, the Los Angeles, as
well as S. W. Von Meister, Ameri-
T UNNEY DOES NOT can representative for Maybach,
VIE BU L FGHTZeppelin engines- who is making }
VIEW BULL FIGHTfuel artangements for the Graf,
and others.
(By Associated Press) Passengers will be carried on this I
SEVILLE, March 29.-Gene Tun- year's flights as they were last I
champion, has been disappointed year, but the price of tickets is ex-
in the loss of an opportunity to be- pected to be reduced one-third to
come acquainted with the national $2,000 each.

Plans To Observe Easter According
To Simple Customs Of His
Quaker Religion
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 29.-Pres-
ident Hoover will observe Easter#
Sunday with all the simplicity as-
sociated with his Quaker faith.
Easter morning, he and Mrs.
Hoover will motor to the Friends
meeting house for services which,
following the customary practices
of the church, will be without


To in

the referee stopped the match after cnoir or organ. For the reimnainder
the Nebrasanppadsufferematwhoin- of the day Mr. Hoover has made
the Nebraskan had suffered two no plans, although he is expected
juries to his neck. to spend the afternoon and even-
ing resting quietly at the executive
UNLUCKY CONVICT mansion. He and Mrs. Hoovei' may
take a short automobile ride in the
TO JOIN OIL GANG afternoon, however.
There will not be any guests at
the White Housebover the week-
end. Secretary Stimson and Hugh.
Gibson, American ambassador to
Belgium, who had been Mr. Hoov-
cr's guests, have left.
Following custom the children of'
Washington have been invited to
assemble in the south grounds of
the White House on Easter *Monday
for their annual egg-rolling. Sev-
eral thousand youngsters generally,
are present on this occasion and,
spend the day playing on the spa-
cious rear lawn. ; For a few hours
in the afternoon adults are admit-
ed, and the main band gives a con-
President Hoover tomorrow will

many students, Phiuosopny meant
I.IIIIUUII I U .L I Wenley. In him, the University
loses a scholar and a lover of
Dean Hugh Cabot-"Professor
Wenley was, I believe, one of the
Refuses To Discuss Plans Which very great figures on this campus.
Ile Will Follow Regarding His learning was profound. His
Ship Sinking i knowledge was widespread . and
catholic, and he could make use
ACTION IS UNCERTAIN, jdof both his lea'ning and his knowl-
edge to clarify philosophical prob-
(P..r \'.',ci'ited ress)lems. To this he added a courage
WASHINGTON, March2.--Hen-and fearlessness which, though it
Ary LStison, the new secretary frequently brought him into con-
of state, announced his policy to- afict with the ideas of other people,
day at his first conference with was always free from personal
press correspondents that he had animus and always mnthe iter-
interested himself in the shaping ests of the truth as he saw it. He
of an American policy in the I'm remained perenially young and had
Alone case, He declined, however, avoided the stiffening of advancing
to discuss the subject' years and was always open-minded
The sinking of the Canadian rum in regard to new facts which might
runner by a coast guard patrol lead to new truths.
boat was regarded in official circles In his death, the University has
as perhaps the most troublesome suffered a staggering blow."
question bequeathed Mr. Stimson --_
by former Secretary Frank B. Kel- Prof. Walter Pillsbury-"Weap-
logg who today as a private citizen preciate now more than ever Pro-
once more turned his back to va- fessor Wenley's s y m p a t h e t i c
cationing, friendship and wise counsel. His
The Canadian legation, mean- greatness as a teacher and his dis-
while, forwarded to the Ottawa tinction as a writer are recognized
government the full reports of the by all. His personal qualities ap-,
British consul at New Orleans and peal most now."
those received from the coast guard ---
through the State department. The lDean Edward i1. Kraus-"Pro-
legation was awaiting instructions fessor R. M. Wenley will always be
from the Canadian government be- remembered as one of the most
fore pressing the cause further. prominent and scholarly men who
Sir Esme Howard, the British am- have been associated with the Uni-
bassador, who withdrew from active versity. He was very widely known
interest in the case on learning in this country and abroad. His
that the ship was of Canadian reg- death is a great loss to the Uni-
istry also sent the reports to Lon- versity."
don. The British government stili
is directly interested since the in- Dean John R. Effinger-"Profes-
terpretations of the rum smuggling I sor Wenley's death came as a great
treaty of 1924 between the United I shock as I had received no word
States and Great Britain are in- of his previous illness. His def-,
volved. inite personality and his broad in-
The French enbassy has not yet terets have made him a conspic-
received an answer to its request I uous figure in the life of the Uni-
for instructions regarting the versity for more than a quarter
drowning of the French seaman at- I of a century, and he will be greatly
tached to the vessel. It was thought I missed."
possible that the French foreign
office would await some representa- Prof. Edson R. Sunderland-
tion by the Canadians or British "Professor Wenley's career at the
before taking action. The French University. was an extraordinarily
case was said to depend largely on brilliant one. I will remember him
whether the sinking of the I'm as he first appeared as head of the
Alone was legal. department of philosophy. His
------_students, of which I was one, were
GOVERNOR S E N D 5 thrilled by his wonderful power ofj
Iinn -ln nmi the,.,. im nnd i -l

Noted For His Campus Lectures,
Wenley Gained Great Respect
From Student IDody
Prof. Robert Mark Wenley, for
more than a quarter of a century
professor of philosophy at the Uni-
versity, during which period his
scholarly attachment to his field,
his free and sincere friendship with
his students and colleagues, and his
masterful and energetically aggres-
sive personality inspired love and
respect in all who had contact with
him, died quietly yesterday noon at
his home. He was stricken with a
heart attack Thursday night in his
home, and passed away 15 hours
later in the presence of his wife,
his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Sadler, and
H. C. Sadler, dean of the Engineer-
ing college.
Close friends and associates in
the University expressed poignant
grief and a feeling of irreparable
loss when the news of Professor \
Wenley's death reached them. Pro-
fessor Wenley's connections on the
campus were multifold, the result
of continued growth of friendship
since he first came here from Glas-
gow in 1896 to accept a chair in
the philosophy department. He has
headed the philosophy staff here
since that time.
Was Nationally Famous
The .national and international
reputation of Professor Wenley, due
to his zealous research and schol-
arly and splendid contributions to
the field of modern philosophy, ex-
ceeded his local prestfge. He was
affiliated with the best of the re-
nowned educational groups and so-
cieties of intellectual research the
world over.
A native of Edinburgh, Scotland,
he was born July 19, 1861. His early
education was received in prepara-
tory schools in Edinburgh and
Glasgow, and he received his Mas-
ter of Arts degree at Glasgow Uni-
versity in 1844. He pursued post-
graduate work at the University of
Edinburgh and received the degree
of Doctor of Science from that in-
stitution. Several years later, the
University of Glasgow conferred
on him the Doctor. of Philosophy
degree, and then a Doctor of Laws
degree. Before coming to the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Professor Wen-
ley was on the staff of the Uni-
versity of Glasgow, Queen Mar-
garet's College in Glasgow, and the
Hartford Theological Seminary. He
continued his graduate work at
Paris, Rome, Marburg, Gottingen,
Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Wrote Prolifically
Besides his teaching activity, Pro-
fessor Wenley spent much of his
time writing. The total of his print-
ed contributions is well over 500,
and includes over 300 magazine
articles and reviews. His latest lit-
erary achievements include a book
on the life and work of Prof. George
Sylvester Morris, 'Stoicism and Its
Influence," and the editing of and
introduction to the poetry of :John
He was. a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Edinburgh, the Royal
Society of Literature, a member of
the Aristotelian society, the Ameri-

can Psychology society, and for a
while on the council of the Goethe
society of London. In 1901 he rep-
resented the University at the 450
anniversary of the founding of the
University of Glasgow, and from
1925 to 1927 he was a director of
the American University Union in
Europe at the London Branch.r
The funeral is planned f or 4
o'clock, Monday afternoon at St.
Andrew's Episcopal church. Inter-
ment will be at Forest Hill cemetery
and will be private.
According to an announcement


sport of Spain. Matador Algadeno
had invited him to inspect his bulls
near here but later was forced to
leave suddenly for Murcia before
the visit could be arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. Tunney yesterday
watched the religious processions
through the streets and today left
to visit the monastery at Guada-
(By Associated Press)
-March 29.-After a visit to King
George today his physicians, Lord
Damson of Penn and Sir Stanley
Hewitt, issued a bulletin saying:
"The King continued to make
satisfactory progress in spite of
tiresome rheumatism along his

(By Associated Press)
JERUSALEM, March 29.-Holy
Week has not been all peaceful
worship in the Holy Land. Francis-
cans were prevented on Thursday1
from entering for their annual
service in a chamber of the Lord's
supper on Mount Zion by the chief
of the Moslem family which owns
it. One of the family who advo-
cated permitting the services was
seriously beaten by his relatives.
The police interfered, ordered the
Franciscans away, and posted a
guard outside the chamber.
Another incident occurred at the
church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Priests of the Coptic church were
at service when Catholic priests


take his first holiday since enter-
ing the White House. He will drive
90 miles to his fishing preserve on
the Rapidan .river in 'Virginia to
spend several hours there, and then
will return here.
In addition to Mr. and Mrs. Hoov-
er, the party will include Secretary
and Mrs. Wilbur and the presi-
dent's secretary Lawrence Richey,
who represented the chief executive
in acquiring the preserve.
The expedition was described at
the White House today as a picnic,
and a picnic lunch will be taken,
along. This will be eaten in the ,
woodlands of the fishing grounds.
Mr. Hoover hopes to obtain much
needed fresh air and recreation.
He will do no fishing as the season
i.g now closed.I
Showers Saturday; cooler in wests
portions; Sunday generally fair;
cooler in extreme southeast por-
o - -o
I Ir)10 4n HIA fn + m,_Q- T i



(By As oiatcd PresPt
ROME, March 29.-As though
symbolical of the obliteration of
old differences between church and'
state, flowers sent by the governorl
of Rome today adorned the classic
cross in the center of the coliseum
where so many Christian martyrs
suffered death prior to the advent
of the Emperor Constantine. Good
Friday observance in all of the 400

analysis, le ralatic anu 11-
pressive manner in which he was
able to present the great move-
ments in philosophy, and the re-
mnarkably beautiful literary formh
of his lectu ces. To him, philosophy
was rather an attitude of mind
than a body of obtruse doctrine,
and those of us who were fortunate
enough to enjoy the inspiration of
his teaching have never forgotten
the enthusiasm with which his
courses were welcomed."

I !


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