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March 29, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-29

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1 ^DA7, MAITTI 29, 1929

Business Administratior
Development And Use (
Showing the development andI
uses to which fire-clay refractories
am il f-in fntitna fl m t.-t !

n Cinema Demonstrates RArtI Of Masters And
Of Fire-Clay Refractory LtudenItsAN1UnOLIExh
dustries that depended upon fire-
clay refractories for their produEDLithographs by Chamber
tig was then shown, and it was pencil sketches and water cc
seen that the steel and glass in- by Henrich, and student work
dustries particularly owe a good National Research Council Gives now on exhibit in the corridor
deal of their progress to the use of Fellowships In Mathematics the Architectural building.
clay in one manner or ,another. To Michigan Men Chamberlain and Henrich w
It was announced that hereafter -s
all Business Administration mov- are i the cases in the first
ing pictures will be held on Wed- WILL 60 TO PRINCETON corridor, and the student draw
nesday afternoons at 4:05 o'clock. and paintings are on the first,
I - dayaftrnoos a 4:5 ococ --

Throc membcrs o'. the Liailty ot
lain, the School of Education and Ira
ares M. Smith, registrar,.left yesterday,
s of for the seventh annual Representa-
The tive Assembly of the Michigan Ed-
orks ucational association which is now
floor being held at Lansing.
vings Dean J. B. Edmonson, Dr. Geo go
sec- Carrothers, and Dr. Clifford Woody
rich were the men to go from the Iini-
the versity. Dean Edmonson will spak
on the program.

-- - Bringing signal honor to them- o
Senior Mechanical Engineers: selves and the University, two
Mr. R. B. Iosken of the Sullivan Machinery Company of Chicago willj members of the faculty of rlie
be in room 221 West Engineering Building on Friday, March 29, for the imathematics department, Dr. Cecil
purpose of interviewing students interested in positions with that C. Craig, and Dr. Leon W. Cohen,
have recently been awarded Na-
company. ;tional Research fellowships for a
II. C. Anderson year's investigation into their spe-
rcialized subjects in mathematics.
Allowed the opportunity of se-
All Sophomore Engineers may order their Junior jackets at Green- lecting any college or University in
wood &. Kilgore from today on. There is a choice of light or heavy this country or Europe for iheir
material with no change in price. A deposit of four dollars is required research work, both the faculty
plus your treasurer's receipt for class dues. If you have not paid your men have selected Princeton Unl-
class dues the deposit will be five dollars which includes dues. versity. At this school they will be
E. A. Skae, Chairman ble to obta the best instruction
,in their particular fields.
Provide For Research
Senior Lit Class Day Committee: The National Research fellow-
The committee, composed of June Marshall, Adelaide Wing, Kings- ships, numbering not more than 20
ley Moore, and George Chcadle, will meet in Dean Effinger's office on each year, are awarded by the Na-
Friday after noon at 2:00 o'clock.tional Research Council, which re-
ceives annually a sum of $125,000
Robert J. Gessner, Chairman from the Rockefeller Foundation
for the purpose of promoting fun-
Scnior Pharmacy Students: damental research in the fields of
Please order your cap and gown at Moe's Sport Shop before Spring physics, mathematics and chetiis-
vacation. i try.
Harry E. Morton, Chairman The fellowships are awarded to
persons who have demonstrated a
Michigan Union: I high order of ability in research,
The Executive Council of the Michigan Union will meet Friday after- ! for the purpose of enabling them
noon, March 29, 1929, at 4:15 in the student offices. to conduct investigations at insti-
Kenneth C. Schafer, Recording Sec. tutions which made adequate pro-
visions for effective prosecution of
Masonic Students: research in these branches.
The regular meeting of the Craftsmen Club will meet in the large Studied In Sweden
lodge room of the Masonic Temple, Saturday evening, March 30, at Dr. Craig, who has been an 'n-
7:30. All Master Masons are urged to be pi esent. j structor in mathematics at the
i. W. Webster, President University since '1922, received his
-Ph.D. degree here in 1927. During
Beta Kappa Rho 1the year 1924-25 he studied under
There will be a meeting Saturday, March 30, at 1307 Forest Avenue, Prof. Wicksell at the University of
at 8:15 o'clock. Lund, Sweden, on an America-
L. J. Lingel Scandinavian Foundation fellow-
ship. The followirng year, he was
Christian Science Society: also able to work under the Swed-
Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan announces ish. professor, ps the latter was vis-+
a free lecture on Christian Science entitled: "Christian Science: Its iting the University. At Princeton
Accord With the Lord's Piayer" by Mr., Arthur P. DeCamp, C. S. B., nEyar Hill wionis wark ilar
of St. Louis, Missouri, member of the Board of Lectureship of the Prof. E Hnlyoisrpriclar
Mother Church, The First Church'of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa- Esubject, the analytic representation
chusetts, in Hill Auditorium, Saturday evening, March 30, at 8:15 of frequency functions.
o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Dr. Cohen came to theUnivcrsity
Elois Rue 1 as an instructor in mathematics in
Eloise Rue 1926. He likewise received his=de-
gree of Doctor of Philosophy here,
Music Appreciation:being awarded it last June. His
The class in music appreciation for club women and interested work at the University has been
persons meets Friday at 4:00 o'clock in room 211, Hill Auditorium to done with Prof. R. L. Wilder. His
begin the study of the May Festival program. The enrollment fee has research next year at Princeton
been reduced to $10.00 for the rest of this semester. will be under Prof. J. W. Alexander,
Glen McGeoch in analysis situs.

ond, and third floors. The Hen
water colors as well as those of
students are of scenic views.



Summer Vacation Work
Between 900 and 1,000 students from various universities are
paying their school expenses with returns from demonstrating
and selling our health method of cooking. Earnings are based
on salary and commission. No sales experience or knowledge of
cooking necessary. We are not interested in men who want to
ring door bells and do high pressure selling.
Information will be furnished on receipt of name and address
at Michigan Daily, Box 35.
Inquire before Easter Vacation.

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French Selville Satins
Ideal Easter Neckwear Creation
$1.50 and $2 00
South State Street at William Street





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