THE- MiCHIaN DATEY - ___._.__ EXPECT ULEGSLATURE .TO VOTE ON- NI TAX Hartman Bill Wil Go To Ways And Means Committee Immediately, Ruthven Informed~ DISCUSSEiD MANY WEEKS Definite action looking toward the solution of the state financial tangle, in which improvements in various state institutions are in- voWed, was taken Tuesday in the lower house when the committee on taxation reported that the IHrtman mill tax bill was out. The bill which would raise $28,260,000 in the next four years, will now be sent to the ways and means com- mittee, according to information received here by Alexander G. Ruthven, dean of administration:- Favorable Action Likely Although not- formally intro- duced into the legislature until Tuesday, the bill has been the sub- ject of discussion for several weeks, and the taxation committee lost no time in considering it. Longer, discussion as to the needs of state institutions or the methods of solv- ing the problems was unnecessary to bring about the action taken thus far. According to reports from Lans- ing, it is generally expected that the bill will. pass both the house and the Senate due to the fact that leaders in both bodies have practi- cally abandoned their pet ideas of raising revenue through taxes on tobacco, amusements and things of a similar nature. Provide For Contingencies Although the bill does note leave authority to the administrative hoard to: slice: up the lump sum as it pleases, it does provide that the board may transfer, amounts, from one specific appropriation as con- tingencies arise. The total amount to be collected would be divided in- to: appropriations for the various institutions of, the state, the Uni- versity getting the largest share for educational purposes. Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan' ANNOUNCES ,A FREE LECTURE On Christian ScienCe by Mr. Arthur P. DeCamp, C.S.B. Member of the Board of Lecture- ship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ; Scientist, in Boston, Mass. in Hill Auditorium Saturday Evening March .30, 1929 At 8:15 o'clock EXERCISE URGED CARROTHERSi The value of regular recreation all through life was stressed by Prof. George E. Carrothers of the School of Education, in a talk on "Wholesome Recreation and Life" at the weekly student forum yes- terday afternoon in Lane hall. "The death rate of men above 37 is increasing regularly,. and this is1 largely due to lack of exercise," he said. Professor Carrothers spoke under the auspices of the Student Christian association. The situation of the student at Michigan was discussed at great length. One-fifth of the students do not exercise regularly, it was stated. Professor Carrothers scout- ed the idea that students do not have enough time. He pointed out that an hour of exercise two or three times a week does not use up, very much time, and the brain works much' faster and more efficiently' after the exercise. "Outdoor exer- cise is far better than indoor. Long walks are about the best form of exercise possible, especially in the spring," he declared. Detroit Theaters SHUBERT LAFAYETTE The DESERT SONG4 100 GOLDEN VOICES Night75c, $1 :50, $2.00, $2.50 and $300 ALLS UTAH TALKIESWU R WEEK Shows at 2:00-3:40 7:00-8:40 100% Takn ND RED S RE A' I OSSTYE ,1 RELIGIO-US STYLES CUTE ONES OR FRIEfNDLYS VERSES SD. MORRILL ' 17 Nickels Arcade The Stationery and Typewriter Store EASTER Ca'n'dy Specials. I 1t Largest display of Easter Candy in town for Mother, Wife, Kiddies or Sweetheart SIv,-eedland I0 Iierbd l/s f X FATR 212 Soo Main St. I m . You gillehrilled, chilled and filled -ith laughter at this all-in-dialogue farce comedj A L S 0 3 FOX MOVIETONE ACTS PAT ROONEY I N' The Art of the Films . . *w R: 9 CASS THEATRE 1 BEATRICE LILLY JOE COOK Ge . Choos Presents CYCLONIC MUSICAL COMEDY HELLO YOURSELF with I FOX MOVIETONE NEWS I WARING'S PENNSYLVANIANS and Chorus of 50 Bewitching Dancers NIGHT PRICES: $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.85 Saturday Matinee: $1.00 to $2.50 I Re ad the Cla ssified Ads NOW I I I s ii I I 'I LAST T IM E TODAY #A Your Club in Detroit - COSMOPOLITAN OPENING SATURDAY An Innovation of Easter Entertainment The Savoy E- I have set aside .an en- tire floor in the Savoy, for Michigan men. An old-time student of the U. of M. myself, I know the need for such a headquarters, and I am very happy, indeed, to be able' to provide it -and to give Michigan men the benefit of a 20Percent Reduction, in Rates. Paul Kamper, Pres. 11 I ", 1 11 ON THE STAGE I' THE SAVOY Woodward at Adelaide SPECIAL RATES TO MICHIGAN MEN Single Rooms Twin Stage Bil Geo. Broadhurst U Co. in A Singing, Dancing and Comedy Skit "MAKING MERRY IN A NIGHT CLUB" ALSO ~~ EVANS 8 MAYER "The Cowboy and the Lady" Note:--EVANS & MAYER were booked at the reouest of a xroup of students who "caught" the act at the Michigan Theater in Detroit. "BEAUTIES BEWARE" INTERNATIONAL MICHIGAN F1 BOB vAl+ folnaal7i El am'cinvUl * II TIITn AmTT and thrills with the swiftness of its pace. A love that steals the heart by the - depth of its beauty and its sincerity. Jq4 d I W X