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March 29, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-29

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Hlofmann, Zimbalist, Crooks,,Teva, (
Athouse, And Tibbett Are ]
On The Prograk
Plans for the °1929 May Festival
to be held Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday, May 22,.23,
24, and 25 in 1Hi11 auditorium are
rapidly nearing ompletion, c-
cording to Prof. Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music.
Twelve artists of recognized abil-
ity will combine with theUniver-
sity Choral Union of 350 singers
and the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra in preseting a program
that is said to out-rank many of
the predecessors in point of artists
participating, quality of the pro-
grams, and general value.
Six Concerts Scheduled
The isoloists who are scheduled to
be here are Edith Mason, prima-
donna soprano of : the Chicago
Civic opera company, Sophie Bras-t
lau, renowned American contralto,
Richard Crooks, famous tenor,
Lawrence Tiobett, leading baritone
of the Metropolitan ;Opera :con
pany, Richar hBoneli, . leading
baritone of the, Chicago .Civie
opera company, Jeanette Vreeland,
well known American oratoriot
singer, Marian Telva, contralto of
the Metropolitan opera company,
Paul Althouse and William Gust-
afson, both of the Metropolitan
opera- company, Efrem Zimbalist,
popular Hungarian . violinist, Josefs
Holmann, Russian pianist, and
Barre Hill of the Chicagp CiVic
opera company, formerly a popular
singer on the Michigan campus..
There .will be six concerts dur-I
ing the four days of the May Fes-I
tival. The several hundred per-
sons participating in the annuall
event will hae their various t'al-
ents and specialties welded into
the different performances under
the directorship of ProfessorI
Moo:e. -''-r
The first concert WednesdayC
night will find Miss Braslau, Rich-I
ard Crooks, and the Chicago Sym-t
phony orchestra with Fredericka
conducting, comprising the pro-t
gram. Crooks will sing' four solos,
as will Miss Braslau.
Two Concerts Friday t
On Thursday Miss Vreeland,
Law. ence Tibbett, the University
Choral Union and Palmer Chris-
tian, University organist, will make!
their debuts to the May Festival
audiences of this season.t
Two concerts will be heard on r
Friday, one in the afternoon andt
one that night. An unusual pro-p
gram for the customary afternoont
concert has been arranged. In ad-E
dition to Barre Hill, the Children's
Festival chorus under the direc-
tion of Juva Higbee, and the Chi-a
cago orchestra, Ef rem Zimbalist
will be heard in one of Brahms'
concertos, occupying the entire last .
half of the afternoon concert.
Opera To Be Climax
Miss Mason will be Introduced
at the Friday night concert when
she will sing several selections,
including two of Mozart's arias, oner
of Charpentier's arias, and sev-c
eral other numbers. Another fea-c
ture of the well-arranged Friday

night presentation will be the ren-
dering of the oft discussed Bloch's
rhapsody, "America," by the Chi-J
'ago Symphony orchestra.
'The climax of the Festival willt
be, of course,, the sixth concert, oc-f
curring on Saturday night and em-
bodying Marion Telva Paul Alt-
house, Richard Bonelli, William
Gustafson, the orchestra, the Uni-
versity Choral Union, and Profes-
sor Moore.
Tickets for the Festival are pro-
curable through the Universityt
School of Music on Maynard street.
Charles A, Sink, president of the
School of Music, states that a num-
ber of good seats are still available
and the season tickets will be keptg
intact for some time to come be-r
fore they are split up into indi-t
vidual admissions.,
Christian Will Give z
Good-Friday Recital

(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, March 28.-Ofi- E
cial announcement was made to-fr
day that -the insurgents were re- O I A E 0 0f
treating on both the Pacific coast 0AD
and the northern front. The troops
of General Juan A. Almazan werei
preparing an advance against Jim-
enez and Chihuahua and the col- NG A E VISION
umn .of General Lazaro Cardenas
was about ready to pursue the NOTED PROFESSOR BROUGHTk
rebels, who are retreating north-1 TO MICHIGAN BY LATE
ward through Sinaloa from Mazat- PRESIDENT ANGELLI
The only fighting recounted in ENDS LONG CAREER HERE
today's bulletins from Chapulte -
tec Castle occured at Escalon, on Romance Language Head Will Turn
the route. from Torreon to Chihua- In Official Announcement To
hua City, where federals routed the 'Board Of Regentsl
rebel rear guard after a short but l
brisk engagement in which four Concluding a pedagogical career
rebels, including a captain, were m-
known to have been killed. Two of more than a quarter of a cen- ;1
federal soldiers were wounded. tury at the University, Prof. Arthur
The main force of General Al- G. Canfield, head of the Romance
mazan was encamped last night at Languages department, has an-
Rio Grande, a short distance south- nounced his retirement. Prof.
east of Escalon, and today moved nucd i eieet rf
on. towardEscalon in order to Canfield celebrated. his seventieth
crush the rebel advance. birthday two days ago.
Coming to the University at the
invitation of the late President
James B. Angell, Prof. Canfield was
given the title of full professor of
Romance languages in 1900. He
Swasmade head of the department
at once, and retained that position
Iuntil the summer of 1926, when he!
asked to be relieved of administra-
tiveduties in order to devote hist
Gessner Takes Second In Northern time to the teaching of French.-
Oratorical Association's Graduate Of Williams I
Speech Trials The retiring professor was bornN
March 27, 1859, in Sunderland, Vt..
WILL SPEAK- IN FINALS He was graduated from Williams
college at the age of 19. The ques-
Ormond J.' Drake, '30Ed., won I tion of a vocation gave him con-'
first place in the local contest of siderable concerti, for he was in-
the Northern Oratorical league terested in a number of widely
which was held last night in the separated professions, not the leastF
Alpha Nu room on the fourth of which was a baseball pitchert
floor of Angell hall. Four, other He played on the Williams ninc
students competed in the contest. and achieved considerable reputa-a
Robert Gessner, '29, was awarded tion..c
second place. However, his own interest in mat-
. By placing first Drake won a cash ters of surveying, his father's ambi-
prize of $100. and the privilege of tions for him as a lawyer, and an
representing the University in the aunt's interest in making a doctor
Northern Oratorical League com- of him finally resulted in his glad i
petition which.will be held in Ann acceptance of an oer of an uncle
Arbor on May 4. This is the first to spend some time in Europe to
fime that this event has been held study and make it his mind. Het
here since 1924. Gessner, second inbecame terested in the Germanr
plae winner, will receive a cash languages and later in French.
award of $50. r Returning to this country he
The winning oration delivered by joined the faculty of the University1
Drake was entitled "Mankind To- of Kansas, as an instructor of his-
morrow". It consisted -largely of tory. Later he was made instructorr
conjectures as to the future of our of modern languages, and i 1887i
present.civilization. Gessner's ora- a professor of Romance languages.
tion was a discussion of intoler- This position he held until coming
ance and open-mindedness, which to Michigan in 1900.r
the speaker declared was necessary Pursued Studies Abroad
if our civilization was to continue.- Prof. Canficld has studied abroad,
Other students who competed in extensively and has a considerable
the contest were Howard Simon, number of publications to his cred-
30, Virgnia Houghton, 30, and it. He has done graduate work at
Lawrence Hartwig, '31. the Universities of Leipzig, Gottin-
Drake has had considerable cx- gn eln n obne ehs
perience in public speaking on the gen, Berlin, and Sorbonne. He has
Campus. He is a member of Delta an honorary doctor's degree from
Sigma Rho, was a Varsity debater Williams college, granted him in
the fall semester of 1927, and a 1920.
member of the Michigan affirma- Among his more widely known
tive team which defeated Indiana publications are: "Lyrics," "Poems
heres last December. The judges of of Victor Hugo," and "Survey of
the contest were Prof. James M. Modern Language Teaching in
O'Neil, head of the speech depart- Michigan." He has engaged in ex-
ment, Prof. Gail E. Densmore, and tensive research on the "Correla-
Prof. Louis Eich. Floyd Riley acted tion Between High School Studies
as chairman. Presented for Entrance to College
and Success in College," "The Cor-
respondence of H. de Balzac With
Jensen Breaks Record eference to a Critical Edition,"
For Endurance Flight and "The Correspondence of Vic-
tor Hugo." Since his withdrawal as,
(By Associated Press) head of the Romance languages;
ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., department, Prof. Hugo Thieme has
March 28.-Martin Jensen set a headed the administration of that
new solo endurance flight record department.
of 35 hours, 35 minutes and 21 sec- o - o
onds today, beating the time of the f JUNIOR CLASS DUES I

late Royal V. Thomas, by eight
minutes and 22 seconds. I Annual dues for members of
When he landed at 5:34:55 1 the junior literary class will bej
o'clock this afternoon, his Jtanks I collected today, in the corridor
held, just one gallon of the high- i of University hall. The fees will
test automobile gasoline he used (l be $1.00. Charles Jose, 1
during the flight to prove the ef- J Treasurer.
ficacy of such fuel. o
Another consignment of admis- court, before which the proceed-
sion cards to the Supreme Court of ings will take place.
the University were sent out yes- Although a conviction is practi-
terday by the bailiffs of the court, cally certain, according to attor-
who announce that the entire neys who have been working on
number of passes as allotted by the the cases, it is also understood that I
clerk of the court are nearly all so many witnesses will be used dur-
given out. Only today and tomor- ing the course of the trial, that a
row are left within the limit set dinner will be served in the court!
by the officials *for the acceptance room before the pleadings get;
of answers made to the subpoenas under way.
sent out more than a week ago. Arrangements have been made 1
The trial for which the men sum- for Bob Carson's prison band to
moned are to appear in court, is furnish music during the meal. The
for the conviction of one who is members of the band will be kept

According to a statement made
by E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of
the Building and Grounds Depart-
ment, airplane pilots will have no
trouble in the future in determin-1
ing just what "those buildings
down there" are.
In a few. weeks when the B. and
G. boys give the roofs of campus
buildings their annual coat of
paint, they will decorate the roof
of Angell hall with University of
Michigan painted in huge white
letters. Below these letters will be
painted a great white arrow point-
ing in the direction of the Ann
Arbor airport. Upon the arrow will
be inscribed the words "TO AIR-

Jimenez And Iglesias Escorted
Brazilian Capital By
C Four Planes


(By Associated Pres)
RIO DE JANEIRO, March 28.-
Captains Jimenez and Iglesias this
afternoon reached the goal toward
which they headed their plane
when it took off from Seville, Spain,
'ast Sunday and received as tumul-
tuous a welcome as if they had not
been forced by shortage of gaso-
line to come down at Bahia, 800
miles north of their objective.
Four Brazilian airplanes took off
from Campo Dos Affonsos at 3:15
o'clock this afternoon and headed
northward to give the Spanish
aviators escort to the Brazilian
capital. More than 2,000 persons
had travelled the 18 hitles out to
the field in automobiles and trains.
At 4:30 o'clock the Spanish air-
plane, Jesus del Gran Poder, was
sighted coming through the en-'
trance to the famous harbor at the
head of a wedge formation formed
by the Brazilian planes. The crowd
broke into a prolonged cheer as the
olanes appeared from the gray
clouds just outside the harbor.
They swung over the city and then
landed at 4:45.
Members of the Spanish colony
received the fliers and they were
immediately besieged by photog-
raphers and reporters. The Span-
iards left Bahia at 8:30 o'clock this
morning and maintained an aver-
age speed of 100 miles an hour.
They have now flown more than
4,800 miles in two hops since leav-
ing Seville.
' E
. V
* *I
- i

Program Almost Entirely Devotedx
To Interests Of Women 1
At UniversityI
Broadcasting a program given1
over almost entirely to the inter-
ests of the women of the Univer-
sity, the 23rd Michigan Night radio
program was put on the air be-1
tween 7 and 8 o'clock last nightx
from the new Morris hall studiosi
through WJR, the "Goodwill Sta-
tion" of the Richads Oakland I
company, Detroit.
The bulk of the hour's broad-
cast consisted of the musical se-
lections from "Forward March,"
the annual Junior Girls' play!
which concluded a week's run at
I the Whitney theater last Saturday!
night and which will be given at
a special performance in Detroit,
April 5.
The entice cast of principals and
singing chorus fom the Play pre-
sented the leading numbers, while
the orchestra under the direction
of Bob Carson and Bud Lewis,
played all the accompaniments.
Among the pieces were: "Julie,"
sung by Helen Bush with a duet,
"Right Out of Heaven," sung by
Stewart Churchill, -a member of#
the orchestra, accompanied by the
full singing chorus, and "Paris t
Bound," a solo by Kathleen Suggs
and accompanied by the chorus.t
Many Songs Presented
"The Reason Why," which con-
sisted -of a solo part by Helen t
Bush, a trumpet solo by Eric Wild1
of the orhestra, and accompani-
ment by the chorus, "Yodel For.
Me," a duet by Helen Harter and
Clare Simmons, "Mine Baby," sung
by Lillian Setchell and Kathleen
Suggs, and a solo by Dora Vanden-
Berg, "Is Anybody Coming My1
Way," were also heard. The mu-
sical portion of the program was.l
concluded by "Forward March,"''
sung by Helen Bush and the
E cho us, and "The Breakdown,"
sung by Elaine Frost and the
Due to the length of the mu-j
sical numbers, only two talks werej
presented last night, one of which
was also related especially to the a
interests of the women. Mary B.-
Henderson, executive secretary of
the Alumnae Council, who has led
the movement through which the
women of the University have
been able to raise the $1,250,000
fund for the construction of the I
[new Women's League building,,
talked on the League.#
Explains Building Plans «
Mrs. Henderson spoke at length
Eof the layout of the new building
for women of the University which
will be opened for the first time1
on May 4, and which will be form-'
ally dedicated on June 14, during
the week of Commencement. She
also praised the work of the women
on the campus toward the goal of
the complete structure and es-
pecially the efforts of the alumnae.
In conclusion Mrs. Henderson
made a plea for all outstanding'
pledges to be paid in order that by
the time the building is formally'

dedicated in June all outstanding
bills will have been met without the
necessity of borrowing funds.
The other talk on last night's
program was given by Dr. Walter
R. Parker, professor of Ophthal-
mology and specialist in eye ail-
ments in the University hospital.
Dr. Parker in speaking on the
topic, "The Child's Eyes," told why
the children's eyes should be care-
fully taken care of and of various
ailments and the means of correct-
ing them which might concern the4
Yost Expresses Needs I
To State Legislature
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, March 28.-Fielding H.
(Hurry-Up) Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics at the University
of Michigan, was a legislative visitor
today. The famous football mentor
made speeches in each house on

Senator Royal S. Copeland, '89M,
of New York, will be the princi-
pal speaker at the Cap Night cere-
monies, it was announced last night
by Jennings McBride, '30, member
of the Student council, in charge
of the arrangements.
McBride received a telegram from
Dr. Copeland, who was invited to
be Cap Night speaker when he
was in Ann Arbor several days ago, TAFT ADMINISTERS OATH OF
in which he said that he found OFFICE TO NEW
it possible to accept the offer. SECRETARY
Dr. Copeland has long been con-
nected with the University. After KELLOGG LEAVES POST .
his g aduation from the Medical
school in 1889, he became a mem- Former Governor-General Is Faced
her of the faculty and was affili- By Number Of Pressing -
ated with the University hospital State Problems
until he left for New York in 1908.
During this period he was Mayor (By Associated Press)
of Ann Arbor for two years and WASHINGTON, March 28.-The
was president of the Board of Ed- world-wide activities of the state
ucation for a year.deatetwrplcdaetoy
Following his move to- New York, department were placed late today
Dr. Copeland served as city com- -under the direction of Henry L.
missioner of public health and pres- Stimson, who after a lapse of al-
ident of the Board of Health. He most a score of years has returned
began his first term as United to Washington as a member of the
States senator in 1923, serving con- cbntcrl fapeiet
tinualy since then. cabinet circle of a president.
The former governor-general of
S the Philippines was administered
the oath of office by the Chief
Justice of the United States, Wil-
TSliam Howard Talft. As the two
faced each other in the impres-
sively furnished diplomatic room at
the state department they smiled,
Dlorgan Defeats Auer In heavy- apparently recalling other days
Moriga D A.erio n Havywhen both were younger and the
sveight Division With Hard one was president and the other
Slugging Attack; Beer Loses his secretary of war.
TOURNEY WELL ATTENDED1 Taft Administers Oath
UAfter the induction into office,
By R. de B. Wickersham Ithe chief justice grasped the hand of
Hammering his way to a well- his old friend and shook it heartily.
earned victory Bob Morgan decis- "Old man, I am delighted to be
.vebeatd Htoar Bue irgn thefea- any kind of humble instrument in
ively beat Howard Auer in the fea- putting you in this place," he said.
ture bout of last night's eighth an- "Thank you," replied the new
nual all-campus boxing show.
Despite his opponent's advantageWsecretary of eistate.
of 30 pounds Morgan slugged With the transfer of the reins of
through to a unanimous referees' the state department authority
decision, from the veteranhands of Frank
In the first round of the finalJB. Kellogg to Secretary Stimson,
bout Auer's advantage in weight the official' cabinet circle of Presi-
enabled him to rush Morgan to the dent Hoover was cmpleted and
ropes at will but the second and the new administration fully man-
third rounds found Morgan con- ned for the four years of work
sistently landing hard wallops on ahead.
Auer's chin. Mr. Stimson, who since Tuesday
The judges for the show were C. has been going over pressing prob-
H. Brennan, president of the Mich- lems with his predecessor, will be
igan A. A. U., O. R. Benjamin of confronted at the outset by a num-
Detroit, and William H. Gitman of her of matters. The sinking of the
Dayton, Ohio. As an added feature 1 Canadian rum runner, "I'm Alone,"
of the evening Coach Philbin's [the Mexican revolution, the Ameri-
brdther, Milo, came from Toledo can policy to be pursued at the
University td, referee the fights. .forthcoming preparatory disarma-
Every bout showed some fast fight- ment commission meeting at Gen-
Ing and the show was a success eva, and numerous minor matters
from the spectator's point of view. are a few of the questions await-
All bouts were three rounds to a ing solution. -'.
referee's decision, with the follow- In addition the new secretary has
ing results: Flyweight, Yuen won before him the realignment of the
over Palmer, Bantam; McBride 'foreign diplomatic service, espe-
beat Currey by a decision; Evelyth f cially in South America. President
gained a close decision over Stein Hoover who, ds the result of his
in the featherweight, after a slow good will trip obtained much first-
start: Woodward won a very close hand information on the situation
decision over Heim in the ligh- in the'Latin American republics, is
weight class.-1 particularly anxious to build up
Welterweight: Borovich gained algood will in that field.
technical K. O. over Beer, 1 minute Plans Few Changes
after second round opened, due to The new secretary of state has
the condition of Beer's injured eye. let it be known that he intends to-
Middleweight: Ryerson won a fast make very few changes in the per- '
bout from R. Hobart, Lightheavy- sonnel at the state department.
weight; Otto won an easy decision Under-secretary J. 'Reuben Clark
from L. Hobart. has asked to be relieved, and it
understood he will be succeeded
Loughran Keeps Title 1 by William R. Castle, at present an
In Bqut With Walker assistant secretary of state.
t For the time being assistant sec-
(special To The Dail) retary of state Nelson T. Johnson
CHICAGO, Ill., March 28.-Tom- will remain in charge of the de-
my Loughran successfully defended partment's eastern affairs, with
his light-heavyweight crown here assistant secretary Wilbur J. Carr

tonight, winning the decision over continuing to supervise counselor
Mickey Walker in 10 fast rounds. activities. F ancis White will re- -
The battle was close throughout main in charge of Latin American
with the winner in doubt until the affairs. Secretary Stimson .has re-
final round. . appointed William H. Beck, as as-
Walker, former welter-weight sistant to the secretary of state.
champ and at present holder of the i Beck has served under Secretaries
middle-weight title, fought a game Lansing, Polk, Colby, Hughes, and
but losing battle in his attempt to Kellogg.
annex his third crown, before a
.crowd of 20,000 people who packed Churches Will Unite
the new indoor stadium of PaddySpca
Harmon For Special Service
In observance of Good Friday, a
Glider Club To P" a ' united service under the direction
Construction Work of the Ministerial association of
Ann Arbor will be held from 12
A meeting of the Glides club until 3 o'clock this afternodn in St.
|will be held at 7:30 tonight in Andrew's church. Ministers rep-
room 348 West Engineering build- r e s e n t i n g the co-operating
ing, at which time applications for churches will preach on the seven
1 work on the new ship will be con-,words from the Cross.
sidered. The Reverend R. N. McMichael
Materials for the plane have al- will speak " on the text "Father
ready been ordered and students I Forgive Them"; Dr. Merle H. An-
wishing to aid in the construction derson on the second word from
are asked to apply for assignments ithe Cross; the Reverend Fred

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