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March 28, 1929 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-28

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~, TvfAIk.CH 28 ,1~i29





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(S4ici 'LToIThe Daily) TO IA PTAI N P0U NIU N
IOWVA CITY,, March 26.-Four1
special event men anid one. relay,
team will be the University of Defen'se Man C/hosein To Succeed
Iowa's contribution to the competi.- Fisher At Annual Hockey
tors at the Texas relays at Austin emDne
and the Southern Methodist games
at Dallas Friday and Saturday. HAS PLAYED TWO YEARS
With most of his quarter milers_
incapacitated by varous ailments Clarence G. Bryant, Varsity de-
ranging from pleurisy to pilled fens awseetdcpano
muscles, Coach G. T. Bresnahan nsmawsectdapino
will concentrate on the mnedley c - the 1929-1930 hockey team at the
lNy. Arthur Thomas, lead-oilfroan annual puckmen's dinner last
on the Conference championship night in the Union. He will suc-
;mile team, will race the qu(arter; ceed Captain Mort Fisher as leader
mile; Joe Gunn, credited with a'
1:56 3-10 race last year, will run of the "Wolverine pucksters.
the half mile; John McCammnon Bryant, who comes from Calu-
will care for the three-quarters,? met, Mich., has played regular de-*
and Byron Turn~er, mailer, will an- fense for two years on the Varsity,
chor the team. !and set an enviable record during
Henry Canby, sophomore vaulter the past season by starting every
!with a mark of 13 feet, 7 1-2 inches, game and playing a greater total
will compete outdoors for the firstI of minutes than any other Wol-
time this season. It is his aim toI verine puckman.
raise the Texas record, now stand- Praised By Lowrey
ing: at a foot lower than his best, Acrigt oc ory h
and to establish a Southern Meth-;Acrigt oc ory h
odit mrk t te nital eetofsturdy Maize and Blue defense man
ct m allatintheitutin. meeutdoerspossesses every requisite of an ideal
are Joe Allison, winner of the sec- ledrIratplydasrn
ond place in the Big Ten indoor game throughout the season, and
even, ad GergeSalig. heywas noted for his hard body check-
will run the 120-yard highs at Aus- in g.
tin and the 220-yard lows at Dal-' In addition to Captain-elect
las. Bryant, Sammy Hart, Johnny Ab-
The other special event manJ cer- bott, and J. Fisher, lettermen, will
Lain to go is Robert Mitchell, Drake !again be eligible as nucleus .for
relays discus champion of 1928 ; next, season's Varsity. Schlanderer,
with a mark of 141 feet, 9 inches. Courtis, Mason, and Nygord, who
Charles Forwald, shot put veteran, !woni their AMA's this year, will
1also may go. ~also be available.

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--- -' ----- Some of the wrestling luminaries.,


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wu Lr.Y~ wvr pna vrYit 2wY11 S a in Str.Fe etl.... s. d .dJutn-

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