*Aor mom HL T HT MATEY '6 D'.t MF. AY, IvTARCTT 27; IM .. THE MTCHT~AN DAT~Y WW~S~JA~, MA~Y! 2~, 1~2§ D AILY OFFIIAL BLLTI Publication LII;the bulletin- Is constructive notice to all members of .the Univetrsity. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. in., (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Senj*r Mechanical Enrginev*rs: i I i( Mr. E. W. Rempton of the American Steel and Wire Comnpany of Cleveland will be. in roorn 221 West Engineering Building on Thursday, March 28, for the purpose of interviewing students interested in posi- tions with that company. Pres eu 's Soan Commences Work AsI Super'vislor Of, Airplane Radio Equipmet 'GRAF ZEPPELIN SOAIISt O VER MEDITERRNE^N l 1 11. C. Anderson v _'ol XXIX... WEIONERDAY, MARCH 27, 1929 No. 132 University Loan Committee : The University: Loan Committee will meet oni Friday, March 29, at 2':00 p. in., In. room 2t University Hall. All students. applying for loans should call at the office of the Dean of Students to arrange for an appointment with the committed. W. B. Rea, Acting Chairman To the Student Body and the Faculty: The 'Varsity Band, assisted by the 'Varsity Glee Club Quartette and soloists,. will present its annual Easter Program at 3:00 tonight in. Hill Audito. ium. Program: Overture, "Festival," 0. Nicolai; Prelude in Q Minor, Rachmaninoff; Les Ramneauc, J. Faure, by the Quartette; Flute Solo--"Forest Bird," Doptler (Roger y:.!iecker) ; Angeus irom Scenes !Pittoriesq ues, Massenet; t~aster Chimes Descriptive, M. L. Lake; Consider andk Hear.M.e, P flueger, by the Quartette; Tenor and Ba itone Duet-- "Crucifix," J. Faure (Stewart Churchill and Otto Brown) ; Reve Angel- ique, Rubenstein; Overture to "Stabat Mater," Rossini; The Yellow and Blue, Balfe: There is no ^dmission charge. Please be on time. Robert A. Campbell university Leciure: A lecture on '"Prime Numbers" will be given on Wednesday at 4:15 p. m.. in room 3017 Angel Hall by Professor G. H. Hardy, SavilianI Professor of geometry at the University, of Oxford, and' at present visiting Professor, of Mathematics at Princeton University. F. F. Robbins Lecture by Professor Roosval: Professor Roosval of the University of Stockholm will today give an illustrated. lecture on: "Sculpture of Spain and Southern France in the Eleventh and Twelfth. Centuries." The lecture will be given at 4:15 in the ground floor lecture room of the Architectural Building. The public is cordially invited. Emil Lorch N~ovng Pictures of Industry: The fourteenth moving picture program by the School of Business AdMinistrat lbn. will, be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. in., Thursday,. March 28. . Please note that the program will be begin 10 minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following film will be shown:- ' The Story of Fire-Clay Refractories-4 reels. All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which are d~ n d latcl rT o gv . ui es ,t d nsb c g o n aeil Carl N. Schmalz fresh lia 11an~d Sophbormore Civil Enugineers: (By Associated Press) ROME, March 26.-The giant The cooperative course i highway engineering combines summer - dirigible Graf Zeppelin was believed employmnrt with University credit. Those interested please meet in ~today to be flying over the central room 1213 East Engineering Building at 4:15 p. in., Thurxsday, March 28.1;, Mediterranean toward Palestine RL.MrisnIav~ the Holy Land ol the secoidt ; lof its cruise from Fricdricv - Senior Education: ;..,haf en. Meeting of Committees, group chairman and advisers at U. High, i The dirigible passed here at 3 toom 4020, at 4 p. m-. Wednesday, March 27. All should be present o'clock Monday afternoon, circed Danil P Roe, Pesient I 'he city three times and left or D nil_._oe ,Pr si en aples in continuation of its trip Senior Men-School of Education::; f down the west side of the "Italian All orders for caps and gown~s should be in before spring vacavtion. boot." It circled over Navles two Orders are being taken at Moe's (next to Wahr's bookstore. .hours later and proceeded to the southeast, its course uncertain, de- 'Lillian B. Smith, Chairman Y;..Y" : $ pending largely upon wcather con- ditions.~ Ju+nior Engineers: I i A wireless message from the Dunes will he collected in the West Engineering Building today. dirigible directed to the German Harry H. (Coll, Treasurer ambassador herd on the occasion of its flying over the city said: "The All Campus Forum:_ crew and passengers of the Graf ! Professor George E. Carrothers of the School of Education, will Herbert Hoover, Jr Zeppelin who are pursuing "a flight t discuss "Wholesome Recreation and Life" in the reading room of :Lane ! xho is being engaged by the West- offices while in flight through thej across the Mediterranean to render Hall at 4:05 p. in., Thursday. All men and women students and mem- ern Air Express to develope a sys- agency of land phones and radio homage to the genius of the Eternal bers of the faculty are invited, Itern whereby' air passengers may planes. He is now installing adios City and beg you to transmit to it tStzn hi etwse.(ind The Forum Committee communicate with their homes or on planes. (Drcitiz Ensktheir.s"wsesSind Julius A. Zink,____________J_____hn_____Webster_____Dr ugIEkne. _ _ _ _ _Z i , J o n W b t rR O O S V A L S P E A K S A B O U T S W E D I S H M U R A L P A I N T I N G ' T he e c u is e o t e r a f Z e p p e linCl ~ e n x e i n w l e h n c:l e h l n T u s a y a c 8 t 7 : 0!C n i u n s r e f t r e l e - f o r l c u e r o m o h r h t c - a e t d y r e a t P l s ierl en sat Colloiu. imApplidtMecanicsuildinwithonri"Matraalstiieeithe y n room 248, West Engineering Building. Mr. Floyd Firestone will tlures, Prof. Johnny Roosval of thetuabilngo"MrlPnig return trip to be made over, pro- speak on the noise problem in automobiles, and will. demonstrate the Univrsity of Stockholm, spoke ys nSeihCuce. r .0- ably, parts of" the ,Balkans and the metodsofmeaureen (a th lbortor i th Phsis Bildng. val illustrated his lecture withe countries of cettl Europe. The Al metodstofcmarentd toatthend. raoyint e Ph scsB idi g .terday afternoon in the ground slides. dirigible expected to cover a dis- W. M. Coates Romance Club: .jac f500mls I Graduate students and members of staff are reminded of the regular i Cercie Franc ais:° meeting of the Romance Club in room 408 R.L., Wednesday, March 27, i There will be a meeting of the Cercle Francais Thursday evening, at 4:10 p. m. H. Hootkins will spea k on "Articles of Interest in Recent D C March 28, at 7:30 o'clock, in room 408, Romance Language Building. ' Reviews," and H. P. Thieme will address the Club on "The Value and Professor Talamon will speak, and refreshments will be served. Lure of Bibliography." ; Max Fruhauf, Jr., President. Warner F. Patterson Sigma Delta Phi: There will be a luncheon and important meeting of Sigma Delta Phi Wednesday at 12 o'clock, at the Lantern Shop. Final arrangements for convention will be made. Vera Johnston, President Clhi Delta Phi: Chi Delta Phi wil meet. tonight at 7:30 in Professor Jack's office This is a very important meeting, and all members are urged to attend. Sigma Xi: The members of the Society of the Sigma Xi are invited to inspect the research laboratories of the several departments of the Engineering College housed in the East Engineering Building, on the evening of !March 28th. Prof. A. H. White will give a short talk in room 1042 at '7-45 P 1M..Afterrthe insnectinresmn ts wxill be servep V.AL~.U*ad4Vf%. . . . . . .,-.4 1 t Louisa Butler, President lPoULIcal Seience 32:_ r he mid-.gemester examnination in this course will be given Wednes- Alpha Omega Alpha Lecture: day, Mach2, a .400 p in, i th folowng romsin ngel Hll: Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical School will deliver an address on. Mr. Calderwood's sections in room 35. .."History of the Ope:ation for Removal of Stone in the Bladder" at Mr. Phillip's sections ini room ,25. i y:15 p. mn., on Wednesday, March 27, in the Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. dCncanoa's- sectons in: room 25. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Mr. Maddox's sections in room. 1035. !IT J. Doty, President Mr. Preuss' sections in room 1:025: -Mr. Pollock's sections in, roam 1025i.1 Scabbard and Blade: Carl E. Guthe, Secretary' Phti Eta Sigm:. Initiation will begin at 5:00 o'clock today in room 302 of the Union. Banquet will follow at 6:00 in the ladies dining room the Union. Formal initiation does not indicate formal dress. Douglas L. Edwards, Secretary ! Student Council: There will be a meeting of the Student Council at 7:30 this evening at the Union., James K. Pollock, Jr. Psychfology:31: Midsemester xaination: Students with Initials A to F, inclusive, will take their examination in foom 231,:Anhgell Hall. All others take alternate seats in the Natural Science :Auditorium. Adelbert Ford ! There .will be a regular meeting Wednesday, March 27, at 7 p.,in. in the Union, Fred C. Feniton De Luxe and Bagag Cheapest Ra Town Frederick M: Asbeck, President4 Cab INew YorLited ; CO. Stocks ePrivate wires to allt; Lies i' -TMarkets o igBuddy G olden and His Michigan Wolverines at r' 8- 10p.m. S75c- per couple F orestry -Club: There will be 4 meeting of the Forestry Club Wednesday, March 37, 7.30; p. 'Mm C. Huxley Coulter will give an interesting talk on "Naval Stores' and Fo9restry in the South." Botanical Seminar: Botanical Seminar nieets Wednesday, March 27, at 4:30, room 1139 N. S. Bldg. Paper by L. E. Wehmeyer--"Cultural Studies one. the Sphaeri-. ales of the Ascomycete~s." U. At. Davis Alpha, Kappa Delta: 1 The regular meeting of Alpha Kappa Delta will be held at the home of Mr. Albig, 116 N. State St., tonight at 7:30. Mr. Albig wvill discuss "The Mexican Problem in Flint." Reginald D. MacNitt, President 35c for 50c for lQc for 1 2 to 5 each additional fare WV. C. Branch, President I ; Meeting Wednesday, March 27, at 8:15 p. in. 1954 Cambridge Road.: E. C. Prophet, Clerk A. S:% M'. E.:1 An interesting meceting has been planned for you for Thursday eve- ning March 28, at 7:45 o'clock: in .room 229 West Engineering Bldg. Mr. N.: H.. Preble Vice-President and Chief Engineer of Mechanical Handling4 Systems Inc. will discuss, "Mate ial Handling in the Automotive Indus-f try."' ,The lecture wi-Il be illustrated with slides. J. Gray Iota Alpha~ We shall hold a joint meeting with Sigma Xi on Thursday, March j 28, at 7:45 °p., in. in " room 1042 East Engineering Building. Beginning a t:8:00 p. m. the. various departments. in the East Engineering Building will exhibit and explain their, methods of research. - Geo. G. Brown, Secretary Freshmen Hygieie Leclture: "The Sixh "freshmen ' lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in; Waterman aGynngsium, Thursday and -Friday, March 28 and 29, at 3-4 an d 5:15 , P . " . .G o. A a Notice; .final campus, tryouts for the Northern Oratorical League contestj will be held In Alph Nu Room, Thursday night, March 28th, at 8:00 p. m J. M. O'Neill Senior Mechanical .engineters:r Mr. Rupp of the White Motor Company of Cleveland will be i-n Room 101 West Engineering Annex on Wednesday, March 27, for the s purpose of interviewing students interested in positions with that 'coin- pany. - .W. E. Lay and H. C. Anderson I Senior Mechat Eginers Mr. H, D. I~erron of the International Harvester Company of Chi- cago will be 'in Roi 221, West Engineering Building on Wednesday, M\-arch 27, for, the purpose" of interviewing students interested in post- 0ions with that comipany. H. C. AndersonI DIAL 6870, DeLuxe Cab and Baggage Co. We maintain 24-hour service Conservative margin acceounts solicited Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress &Co., Inc. Investment Securities Gargoyle Staff and Tryouts: There still be an important meeting of' the editorial staff and tryouts this afternoon at 4:30. 7th Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I Subscribe To The Michigan Daily Engineering College, Lecture: 4 The Transportation Club an- nounces a lecture by Professor H. E. Riggs on "The Present Status of, Public, Utility Regulation." His subject will cover the. economic, en- gineering, and financial aspects of. the problem. Room 348, West En-~ gineering Bldg., 7:30 p. mn., Wed-' niesday, March 27. All interested are'! co:dially invited to attend.I Clarke Harrisj Philip Crane, Editor ; -j i RADIO NIASARIA FALLS and BUFFALO Parts. and Service FOR ALL MAKES GEO. WEDEMEYER 221 E. Liberty "EXCLUSIVELY RADIO" Phone 3694 'IIII!III oW S~g~Round Trip. NEW YORK CITY'"' 2 Round, ,5 Trip palace buses leave Michigan Union at 1.:00 p. n., 5 and return on April 14, or if you wish you may LE .6" u a.. Our Semi-,Annual Sale MICHIGAN STATIONERY All steel on April Priced at 49C Per Box WA RSUniversity Book Store return any time. For information and tickets call at 520 Thompson from. 1 to 5 p. m. Niagaria Martz -Coach Line P hone 7758 State Street 11111111111 111 11111111111111 ITIMITITIM1111111,1= IfT MILL, ®U 0 n M ot ers Dy GIVE tTHER THE GIFT yurPhotogra] ph ;..