XVDJ~SA, MAROR1 7, i1020 TE M1CIIANYTLY "PA~ e~4~% l "a , ,. ;. T T H NXIWALKER IN TITLE FIQHT (Continued From Page .6) J!###!##{##'1i#1###{###itlilx#l1{###1111111111####1##1118111{##I1111#{###11#t111#I11#####il11111 theless the betting on the flght has: gone down, from .-7-5? on Loug hran Harry Stuhldreher, star signal The annual promises on the gr h n Half Point Marg:ii Is Sufficient caller of Notre Dame's unforgett-; behalf of the Detroit America ghto evenmoney since the champion To Nose Out TauI Kappa able "Four Horsemen", has been League regarding the hopes of ilight heavyweight ,stopped work, a1- though the arrival of a special train Epsilon mentioned as the :logical successor the Tiger hopefuls of gaining 1from Philadelphia bringing Tom- to Cornell's veteran football coach I the coveted bunting have ;not FIVE RECORDS BROKEN Gilmour Dobie. blossomed out as yet. Probably my's Quaker backers is expectedto 'FIVE_'RECORDSBROKEN this extraordinary fact .is due raisethe ante somewhat. In the vicinity of the Itha- to the failure of the Bengals in The chief Loughran problem at A half point brought first place in can campus rumor has -it that their attempt to claw Master present seems to be the selection the fraternity track meet at Yost the ageing Gil Dobie:is ready .to Wrigley's powerful Chicago of a referee. Mickey's rather finely field house Monday night to Theta: present his resignation after Cubs. drawn decision victories over the Chi who nosed out Tau Kappa Ep- five successive .disastrous sea- Ilate Tiger, Flowers and Ace Hudkms silon secondlace winners, 22 to Five straight losses are a little boh of which were vociferously re- si>,scn plaewinr,22t sons for the B3ig {hel on =the Fv tagtlse r ite 21 gridiron too much for even as gullible a ceived by the fight crowd, have Tau Kappa Epsilon made a gal- group of supporters as Detroit's caused quite a bit of worry in Tom- lant bid for first honors in the final The unfortunate showing of his fandom to stomach and unless the my's camp, although the defending event on the program, the half charges and their failui to main- Tigers show a few things over the champ asserts that he'd be wlling mile, but the five points supplied by Lain Cornell's proud ranking in remainder of the preliminary sea- scra thern alke Eddy, who won the event, was not Eastern Intercollegiate footbail cir- son Frank Navin and his yeomen imanager,, as the third man in the enough to displace the leading cles has caused the alumni of the will be considerably more bereft of Theta Chi team. Ithaca institution .to Vhs their backers than they have been in Present indications point to a Crego Stars dissatisfaction with 'the Sot men many years.r complete sell out of the 25,000 seats Delta Sigma Delta drew up in tor in no uncertain terw8. min Harmon's new_$7,_0000__stadium. third place with 13 points. Trigon .Gar Wood has maneuvered finished fourth, a half point ahead They may not have been so his Miss America VII nto breaking the world's record -. 5 (' Campus Boxing Show Is Set For Thursday Numerals will be awarded to all1 men who compile five points inI the All-Caninus Track meet tonight' at Yost Fiel4 house, the intramural department ; announced yesterday afternoon. The meet ,which will get under Way at 7:30 is open to everyone ex- cept varsity and numeral winners. The events which are the same as those run off in the fraternity meet Monday night are: shot put, poleI vault, 50 yard dash, low hurdles, high jump; running broad jump, high hurdles. 440 yard run, halfI mile, and - mile.. Entries will be received at the field house up until seven o'cloc:. tonight. Madisopn.-Wisconsin spring grid practice showed 98 men cavorting in the moleskins. (Continued From Page 6) in the tournament two years: ago.[ The 16- men who will compete in the finals of this tourney are the survivors of an elimination tourna- ment in which nearly 300 entries started. J. M. Brown, Chairman of the State Boxing Commission, who was expected to be present at the' matches, has sent his regrets andI explained that he will be unable to make the show. But an earnest effort is being made to secure the services of outside judges for the tournament in order that impartial decisions may be rendered. The silver statuette trophies have arrived and will be presented to the contestants Thursday night after their bouts. The card will start promptly at.8 o'clock Thurs- day evening. From the informa- tion gained from Toledo sources the meet will find several fans here from that city. f 01 the nJtn pIlac e eam, Jimit i openly critical as thoie .4 Delta, who assembled 12 points. State partisans who sought, The other teams that scored points scalp of Doc Wilee-and got were: Phi Kappa Psi 8/, Theta Xi __but they nevertheless Iii 6, Phi Sigma Kappa 5, Delta Sigma been insistent that somethi Pi 4%, Alpha Kappa Lambda 3, be done. Sigma Alpha Mu 1. Crego, of Theta Chi, who cap- Leo Durocher, the same nois: tured individual high point honors confident lad who played h with two firstsg ara established s with most of the Tigers' ten niew fraternity track mark in the last summer, has proven hir shot put when he pushed the iron the star of the Yankees' tra ball 36 fee 3 inches. The old session in the southland.. mark was 'feet, 4f inches. Crego Springfield flash has made also won the high jump with a presence felt around the shor leap of five feet four inches. in the Yankee camp and is fa Snarey, besides scoring the sec- over the costly Lyn Lary for and largest number of points, shortstop positidn. shattered the record for the 50 yard I dash when he negotiated the dis- When the Yankees gathe tance ink. :05.6 in one of the pre- WhtSt etersaneegFatcI: liminary runs. Later, he came back' month for the opening of I to win the final in six seconds, the training season, it was regard exact time of the old record. as a foregone conclusion ti Two Other Marks Topple Lary would start the season The records in the running broad shortstop. jump and high hurdles fell also. Reason of Theta Xi broke, the old After a month's trial Lary I record of 19 feet, five inches for the nearer a regular place in the lie broad jump when he leaped 20 feet of the world's champions three inches. Martin of Phi Kappa when he was purchased along Psi chopped six tenths of a second Jimmy Reese in the fall of off the high hurdle record when he from the Oakland club of the copped the event in nine seconds ific Coast League for the tidy flat. rof $125,000. 1hio the It it ave ing y and Eavoc mpers imself ining The his tfielci vored the again. Down at Miami Beach Monday the Detroiter drove the craft at a speed of 93,123 miles per hour to boost the mark by two-tenths of a mile an hour for fresh water while he cracked the old salt water record by more than 13 miles an hour. Baseball has been endorsed for the coming season by the Michigan Interscholastic athletic association in a meeting at Kalamazoo. Tankmen To ,Defend . National Swim Title (Continued From Page 6) diving, as he won the title in both 1927 and 1928. Bud 'Shields of Brigham Young, the only double! winner last year, will have to swim' in sensational fashion in order to retain both the 220 and 440 yard championships.t - LPETf G o/ L A SS IFIITE C A ERTISING PERSONAL aATTENTION LII E HOME AT: A SAVING OF I% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3910, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 134c PIANO TUNoG-The Concert Art- 1st Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- for Alilmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of . Music. Office at residence, N 0 T I C E - Tutoring in French, Spanish, German by an experi- enced tutor. Prices very reason- able. Write Box 33. 2345 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsff, Dial 937. C NOTICE - Home Laundry - Soft water used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190. c,2,3,4 "NOTICE-Beautiful spring lin of Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne. c TYPEWRITER SERVICE - New Corona, Royal, Underwood; Rei. ington portables, also used arge and portable typewriters of all makes bought and sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. a arge stok, best service, conid- crate prices. Phone 6615. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 S. State. Phone 727 c FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. c FOUND FOUND-Pair of bone rimmed glass in a black'U. of M. Health Service case. Inquire at'Daily Office. LOST LOST-A brown leather purse, con- taining gloves. Reward. Phone 4873. 234 LOST-Pearshaped Amethyst ring, Friday or Saturday between Hill and S. University on Forest. Phone 6157 .2 LOST on Saturday, a vest on State between E. Ann and E. Liberty. Please call 5627. 2 LOST-Grey topcoat. Left at Michi- gan Union, Sunday. Finder -please call 6545. 2 LOST-A black Niggerhead, Lang- rock overcoat and a Dobbs hat, bearing McFarlane label, Evans- ton. Finder please call 6623. 612 + THE PERSON who mistakenly re- moved the top coat from the cloak room of 23 E. Hall. Call Reamer 5392. 234 WANTED-Three passengers to New York or Boston spring vacation, $15.00. Telephone 4424. 4c red ast the ded hat at WAK Scotch Grain-a he man's shoe thru and thru. 13SOUTH MAIV STREET rhn 'ora . jh a is no neup than with 1927. Pac- sum " 1 USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN DIAL 21214 FOR CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT