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March 26, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-26

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lGeography 10 Rufus Tells Of Art On Floating University
r, rLL I 0I I [T 1NIII beNo a l eusa fcay. beue cia In'thursday. Rufus TlquiOf FectingnUiversity ALPVA Nil WILL I[
be held ar usucay. T dysections w OCne of thc most active lives in ences on the 1926-27 sojourn, Prof.
the callegiate world of today can W: C. Rufus, of the astronomy d- TAl V lI Vr WU III[M I


Rhetoric 190 (Prama U)
Wil mCot thi weeo on Tucsday night, as usual.

Kenneth Rowe

University Lecture;
A lecture on "Prime Numbers" will be given on Wednesday at
4:15 p. m. in room 3017 Angell Hall by Professor G. H. Hardy, Savilian
Professor of Geometry at the University of Oxford, and at present
visiting Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. Professor
Hardy is considered by some to be the foremost living English mathe-

Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. Rupp of the White Motor Company of Cleveland will be in
Room 101 West Engineering Annex on Wednesday, March 27, for the
pu pose of interviewing students interested in positions with that com-
W. E. Lay and U. C. Anderson
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. H.'D. Herron of the International Harvester Company of Chi-
cago will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building on Wednesday,
March 27, for the purpose of interviewing students interested in posi-
tions with that company.
Ti. C. Anderson

Lectures by Professor Roosval on Swedish Art:
The public is cordially invited to attend the following lectures
be given by Professor Roosval of the University of Stockholm:
March 25--"Romanesque A chitecture
in Sweden and Denmark"


March 26-"Mural Painting in Swcdihh j Senior Engineers:
Churches" At the last class meeting it was requested that a financial state--
March 27-"Sculpture of Spain and ment of the class funds be drawn up and published. This report has been
Southern France in t1 ,1completed and is posted on the bulletin board on the second floor of
XIth and XIIth Ccni.urics" the West Engineering Building.
The lectures will be illustrated. and will be given at 4:15 o'clock in Eugene Easterly, President..
the ground floor lecture room of the A chitectural Building.
Emil Lorch Institute of Religious Education:
Prof. LeRoy Waterman will speak on "Basic Motives in Life and
yReligion" this evening at 7:00 P. M. in Lane Hall. Students and the
Lectures by Professor RIoosval on Swedish Architecture:gerapblcrenvtd
Professor Roosval of the University of Stockholm will give today, general publc are invited.
March 26, an illustrated lecture on "Mural Painting in Swedish Church- George G. Alder
cs." The lecture will be given at 4:15 in the ground floor lecture room Sigma Xi:
of the Architectural Building, and the public is cordially invited. The members of the Society of the Sigma Xi are invited to inspect
The subject of tomorrow's lecture will be: "Sculpture of Spain and the research laboratories of the several departments of the Engineering
Southern France in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries," and this College housed in the East Engineering Building, on the evening of
lecture will be given at the same time and place as stated above. 'March 28th. Prof. A. H. White will give a short talk in room 1042 at
Emil Lorch 7:45 P. M. After the inspection refreshments will be served.
Carl E. Guthe, Secretary
Lecture on Group Insurance:
Mr. G. Powell Hamilton, director of the Group Insurance Depart- Physics Colloquium:
ment of the Equitable Life Assurance Company of New York, will give Dr. G. F. Brett will speak on "Recent Views on the Nature of
a lectclre on the organization and operation of this department in his Physical Concepts" at 4:15, Tuesday, March 26, in room 1041, East
company before the advanced class in actuarial insurance, on Wednes- Physics Building. All iterested are cordially mvicdW. F. Colby
day, March 27, at 1:00 in room 3201 Angell Hall. Students interested
in this subject are invited to attend. Romance Club:
W. 0. Menge Graduate students and mnembers of staff are reminded of the regular
l Mmeeting of the Romance Club in room 408 R.L., Wednesday, March 27,
All Metal DirigcilSoe-Illustrated Lecture: siat 4:10 P. M. H Hootkins will speak on "Articles of Interest in Recent
The Aernautieal Society announces that Mr. Carl Fritsclic of the Reviews," and H. P. Thieme will address the Club on "The Value and
Aircraft Development Corporation will give a talk on the new all metal Lure of Bibliography."
di. igible on Tuesday, March 26, at 7:30 p. in., in room 348 West Engi- 1 Warmer F. Patterson
nering Building. All interested are invited.- -
Herbert C. Sadler Psychological Journal Club:
The Psychological Journal Club meets Tuesday, March 26, at 7:30,
Faculty, Colleges of Lagincering and Architecture: in room 126 N.S. Professor Ford will review Pavlav's "Conditioned Re-
Mid-semester reports on engineering and architcctural students flexes." Visitors are welcome.


whose work Is below passing should be made on cards which may be;
obtained in the office of the secret ary, 263 West Engineering Building,
or from the messenger boxes. These reports are to be filed in the
secretary's ofilce not later than Saturday, March 30.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
The Thomas E. , Black Oratorical Contest:
All students who wish to enter the Thomas E. H. Black Oratorical(
Contest based on New Testament themes a.e asked to meet in roomI.
302 Mason Hall on Thursday, March 28, at 5:00 p. m. when details ofy
this contest will be explained. Any student who is eligible to take
part in student activities may enter this contest. First prize is $100.00,'
second $50.00, and third a fine edition of the Bible. The final contest
will be in May.
R. D. T. Hollister
History 6 and 106:
Midsemester e~amination April first at the lecture hour. Mr. Many-
on's sections in Natural Science Auditorium; Mr. Scott's sections in Room
25 Angell flail; Mr. Kemper's sections in Room 231 Angell Hall.
P. Slosson. '
Freshmen Hygiene Lecture:!
"The Sixth freshmen lecture in Hygiene for men will be given in
Waterman Gymnasium,. Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29, at 3-4
aid 5:15 P. M." _


C. 11. Griffitts

Economies 53:
Hour bluebook, Tuesday, March .26, three to four p. m. in the follow-
ing rooms in Angell Hall:
Mr. Adams' sections-room 35.
Mrs. Engle's sections-room 1035.
Mr. Lindahl's sections--room 25.
Mr. Whitlow's sections-room 231.
Howard S. Ellis
Speech Group of the First Semester:
Please call for about 10 minutes at 212 Pharmachology Bldg. Men
come Tuesday, March 26, between 1-5; women come Monday, March 25,
between 3-5.
P. I. Swann
Political Science 32:
The mid-semester examination in this course will be given Wednes-
day, March 27, at 4:00 p. in., in the following rooms in Angell Hall:
Mr. Calderwood's sections in room 35.
Mr. Phillip's sections in room 25.
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in room 25.
Mr. Maddox's sections in room 1035.
Mr. Preuss' sections in room 1025.
Mr. Pollock's sections in room 1025.
James K. Pollock, Jr.

Geography 33:
There will be no lectu:e Friday, and no meetings of my quiz sec-
tions this week. Other sections will meet as usual.
K. C. MeMurry
Mr. Jennings, Superintendent of Motive Power of the Michigan Cen-
tral Railway will be in my office this afternoon, Tuesday, March 26, at
2:30 o'clock, 1026 E. Engineering Building, to interview graduating
students who would be interested in securing employment in the loco-
motive and mechanical departments of the Michigan Central Railroad.
John S. Worley

Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. W. G. Hillen of the carrier Engineering Corporation will be
in room 221' West Engineering Building on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, March 25, 26, and 27, to interview students interested in
1 positions with this company.
U. C. Anderson
New York Stock Exchange
Chicago Stock Exchange
Cleveland Stock Exchange
Detroit Stock Exchange
New York Curb Market
Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin
201 First Nat'l Bank Phone 4294
______ __________rrrr




give her YOUR photograph
On this day set aside as her own, give
Mother something she will treasure always
-your photograph.
Telephone for an appointment.




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