TUESDAY, MARCI 2, 1923 THE MIC.HIGAN DAILY --- ° -- ------ f ( ISM TA NOW E s'I I Offer Low Rate ! o0 1NOMINA4TIONS CLOSED OffrL wRt OfPGA TTY U ST 0 nsmeigoteenie uiB SEB LL ESO Membrshp Fe ToThcre will be a very impor- 1Membership Fee T o PGA TTHO T tan' meet ng of theetire Jun- I AKT ALSAO New City Residents for Girls' Play cast at 4 o'clock HH W, A$ 111CIS T KE PLACE ONIGHT Itoday in Sarah Caswell Angell INSWT A Q E New residents in Ann Arbor who hall. -The members of t he have not before been extended the IMake-up committee and Cos-I ,Elections of Women's League And privilege of taking out life member- tume committee s h o u P d be j stat Of Chaship I W. A. A. Will Be Held On ( ships in the Michigan League, arep For Natural Dancing Arc a ps .sCup, Interclass And individual The Same Date .being offered the opportunity to ForAwards TonciTgAke Plaass - purchase memberships at the $50I Asked To Report Awards To Take Place .__rJue14 ia nnouvncaementemade HONORARY11FRATERNITY DINNER TO BEGIN AT 6:15S APRIL 3 SET FOR VOTE ratne, i anaauncaegeof before ANNOUNCE MORE TRYOUTS ERE: 'by Mrs. W. D. Henderson at the ___ Nominations have now been made CyuMrs.W.D.endssopnTtre[ With the presentation of a silver fpr the officers of the Women's Alumae ofieis upementa Freshman Pageant tryouts begin I [CILcup to the champion Intramural thletic association for the coming the increase in the scale of tht tonight for all those women who team, the making of interclass and the ncrese i thescal oflife are interested in natural or inter- idvda wrs n h h nuleetoswih11 tear. The annual elections which membership rates had already pretive dancing. Tomorrow night individual awards, and the naming le held at the same time as those taken effect also is open to these women, while Sigma Delta Phi, national h of the all-star team, the basket- If the Women's League will take Coming, as it does, scarcely a Thursday and Friday have been set orary fraternity for women who ball season will be brought to a place on April 3. All University month and a half before the dedi- formal close at the annual ban- Women who have earned any W. A. cation of the new building on May the tryouts of freshmen inter- haxe excelled in speech arts, willuet tonight. The dinner is to be- ; points and have paid their dues 4, the offer means that many moreed w in ok acing. A ll t ol anuacl eetg trhe- et gin at 6:15 o'clock in the Women's tare eligible to cast a ballot at this bt f will take place in Sarah Caswell national council here March 29-30 i lin Women election. peoplean obainu privileges of Angell hall of Barbour gymnasium National officers of the fraternity ithletic building, and all women The nominations are as fol the building, at the same rate ob- from 4 to 6 o'clock. The sign up and delegates from other chapt erested in basketball, whether resident, Gertrude Smith, '30 tained by those who joined the sheets which are posted in both the will attend the initiation banquet have payed o a te am, '30 emmeshperir TewlIten h ntato aqe have been invited to attend. Dorothy Touff'30;vice-president, League mebership earlier. The gym and the Women's Athletic of new members to be held on Fri- The entertainment of the even- Arothy HTouf, ' '30, Margaret lan of operation for the Michigan building will remain throughout day evening, March 29, at the Wo- ing will consist of the singing of hArsen, 'eeary'30, Mart League is similar to any other club. the tryouts so the women may sign men's Athletic building. At this class team songs, and dancing. thlson, '30; secretary,, Dorothy Use of the building and its facilities gcanytem time.n dncng irlffith, '30, Betty Kahn, '30; will be on ba of ebehi y time time they also plan to see "Re- Edna Mower's orchestra will fur- reasure AlbertinaMaslen,'31 e a asis memersi The judges for all the tryouts will demption", a laboratory presenta- nish the music. There will also be lizabeth Whitney, '31; Ilntra- become memberswl automatcay be the dance committee, composed tion play by members of Play Pro- a short program of speeches. "mural manager, Janet Micheal, ,cara;Hr uss Elzbeh Wite,'3;ntase wome mrs.ew ofin Dorothy Fe;Luse.cra; Ruhr uto lse.Awards of various. kinds are '3, Doris Renkenberger, '30; point apThose ae new rmbe ulin tense B pLntoshcz; u The council will meet again on being made tonight. The silver cup ecorder, Helen Doiine, '31, Ruth plesrner f e ns PaulineNotnaUle;yand.Saturday morning, March 30, and for the intramural basketball Marshall, '31; publicity manager, Women, members of Uhersity Dorothea Watermn, aie by alumnae of Sigma Delta Plii will championship goes to Kappa Kap- VrgwrF tmEckels, '30, Esther Ander- and wives of Faculty membersofuthe statePy. give a luncheon at the Union later. pa Gamma. For .300 W. A. A. on, '30. alumnae, and wives of alumni, both folk dancing tryouts wil be Sigma Delta Phi was founded at points a small "M" is awarded, in the University and in the School judged in the same manner as Michigan in 1919, by a group of for 600 points the right to wear OFVER CLASS IN of Music. the natural dancing, except that women students in the speech de- the W. A. A. silver pin, and for Among those who do not come the women will have specific steps partment and under the patronage 1200 a large 'M. These points SOCIAL DANCING within this classification, life taught them on Thursday and Fri- of Professor Thomas C. Trueblood are earned through participation memberships are still available at day nights. Its purpose is stated as follows: in major sports, and also through the following rates: alumnae, wo- The financial committee, under "To encourage interest in more such activities as hiking, rifle, C lUb Members, Physical Education men listed in the University Facul- Dorothy Birdzell, has requested general participation among wom- and swimming. k& Department Assist With New ty Directory, past or present, wo- that every woma'n trying out have en in the speech arts activities; to Women are urged to check up Social Dancing Class men in the immediate families of her dollar ready at the door. It reward recognized ability in speech the number of athletic points Faculty members or administrative is hoped that this tax, which the arts work; and to form a strong I which they have earned with Ger- officers, past or present, members freshmen voted upon at their mass bond of friendship among women trude Smith, '30, point recorder. That Michigan is really interest lof the American Association of Uni- meeting, will be paid by the time interested in speech arts." (*cd in and in need of a class in + T HOLD T IDOOR socil dancing was shown bysshe versity Women, wives of officers tryouts are over, as only eligible The fraternity is entirely honor- TO HOLDiD O (Aoalancintot . inaton t and members of the Board of Di- women are taxed, and every eligible ary in character and devotes its 4,s ivnt ati esa o rectors of the Alumni Association, woman is expected to try out. interests to debating and drama- FINALS TONIGHT h ssgelas ey Women of the Faculty and wives This is the first undertaking of tics on this campus. There are the first meeting. The class is be- of Faculty members of the Univer- the freshman women as a group, chapters at Illinois, Iowa. Ohio I on club and is under the iEsity School of Music, $100; wives of and the result will be the sixth State, and Indiana Universities, in Final rounds in the indoor sport nsdiretion alumni, $150; and elected members, Freshman Pageant, which is prc- addition to the local chapter. Vera competition being sponsored by afi Miss Ethel McCormick. She is $250 sented as a part of the traditional Johnston, '29, is president of the the Intramural department will be ' ssisted by the members of the club $250' d other women of the physical ------- Lantern Night ceremonies. An ef- Michigan chapter; secretary, Flor- held immediately after the bas- who y va rgaiz P ans For fort' is being made on the part of once Watchpocket, '29; and treas- ketball banquet in th e Wom- .acuh beginner individual attention the general committe, with ?etty urer, Elizabeth MCurdy, '29. en's Athletic building tonight The alhobegnnerge ndvua atteo League Fancy Ball Healy at its head, and with MissI Sigma Delta Phi 'publishes a(finals in rifle marksmanship will w pe have already enrolled in the FGroce Richards and Miss Ione quarterly, "The Speaker", of which start at 8 o'clock, while those In urse tereillrom fora few Johnson as its advisors, to have Dorothy Siedenburg of Charleston, archery and bowling will begin at ,,core, It is especially urged that Plans are being definitely organ- every member of the class who is West Virginia, is editor. ( 8:15. At the close- of the finals 'ore women who desire to learn to ized for the annual Fancy Dress eligible take part in the Pageant. Mrs. Frank Lincoln Stevens, of the cups will be awardedl the win- ball to be given by the League next Urbana, Ill., is national president ners by Dr. Margaret Bell. ance or to improve their dancing Saturday night, March 30. It will Delta Omicron Holds of Sigma Delta Phi. The other of- I Women who have qualified to the class s begin at 7:30 o'clock instead of 8 ficers are: Vice-President, Miss enter the finals in the various 'd Thcsdmy every wTuetha 'lock as was previously an- Initlation And Banquet Janet Kinley, of Urbana; secre- sports are as follows: ?1zcnd T hursday evening (with tejnucd arMs agrtK figr exception of tonight) from 7:30 to nounced. tary, Miss Margaret K Effinger chery, Myrtle Gerish 32 '8:30 A course of six lessons for Chairmen of the committees are Mary Le Baron of HomewoodIl '28, of Ani Arbor; and treasurer, rh er, 'yt; Gerinh '32 30 Acouse o si lesonsforRuth Hollister, 31; Katherine Fer- three dollars are given and there as follows: general chairman, Flor- j linois, was initiated into Delta Miss Mary Fagan, Iowa City, Ia. rin, '32: Dorothy- Lincoln, '32; is sufficent individual instruction ence Watchpocket, '29; entertain- Omricon sorority and Mrs. A. G Frances Miller, '31; Mary Anne is sure cien ment, Helen Pye, '30; decorations, Ruthven was initiated as sorority Notice oslyn, '31 toinsur e everyone in the class be- Hermine Soukup, '31; refreshments, mother Saturday, March 23. A for- Rifle-Helen Nicol '32; Vema Erwwilli Schneider, '30; and. public- mal musicale was given in the aft- CA te end of the course a spe- ity, Dorothy Woodrow, '30. place, at the home of Mrs. A.. F. Orchesis will meet at 8 o'clock BeneditLDrothy-Edmands cial party with a.full orchestra will Miss Woodrow announces that ernoon before the initiation took Wednesday night in Sarah Caswell '32; 'o 0 be gt prizes will be given for the pret- Van Sickle and following this a Angell hall. Schedule of classes lthe gvenotheFriday foleowing tiest, the funniest, and the clever- formal banquet was held at the C must be turned in to Miss Johnson Bowling-Elizabeth: Whitney,'31; Ae llthoewhoishonrll est costumes, and there will be sorority house. in the Field house or at Barbour Helen Burrell, '29; Alice Twanley, All those who wish to enroll in prizes for the houses of less than gym by Wednesday morning. '29; Elsie Hauschild,;'29E., Margaret hcork at ofke 15 in Barb ten girls, for the dormitories, and Recently for they first time in ;_Stahl, '30; Ann&Zauier'"29; Grace y The c icheld tthe.r for the houses of more than ten. history the Carleton College wom- Five pages of the University of Mambeck, '30; Velma Johnson, men shAthleticabuilding aWyvern, Mortarboard, and Sen- en's debate team engaged in aCalifornia school paper, a 10 page '29Ed. Ior Society will follow tradition. I decision debate. paper, are completely filled with :r- I style notes-for both men and Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Hell week has been shown to 1 women. $2.25 for the half year. exist in less than half of the soror-I Ities on the University of W iscon- -11111lmiill -i li11lIIUII lli tlstll lllllillllIF {lillllIII sin campus. From a total of 21 IIII IIIfIIIi f II j l hadnohel 'Iek.thy lIII II/II i sororities, 11.definitely stated they 1 I1!11. had nzohell Week.. 111rh I II l. 1 I = s=I Studying Is Completely Voluntary At Unique College In Danish Colony At Santa Barbara Described as "The College No- voluntary. Solvang is not a body Knows" is the small cluster aration for any other colleg of white frame buildings, a Danish merely for living a full life. I colonylocated near Santa Barbara, become a citizen, a gradux California. The name of the col- Solvang may return for f, lege is Solvang, which means "Sun- study whenever he finds tim ny Fields", and the name over the Starting with four teachers door is Atterdag College, taken and conducted by a . ministe y from the name of a Danish king carne, over from Dcnmark' any whose motto was "We still have to- his private capital and what morrow before us", intended as a be gotten from subsc: ipton symbol of industry and hope for college is becoming -to be moi the youth of his land. - more representative of p This college as Rebecca N. Porter tendencies in education. -Thf tells of it in the current issuC of sage of Solvang is "It is wha Scribners, accomplishes the ma-cor ple do when 'the pressure part -of its work during its school moved that shows whether t term from November to March. they are educated." Here the newly arrived immigrant is prepared for citizenship by learning in his own languages, his- cently ran twin columns, or tory, the Constitution, and the lit- titled "Women's Views On Cl erature of the country he is going iand theother "Men Speak C to adopt. In this way le gets 'a ed Fashions." Well-known thorough grounding. The hoursed sheons te-. for school are from 8 to 6 with one dents were cdnsulted. hour for lunch. No credits are given a 'for the studies, nobody has to stu- Subscribe to The Michigan dy who comes, and everything -1 s$2.25 for the .half year. a, . [" i ' " ; . t 1 t 'r '. r 002 I WA CO C Sn4 -rS K~sn ... e t! n ww Sn rS n -dSn I° ty tSn 0aSn Im A Fashionable Habit I- Ihe -ateHat_ It is the accepted, smarlt thima to do about this time 'every ! year,. . to select an Fastcr hat. Anticipating this ' custoin, we have a collection, augmented by new arrivals S daily, mhat wil please you we :feel sure. The very I