PAGE FMR THE M ILCHIG A N DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1 1*y Published every morning except Mondayr diigthe University year by the Board in C tol of Student Publications. r Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.1 The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news tdispatchescredited to it ornot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub-1 lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,1 Michigan, g.s second class matter. Special rate of postagP granted by Third Assistant Post- mact~r Genpral. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,1 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-a nard Street. Phones:E.ditorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFI Telephone 4925 MANAGING DITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor...................Nelson J. Smith CityEditor............... Stewart Hooker News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor............:.W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor.......---..Sylvia S.Stone Telegraph Editor.........,... George Stauter Music andDrama............R. L . Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley P p si n 0 S t n t r t n a t t 3 1 unt that while it believes that mnny of the seniors want their ma17k left on the campus, an ex- pression should be made on the ubject by a vote in the class and, not left to the judgment of the few fficers.) The Daily did not ques- ion thel way in which the money might be ,xpended; it did question he desire for such a thing on the part of they seniors. And every other class has not been willing;' the law seniors will not give a me- morial this year.\ The letter conbludes "But try and call a class meeting of 11501 seniors and still nc t have someone1 howl because he w4Sn't consulted." The Daily never noticed any hesi- tancy to take a class office upon the part of any senior officer this year, just because he received only 200 votes out of these 1150. And some were political appointees, at that. The Daily continues its stand as before. Why not have a popular expression on the two subsidiza- tions, or else cut the dues and let the others buy what they wish with their money, without being re- quired to purchase what they don't want in order to graduate? How about some action, most Honorable Leaders? reprinted yesterday from the 1 o-I Christian Science Monitor. Anyone Music And Drama who has spent the time required to D obtain an A.B. degree has had o ample opportunity to observe the TONIGHT Mimes present "In The student body busily engaged in Next Room", a mystery thriller "seeking the truth" and "thinking by Harriet Ford and Eleanor problems through." He knows very Robson Belmont, in Mimes The- well how far students are moti- atre, beginning at 8:15 o'e'ock. vated by "cultural and spiritual rea- * * * sons" in that decision to win such "IN THE NEXT ROOM" a degree. The instructors who Reviewed by Kenneth G. Patrick coerce study by regularly recurring Once again there is an admirable threat of -examination also knowinstance of campus psychology as this. To realize how far the educa- displayed by the playgoing element. tional impulse is an economic one, oel Coward and Sardou might go I imagine this or any other campus begging for their royalties, but let without the students who are pre- the sheets flaunt a thriller and paring for professional careers, the young and old will turn out to rich men's sons who are stalling throb in their seats to the drawn and the co-eds who are seeking breaths and the shaking hands of husbands. the victim. Last night the finicky The fact is that the only defen- public abandoned its talkies and sible excuse for the whole institu- fairly packed the theater to see tion is economic necessity. Who- Mimes score a production and box ever is interested in "discovering office triumph with that unher- atruth" soon discovers that he must alded Opus, "In the Next Room". find it for himself and that, with I Of the play itself, something later. the exception of a few competent Dick Kurvink, with much more and sympathetic minds, he is quite modesty than last year's Living- alone in his search. We do not stone, succeeded in leading the have higher institutions of learn- best-balanced cast of the year to ing; we have trade schools and , the final post without dropping F- A Wonderful Home! LARGE LOT REDUCED PRICE The owner of a splendid house on Martin Place finds it advisable to give up his home. The quality of this place should attract discriminating buyers. Built in 1924, on a lot 91 x145 ft., with shingle exterior, in English Colonial style with three-car garage. The house has 10 rooms, including six bedrooms, two baths, two fireplaces, all oak floors, with oak and enamel finish. Heated by vapor steam and basement is equipped with large laundry, automatic gas heater and softener. Also built-in Arco Vacuum cleaning system. Price is now $32,000.00 with terms. For appointment call CALL MR. RUNNER with CHARLES L. BROOKS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, INC. Brooks Bldg. Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris AlexandtY Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwi' H-enry Merry Louise Behyme- ElizabethaQuaif - Arthur Bernste'u Victor Rabinowit Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell !, . R. ('hi'hb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels . Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. StewartI 'Vaborg 1geland Cadwell Swanson 1 Robert J. Feldman :Jane Thayer Marjrie Folmer. Edith Thomas{ William Gentry BethValentinea David B. Hemptead Jr. W1ter Wilds g t Richard Jung George E Wohlgemth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 l BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD '. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER ~derisngDpartmenOft Managers dvertising...............Alex K. Scherer Aderisiiig............A. James Jordan Advertising-*..............-Carl W. HansHn Service.... --.......Herbert E. Varrumn eltion....-.-. .George S. Bradley Accoutnts ......Lawrence E. Walkey Publications .--.. ...Ray M. Hofelich issistants Mary Chase aion K kerr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster I. A. 'Newmal Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kaspe Halverso arl .Schteuli GeorgeeHamilton Geoptr jack Horwich erwe Upton Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstead TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1929 Night Edtor-GEORGE E. SIMONS WORDS, WORDS, WORDS! HOW ABOUT ACTIONS? At hand is a communication from the officers of the senior class, attacking The Daily's stand upon the question of senior class dues in regard to the subsidization of seniors by the Michigan Alum- nus and by the class officers who voted that the members of the class should pay $1.00 out of their dues to pay for a class memorial. The letter was intended to clear matters, but does not answer any of the questions which 'were brought up in regard to the class feeling toward the Alumnus and Memorial subsidizations. The point is made in the letter that "Unfortunately, the writers of Thursday's and Friday's articles (they meant editorials) were not sufficiently informed concerning the matter they were discussing", and continues to say that the lit- erary college agreed to the sub- sidizations and that the treasurer was acting upon the word of the of the other class officials. The Daily stands corrected in this one instance; ' its previous experience always showed that officers did as they pleased regardless of others. The Daily is more than pleased to find this startling innovation.. They then justify their move on the basis that the Alumnus cut its price in half so long as the money was taken from the class dues. This is no answer. The Daily made the argument that the class offi- cers had no right to do this unless the class members wanted the Alumnus price to be taken from their dues, and. expressed this willingness. Instead of this, they might have cut the dues two dol- lars, allowed those who wanted the Alumnus to pay two additional dol- lars, and thus avoided opposition. Another idea would have been to start a competitive campaign among The Alumnus, The Daily, The Gargoyle, and The'Ensian, and see which made the best club offer to the seniors. As it was, they gave the student publications no chance, and as for TheLadies Home Jour- nal, The Post, or the New York Times, they were completely disre- garded in the officers' attempt to find some way td spend that extra two dollars which have never been 'a2Ponntd for in the nast. Little pre- Office Phone 22571 Residence Phone 5197 a r c THE COUNTRY AWAITS -. Formulation of plans for the farmt relief measure of the Hoover ad- ministration receivedapreliminary consideration yesterday by the senate committee on agriculture and will be discussed tomorrow by the corresponding house commit- tee. For some time, the country has heard nothing but complaints1 about the treatment "the other party" accords the farmers andt each party asserted its firm con- viction of the need for agricultural1 relief, yet the country still waits.f The president has called a spe- cial session of Congress; he has stated that he looks to Congress to take the initiative without delay in1 the drafting of favorable bills to give the farmer the necessary aid.l When Hoover was elected it was on the platform calling for "a fed- eral farm board clothed with the necessary powers to promote the establishment of a farm marketing1 system of farmer owned and con-1 trolled stabilization corporations or associations to prevent and control surpluses through orderly distribu- tion." . Be that as it may ,the time hasJ come when the farmers and the people at large will test again the high sounding promises to see whether there will actually come an echo which carries with it a ful- fillment of pre-election assertions of principle and intention or whether the noises will die away, only to be sounded again four years later. Remember, then, Mr. Hoover, the country waits! WILL THE JUNIORS FEAST? Too long at this University have class. committees been the political dumps for the adherents and back- ers of the successful candidates for president. Politicians have often tried to refute this argument by pointing out the good prom that the committee gave, the fine way, in which the discipline committee persuaded classmate Zilch to wear his pot on days other than Sunday, and other noteworthy accomplish- ments of the committees, holding office because their man became president. Early last Fall, however, the in- novation of a new committee in the junior class gave rise tohopes that at last a committe had been appointed that was to accomplish a worth-while task, a deed that would bring the third-year stu- dents in closer contact, and give satisfaction and enjoyment to the whole class, regardless of adher- ency. But as the months passed, the committee failed to function: if they have, no mention has been made of this praiseworthy work. Now, it seems to have failed short of the great task. March is nearly ended, and yet the Junior banquet committee fails to act. Created anew this year to give employment to a few worthy boys and girls after hard political battles, the new banquet commit- tee is still unorganized. It must come as a great disappointment to the junior president to see this great plan fail. Will none come for- ward with a loaf of bread, and car-- ry on? The ideal must not fail, and let more politicians laugh. When do we eat? Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 3oo words i possible. Anonymous co- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, Ibe regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial loafing grounds, and the sooner we are honest enough to admit it thel sooner will adequate provision be1 made for the advancement of learning and the encouragement of thought.1 Herbert S. Schwartz, '29. THEY FELT JUSTIFIED! I BUT WHO ARE THE MAJORITY? For the first time in Michigan history an attempt was made to show the Seniors where the money they pay to the class in dues was going. The result has been a de- liberate misinterpretation of the effort by persons not sufficiently well informed to warrant condem- nation. A most unjust accusation has been made against the Senior Treasurer. Unfortunately the writ- ers of Thursday's and Friday's arti- cles were not sufficiently informed concerning the matter they were discussing. As was said, the Lit- erary College agreed with the plan to include the Alumnus subscrip- tion in the class dues, and then with that as justification the offi- cers of the class met with the Me- morial Committe and again sanc- tioned it. The treasurer took noth- ing upon himself except what the officers and committees placed upon him. Another reason why the class of- ficers felt justified 'in taking the step of including the subscription was the fact that the Alumnus Of- fice offered to cut the regular sub- scription price of the magazine from $4 to $2, should the price 'be deducted from the regular class dues. To include this the dues were not raised. The class dues for at least the past four years have al- ways been $5 and during those years the extra $2 has never been accounted for. This year it prom- ises a return if only in the form of the Michigan Alumnus. In response to the suggestion that many students expecting to return to graduate schools do not wish to do this, we can only reply that according to statistics that that group composes only about one tenth of the graduating class. It has alway been the misfortune of the few to have to sacrifice for the benefit of the majority. When one considers the enthusiasm with which the Alumnus is supported by older alumni, we cannot feel, more- over, that anyone is being cheated by being given a subscription to the magazine for half the regular price. What has been said might be ap- plied as well to the Memorial Fund. Every other class has been willing to contribute to a fund to leave something which will leave at least a mark of this class. It is hoped that by an investment of the money collected for such a fund in this class, the group may be in a position to offer to the University some constructive and worth while memorial at some future reunion. The money will be invested with the University so that no doubt as to the integrity of the class officials may be questioned. Anyone wish- ing to verify this may do so by calling at the office of Mr. R. A. Campbell, University Treasurer. However, if the class as a whole wishes to pay $5 class dues and Jater in order to subscribe to the Michigan Alumnus wishes to pay an additional $4, that is a differ- ent proposition. But try and call a class meeting of 1150 seniors and still not have someone howl be- cause he wasn't consulted. Kenneth C. Schafer, President; Elaine E. Gruber. any of his hard-won laurels. It would not be stretching 'oo manyjy points to say that he has mutiplied - these same'shrubs by his fine act- ing of an exceedingly complicated part. George Priehs' interpretation of the uncle of the antiques final- ly removes all doubt of his ability to shake off an ingrained last-se- mester characterization, and one regrets that his work must be sac- rificed so early to make another load for the white-coated stretch- er-bearers. Ken White's buttlery ranks but a step lower, and excel- lent make-up and assiduous atten- tion to the hoary part presented to him bear him considerable credit. To complete the quartet, intimates noted with surprise and gratifica- tion the striking and graphic act- ing of David Hempstead as the underfootman. His voice, hereto- fore hidden under his embarrass- ing duties as a co-author of the 5 late Opera, was remarkable for its tone and skillful use. Bill Day celebrated his return to the foot- lights which he vacated so un- 4 gracefully last December by acting naturally and providing the only real; humor of the situations, while Eugenie Chapel continued to build herself a nest in the Mimes belfry. along with Jo Rankin. Now that the disagreeable and routine matter of personalities is taken care of, it is not too much out of the road to suggest that just possibly the two ladies responsible for "In The Next Room" got to- gether of a rainy afternoon and said to each other: "Now Harriet, Now Eleanor, come let us write a mystery play." The first curtain is effective; the finale is bad; the butler, the great English detective, the newspaperman, and the Frenchman savor of junkiness, and the padding device of introducing the time-honored sub-plot loads the good bark dangerously near the water-line, so much so that the more wary of the customers is tempted to holler "What Ho!" SERIOUSLY SPEAKING Gossip has it that spring arrived some few days ago, along about three thirty one afternoon. While the editor of this column would protest being quoted authoritative- ly on the subject, something of that kind seems to have happened to Nature. At all events, this is the time of year when a young man's fancies become quite unreliable. No mention; will be made of the warm afternoons, furtively sunshiny, nor of the green edge on winter-worn grass. All that would be quite Ir- relevent to the - matter in hand; which is this, that the powers that be who control the destiny (kept in the top right-hand drawer of a certain desk) of this paper desire to explore the critical talent of the campus with a view to electing a successor to the present incumbent (the word is incumbent, not re- cumbent). Obviously there must be thous- ands, blushing violets, who know their theatre, or music, have shin- ing critical standards, and can ex- press them in flowing prose that even the dumbest Frosh can under stand. To these the editors salaam profoundly and address this appeal. Those who answer the call will be received by a battalion of notables any afternoon after four o'clock. Then will be the initiation to the technique of criticism. For the materialist the editor of this column can personally vouch for the pleasant graft which the office furnishes. A season of free tickets is the slogan. To the idealist the editor offers the campus-to be educated in matters musical and theatrical I nil I 11111fil I it III Ir, 'I ti L. . J"l l./.I"./". :.r J1. 1. 1/". . ./l /«I"1. 1. 1. 1. ""1.I1 IrI"I11 e ,/".d. ". . ' ~'"1 1./a ": . . . ./1 I1,/1.I".I. l.I"«I,/". I"1l./:I, ;' Senior canes should be ordered now This week is the best time to select your Spring. Clothes. The lines are full of neW t Satterns, forty to sixty dollars in three and four-piece combination VWAGHER&OCOMPAHY, Jbr Then T1~~&nce lcS'4 ; 1°. '/:I"la/ /./'1./. ./l./.ii:/./. '/.%.i././: '. d. ./" ,: ".I". '. / :In. J". «s , 1«e°. . J. l erg. ~. i'1. , 1. /./", C'l il :% 77- f P4 i :. .. __ _. s-= .-I PT' 6 '° ' - s^:a "ms s amnm s mmim nr a :+ . . . Sw .With. their f MEN of vision, yes. But don't over- look the fact that those old Roman road builders and empire builders kept their feet firmly fixed on the ground. They faced the facts squarely. They were demons for detail. They were the world's first great organizers. Pioneering in the telephone industry is like that. It is a work of vision and of eet on the ground leadership into new fields. But back of it all must be the ability to organize men, money, material and machines. The telephone executive must coor- dinate his machine before he can run it. He must understand the possibilities in his organization before he can lead it. That done, his opportunity is empire- wide, vision-broad and ambition - deep. BELL SYSTEM