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March 26, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-26

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A 'I
Sponsors Of Annual Raiz Fest
Announce Comple4I
Important and interesting cases
will feature the next session of the
Supreme Court of the University,
when Judge Clarence Cook Little
takes his place on the bench to
hear the pleas on the docket kept
by clerk of court Waldo Abbot.
That these two officers would ap-
pear in court, was definitely settled
yesterday and announced following
a meeting of Sigma Delta Chi,
sponsors of the seventh annual
Grid-iron banquet.
The jury, which has already been
impanelled, will be escorted into
the court room of the Union at ex-
actly 6:30 o'clock on the night of
April 3, by two uniformed police-
men. Witnesses and the audience
will then be allowed to. take their
rcats around the banquet. tables,
while representatives of the press
will take their places immediately
following. The attorneys will as-
sume their positions before the
court after which Judge Lttle wil
.take -his place at a table. near the
front of the room until after din-
Court Will Follow Dinner.
The prison band, under the direc-
tion of Robert E. Carson, willthen
be lead .to the Cage at the end of
the room where they will play dur-
ing the meal which willprecede thej
sessions. After dinner Court will
be called. to order and the trial of
the loquacious lubIir"twr will pro-
Attorneys for the' defense have
been working on their briefs for
some time, while the prosecutors
have nearly completed gathering
evidence against those who: have
been accused. According to the
policy of the court, the names of
the suspects will, not be. announced
until after the trial. Differing from
regular court proceedings, the jury
will hold an open discussion, at
which time the verdict will be de-
First Passes Are Mailed
Court bailiffs have already mailed
the first large consignment of pas-
ses to those who have answered the
subpoenas. The others will be sent
out this week as rapidly as possible.
It Is understood that not more than
400 persons can be accomodated in
the court room, and that for that
reason only the first 400 answers to j
be received will be accepted.
According to Alexander K. Gage,
Jr., '29, one of the bailiffs incharge
of the distribution of passes, all
checks must be in the oMfce of the
Marshall not later than March 30,
at which time specifications for the
remodeling of the court room are to
be turned over to the contractors.
He stated further, that at the rate
answers were being filed with him,
the entire quota would probably be
filled 'before the end of this week.
Checks should be payable to Sigma
Delta Chi, and should be mailed to

915 Oakland avenue.
In order to prevent the audience,
from ,tearing the court roapmn to
shreds in order to secure souven-
iers, plans are being made by court
officers to procure enough to. pass
around to all who attend the trial.1
Honorary Fraternity
Announces elections*
Election of 52 freshmen to mem-
bership into Phi Eta Sigma, fresh-
man honorary scholastic society, in
consequence of their high .averages
f or their first semester at the,. Uni-
versity, has een announced. Their
academic averages range from half
A to half B and half B, to all A In
the case of two students.
The total includes 29 - from the
Literary college, 16 from the Engi-
neering college, 5 from the Archi-
tectural school, and one from the
Pharmacy school. The total of
those eligible maintains the stand-'
ards of membership of former


(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 25.-A
"money squeeze" in which the rates
on call loans were advanced from
9 to 14 per cent, the highest in nine
years, today brought about tne
most drastic reaction of the year
on the New York Stock Exchange
in which prices were slashed right
and left as speculators and invest-
ors scrambled to get out.
So great was the volume or sell-
ing that the ticker ran for 58 min-
utes after the closing gong had
sounded. The day's sales of 5,860,-
210shares have only been exceeded
on two other days this year-March
1 and March 15, on both of which
occasions the price movement was
Hundreds of millions of dollars in
quoted values were washed away
by the flood of selling orders which
poured into the market today from
all sections of the country and
European, Latin American and far
eastern capitals. Final quotations
disclosed a long list of net declines
ranging from $1 to $20 a share.
Two other stocks, 4dams Express
and Equitable Trust, in which the
turnover was small, lost $29.25 and
$53 a share, respectively. On the
New York curb market, Ford Mo-
tors of Canada dropped $40 a
share, and scores of others $1 to
$10 a share.. Similar recessions
took place in other securities mar-
Last Social Function Of Cla'ss Of
1929 To Be Held Friday,
May 3
The 'annual Senior ball will be
held on the night of Friday, May
3,..it was' announced yesterday by
Loy M. Sutherland, '29, general
chairmaw .of the vommittee ''The
announcement followed a meeting
of the general committee last Sun-
day at the Union.
The committee has been working,
quietly for the last two weeks on
the plans for the final social func-
tion of the classes of 1929, and the
announcement of the date was the
first to be made by the committee
of the whole. At the same time,
Sutherland made the following ap-
pointments to committees: chair-
man of music, Edward T. Bur-
roughs, '29; chairman for favors
and programs, Gerald J. Harring-
ton, '29; chairman for tickets,
George Martin, '29; chairman of
publicity, C. E. Baker, '29; chair-
man for decorations, Fanton Raber,
The orchestra for the dance will
be signed within the next few
days, it was said on good authority,
and the committee has already
been carrying on negotiations with
Victor recording organizations.
The ticket sale will commence
the first part of 'next week, Suther-
land said, and will continue
throughout the week and will also
be held after Spring vacation if
necessary. The dance will be held
in the Union ballroom as has been
done in the past few years, he
High Officials Attend
Marshal Foch's Burial
(hy Assoiated Press)
PARIS, March 25.- -Marshal Foch
will be laid to rest tomorrow near
the tomb of Napoleon under the
golden dome of Invalides chapel.
All the nations of Europe whose
armies were allied with France

under Foch's command have sent
high civilian delegates and military
detachments to attend the national
funeral which his grateful country
has prepared ,for him.
Dean Wahr Will Lead
Open Forum At Hillel
Fred B. Wahr, acting dean of stu-
dents, will conduct the Open Forum
Discussion group at 7:30 o'clock to-
'night' at the Hillel foundation, itf
was announced yesterday. Al-
though his subject has not yet been
announced, Dean Wahr, who is also
associate professor of German, will
undoubtedly speak on some phase
of German literature. All; students
interested are welcome to attend.


( The Associated Press indices of
50 leading industrials dropped 6.6
points, 20 rails 2.2 points and 20
uitilities 5.3 points, with the rail-
road figure at a new low level for
the year. This was the sharpest
break since December 7, last, when
the industrials dropped 7.7 points,
the rail 3.4 points and the utilities
8.6 points.
Today's reaction comes as a cli-
max to a series of official warn-
ing4 against excessive use of credit,
for speculative purposes, and an]
increasing credit stringency. On
February 7, the federal reserve
board issued a warning which was
virtually disregarded by Wall Street
as prices subsequently acvanced to
record high levels, and only last

Will GO 1ON, AIR.
Entire Musical Score Of Production
Will Be On Program; Orchestra
Will Also Entertain

week the federal reserve total of' Featured upon the twenty-third
brokers loans was boosted $166,- Michigan Night radio ,program of
000,000 to the highest level in his- the current year will be the broad-
tory. casting of the Junior Girls' Play,
During the past week, however, "Forward March", which. has just
the credit reservoir which Wall finished a week's run at the Whit-
Street has been using to finance ney Theatre, it was announced
its "bull" campaign has been' .yesterday by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot
steadily drained. Bankers accept- of the rhetoric department, who is
ances were advanced one-fourth of announcer and program manager
one per cent last week and another for the local studio.
one-eighth of one percent today, Includes Two Talks
placing them one-half of one per Only two talks will be given on
cent above the prevailing federal this program in place; of the usual
reserve rediscount rates. Chicago four, the main part of the hour of
and other middle Western corpo- ! broadcast being given over to the
rations and individuals, which have j musical portion of the program,
been heavy lenders of call money Mary B. Henderson, executive see-
in New York have withdrawn. j retary of the Alumnae Council, will
deliver a short talk about the Wo-
men's League building, while Dr.
Walter R. Parker, professor of;
i Ophthamology in the medicalJ
school, will talk on "The Child's
The musical portion of the pro-
gram will include all the music of
the Junior Girls' Play sung by the1
various soloists of- the production.
Stockholm Professor Gives First The numbers will be accompanied
Talk omn European Influence by the entire orchestra directed by
TlkOnEuroeanInuBob Carson and "Bud" Lewis, and
'the singing chorus. The program1
for Thursday night is as follows:1
"Julie"-solo by Helen Bush with'
Dr. Johnny Roosval of the Uni- duet.
versity of Stockholm delivered the "Right Out of Heaven"-sung by
first of a series of three lectures Stewart Churchill (of the orches-
under the auspices of the College tra) and full singing chorus. (
of Architecture yesterday after- I,"PaiBound"-.solo by Kathleen
noon- in the ground floor lecture Suggs and chorus.1
room.of the architectural building. Talk by Mary B. Henderson, exe-
He spoke on "Romanesque Archi- cutive secretary of the Alumnae1
tecture 'in Sweden and Denmark" Council, on the Women's Leaguei
tracing its history in the two Building.1
Nordic countries. "The Reason Why"-solo part by
The speaker has done research Helen Bush, trumpet solo by Eric1
work in the field of medieval archi- Wild, and chorus.
tectural remains in Sweden and is "Yodel For Me"-duet by Helen
one of Sweden's first authorities on Harter and Clare Simmons.
modern art and archaelogy. He is Talk by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
also an author of note and has "The Child's Eyes.";
published several volumes on sculp- "Mine Baby"-sung by Lillian;
ture, ehurches, and art history. Setchell and Kathleen Suggs.
This afternoon Dr. Roosval will "Is Anybody Coming My Way"-
continue the series of talks when solo by Dora VandenBerg.
he will speak on "Mural Painting "Forward March"-Helen Bush
in Swedish Churches," and for and chorus.
Wednesday afternoon's lecture hea 'The Breakdown"-Elaine Frost
has chosen "Sculpture of Spain: and chorus.
and Southen France in the
Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries" n
as his subject. The lectures are
given in the architectural lecturc
room and begin at 4:15.
In his address yesterday, intro-
duced by Prof. Emil Lorch, Dean
of the College of Architecture, Dr.
Roosval showed the. influence of -1.
Europe on the architecture of-'
Sweden, beginning with illustra (By Associated Press)
tions of primitive log churches. WASHINGTON, March 25.-Pres-
A feature of eleventh century I ident Hoover's official family will
art in Sweden, stated the authority, be completed tomorrow with the
was the extensive use of lions arrival of Henry L. Stmson, the
which must have been derived new secretary of state, who was.
from more southern countries. He summoned to the cabinet from the
also showed the similarity between j governor-generalship of the Philip-
Lombard and Scandinavian archi- pine Islands.
tecture in the use of columns andi Although originally expected here
portals of classic tradition. today, Mr. Stimson found upon
Around Stockholm the architec- 1 reaching New York that he would
ture definitely reveals the influence be obliged to postpone for 24 hours'
of English art, Dr. Roosva went on .the time of his coiing to the na-
The swedes showed originality byj tional capital. He will be Mr. Hoov-
the addition of a central row of er's guest at the White House for
columns which prevented a direct, the remainder of the week.
full view of the altar. .It is Dr. A busy schedule of conferences
Roosval's belief that the English on the nation's foreign problems
strain was biought into Sweden by including many changes in diplo-
missionaries of the eleventh cen- matic assignments has been pre-
tury. Throughout the ancient, pared for the new cabinet member.
Swedish burial grounds may be He will go into the subjects in de-
seen Christian and pagan inscrip- tail with the president and is ex-
,tions which are entirely similar. plted, too, to cnslt at length
i h ,.r 41 Knr' , rll h .. ~ .

British And Canadian Governments
Prepared To Protest Action,
Washington Infor d
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 25.-The
sinking of the British schooner Im-
alone in the Gulf of Mexico was
defended today by Secretary Mel-1
lon who, as the supervising head of
the coast guard service, held that1
the patrol boat Dexter had been
within its rights in pursuing the
suspected rum runner and firing
upon the craft after its refusal to
obey a summons to heave to.
At the same time the British
and Canadian governments made1
known through their diplomaticl
representatives in Washington that
they were prepared to protest I
against the action should the cir-
cumstances warrant.
The first official reports of the
incident were forwarded to the
state department late today by the
treasury department. A full report
on the case has been asked by Sir
Esme Howard, who' called at the!
state department Saturday.
The Canadian government has
become involved in the case since
it is believed that the vessel was ofl
Canadian registry. The coast guard
report of the incident will be!
studied by the state department,
however, before being forwarded to
the British or Canadian represen-
Mellon Defends Action 1
While Secretary Mellon has de-
fended the action of the Dexter int
sinking the vessel, which resulted
in the death of one British mem-
ber of the crew of the Imalone,
both the British and Canadian
viewpoints are to the effect that
the incident will be a serious one
if the current newspaper reports on
the matter are correct. 1
The coast guard report submitted
to the state department said there
was a continuous pursuit of the
Imalone from within the 12-mile
imaginary, line off the Louisiana
coast by the Walcott until the ves-
sel was sunk by the Dexter some1
200 miles off the coast.
The coast guard 'report contend-1
ed that this pursuit was justified
under international law.
British Disagree
The known British and Canadian
positions on the international doe-
trine of pursuit at sea are that this
pursuit must begin within the
three-mile limit of the coast-the
only territorial waters limit rec-
ognized by international law.
The coast guard report cited a
case in connection with a con-
tinuous pursuit of the AmerIcan
ship North, which was condemnedl
by the British Columbia admiralty
court in 1925, the decision being up-1
held by the Supreme Court of Can-
ada. A number of legal experts,+
however, feel that the oases are not
analagous as the chase after the
North was begun within three miles.
The coast guard's report said the
Imnalone was "within four leagues
(apprximately 13 miles) of our
coast," while the captain of the
ship has said that the vessel was
nearly 15 miles off the coast;

Explorers' Club Hears j
Story Of Expeditions
Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology+
department, director of the Uni-
versity Greenland expeditions, has1
returned from New York where he
made an address at the explorers'j

(My Associatqd Press)
About 72 hours of intermittent
fighting for Mazatlan, most impor-
tant strategic point in the west
coast campaign hi Mexico, has left
the city still in the hands of its
federal garrison wvith 58 known
-rebel dead on the field and three
wounded. Resumption of sniping
prevented clearing the battlefield
of additional dead and wounded.
A message from General Carrillo,
garrison commander, timed 8
o'clock yesterday morning,, brought
first definite word of the casualties
to Mexico City. Federal losses were
put at three dead and seven wound-
ed. Sixteen civilians were wounded.
Federal reinforcements were less
than 40 miles away and the gov-
ernment was confident the insur-
gents would be beaten off.
Ambassador Morrow yesterday
telephoned Secretary of State Kel-
logg that he understood Mazatlan
still could be in the hands of the
federals and that fighting was over
for the present.
Rebels under, General Topette
were reported closing in on the
border town of Naco, Sonora, where
a federal force is entrenched.
At Juarez, supplies and ammuni-
tion were being loaded on General
Escobar's train as the insurgent
commander-in-chief prepared to1
move south.
Band And Glee. Club Members
To Give Annual Concert In
Hill Auditorium
Announcement of the program to
be presented by band and Glee
club members in their annual
Easter concert tomorrow night in
Hill auditorium was made yester-
day by Robert A. Campbell, sponsor
of the two organizations.-
The concert program in addition
to several numbers by the band
will include a flute solo by Roger1
K. Becker, '29E, a tenor and bari-1
tone duet by Stewart Churchill,
Spec., and Otto H. Brown, Spec. Ed.,
and a number of selections by theI
Varsity Glee club quartet.'
Featured in the Easter program
will be the first public use by the
band of the vibra-harp, a recently
developed instrument, which has
been added to the concert equip-
ment of the organization.
Treasurer Campbell, as well as
band and Glee club officials, has
stressed the desire of the sponsors
of the concert to extend to stu-
dents, faculty, and townspeople an
invitation to attend the program
as there will be no admission
1 The program will open with the
Varsity band playing an overture,
"Festival" on Luther's Hymn "Eine
feste Burg ist unser Gott," by O.
Nicolai, followed by Rachmanin-
off's "Prelude in G minor."
The Glee club quartet composed
of Rolland E. Catchpole, '30, Syd-
ney F. Straight, Spec., Otto H.
Brown, Spec. Ed., and Vincent L.
Peterson, '29 Ed, is scheduled to
sing two groups of selections. The
first group will be followed by
Decker's flute solo, "Forest Bird" by
Massenet's "Angelus from Scenes
Pitoeqe"and M. L. Lake's
S"Easter Cimes Descriptive" will
be the band's next selections. Fol-

lowing the second group of quartet
selections, Brown and Churchill
will sing J. Faure's "Crucifix" as a
duet number.
Closing numbers by the band will
be Rubenstein's "Reve Angelique,"
Rossini's overture to "Stabat
j Mater," and the "Yellow and Blue."

Governor Sampson Of Kentucky
Asks Citizens To Give
To Red Cross
(By Associated Press)
NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 25.-
With a deat'h toll of 38 from spring
flods in southeastern Kentucky and
northeastern Tennessee, and prop-
erty damage running into the mil-
lions, plans for the relief for the
destitute went forward today.
Tennessee's general assembly late
today appropriated $20,000 for flood
relief, and Governor Flem D. Samp-
son of Kentucky issued a procla-
mation calling upon Kentuckians
to contribute liberally of money and
clothing and other supplies to their
local Red Cross chapters.
Legislature Votes
While the Tennessee legislators
were voting they could see the
Cumberland River from the capital
as it steadily increased its over-
flow of the low lying sections of
the city. A crest of 50 feet is ex-
pected by tomorrow, which will
flood thickly settled sections,
Already houses and factories near
the river are under water. With
the exception of the Cumberland
and Tennessee, all other Tennessee
streams were falling.
The dead included seven Boy
Scouts and their scoutmaster who
were drowned when a week-end
camping pai-ty of 21- was swept
away early Saturday by a cloud-
burst near Rockwood, Tenn,
Six deaths and property damage
estimated at $2,000,000 was the toll
of flood waters of the Kentucky,
Cumberland and Big Sandy rivers
which swept mountain9mmw..
ties in Kentucky.
Red Cross Active
Red Cross workers were active
today caring for the destitute, and
physicians and sanitary engineers
assisted the homeless, taking meas-
ures to prevent and combat dis-
ease as several thousand persons
were given aid until they could re-
occupy their homes. Meanwhile
search was continued for addition-
al bodies which might 'swell the
death toll.
Washington headquarters of the
American Red Cross today informed
its local chapters in the stricken
section that they would be in direct
charge of subscriptions for relief
and that the national personnel of
the organization already was en-
gaged in providing relief which
would be distributed through local
chapters in Kentucky.
Kentucky Loss Great
Pulaski county, Kentucky, offi-
cials set the damage there at
$300.,000. The Cumberland River,
which made 55 families homeless
at Burnside and Sinking Creek and
drove 20 families from their homes
at Somerset, was reported return-
ing to its banks today. Another
$100,000 damage was reported in
Cumberland county, a $100,000 each
in Breathitt and Floyde counties
and $200,000 in Pike county. Coun-
ties bordering on the flooded areas
also were reported to have suffered
Professor C. H. Cooley

Remains Seriously Ill
Reports yesterday indicated that
Prof. Charles H. Cooley, head of
the sociology department, who is
seriously ill at Dr. Cowie's hospital,
passed a comfortable day and is
doing very well. His condition
still remains serious, however, it
was stated.
Professor Cooley's courses have
been taken over, since his illness a
few weeks ago, jointly by Professors
Arthur E. Wood, Roy H. Holmes,
' and Lowell J. Carr of the sociology
Graf Zeppelin Sends
Greetings To Romans
(By Associated Press)
ROME, March 25.-The dirigible
Graf Zeppelin while circling over
the city this afternoon sent a mes-
sage of good will in care of the
German ambassador here. The

Waterman To Discuss
Motives In Religion
Prof. Leroy Waterman of the
Semitics department, recently re-
turned from archaeological excava-
tions in Mesopotamia, will speak at
7:00 o'clock tonight in Lane' Hall
on 'Basic Motives in Life and Reli-
gion,' under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Religious Education, a

wa oecrerary enogg, wno retain-
ed the state portfolio until his ar-
Furthermore Mr. Stimson prob-I
ably will go over the disarmament
question with Hugh Gibson, the
American ambassador to Belgium,
who is about to sail for Europe to
represent the United States at the
coming session of the preparatory
commission on disarmament, of the
League of Nations.
Until the present, Mr. Hoover has
devoted his attention almost ,ex-i

club on the Greenland expeditions.
Dr. Hobbs went primarily on busi- All Adelphi Tryouts
ness of next summer's expedition.,
Next' Monday the geologist will Will Speak Tonight'
make an address at the New York I
Academy of Science on the Univer- All freshmen who are candidates
sity's northern expeditions, and the for the debating team of the Adel-
following day he will speak at Rut- phi House of Representatives will be
ger's University, New Brunswick, required to make a try-out speech
New Jersey, on the same topic. at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adel-
phi room on the fourth floor of
Rain Hinders Search Angell hall on: "Resolved, that the
executive functions of the state be
For Curtiss Airplane I concentrated in the hands of the
I governor." The team is to meet
(13y Associated Press) the representatives of Alpha Nu in
NEW YORK, March 25.--Rain the annual debate between the two
hampered the search today for the houses in a few weeks.'





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