________________ Yf E MIo ,H lqN ' ATi - - TA1r, Published every morning except Monday dining the University year by the Board in Control of° Student Publications. I Member of Western Conference Editorial Association- The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to th.e iseo.- republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise; credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at An* Arbor, Michigan, us second class matter. Special rate of postage'granted by Third Assistant Post toaster General.. ~ ~ ~ b al Sbscription by carrier, $4,00; by 'mail'. ices:Ann Arbor. Press building, May. uard Street. Phones:Editorial, 4929; Business, 212r4. EDITORIAL STAFW Telephon 4925 MANAGING EDITOR EENNETH G. PATRICK Editor... ..... .......Nelson J. Smith City Editor. ....... stewart Hooket News Editor .....Richard C. IKurvink Sports Editor...... ... . . Morris Quinn Women's Editor.. .......Slvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor... ........George Stauter Musi aEd Drama.........R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Ndight Editors Toseph E. 'Howell Charles S. Monroe Dcald J. Kline ' Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexand aCharles A. Lewis C. A. Askren: Marian McDonald BertramAskwi' henry Merry Louise Behyme- Elizabeth auaife Arthur 13ernste'u Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles. Anne Schell L ce R. Chubb' Racl Shearer frank E. Cooper Howard Simon "Helen Domine Robert L. Sos. Margaret Eckeh Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborgs geland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman ane Thayer Marjorie Follmer 'Edith Thomas Wiliam Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Wlter Wilds Richard Tung George F. Wohlgeflflhl Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUIESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESSMANAGER EDWARD L HULSE Aaistant Mnager-RAYMOND WACUTE Department Managers Advertsing................. Alex K. Scer Advertising..... ......A. James orda Advertising....------.-.-'a W. amm Srvice............Herbert E. Vailnu *irution.......--...eorgte S. Brad1' Acounts....---r-- .Lawrence E. Walkle Pulicatons........ ......Ray M. Hofeli( ,' _ ,ixditants Mary Chase * n4.+un Kerr eanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie -Egeland Hollister Mabley SallyFaster I. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Hlverso Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton George Spater Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton Jix Humphrey Marie Wellstead Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1929 THE COUNCIL ON TRADITIONE With the %,S ng of the resolutior by the Student council which pro- vides that attempts to abolish 'ir whole or in part the honor societies existing on the campus will be re- garded as direct attacks agains Michigan traditions, comes the feeling thatdat last there has bee an active drive started which wil tend to preserveathegtraditions which have lived and grown with the University. There is something to be said in favor of the idea of not allowing tradition or custom to stand in the way of progress, but there is little or no connection between this idea and the traditions which have come under fire, even though this is the argument which .has been used by those who would reform the Uniersity. True,' few tradi- tions have actually been abolished, but many have been neglected and threatened with abolition. Perhaps the most flagrant viola- tions have been with regard to the custom which provides that fresh- men wear "pots". To see a man wearing a sweater on . which are 'numerals 1932, walking down the diagonal bare-headed or wearing a hat is to disgust the average up- perclassman with the way in which time-honored customs of one of the oldest Universities in the coun- try are thrown to the winds by yearlings who feel it below their dignity to wear a "pot". Several times the possibility of discontinu- ing the tradition has been brought up and advanced by the idea that with progress must come change and that it is no longer in keeping with the spirit of the University to enforce such a custom. It is no- ticeable that the freshmen are no less childish now than they ever were, and the tradition is still in order and should be enforced. "Swing out", another time honor- ed custom, nearly felt its death blow last spring, but like the other things of ;its nature,. it should be preserved ' by better regulation; certainly it cannot be made better by abolition. The same applies to other tradition, from half-hour programs to honor societies. Students and alumni alike love the old traditions of the University. COOLIDGE POLICIES While President Hoover and his predecessor, both being Repuli- cans, agree on dedicating the White House to the promotion and preservation of prosperity and goodwill, there appears to be con- siderable difference between the manners in which the one intends and the other intended to accom- plished that end. President Hoover's campaign promise to carry out the Coolidge policies has come in for much play. In office only three weeks the new White House head has already an- . nounced the "carrying out" of sev- eral of Mr. Coolidge's pet policies. And he has tossed them out with a vigor that matters little for the personal reflection upon the ex- President and his aids. Among the more significant re- verses of Coolidge policies are: the shifting of Prohibition enforcement from the Treasury department to the department of Justice, disre-- garding what Secretary Mellon and his former boss might say or think; the plan for conservation of oil, closely limiting the future leasing of. government oil lands, and also investigating the standing leases; the reversal of the Mellon-Coolidge .policy of no publicity for refunds in reference to the income tax ad- ministration; and .the new press arrangements whereby the White House "spokesman" will be done away with and the President will. answer questions directly. Where was formerly the Coolidge policy of letting things alone, there has arisen an initiative which al- most ceased to be associated with the Presidency. There is no longer the administration that avoided problems, sidestepped issues and dealt largely in solemn platitudes. As a President Mr.mHoover is still an infant, yet during his short time in office he has probably made more decisions affecting govern- mental policies and altering ad- ministration machinery than his predeccessor did in his five and a half years of service. Mr. Hoover's changes are not in the spirit of reckless youth, however. They have been thought out by the engineer before he formally ascended to the White House. Though it will have the same ultimate goal -- prosperity and goodwill-as did its predecessor's, the Hoover administration will be far from an administration of Coolidgempolicies despite campaign promises. Its policies, as far as the Republican party and Congress will allow, will be distinctly Hoover policies. The President that re- serv edly let ,prosperity make his reputation has past; there is now a President who, with plenty of initiative, is out make prosperity. O$ 0 R COMPANY, HALT! A TRAVESTY ON .TTHE PIECE Act I Eskimoe: Lark, you write on the show. the columnI Lark: I can't write that show. the column onI P 1 r ,. .,. Eskimoe: Why not? Lark: I'm not military enough. Eskimoe: Not military enough? Lark: No, I couldn't make the -column right! Act II Lark: Did you see that blonde third from the right end? Eskimoe: Do you mean, that blonde third from the right end? Yes, I saw her. Lark: That wasn't no blonde that wa my . Eskimoe: You can't say that. Lark: Why can't I say that? "IN THE NEXT ROOM" Opening. tomorrow night for a week's run at Mimes theater-"In The Next' Room", a mystery play by Harriet Ford and Eleanor Rob- son Belmont. DRESSING THE LADIES Despite the considerable space that has been given in this column for the few days past to the several features-pleasant and otherwise- of the late vehicle "Forward March", one thing in particular has absolutely escaped the attention of the reviewers-costumes. This was probably not due so much to the neglect of the latter as to the lim- itations- of space and the more spectacular features of the. Play. Larger scope and larger budget have always placed the Opera somewhat in the fore in this re- spect, and therefore the achieve- ments of the Play committee are the more noteworthy. To the chairman-of costumes - Louisa Soukup-should go almost the en- tire credit for the striking and pro- fessional costuming of "Forward March". Particularly worthy of notice were the effective military ensembles, the Swiss cook cos- tumes, -the oilcloth and sandpaper combination, and finally the in- dividual design and execution of the garb of the Ladies in Hades Lucrezia, Elizabeth, and Cleo. To Miss Soukup, then, should go credit for untiring effort spent in order that the Junior buds might blos- som in . the fullest amount of' glory, A . - 1 Music And Drama t "te 5END REGARDS, 4 WITH , F E AG USTY E R CAR 95 RELIGIOUS ;STYLES CUTE O NES OR. F R I E N DL VERSES O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Stationery and Typewriter Store. -i Highest Cash Prices Paid for Your Discarded Clothing CLAUDE BROWN Phone 6616 115 E. Ain St. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry High Grade Repair Service Eskimoe : You can't you're dumb. Lark: say it becauseI Did you find any puns in that show? Eskimoe: Did I find any puns in show? You can search me. Lark: that I could write a better book than that show had. Eskimoe: Could you? Lark: Yes, I can make a pun on any subject. Eskimoe: Make a pun on on the king. Lark: t A king is no subject. Act III t Campus Opinion Conributors 'are asked to he brief, confining themselves to less thanb300 words it possible. Anonymous com- . 1 munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, 3 be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should oit be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. DIPLOMATIC LIQUOR Thosel who were concerned about the recent scandals concerning shipments of liquor to diplomats stationed at Washington by other countries will welcome the news that a 'system of credentials re- quired for shipments of liquor is being worked out by the adminis- tration and police officials. Interference with shipments due to lack of any well defined rules regarding the shipments has been embarrassing to both the officers concerned and the diplomats to whom the shipments were consign- ed.. The new method requiring that foreign officers enjoying dip- lomatic immunity, from arrest may receive shipments without pos-' sibility of confiscation enroute if a properly credited embassy or lega- tion official accompany the ship- ment seems entirely fair and just from all points of view. Indeed, nothing can result but better pro- tection for the diplomats and less danger of liquor shipments by per- sons posing as officials. u" "INVESTIGATIONS" - To the Editor: In view of the fact that you are still writing on the subject of "In- vestigation" the following passage which appeared in "The New Re- public" of March 20th, page 131, may interest you: "When will American college authorities learn to recognize teaching ability, rather than the production, of learned monographs, as the essential qual- ity in a teacher? The present on research as the basis of advance- ment not only produces much bar- ren research, but almost invites the teacher to give his second-best ef- forts to his students. The men who have the personality, as well as the scholarship, to stir up youth in- Lark: Did you go to the Cornell meet? They broke some records. Eskimoe: No, I went to the J. G. P. Lark: Well, they ran away ahead of time there too. Eskimoe: Do you know what the J. G. P. was composed of, besides puns? Lark: Of chorus. Eskimoe: Why was "Forward March" the best and most moral of shows? Lark: Because even the worst song' was "Right Out of Heaven". Act IV3 Eskimoe; How can we make a pun doi VandenBerg? Lark:4 I don't know, a name like, --M. E. R.! * * * THE JUNIOR GIRLS PLAYED A Review by Pierce Rosenberg and Paul L. Adams ! Last night we sat and groaned under such things as, "He used to be a ham, but his sugar cured him" and "They call me a paragraph be- cause I'm too little to be a page"; and we heard insult added to in- jury~ by "We sure like puns and coffee." But the Junior girls have saidt with their usual liquidity that "Forward March" was a "sox-cess." Previous reviewers have already adequately pointed out that the plot; of the play is not only a non- entity after the first act but that where it is dragged in it ruins a show which might otherwise be a colorful and vivacious revue. For example, the scene in the cold cream mines was used for a num- ber of supposedly clever ideas which were as far away from the plot as the north pole from goo- goocockracy. Moreover, the direc- tor, probably realizing the weak- nesses of the plot, dragged in some stale skits, such as the mind read- ing scene and the bridge game. But that doesn't mean that we did not enjoy the show. One could scarcely help but feel that the above mentioned defects to a cer- tain measure detracted from the show, but the tuneful music, fine choruses, good work of the many stars, and above all the spontane- ity and over bubbling enthusiasm of everyone behind the footlights redeemed in some measure the ob- vious faults, and contributed to a truly enjoyable performance. Cleverly interpreting her part, Helen Bush contributed a splen- did piece of work as Julie. Not only did her beautiful soprano voice do 'complete justice to the songs which were her lot to intro- duce, but she coyly won the audi- ence with her endearing smile. Billy Setchell had a tendency to overact ii a number of scenes, but we must 1;ail her performance as a genuinely' professional one in pro- jecting her demure ;personality across the footlights. To Dora VandenBerg and Kath- leen Sug~s go unqualified praise. The former interpreted the part of a dashin Romeo with ability which taught the men things, and she made the hearts of the fair sex vibrate to her ferverent sing- ing. Kathleen Suggs was a kock- out not oly in her comedy role in which sh provided pleasant en- tertainment but also as a blues singer with the particularly suit- able vehicle, "Paris Bound." Other individual performers to be remembered for their special contributions are Helen Harter, whose comedy song and -dance, "Yodel For Me", was one of the hits of the evening and the comic dance- ofr Margaret Ohlson and Clare Simmons which was a won- derful bit of incongruity. Though the choruses did not fulfill our expectations in the way of womanly pulchritude, their whole hearted efforts and well done routine dancing should come in for much commendation. All in all then, "Forward March," s a mug-sial omnrv wac- yarn ,.r STUDENT - CONVOCATION COMMITTEE ' and ANN ARBOR CHURCHES announce a series of- Noon Day Meenges I - March 25-28 - Inclusgive 12:30 to 12.55R- Drr W G. ar - r r r - r - ar I~Dr.J. W. G.Wand r _ of Detroit SPEAKER Organist Monday and Tuesday-Earl V. Moore Organist Wednesday and Thursday, Palmer Christian Organ Begins at 12:15 GOOD MUSIC PUBLIC INVITED i lfiifiilfiifiiflliilfiifilfffiiffiflffiffiif~ 11if~fliffiffiifflillilfillffffil filill l i## iiiiffil Inddu a tity is absolutely essential in the clothing of a hvell dressed gentleman Hickey-Freeman recognize this by using only confined patterns, ninety per cent of which are imported. We recognize it by buying not more than three suits of a pattern, all of N Read The Classified Ads I MiT which are different sizes Take advantage of this highly specialized service of the world's finest clothing, buy a WAGNER HICKEY-FREEMAN for that would even stop Girls' Play. Eskimoe: a JuniorI Well, now, let's stop beating about the Bush and go on with the column. Lark: Sping. We ought to about the director. say something Eskimoe: That Loughton't to take long. Lark : That first chorus made a big opening.,- Eskimoe: Yes, but it almost closed the show. WLA.GNER&COMP Jfor Then c rnlcS'4& ict V i