SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1929 T H E MICHIGAN DA1LIY PAGE, OinEVE~ _ _ a n'I le f eA ii-canmus W restli~igIeCt'lc A D$"RT'" IFAK UIEI) lhne7I e ADERTISING _o';310 s. State. Ponxe927: Eewai Green purse containig a er pen and other valuabic8. d. Dial 3018. 45 'qlr.r 4%.,1v rlv w v r L .s r r . 'qlmmer w r w r v . f .a.. a r v r r r r,;Mft a, r -996 a.i v' r AWARD NUMERALS TO EIGHT CLASS WINNERS Southworth Wins Over Brockmeyer In Feature Match After Overtime Periods U n CORNELL-MICHIGAN ; DETROIT HIGH SCHOOLS NATIONAL TITLES DEFEND AT EVANSTON N O T I C E - Tutoring in French, Spanish, German by an expert- enced tutor. Prices very reason- bhlp Write Box '3- 5$11 SORENSON SH OWS ABILUTY Numeral sweaters will be award- ed to the eight men who won in- dividual honors in as many weight classifications of the all-campusI tournament which began in con- junction with the open house pro-1 gram at the Intramural building but which was not completed until yesterday afternoon. An entry list comprising 46 names precluded any chance that the tourney might have been complet- ed Thursday afternoon, when only four winners were declared, and when the finalists in the other four 1902 1903 1904 1910 1911 1912 1913 1924 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 RESULTS .........42% .........42f .... ..49 .........54 2-3 .......33/ 41 ........432-3 .........27 .........40 .........50%/ 27 ......66, .........67 .........64 5-6 .........58 5-6 .........50% .........50' C 29 29 > 23 17 1-3 38y 31 28 1-3 44 4.6 35% 59 28% 28 30 1-6 36 1-6 44V2 45 ":a c[1'. W 'W Zu 3 . a Two Detroit high school teams Northwestern, also of Detroit, is NOTICE-All next week, our best will defend national interscholastic expected to displace their Detrf permanent at $6.50. Raggedy AnnI championships this week end when rivals. Boasting a well-rounded Beauty Shop. Dial 7561. 451 ,,Northwestern and Highland Park, team and showing sufficient in - last year's winners in the track dividual prowess to score high in PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- ? and swimming competition re- the Evanston competition, the ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- spectively, begin their drive to re- Colts will take the field a decided for Allmendinger. Not with anI3 gain countrywide honors. avorite. Hurd in the mile, Thomp music house. Exclusive pianc Wrestling, a new sport on North- son in the 880, Dennis in the broad tuner for the University Schoolj t western university's interscholastic jump, Ward in the high jump, Hes- of Music. Office at residence I program, will also be held this ton in the hurdle events, and Max- year in conjunction with the track ian the pole vault should all press NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry I and swimming championships. A the leaders in their respective 204 N. Main St., for laundry serv- large number of mat teams from events for top honors. Ice with real personal attention i the Middle West have wired ac- Highland Park, practically as like received at home. C ceptance and this sport is expectec near a certainly as anything can Ia -pcalyF to press the older competitions be in national competition, should TYPING-Theses aspecialty. Fair o closely for interest. retain its national tank laurels I Detroit Northeastern, defending with consumate ease. Virtually the c track titleholder, is hot conceded same team which spreadeagled the NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of an even chance to retain top field in last year's classic will be Axminister and Wilton rugs. honors this year with only two on hand 'to further the Pola: Koch & Henne. C men expected to place. In last Bears' aquatic record. Lemak, the year's competition Snowden, Beat- Bear's wonder breast stroke ar- TYPEWRITER SERVICE - New ty, and Ecknovitch scored suffici- tist, who could make things inter- Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ent points to give the Falcons their esting for any competitor in the ington portables, also used large first title. However this year with country in this event, should step and portable typewriters of all euaiie~4 aaital11ntae i hiu f, i Ci LOST-Black bill 'fold Monday aft- FOR SALE ernoon on Washtenaw or campus. Contained about eight dollars. FOR SALE OR RENT-Apartment. Call Johnson, 21720. 456 Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. c LOST-Ladies' white gold Elgin FOR RENT wrist watch, Mar. 19th. Reward. SUITE, furnished or unfurnished._Call_22494.___ Good location. For particulars WANTED write Michigan Daily, Box No. 31.AN 3456 WANTED-A Ford touring car in -- -- - excellent condition. Write Box 32, FOR RENT-Two furnished apart- c-o Michigan Daily. 561 Iments; also garage. Young couples - teachers or business girls. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 E. Washington. f 0- t p. _( FRESHMEN WILL MEEAn 11 ml divisions were announced. 'l'Jc 1, y S-nowuen not avan ab d guanaaood ut tLo a new record nn n s avorLC divisions were announced. relay team will meet its first com- crop of half milers slated for ac- event. The Highland Parkers Tires In Overtime petition of the year tonight when tion it is very possible that Eckno- should also clip the' existing marks Perhaps the outstanding match the yearlings oppose a varsity re- 1 vitch will not break into the scor- in the free style and medley relaya of the tourney came Thursday aft- serve quartet in an exhibition race ing column. events. ernoon when Southworth won over during the Cornell-Michigan dual Beatty undoubtedly will retain A beautiful duel is expected to Brockmeyer in the second two min- track meet tonight in Yost field his national low hurdle champion- be reenacted between Rosen of ute overtime period on a fall in house. ship and in so doing should comr Roosevelt High. of Chicago and the 165 pound class. At the end Freshman half mile material has very'° close to establishing a new Carruthers of Highland Park. At of the regulation five minutes of I been scare all year, according to record. The star negro thinclad the interscholastic meet here three wrestling, neither man held an ad- the yearling track mentor, and two also expects to place in the sprint weeks ago the Polar Bear pressed arthe other. men accustomed to the mile and and the broad jump to clinch in- the midget Chicago paddler to a Sorensen of the freshman squad,two mile runs will be used in the dividual scoring honors for th new record in this event, the finish cstablished himself as a man to be freshman lineup tonight. Mc- meet. being the closest possible. watched in the unlimited division Laughlin, acknowledged the best of the yearling 880 men, will probably nounce Plans For SPORT FIVE PRONOUNCED when he defeated Leo Draveling, run in the anchor position, whie A1+C ar tt"' N' Varsity gridder, with an advantage the other three places will be n-A FOR LOWLY RIVALS of 45 seconds in two two-minute taken by Wolfe, Fitzgibbons, andpring Grid TraRIing periods. Although Draveling was the Gafill. Wolfe and Fitzgibbons, two SpringdTraingng heavier of the two grapplers, he long distance men, took first and (C eContinued From Page 6wsp heaviernofdthetwo grapp6erspowerful sports cage squad spent was the least experienced. second in the time trial in 2:02 will be recognized as members of the evening in comparative sobri- Aldinger Beats Wachs and 2:04 respectively, while Gafill the 1928 eleven while the others ety found in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Aldinger easily defeated Wachs in jfinished a few strides behnd Fitz are of the class of 1932. Hicks and and points east. Sports Mogul the 115 pound class with an ad- gibbons. . Stoll, also freshmen, are being tu- Mowrie Quinn and Sp. Ed. Emeri- vantage of three minutes. Aldinger D'Anna, Bazley, Colby, and Muel- tored as forward passers along tus Colonel Veddah (Carrolton, employed the body scissors andIler will compose the reserve relay with Simrall and Wheeler. III) (adv.) .after many weary hours nelson to good advantage in team. 'All members of the quartet; 0oo hours have come out of session and halfwinning his bout. have had experience in the cross- SIGMA DELTA PSI TRYOUTS decided to present to their public country squad, while Mueller also the official opening lineup for the ,Dalyrymple of the freshman team, competed in the Conference half The national honorary ath- winners. The only name unfami- defeated Bennett mile event. letic fraternity Sigma Delta lar to the presnt generation of an advantage of 1:31 in the 125 Another sidelight of the eve- Psi, will hold annual spring sport enthusiasts on the opening pound class while Larsen won the ning's track festivities will be the t r y - o u t s for member- lineup will be that of Clarey Edel- 135 pound title over Duncan with finals of the interfraternity relay ship starting Monday, March have come out of session and have a, time advantage of approximately races. Four teams, Phi Sigma 25th. Candidates will report on The Lineup: four minutes. Benz defeated Ross- Kappa, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Alpha I the old football field by the In- Te u oan in the 145 pound division. Sigma Phi, and Delta Sigma Phi tramural building on Mondays, I Sports Editorials Kauffman easily defeated Weiss survived the qualifying heats of the Tuesdays, and Thursdays from Kaufman.......LF.........Chubb in the 155 pound division with an tourney and are eligible to com- 2 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. !Swanson ... RF......... Tilley advantage of four minutes. The .tpete in tonight's race. Phi Sigma Snarey will be in charge of the I Warner or 175 pound title was won by Rich- Kappa turned in the fastest time tests. j Prakken C. ..,..Truskowski ardson. Coaches Keen and Dona- in the preliminary heats, their four Intramural Department. (B.S.) I Edelson LG.... ... Simons hoe conducted the tourney. men making the half-mile in 1:40. ( oGussellIG....... McCoy makes bought ana sofd, rentea, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. barge stock, best service, consid- erate prices. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. State and Washington Sts. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Minister Samuel J. Harrison, Associate Minister and Student Director 10:30 a. m.-Morning Worship. Bishop William F. Oldham of Columbus, Ohio, recently re- turned from South American area, will preach. Subject, "Our South American Neighbors." 12 M.-Three Bible Classes for Students. 6 p. m.-Professor Leslie Fuller of Garrett.Biblical Institute. 7 p. m.-Open House at Wesley Hall. 7:30 p. m.-Evening Worship. "Behold Thy King," Rev. Sam- uel J. Harrison, preacher. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Dale H. Moore, Associate Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for Women 10 a. m.-Student Class. Dale H. Moore, teacher. 10:45 a. m.-Morning Worship. - Sermon, "The Claims of the King.". 5:30 p. m.-Social hour for young people. 6:30 p. m.-Young People's meet- ing. Special speaker, Ralph Johnson of the Methodist Guild. HILLEL FOUNDATION 615 E. T *Uivcrsity Dial 3779 Lane Ill--4 p. m.--Dr. Samuel H. Goldinson of Pittsburgh, who several years ago spoke in ll auditorium at a general FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH On East Huron, below State H. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, University Pastor 10:30-Mr. Sayles will preach "The Meaning of Calvary." 12:00-Church School. 12:00-Students' Group at Guild House. 5:30-Friendship Hour. 6:30-Special program. General subject, "If I Should Go to Africa." Four speakers: Ira Hirschy, D o r o t h y Cuthbert, Milton Staub, Luciel Webb. Be c nsistenL in your religion BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams 9 a. m.-Bible School. 10 a. m.-Confirmation Service. Sermon topic, "The Call of the Master." No German service. 7:30 p. m.-Young People's league will present a motion picture entitled, "Our Heritage of Faith." The public is in- vited. Wednesday evening at 7:30, pre- paratory service. Attend church regularly, on Sundays FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Corner State and William Sts. Allison Ray Heaps, Minister March 24, 1929 9:30-Church school. 10:45-Morning worship. Topic, "Kingship of Jesus." 5:30-Student fellowship supper. 6:30-Miss IkukoKoicumi-of Ja- pan will -speak on "Spiritual- sm of Budhism." ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Sts. Rev. Mr. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. Mr. T. L. Harris, Assistant Services for Palm Sunday, March 24, 1929 8:00 a. m.-Holy Communion 9:30 a. m.-Student Holy Com- munion (in Harris Hall). 11:00 a. m.-The Rite of Con- firmation. The Rt. Reverend Herman Page, D.D., of Michi- gan. 6:30 p. i.-Student Supper at Harris Hall. 7:30 p. m.-Stainer's Crucifixion sung by St. Andrew's Choir. L Vd~ WW d 7ION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor I9-Bible Class. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 a. m. - Regular Moruin, service. Sermon topic, "Mat- ter." 11:45 a.rnm-u-unday School fo - lowl yth m -anlin,.piVicp ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West J,;terty Streets C. A. Brauer, Pastor March 24, 1929 9 a. m-German Service. ti a. m.-English Service, 5cr- mon, "Holy Baptism." 10: 30-Sernon subject, "Hail tot I