SATTTrA'7, TvTArTTT TH E M I C H I CIAN TEA I Z 1 -AC- ETV IVA 0 IAA i I I C' PLN R T IVIS d Barbour Scholarship Committee Will -i SHIMINO ENIS T Receive Reports Of "GRAND RAPIDS" ROOM] IED A Scholarships And Fellowships Dormitory Systems1S R H BY MA T' PN --IPractically all of the furniture for donated IT Barbour scholarships and fel Tethreenew Barbourfellows areiIn conjunction with the plans the Michigan League is being pur- ed settle lowships for next year were deter- Chinese. Dr. M. I. Ting is from Tien- for dormitories to house the Un- s red ve p Yth I Uasedin Grand theiredanveth ined at a meeting of the Barbour tsin, China; Miss Kyuin-San Koo . versity women a research to dis-the fin upholarship committee last Tues- is professor of education at Na- Beginners As Well As Advanced cover the facts about the erectioni room which is to be named the during day. The awards made will enable: tional Central University, Nanking, swimmers Are Included and effect of dormitories in other Grand Rapids room in honor of hand-ca 34 Oriental women to study at China; and Miss Yone Moriya is In Meet colleges was undertaken.Miss Ellen Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, pres- small d JUDGES TO RECOGNIZE GIRLS Michigan next year, three of them from Tokio. B. Stevenson, instructor in Geology ident of the national Alumnae with fo ONLY BY NUMBERS being Barbour fellows and 31 Bar Six of the thirteen new Barbour A and Research Assistant in Person- Council, is being furnished by gifts fit com NOT BY NAMES boui' scholars, scholars are from China. Theyl LAST PRACTICE TUESDAY nel Problems, conducted the re- fo h unsigmnfcuesb h NOT BY NAMESTbour scholars. are: Ruth Ciu, a graduate of Hwa search which has just recently from the furnishing manufacturers be the The Barbour scholarships were Nan college; who will study bot-d t$ With less than one week remain- been completed. dition that city. These gifts are mad- Bti TO POST PAGEANT STORY established by Levi L. Barbour, a any; Maida Kuo, a graduate ofa, ing before the annual intramural Letters were sent to 201 colleges1 Gdn a sum of $46,200 raisedin atikl Shngaformer Regent of University,i college, who is to studysimnrequesting inforiation abou± the ywho died at his home in Detroit in the social sciences; Nettie Soo-hoo, swimming meet which is to be held ue an success of . campaign and $29,000 contributed receive D nc In Which They Wish 1925. Mr. Barbour, in traveling a teacher in Nankai University, Thursday night, March. 28, in the Twenty-nine gave no drmiors, during the last three years by the niturei Ttt ee through the Orient, observed the who will study educational meth- Union pool, it is hoped that the all. Fifty-five more gave either alumnae and generous friends ofplacedt To Take Part Ipressing need for wel-trained, lods;, TuhstudygpoloopedFify-fiesgaete theaUnaerads eeruifiedyo.lae native wome foservce inheirreds;nt Yung Loh, who is at women will take advantage of the very little or else rather disjointed! the University. , opening nativeatwomenIfor1service inetheirmpresent studyingonatstheoUniversity Definite plans have been an- own countries. Accordingly, he in the departments of political pdol on Tuesday night for a final information. In 11 places there Almost all of the donors from one of 1 nounced concerning the manner established scholarships which en- s c i e n ce and sociology; Ch practice. are no dormitories. In 13 all or among the furnture manufactur- ports w in which the Freshman Pageant able Oriental. women who show nWang, a graduate of Cornell, who The program is arranged to be fpractically all, are housed n dor- ers were also contributors in the Elgin S tryouts will be conducted on Tues- promise of scholarly leadership I is to study medicine; and Wai- te togam imerand there mitories or dormitories and frat- original campaign. Berkey and ed chai day and Wednesday, March 26 and and potential helpfulness to their Huen Ko, (tentative appointme interest to all swimmers and there ernity houses. Gay's gift is two handsome daven- lour. 27, when the tryouts for natural own people to come to this country who is at present studying at the should be a large turnout of wo- Of the remaining ninety-three, ports, made from their latest de- The G and interpretive dancing are to be to study. Shanghai Medical college and will men. Sororities and dormitories 71 reported an increase in enroll- signs, upholstered in figured ve-. igan wo held. Miss Ione Johnson, who has The number of scholarships is' continue her medical studies at should get their entries lined up ment with the erection of dormi lour, and representing the finest oriental charge of the dancing, wishes it I increasing each year, and in 1929- the University. and in practice. Each house en- tories. Six reported no effect on art of this firm. The Robert W. Ir- antique to be especially understood that 1930 there will be 34 students util- The four new Japanese students tering at least five women in the enrollment. Six more colleges have win company presented a large and tique S the purpose of the tryouts is not izing the benefits of Mr. Barbour's who have been awarded scholar- meet will receive 35. points with a limited enrollment. Three of handsomely carved oak chest, which ed pric to eliminate somne girls infart of gfts. They are open to any Orien- 'ships are: Ternko Nakamara, a additional points for the winning incese hanro mn rife tnrustes when opened becomes a secretary. the M. oh ,tal woman regardless of religion or graduate of Tsudi college, who will houses. bwere willing. Barnard College be- In this will be kept a vellum-bound Baloyan is to place every girl in the par race. The fellowships are for one study English and sociology; Hana- There are event for beginners )loves that dorms would increase book in which the history of the SennaI titular part to which she is most year's study at Michigan, while the ko Hoshino, a graduate of Welles- as well as advanced swimmers in- llt Both Franklin and Ann Arbor group will be recorded Siena -escholarships are awarded, for as ley, who is to study chemistry; Ki cluding the crawl, breast stroke, Penn agree that without their and all grfts listed. carvedi eforne a girl enter rhgynsl g asthe person shows ability k eeSato sa graduate of Tsudo col- back crawl, elementary back stroke, dormitories they would have fewer The Michigan Chair company has I place of well Angell hall in Barbour gym-1 profitably to pursue further courses lege, whose major interest is psy-l side stroke and free style. There students. -- nasium, where the tryouts are be- of study. chology; and Kimi Nojima, who is- ing held, she will be given a num- Of the thirty-one Barbour "schol- a graduate of the University of will be diving events with three From the above figures one might c --o ars, 18 are already holders of Utah and who will study medicine dives. The first must be either a conclude that any talk about the Sheets have been posted on ( scholarships who are having their here. plain front or running dive, the League Houses being ruined is the bulletin boards in both Bar- awards renewed. Six of these are From India two new scholars second will be a front jack-knife, hardly justified by the erection of bour gymnasium and the Wom- from China: Ao Dju, Dji-lih Bao, have been appointed: V. R. Neel-+i and the third will. be dptional. one dormitory here. The chances en's #Athletic building upon Yung-Hao Feng, Lai-Wing Fung. kanth, a graduate of Gujarat col- Requirements for entrance in- are apparently that a very appre- which the freshmen women are Zing Whai Ku, and Violet Wu; six 'lege, who is to study sociology; elude an admission card to the ciable increase in the number of; to place their names, the date are from Japan: Ikuko Koizumi, and S. Vonkataratnam, from Mad- pool, a grey cotton tank suit, and women to creported th t league, on which they desire to try out Asa Nakao, Tomo Tambe, Ken To- ras University, whose interest is 25 cents for admission. Women house standards were raised when * " for the Pageant, and the time. kuzawa, Hide Shohara, and Sugi child psychology. who do not already have an ad- the dormitories were built Allo eligibleawomenyarevepecteddM'tai;doneiisfromsHawaiiuMarthao All eligible women are expected Mihai; one is from Hawa, Martha The first Barbour scholarship mission card for the pool may ob- Washington and Lee is the only to try out. Choy; one from Korea, Katherine;ever awarded to a Turkish woman tain one from Miss McCormick at school which definitely states that o o Kim; one from the Philippines, has this year been given to Behire Barbour Gym on presentation of it approves of having students live ber. The judges inside the room Maria Pastrana; and three from Refik, a graduate of Constantinople IBarceri ymcater eeathoncr-;inaprveohsese s ivo will know her only by her number, India, Sharkeshwari Afiha, Aley college. Miss Refik is to do work I a certificate from the Health Ser- m private houses because it favorsV\ and not by name, so the judging Checha Kuriyan, and E. K. Janaki. in mathematics. . vice showing that they have had the townspeople. The vast major- will be based on merit alone. - - - -- --- -- ----------- ------------ a heart and lung examination this! ity of Universities and colleges ap- The participants will have a REHABILITATION IS ONE PHASE OF year. Women who had the regular prove the dormitory system. chance to look over the story of HIphysical examination last fall need the Pageant, which will be posted, HUMAN SALVAGE DONE BY HOSPITAL only report for the card to Miss and to sign up for the particular McCormick. P E G G YIS dance in which they most desire Of the three stages of human of handicrafts and similar crea- to take part. Then the girls will salvage, prevention, medicine ori tive work. Leather tooling, wood- Colgate University.--Arrangements there divided into two groups, o that I surgery, and rehabilitation the working, rug making, and weaving, have been completed for a debate' (formerly of Powder Puff) there will be about 35 girls on tesrey n eaiiain the furnish the main occupations of between the varsity affirmative and nl vt floor together. The first group will third is the one with which the the men, while the women are the Texas "Cowboys" from Howard; be concerned only with response Occupational Therapy department trained in sewing, embroidering, Payne University. An unusual fea- t movements, w e nd of the University hospital is con- crocheting, making paper flowers, pearanceoftheHowardPaynede-a s th group will be made up of those cerned. Restoration and employ-n dolls, and basketryd The type of wwest mke-up when glance, the unmistakable fo rop wl bter d utpoftoe meat of the disabled,curativeomwork taught during treatment is n the platform, to show how the D 5252 Kr e Bldg oe a dancing Any girl may entereither selected with a view to the prac- movie cowboy differs from the true' aresg B +ay of brown'unique cut-out Pat o'r both of these divisions. cesses carried on with a view to ticality of being carried on aftert Western tvae. ures of this maode strike a perfe IN LEAGUE NUFACTURERS a hand-carved upholster- , done in handsome antique vet. This piece is- one of est featured by this firm the year. An octagonal irved oak game table with rawers for cards and chess ur upholstered chairs which pactly under the table will gift of the Grand Rapids company. ey Brothers' contribution is -carved library table which I first prize at a recent fur- market. This table will be directly in front of the large from the concourse and the Berkey and Gay daven- ill be placed in front of it. imonds gave a large, wing- r upholstered in green ve- rand Rapids group of Mich- men have contributed three rugs, an antique Kurd, an Joshajan, and a semi-an- aruk, purchased at a reduc- e through the kindness of A. Baloyan company. Mr, 1 in addition has given a Kilem antique. Miss Chris- ck has presented a hand- oak chest, which takes the a table. naew t reveal, at reignl toueb. Izing. under. ern...the fea. et tempo witih 1 1 i t { In spite of the large number helping people re-adjust themselv- the patient is discharged to pre- which will appear on the floor at es to life and to regain their self- vent recurrence of the illness and one time, every one will be spotted respect comprise this type of social to provide economic security if not and checked according to the judg- f welfare work, of which the local! a livelihood. ment of the person holding her children's section is under the di- Extreme cases of inferiority com- number. These cards will be gone rection of Mrs. C. Krassovsky, and plex due to nervous disorders have over at a later time, acid the girls the adult section under Mrs. A. Kas- been helped considerably, accord- placed according to the way they abach. ing to Mrs. Kasabach, the theory of have -been judged. Every tryout Neural patients needing work to! praise for successful accomplish- must appear bathing suit, gym keep their minds from their disa- ment being introduced. clothes, or dancing costume. bilities, and patients needing exer- Training schools like the ones in cise of. a certain type to regain mo- St. Louis, Chicago, and New York, E Tion for parts that may have been furnish many of the workers in DEFEA TS JUNIORS paralyzed, are treated by means this line of service. 1 111111111 N1111=I1 -'111111i111111111111111111111iti11111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111t111 In a rather one-sided game played Thursday afternoon, the THESE ARE THE senior II team defeated the junior':= II women by a score of 25 to 13. =" This contest brought the interclaps= basketball tournament to a clo'se. ! E The seniors have won first place H A T S in the second team round as a re-' sult of winning all their games The other teams that played in - the second squad tournament were - = the junior II team, the Blue Club, and the Yellow Club. 4 >9 8-4 Waves Are No Longer Nature's Exclusive Right! Elect yourself a member of RU E the privileged class whose -FEMININITY RULES! - hair is always beautifully= waved . . . a-shining to cap- #- The Easter mode. . . the mode for Spring . . . is ruled ture admiring looks! Our per- by the gentle hand of femininity. Gay touches of manent wave holds loveliness flowers and brilliants are bright accents on the dis- ensnared. Ask us about it Etinctive models of Bakau, Balleys and Hair from today. such exclusive houses as Howard Hodge and Hyland PW sBrothers. Our collection is augmented by new ar- Permanent Waves for r-asdal. Remainder of Marchr$10yto $35 $8.0Q t S, ,,, 's/ C "xP~ It kI f 9I ' - f, n r ', , Spring Opening with a wonderfu~l selection of the NEWEST APPAREL FOR EASTER i r r- The Frocks $16.50 Right from their New York wrap- pings. . Ensembles, dressy models and tailored frocks. Chiffon, geor- gette and flat crepes. Prints .and monotones. .- - The Coats _ $17.50 to $49.75,, Dress coats of broadcloth. Seni-sport models of basket weave and cheviot. Sport coats of fine pattern and im- orted weave. y Many have large fur collars. TS - 'T he Hats $5.00 The popular newest types of straws, r felts, viscas and \hair braid.:Every j good new color. Small and large The keenest kind of girls get a thrill out of their Rothmoors There's an air about them-a blending of fabric and fur that's unusual-wonderfully smart style that gets attention-no wonder today's keenest girls say Rothmoors go along with their every mood. They like their practical side, too-the woolens from England and France-the famous man-tailoring-the reasonable prices. $35.00 to $110.00