PAM FOB THE MICHIcAN DAILY SATURDAY) IV1ARCIT 23, 1 3 PA~! FOUT~ SAT'U~DAY, MARCH 2~, 19~9 . .,: Published every morning except Monday duiig the University vear by the Board in Control of Student Publicatir Member of Western Conference Editorialt Association.1 The Associated Press is exclusively en-j titled to the, use fn republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwisel credited in this paper and the local news pub- fished herein.: Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, s second class matter. Special rate of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, Offces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFFT Telephon 4925, MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson J. Smith City Editor................ Stewart Hooker News Editor.......... Richiard C. Kurvink Sports Editor.........W.....W Morris Quinn Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. StoneS Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter Music and Drama........R. I.. Askren Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar Night Editors LESS AND BETTER POLITICS Again the -Student council has worked out and adopted a plan to provide against the manipulation of votes at campus elections, this time to regulate all campus elec- tions rather than those of individ- ual classes. It is necessarily more complicated than the plan sup- posedly enforced during the battles for class offices last fall, but seems at first glance to be so complicated 1 that it will tend to decrease the number of votes cast. A checking list proved worthless in several class elections last fall, and the ultimate result was that several ballots for the position had to be voted over the second time. While the method of check- ing in use at that time was intend- ed to do away with multiple voting, there were several cases reported where freshmen removed their pots and took off Union buttons before going into the Natural Sci- ence auditorium to cast ballots at the junior anoj senior elections. With the approved system of comparison of numbers and signa- ture, and identification cards, mul- tiple voting, at least, will prob- ably be stamped out. What other methods may be used to try "fast ones" cannot be known, but doubt- less some methods will be tried. To those who do, the warning of dis- ciplinary action cannot be exe- cuted too soon nor too severely. Precautions should be taken, however, against purely a machine election, and those who are not in- terested in a particular group of would be politicians, but are more interested in seeing capable men invested with the authority of campus positions should be strong- ly urged to take the little extra trouble to register and vote prop- erly in an effort to cooperate with the council in their attempts at a ,fair election. OASED ROLL JUST HASH TODAY NOTE: With this issue, Rolls presents its shortest hobby in- terview-and perhaps its last. "I,"" laughed "Leery" Kine, genial Editor of Rolls, in an in- terview yesterday afternoon, "have no hobby." BULLETIN Lark's typewriter finger, ac- cidently broken at a late hour a couple of days agog is still broken. His condition is critical -he stands around and criti- cizes everything we write-and litl~e hope is held for his re- moval; so we'll have to do the best we can. Here is the prize offered by Roll, for the man or woman who could tell which half of the Junior Girls' chorus was in step and which half out-but Lark has decided to use the gift himself. Loeph E. Howell euald J. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg George . Simons C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexande Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram AskwiVx I1lenryMerry Louise $ehyme- Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernste'a Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee JosepheA.Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell rR, C'hiihb Rachel Shearer Frank $. Cooper I oward Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Uadwell Swanson f Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes GurneyWilliams David B. Hempstead Jr.\ Weter Wilds Richard Jung George F,. Wohlgenuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising................Alex K. Scherer Advertising ..........A. James Jordan Advertising........... I..arl W. Hammer Service................-erbert E. Varnyum Circulation................ George S. Bradley Accounts...........Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants Mary Chase Marion Kerr J eanetteDale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster I. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Ialverso Carl F.. Schemm GeorgeH amilton George Spater Jack Ilorwich. Sherwood Upton Dik Humphrey Marie Wellstead Night Editor-GEORGE C. TILLEY SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1929 -Qr Music And Drama. - "IN THE NEXT ROOM" Eleanor Robson Belmont and Harriet Ford have written the mys- tery play, "In The Next Room", which will be the next offering to Mimes when it occupies the boardsI at the well known theater back of the Union beginning next Monday for a week's run. Shuter has issued the statement that the play will be dope in re- sponse to demands for a mystery play. What the campus tastes are, it's hard to tell. That they will appreciate real good sophistication in a play of the type that finan- cial reasons will keep an organiza- tion from producing here because of the risks involved is question-i able; if they did appreciate such1 efforts, it would be only on ac- count of the desire to appreciate sophistication when it is presented. Comedy one would think should immediately prove popular with the campus. Comedy, as manifest- ed in many of the popular plays of the past, plays which have search- ed for the loud guffaws and hilari- ous results rather than for the sly ! smiles of appreciation of subtle lines, as exemplified by any of the finer comedies on manners. "Mystery" has been the cry of many recently, says Shuter, and thus Mimes will try to search in another. corner for what this cam- pus does want, if it is conscious of _ any true tastes. The play, itself, S!seems to be well chosen, for it is not er of those mysteries likej "The Gorilla" which depended onj a huge form hopping about and on screams emanating from various dark corners for its amusement I value. On the contrary, real mys- tery is the element on which "In The Next Room" depends for its r appeal. And that should serve as somewhat of an endorsement. -P. R. THE CHARACTERS r ~ of! "IN THE NEXT ROOM" Philip Vantine, An amateur collector of antiques....... ............ . ....George W. Priehs Felix Armand, a professional collector..... Richard C. Kurvink James Godfrey, Special writer on the New York Record....... ......-..... Norman D. Brown Inspector Grady, Head of De- tective Bureau...Wm. R. Day, Jr. Dawn Donuts The Partner for your Coffee at Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the Stores and Restaurants. I I I Strings .. Supplies . .Repairs . for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. CIRCULATING LIBRARY 52 1 EAST JEFFERSON S TR EET I . .. .ter.......... I i Subscribe to Th Michian Dafly Read the Clas sif ied Ads The PRINT AND BOOK SHOP You Will Find the Best of thy New Spring Fiction -} in our SPRING 00 WHAT ARE YUR CALCULATIONS? The first Junior Girls' Play was produced in 1904, so the story goes. Since then, historians have been unable to find that any year was missed. On the basis of this, then, it is apparent that the present jun- iors have become a little overen- thusiastic in their determination of the production number. In that they advertise this as the s'i 1 v e r anniversary performance, they are within reason, but it should be called to their attention that if the first performance was given in 1904, that this is the twen- tyslixti annual Juflior Girls' Play, and not the twenty-fifth annual as advertised, around. Figure it out,! yourself. THE INVESTIGATION IS,-DEAD! LONG LIVE' THE INVESTIGATION! M It has been rumored that Demp- sey may plan to stage a; fight in the stadium; in which event, of course, the stadium would be turn- ed into a punch bowl. Headline in Daily: CONGRESS TURNS TO HYDE FOR FARM RE. LIEF ADIVCE. Isn't there some mistake somewhere in spelling? Seems to us they've been hiding from farm relief advice for a long time. * * * After long deliberation on the part of the disciplinary committee at Kansas State, two students have been suspended for-peddling liquor to fellow students. What, no ped- dler's license? *. * * FURTHER INDICATIONS OF SPRING (IN ANN ARBOR) Students in reefers . . . A damp, cold fog (Be sure you spell "damp" correctly, Ed.) . . . Slickers that won't bend until they're put next to sizzling radiators . . . Cold weather reports . . . Colder weath- er reports . . . Huh! Who said spring? Another headline in yesterday's Daily informs us that the B. AND G. HEAD HUNTS FOR DIRT. Imagine actually hunting for it- and on this campus. With the approach of spring elections comes the thought that we have only one Prexy but there are thousands of proxies. * * * A CONTRIBUTOR CRASHES THROUGH The first offering in the way of talking movies at the Wuerth is called "The Ghost Talks." Now what I want to know is this: Does the title refer to the picture or the theatre? And there's another thing I'd like to call to your attention. Coach Mike Bennett at Sewanee, Tennes- see, is certain that football willI soon replace bull throwing as the national sport of Mexico. ThatI must mean that the bull throwing will be left to the- football man- agers and coaches, eh; Rolls?. MA. 101 N. Main St. ANN ARBOR- SAVINGS BANK Increases Your Purchases SThe use of a checking account in the payment of your bills will bring you a new ease in keeping account of your expenditures. A few minutes' time will serve to take care of these matters, and there can be no danger of lost receipts. You owe yourself this safety and convenience. Our bank is for your convenience. Learn to make use of our services at all times, 707 N. University Ave. ~4I It will come as welcome news to some people that the Student' council's student investigation of the faculty, which awoke such a tornado of professorial excoriation last fall, has died after a long ill- ness. The project failed to rally following President Little's resiglia- tion, and was given a lethal hypo- dermic of status quoism at a re- cent- pow wow of deans. Anent this investigation, whose sheeplike form the faculty dressed in lion's garb, an interesting echo reaches us from the University of North Carolina where Dean Hib- bard, talking out of school, has ut- tered some pregnant remarks about the value of research. The research brain, it will be remembered, was that comely ornament of Univer- sity life, which the investigation was about to crucify on the cross of class room work. Says Dean Hibbard, "What brings success in the field of college teaching? Is it, as presumably it should be, successful college teach ing? Rarely. Promotion goes most quickly to that man who attracts attention to himself outside of teachings." Whereupon " Dean Hibbard pays his respects to research: "which every self-respecting institution, somehow pretends to, expect from its faculty, and woe to the man, who cannot at the end of the term make a showing in the cata- logue of at least one unread-and too frequently unreadable-piece of, reaserch." Concludes the Dean, "What is necessary is a new and" real recognition of the importance; of teaching-that teachers be re-t leased for an honest effort in the, class room, because teaching is< still a fundamental of good educa- tion." Thus Dean Hibbard and the ptu-3 dent council arrived independently at the same fact: that much of thel teaching now being ground out is inferior. Where Dean Hibbard stopped, however, the Student council went on to propose a remedy-not the panacea, albeit,# claimed by some,nor yet the poison claimed .by others, but a remedy cokrin 7 thee limination n ftnhing f Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to lie brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible.. Anonymous comn- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be l construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. HE KNOWS HIS CHORUSES March 21, 1929. To tht Editor: The writer has been on this campus for seven years, first as an undergraduate and lately as a Agraduate and member of the facul- ty. , During these seven years he has seen six Junior Girls' Plays. He saw the present production on Thursday night. He went expect- ing to see the nearly perfect danc- ing, the excellent music and the loose plot of the stereotyped J. G. P. He came away convinced that he had seen something different- a happy play-one that he enjoyed more than any of the predecessors. The dancing was not technically perfect,-the music, with the ex- ception of "Forward March" was merely average,and the plot was as loose as ever. Buttback of it all was a harmony and happiness of cast that was totally unusual. They seemed to be getting such a perfect kick out of it. The natu- rality of the acting and the verve of slightly daring lines carried off1 some humor that was awfully an- cient in a way that made us laugh again. A whisper has said that when the director arrived on the scene the cast had already been drawn by a casting committee, either officially or unofficially. The success of the play is due to al- most perfect casting. Good direct- ing helped. When one can work up a smooth and popularly re- ceived chorus that begins with an English girl on the left and ends with a Kentucky girl on the right one has achieved unusual success in a college play. Judging from applause the audience could have enjoyed just a little more of such incidents as the toe dancing, the "awkward dance", and the singing trio of Minnie and the two men. I . }L~w wr w w r . w w w w ar w w wc ~ rr t.r~. - - . Simmonds, One of his men.... .Frederick K. Kleene 1 9 The frosh committee gave the J-Hop committee something to think about. The frosh favors were given out at the door. The trouble with the J-Hop favors is that they either give out before the J-Hoppers ever reach the door, or they are never given out at all. * * * Serious Thought For Today: There are more than 1,024,000 per- sons by the name of Johnson in the United States. * * * A Chicago woman, 81 years of age, has just graduated from ele- - --- - -s e - - . - F Parks, Vantine's Butler .......... ................Kenneth S. White Rogers, Vantine's Footman.... .............David Hempstead Lorna Webster, Vantine's Niece.. .....Eugenie Chapel Madame DeCharriere........ ........... Josephine Rankin Julia. .............Helen Carrm j Tim, Police Officer ............... .Raymond Bridges A KIND WORD, AND A MEAN ONE Now that the Junior Girls' Play has' failed in all the ways it was expected to fail, and succeeded in# all the ways it was sneakingly sus- pected to succeed, we will attempt to turn oracle and propound to our readers the significance of this. As a musical comedy, the play1 is avowedly not, but as a triumph for Michigan women, it is. What can this mean but that where the Michigan man has lacked the per- sonality, sex-appeal, or whatever it may be that is needed to put the opera over on the basis of those in it, the Michigan woman has scored a glorious triumph. Dare we to whisper that the women are su- preme on the campus? This timid male, surrounded by a mob of outraged night editors, breathes this between teeth clench- ed with fear, but with a spirit full of the favor of conviction. Yes, the women are supreme. They have the personality, the glorious free abandon that ruins one's pulse, the whatever it may be, which, combined with the happy way they have of doing things, makes it no longer possible to doubt that they have eclipsed, nay have put to shame the crude ef- forts of the men as entertainers, even as the master sex on the campus. What does this mean? It means that the women have fields of con- quest ahead of them which are forbidden territory for others. It . m nnes s 4-i.. n l- i-- rnis, , i-n- , What Do From a Laundry ? When you send your clothes to a laundry you should naturally expect that you will receive promptness in calling for and delivering. When laundered, your clothes should be neat, spotless, and trim. They should not be torn, and summing it all, they should be perfectly laundered. .. .This you may expect from the Trojan Laundry when you send us your clothes. We back our statements by our established reputation built on You Expect years of experience. ?keriojaanudr I