THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIAY, M0 Published every morning except Monday dining the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusivel en- titled to the "se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor,' Michigan, tssecond class matter. Special rate of postageegranted by Third Assistant Post-I master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones; Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214: EDITORIAL STAFF . Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.. ......... .Nelson J. Smith City Editor...........J... Stewart Hooker News Editor........Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor....... .. W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor. . :.........Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor...........e..Geore Stauter Music and Drama.............R. . Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar but that it provides an efficient, and effective means for procedure in correcting the ratio after each census. This conclusion was reach- ed after much wrangling over legal criticism, and it is expected that the bill will finally come up for ratification at the extra session of Congress next month. If Congress fails to take decisive i action on reapportioning seats at the proper time, this bill directs the Secretary of Commerce to do l so on a basis of the last census, or every ten years. Most of the crit- icism directed against the bill has been over the fact that legislative power has been delegated to an executive. However, the number of mem- bers to sit in the House is specifi- cally and permanently set at 435, and these seats must be appor- tioned "in accordance with the cus- tomary practice", which allows the Secretary of Commerce no actual power in the matter and makes him nothing ,more than a mathe- matician in this particular work. Congress is not robbed of its pre- rogative, for it retains the power to nullify this ministerial- function, or pass an entirely different bill. The purpose of the legislation is to insure enforcement of the Con- stitution, which action has been allowed to slip for almost twenty years. It is indeed timely, for negligence in this might lead to disregard for matters of more and more importance, until the Con- stitution should , be merely an his- torical document. In view of the press of affairs and difficulties arising in legislation, the proposal appears to be about the best yet ,offered. WHAT , NO GRAFT? p Night Joseph, E. Howell DcnaId 3. Kline. Lawrence R. Klein George Editors Charles S. Monroe PierceRosenberg George E. Simons C. Tilley Paul L. Adams Morris Alexandct C. A' Askren Bertram Askwif'r 'Louise Behyme' rthur Hrnste'u Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Frank E. Cooper Itelen ,Domine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards V aluorg JLgeand Robert J.' Feldmran Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. Hempstea Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufma Ruth Kelsey Reporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Henry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cad well Swanson I Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams ad Jr. Welter Wilds George E.. Wohlgemuth an Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie The gent who devised the new voting system for campus elections must have an Einstein brain-or else the rumored foolproof plan is all a hoax. * * * Imagine. a campus election with- out graft; imagine a new system that will eliminate multiple-voting and slippery work at the polls; and imagine a plan that will regu- late registration and balloting! Imagine it! Well, somebody did, and the plan, from what we read in yesterday's Daily, seems to be about as follows. Each voter must have a' Union card, !birth certificate, and registration blank in tri- plicate. You fill the stub in here, fill another out there,, give one to the student council,} the other to any likely-looking person, and pace the third under the scrutiny of the elec- tion officials. The next step is to take them all back again and confess that you got a D in Zo 1, which will entitle you to a service button with three gold stripes. The following day you will discover that three people voted in your name. Of course it may be simpler than that, .but you'd never know it to read about it. However, if the new system can be worked, we'll give up and go home. We imagine, though, that the voters will do that. Lark's reader will be sorry to learn that the Editor of this col- umn broke his typewriter finger yesterday while playing basketball without wearing shin guards, and that he may not be able to write anything for several days, having never trained any of his other fin- gers to be understudies. Nobody, including the reader, can be sor- rier than we are. Kindly omit potted plants-Lark says he'd rather you wouldn't say it at all. * * * Not to be out'done by the first page we hereunder present the weather report. At the present writing it is- I OurWeatherMan BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 ; I BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Lssstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers ...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising..... .......A. James Jordan Advertising..........-....Carl W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation..... ..George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants Mary Chase Marion Ketr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky V ernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster 1. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halversoa Carl F. Schem George Hamilton George Sater Jack Horwich Sherwood 1)pton Dix Humphrey Marie Welstead FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1929 Night Editor-PIERCE ROSENBERG THE MEMORIAL SUBSIDY Whether or not $1.50 or , mere one dollar is taken from the senior class dues for a class memorial is beside the point. The question is: has the man in charge of the sen- ior funds any right to subsidize the seniors for that sum toward a me- morial without a class vote ulion the matter? It appears that he has no more right to do this than, he has a right to subsidize the; same persons for $2.00 for a Michi- gan Alumnus subscription! Authorities disagree as to the ex- act sum apportioned from the sen- for literary class dues for the pur- pose of purchasing a class memo-; rial. One record accounted for ex- pending $5.50, with'$5.00 dues. But at any price, does a class memorial mean anything when it is bought from the money of subsidized sen- iors paying in the money only in order that they may be graduated with proper ceremony or does it mean more when bought from money given Voluntarily by a class as a whole which has voted to give; the memorial at a representative meeting from dues properly ap- proved by those who pay them and who should have some word in; their expenditures? The gift of a class memorial is indeed a worthy enterprise, but it loses 99 percent of value and association when it is1 given by a subsidized class payingI dues in which it has had little or no word as to the use. The senior Law class stands to refute any who might advance the idea that a class is willing to haveI its memory perpetuated by memo-l rial without any word upon the1 subject, for the senior laws recently1 voted not to give a class memorial this year. How many other senior classes of the University might do the same if given the chance? Forc some students, the payment of five1 dollars is a strain upon the fi-i nances. And even those students7 who can stand the strain of thel five dollar imposition can hardlyI be said to be standing by while Michigan Alumnus and Class Me-i morial subsidys face them in pay-i ing their class dues. They havei to pay to be graduated. That's the catch-Alumnus and Memo-l rial subsidise with no expression of will except on the part of a senior official, and the class paysj for its choice of an officer with no t chance for recall. Who said, "Edu-E II Editorial Comment I i! COLLEGE PAYS ITS OWN DIVIDENDS (The Christian Science Monitor) Most people who have had a col- lege education recommend it to others. College alumni, whether business or professional men, are usually strong supporters of Alma Mater morally and financially. To question the good sense of so many hundreds of thousands of intel- ligent folks in so doing is to ac- cept a heavy responsibility of proof. A Columbia University pro- fessor after a year of investigation concludes that college-trained bus- iness men who are earning big wages would have done just as well without - education's help. Doubtless a large number of the reading public will be. eager to learn just which business men have declared that college experi- ence was a detriment to their best success. True it is that colleges are far from what they should be, and probably hundreds of business men wish that in addition to their straight college work they had spe- cialized in business courses, in banking or in law. But nearly all of them could be depended upon to say, even as many of them have already said within a few days since the professor announced his conclusions, that they went to college with a higher instinct than that of seeking how to make high wages. Youth attending the liberal arts college today has a vision beyond that of the pay envelope. He seeks the power to understand, the op. portunity to serve, the freedom that means highest unfoldment of self. No student of the past has ever been so busy discovering the truth as the student of today. He may go into business but he has an enrichment derived somehow from his college career that he would not part with for the world. Hotels are calling for college- trained executives. Industry and large mercantile establishments want men and women who have acquired the habit of thinking problems] through, large banking associations are establishing foun- dations in order that young meni and women who desire to go into banking may have the proper col- lege training. The professor insists that it is economically unsound to allow more than a certain number to study in a given field and declares that the state should control this number. But education cannot be put in the same economic category as wheat and beans. Nor can it be conducted as a trade union, for the simple reason that the great majority of students go to college for distinctly other than economic reasons-as, for instance, cultural and spiritual. Furthermore, if col- lege experience is, in the large, the good thing that most graduates claim it to be, a certain law of ad- justment comes into play, namely, that if what one obtains in a given experience is really good, he will Music And Drama TONIGHT: The Junior Girls pre- sent their annual play, "Forward March" in the Whitney theater, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. "FORWARD MARCH" Reviewd by Kenneth G. Patrick and Richard C. Kurvink Ladies step out of Hades in more ways than one, particularly when they hang over the typewriters of male reviewers. The latter, if they feel that they can resist after two hours of thinly-disguised sirening, can only say "Boo!" once and then run for cover. Before we hike we can say this-that it took an en- tire first act for the girls to shake off a devastating direction, a poor staging, and a rotten book. Ex- ception to the first assault comes only in two excellent finales-the kind that send the customers away quite overcome. An example of the faulty direction most noticeable to an overflowing masculine audience is that of a mai standing idly by with his hands at his sides while a girl does all of those things all over him. Fashion note-women can't wear ties without making them appear like halters. The show belongs to Billie Set- chell, because she does splendidly and professionally all of those lit- tle things that the others are try- ing to do. Unquestionably she is the most satisfying performer on the campus. With Kathleen Suggs in the "Mine Baby" number she gets what is more vulgarly known as out and over. Dora Vanden- Berg reaches the peak of a difficult and fine performance before the curtain in "Is Anybody Coming My Way", and Clare Simmons, when uninhibited by the lines assigned to her is cute, clever, end an image of Roy Curtis in the bargain. Throughout the second act one is tempted to say "Here comes the Menace" with as great an expect- ancy as one would utter the equal- ly-facous phrase regarding the Show Boat. Girls, where had she been for three years? In conclu- sion, one of these writers thinks that the Author is the best looking girl in the production. Don't ask questions? Summarizing the above, and in- cluding such fine performances as those of Helen Bush and Helen Harter, is it too much to ask why the book idea should not be drop- ped in.the future and the play turned out as a revue? Excellent satire was often entirely concealed by plot attempts, and the most brilliant moments were those in which the individual performers shook themselves loose. Space will not permit more, and the signers of this declaration close with an appeal to mercy and a fear of ap- pearing on the campus today. "HELLO YOURSELF" A Review, by Charles Monroe You just can't start any kind of a review of this'show now playing at the Cass theater in Detroit without mentioning W a r i n g s' Pennsylvanians, so right now I'll mention that Warings' Pennsyl- vanians is the outstanding part of this show, so I can go on. "Hello Yourself" is another one of those musical comedies which became rampant along Broadway after the first huge success of "Good News", and while it is not another "Good News" by any means, it has enough of that pep and zip that made the other show a success to give any audience its money's worth and more. While a Michigan student can do little but merely laugh at the plot outline which centers around -a student riof over the college edict against cars and cards, he can move his feet at the dances, hum the songs, laugh at the principals, and cheer to beat the devil when Warings' do their drills and drag out their band instruments for the first time, when the finale finally comes around. In order to get this into the space Mr. Askren assigned, we can pass but hurriedly over the cast and tell you it is adequate, with Carl Randall, the hero, George Haggerty, the comic, and Dorothy Lee, who has a Peggy Bernier part, doing the best. Dorothy, however, is many times better looking than Peggy and oh, boy, she does get over. Did we mention Warings'? Well, they do a lot of drills and chorus work in the greater part of the show, with one knockout drill, tap- ping fake diplomas on their caps. And then, along about 10:15, they yank the curtain and here is the whole band ready to tootle. That's all any man can ask-they are bet- ter than ever, even making you like some of the poorer pieces in the 7 - .-..-.. It's the finer tailoring that brings men back to us to buy "another Hickey-Freeman" .. . . 'I. F, There's Sunshine Behind Every Rain Cloud Life brings its "rainy" days of adversity, it's true, but if one is FINANCIALLY PRE- PARED for them one sees the sunshine of hope beyond. SAVE! Save while prosperity and health favor you. Open an account NOW with this Bank. FARMERS AND MECHANICS. ANK Corner Main and Huron Sts. 330 S. State St.' 'GER-tCOMPAHY Ior /lleni C8!eSince 1948' 'i 4 A I I ( ~ > I But if it's a nice today and and we find time to dig into the trunk for the light suit we'll probably find- Onr eatherMaa] MOT-145'. *.s* Both reports were wired in by the make-up man who claims they kept slipping out of the page form. He certainly has his troubles, Ernie does. If you're still reading the column you might be interested to know that two Yale students are going to fly to Detroit on April 8, to at- tend the Intercollegiate Aviation Conference. The dispatch stated that "it will be the' first long flight ever attempted by collegians with a definite purpose in mind." What is' the purpose, gents? Airplane joy-riding at Wellesley has been forbidden because of the difficulty of adequate chaperon- age. We'll bet that made every- body soar. (Phew!) * * * No, we haven't seen the Junior Girls' play yet. We walked up to the box office the other night to buy a coupla tickets- Two ". TAP. M ~ --- --but the G. F. got sore at some- thing we said and went home in a