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March 22, 1929 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-22

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ThL VI(,1

Spaks On Relationship Between
Legal Systems And
"Legal systems are not wholly
consistent with morality," said
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law
school, at the sixth of a. series of
canpus forums sponsored by the
Student Christian association.
"However, there is a necessary re-
lationship between law and morals
in any system' of law that possibly
could endure."
legal systems cannot be identical
with morality for two reasons;,
Dean Bates pointed out. "First, in
many lavws there is no question of i
right or wrong. Method, not1
ethic, is the subject of the law.
The principle of 'Keep to the
Right' doesnot consider right or
wrong at. all, but it is none the
less necessary. The second reason
is that many of the latest and sub-
tiest conceptions of right arid
wrong are not enforceable, and in
many cases pialic opinion has not
fially decid on the matter. For'
instance, if ~a' able-bodied swim-
mer were to stand on the bank of;
a stream and Watch a man drown
without. offerin to save him, he
would be coMmnitting an immoral
act, but there is no possible law
that could force the mian to act
di fferently."
"There is nothing t support the.
view /that a law should not be
obeyed ibecause it is a mistake or
because one does not agree' with
it. Even a' burglar does not agreej
with the law that is supposed tol
control him. Very often, a law
runs counter to one's conscience.
The fugitive slave laws before the
Civil war were. an example of this,
when many Northerners violated
the law because of the dictates of
their conscience. If I had been on
the earth then, I probably would
have done the same thing."
Dean Bates commented on the
recent student riots at the thea-
tres. "Some of the letters to The
Daily ought to be preserved as
evidence of a badly distorted sense
of morality ahd of the need for ad-
justment on a heroic scale," he
8395 Oeeisions
Ipswich, S. D.J
Lairus& ,other Co., Sept. 4, 192
Richmond, Va.
In answer to the challenge of J. J.
Roberts of Columbia, S. D., as printed
in the Minneapolis Journal dated Sun-
day, September 2nd, I have smokedI
Edgeworth for twenty-three (23) years
and for two' years previous to that
time I smoked Qboid, which, I believe,
is manufactured by your firm.
During this time I have smoked at
least one can each day; apd to verify
this statement you may address the
C & C Cafe of this city,' where I make
my tobacco purchases.
It may be interesting to know that
my purchases of Edgeworth duringj
this period have totaled more than
8395 (eight thousand three hundred
penditure of more than $1259.(twelve
hundred fifty-nine dollars).
I have never smoked any other
brand of tobacco.but Edgeworth dr-
ing the twenty-three years.
Y ours very truly,
(Signed) Chas. Bostock I
Justiceof the aee
Edgeworth I

Extra High Grade
Smoking Tobacco:

TO SPEAK TODAY To Aero-Arctic ClubA K
Dr. Oliver Kamm, president oflV JU NE A S U
Dr. livr Kmm, resden of With the news from Antarctica+
the Michigan Academy of Science, W
Arts, and Letters, will speak on that Commander Byrd has found Phone 6656 339 South Main Street
"Pituititin Hormones" at 4:15 o'clock i Prof. Lawrence Gould of the geol-
this afternoon in the Natural Sci- ogy department, and his flying We are having some Fancy Capons, Roasting
ence auditorium. The lecture willcompanions, Balchen and June, Chickens, Fowl, and Broilers
be under the auspices of Phi ;cmsteanoneetta
Lambda Upsilon, honorary chew-cms=h nnucmetta
istry society, and will be open to;ProfessorhGould has beenhonored SPECIALSSll
the public. by election to the Aero-Arctic club, Sells Sale
thI ol mu xlrn ra 4 Large Cans Monarch Peaches . . ..... . .. .. . ... . .. .. $1.40 $.1.00
Dr. Kamm is one of the out-Ithe world famous exploring organ- 6 Cans Early June Peas .......................... . ..1.20 .75
Dr. ammis ne o th ou- jization. This information was re-Cn oaos..............9 7
standing authorities on the nature eived in a radiogram sent to mem ans T atoes .. .. ........................... .90 .75
of ductless glands. For 'his ex-nP bers o tee olo deatmetb 1 Large Gold Dust Powder ........................... .30 .25
tensiye research in this important te of the geology department by +. White House Coffee.... ......................55 .4'
field, he was the winner of theh Michigan geologist just pre - 12 Palm and ' live Soap ......................... ... . 1.00 .60
$1,000 annual award given by the ceding his nearly-tragic venture.
American Association for the Ad- It will be observed that the Aero-' $5.35 for $3.82
vancement of Science at its meet- Arctic club is the organization
ing n Nw Yok pst yar.which is sponsoring the expedition~
ing if New 'York last year. of Dr. Fritdjof Nansen, who spoke
on the Oratorical Associationlw
B. AND G. HEAD series in Hill auditoriuri' Wednes-
day night, to the Arctic in the =
HUNTS FOR DIR T Hugo Eckener-piloted Graf Zeppe- oe.elOxford in
lin in 1931. $"black and
"Hunting dirt is not my hobby," The work of Professor Gould on
declared E. C. Pardon, Superin- the expedition to Baffinland, the white COm-
tendent of the Buildings and University Greenland expeditions, f
Grounds Department, "and the I and the present Byrd expedition is uinatfon
fact that I was in quest of some considered the basis for this latest
mother earth has no scandal con- honor.
nected to it." ldheel
The B. and G. Department has
been given the job of supplying" Detr t The$7.50
black dirt for the flower gardens
that are to be laid out around the
new Women's League building. "The
project will require over 2000 cubic' . SHUBERT _
yards of soil," said Mr. Pardon. LAFAYETTELS
with Irma Duncan
HOT LATEEves.: 75c to $2.50. Thurs. Mat.: T
75c to $1.50. Sat. Mat.: 75c to $2.
Reasonably priced atcof lr
$2.00, $2.25, $2.50,
adj 3.50 CASS THEATRE Wehave all the new colors -light and dark browns, I
A very convenient and suitable
burner for room 'use. Just the Nights . ............ $100 to $3.85 [)ack and white combinations, and smoke shades
thing for making fudge, hot - at Sat Only Priced at
sandwiches, etc.
Blest Seats ..'$2.50t0
Nowhere else can you get Imported Scotch Grains
-or Calfskin Oxfords-tan or black-for
5.50 to.$8.50
Ziefle & Nissle
307 S. Main DOWNTOWN 4 doors S. of Liberty
i 1Il 11114##ll l lltllll l 1#ti tl !#t#1##1#11#11!11111I#I 1#1 =i





~t'A GOO V g D
(I r b1r. Icpn.

'Read the Classified Ads

No ~/J~arue
they Stisfy


The Blarney Stone still does business at the
old stand. You tip the guide to hold onto your
heels, lean far over the castle wall, and print a
respectful smack upon the famous relic. There-
after you can charm the birds out of the trees;
you can talk anybody out of anything, even to
gwitching his favorite cigarette.
Unfortunately, the writer has never had this
privilege, and his effort to make you see the
light and light a Chesterfield must limit itself


- U - 77 __ W" - - -nor---" M no-'" = -MW.

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