4* 4.- ... * e. . . .* -- - 4 - .4 .. THE MICHIGAN D ATILY I IOUS PRESS WORK ISS SCREEN REFLECTIONS ACED O XHIBITIONi Typography .-Of Historical Value 9 And Examples Of Decorative Art 1 Included - In Exhibition it ARRANGED BY CURATOR Modern fine printing as exempli- f fied in the work of the more prom- inentipresses of the world is the 1 subject of the display now on ex- f hlbitifo irthe show cases in the1 lobby of the main library arranged t under the supervision of Ella B. Hinfans, curator of the rare book, room. One of 'the most eminent presses k is the Kelmscott Press, founded byf William Morris, who created a newt era li fine printing. He adopted af heavy type and returned to an al-t most forgotten style of decoration,f finding models- in his collection ofj medieval manuscripts. The Doves press, of Hammer-1 smith, London, was founded by Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson, Oublishing its first book in 1901. His type was styled after that" of Jenson, and his books were noted for their entire absence of decora- timn, a peculiarity excepted only in te use of rather plain initials. r These editions approach perfection in oinposition, presswork and pageI placements. 'Noted for its beautiful type and7 well proportioned pages and good Piesswork rather than decoration, the Merrymount Press, of Boston, has abandoned Renaissance and Medieval styles. The Chamfinery ress, publishing first in 129, is renowned for "the art and science f -proper and true proportions of Roian letters,. proportioned ac- doidig to the human face and bbdy.' The Riverside Press is probably the most prominent in the United States, having been established in 19 for the sake of fine printing by Bruce Rogers. His mark is the thistle .in the form of the Aldine anchor. Another noted American pikess is the Cranbrook Press, found- ed by George C. Booth in 1900 who has followed William Morris .n style. Its distinguishing device is' the medieval interlaced orna- ment. 'OW II +k /- RaMA oiflhSEA JCK Bl OLT WING WUETH OGRO1fIY REIER RALPH CRAVES ItgR eCTYFRANKCAPRA YOU'LL LIKE IT' Dtiia' at he bottom of the sea. The picture which takes you be- owd the surface and thrills you with its tensity. Also GUS SONNENBERG vs. STRANGLER LEWIS Wrestling Bout Return Showing J-HOP PICTURES W- It occurs to us that there is an The most recent addition to t intimate analogy between the gen- celestial bodies (no pun intende ral literary esprit of Horatio Al- through this channel, is tot found in the .person of one Edd er and the manner in which satel- Quillan whose newest efforts m lites of the cinema rise from the be seen at the Michigan this wee wo reel pie duels to those soul It is fortunate for that young ge: foccillating super spectacles which tleman that we do not have1 judge his merit solely on the ab hyave come to constitute the essence ity he demonstrates in "Noi of modern subliminal conscious- Neighbors", his current gem. U ness. Apparently it is to these questionably he has ability of sor manifestations of the comic muse but, as is the case with every h hat we are indebted for the ulti- way capable Hollywood Roscius mate artistic pinnacle celluloidiana know, he is fettered by the pover Iaas now" attained. In past years and nugacity of his stories. this. waggish bathos has been the The vaudeville end of the bill nildus of such insuperable' trage- an uncommonly pleasant adag diennes as the Mile.' Gloria Swan- team whose act is called "Dan son, and others whose names are Highlights of 1929". If well se bywords in every dime store and soned, well chosen, and meticulou maid's entrance in the land. Al elhy executed dances appeal to y though they are reluctant to re- we should certainly advise this o member their beginnings, many of as god entertainment. Departi us can recall the not too distant from the customary back-bott days when Mack Sennet purveyed fare the dancers made their W views of the Swanson anatomy an directly to the well warranteda the Pacific Ocean in one, all for the claim of the audience. price of a single admission. D. B. H. Jr SB0ES MA RK1 T1E M AN se SOME of these mornings that "still, small voice" that prods yon with ideas anmd ambitions when you're all alone is goihg to speak up while you're getting dressed and say, "Listen, Big Boy, how about getting some light-weight tans and aew pair of sport shoes to go with these simmer clothes?" What say PDrop in today and take a look: New light-weight tans for day- time, blacks for night-time, and sport shoes that are headliners every- Ahere this season. 117South Main ANN ARBOR'S FINEST DINING ROOM AND LUNCH COUNTER 109 South Main St. pREKET E'S Our Ease r Novities Are Now on Display Delicious assortments of fine, fancily designed and decorated home made candies. These may be packed either in our attractively wrapped boxes or in some of our many sized and shaped gift baskets. Ws DelightedTm to receive a bo ; off ILBERTS or BUNTFS Easter Candy 1e will wrap and mail them for you fIFT'S DRUG STORiE Ralph Belknap Likes Going Away FromI APPLICATIONS FOR CAMP LEADERS ARE BEING RECEIVED -,. Society And Freshmen To Natural Life Applications for councillors' posi- director of the camp this year. he tions in the Student Christian as- Preliminary plans for the camp Lesociation Fresh Air camp are be- have already been made, and at d) Ralph L. Belknap of the geology with the geology summer camp in ing received from 4 to 6 o'clock central committee chosen.The be department, who has been a mem- Kentucky conducting a course in Wednesday and Friday afternoons camp season will extend from June ie ber of the University Greenland physiography in the absence of Dr. at L hal All 'la ns cs onugus te17,faout40 e ay expeditions for the last few years, I.B. Scott who has been given aaneh .A appcants should 24 to August 17, about 400 Detroit k. is one of the few men who makes leave of absence to study the sand see Homer H. Grafton, general sec- boys being raccomodcated in four n- a hobby out of the same kind of dunes of Michigan. The- camp is retary of the S. C. A., who will be sections of 12 days each. t- aor hy o upitess a in o tduf ithofmbel n aly IIIIH~il1111[111tichigan. The ca p is _ _____111t___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ to work which occupies his major in- located in the Cumberland valley, il- terests. Belknap's hobby, if it may and Belknap will be able to glory , sy be called that, is going away each m things natural to his heart's n- summer as far as possible from content. - ts civilization and becoming natural Belknap, who was one of the alf again after a year of society and rescuers of the Rockford fliers last we stupid freshmen.{summer, is intensely interested ni ng of a new Taxi Cab Service with the ty Next summer Belknap will bej flying. following rates, making it possible to ride in cabs -s as cheaply as buses: is io Phone 6870 ce 35c For one a- 50c For two to five is- 10c For each additional passenger ne kPhone 6870 ng m THIS APPLIES TO PIfONE ORDERS ONLY ayBetterTeL ( The De Luxe Cab and Baggage Co. (WeMaintain 24-Hour Service.) Take your suit or dress any place in town. Compare the work with White Swan's and you'll be convinced that here's the place to come. May one of our eight blue and gold service trucks call? Or will you bring it and LAST TIMES TODAY profit by our "Cash and Carry . S'ystem?"9 mx White 0 TARKTO LAUNDRY COMPANYO X OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. o Drama EDDIEQIXLAN, Across from the Majestic Thrills GASTON GLASS ALsER GRi4, Appeal Laughs P What Geraldine did, every girl can do- a laugh-packed comedy with unexpected twists and real seritiment-Don't ignore it-you'll regret missing it. f For Quick and Courteous CAB SERVICE APINTETS$ Exquisite Characterization in Technicolor "THE HEART OF ROBERT E. LEE" Comedy Creation PARAMOUNT Five can ride as cheaply as one. LOUD SOUP ART Over five, ten cents each. with ART and BEAUTY CIARLEY CHASE LATEST TOPICS On Phone Orders Onlx' Majestic Combination Ensemble VARSITY TAXI SERVICE ". (Open dy and nigiht.)Cosmopolitan Openig Saturday NO feast!-M AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A GENTLEMAN! -, . .. ings of Jazz, MaTSteirs oi Mirth! But they needed all their stage tricks when they in heited along with it! . . . fi delightful, - - Souher elae 'America's Distinguished Raging! Blaing! Colorful SRussia forms the back- ground for one of the most intriguing, absorbing ONaTHEcSTAGEldramas ever filed B. - . a '1