THEMIeHICAN DAILY Published every 'morning except Monday dining the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association, The Associated Press is exclusively en.- titled to the use fo- republication of all news dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local newspub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor, Michigan,ita second class matter. Special rate of postagt granted by Third Assistant Post-1 master General. Subscription by " carrier, $4.0o; by mail, $4.50. Offices: tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- uGard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r1r4. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Iditor.................. Nelson J. Smith City Editor............. 1. Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Ricard C. KurN'ink Sorfts Editor........ ....W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor.... - -..... Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor.... ..... ,George Stauter Musican-d Erama........... R.L . Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Bight Joseph E. Howell Dnald J. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Editors Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg George E. Simons C. Tilley, ' ~ReportersI Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexand Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren aria McDonald Bertram Askwih i enry Merry Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernste'Q Victor Rabinowitz eton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabe Charles Anne Schell :. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret E~ckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Vawnorg hgeland Cad well Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane hayer Marjorie Follmer Edih Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. r n ter Wilds Richard Jung George C. Wohlgemuth Charles R.Kaufman Edward ,. Warne r Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyl ie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers +dvertising ...... .........Alex . Scherer Advertising...............A. James Jordan Advertising..............Carl rW. Hammer Service ................erbert E. Varrum Circulation...............George S. Bradley Accounts............Lawrence . Halkleh Publications.............--.yM. c Assistants Mary Chase Marion Kerr )caette Dale Lillian Kovnsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egand Hollister Mabley Sally Faster 1. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halverso Carl F. Schemm George Hamilton George Spater Jack Hlorwich Sherwood Upton Dix Humphrey Marie Wellstea THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe THE ALUMNUS SUBSIDY The question is: where does the $5.00 cash for the senior dues go. The answer may be tabulated as follows: Class day expenses....$1.50 Incidental expenses. ...50 Memorial fund.......1.00 Michigan Alumnus..... 2.00 This tabulation, as officaldom has given it out, will undoubtedly satisfy the great and wondering majority of the seniors now in the process of paying their class dues, many of them paying such a thing for the first time. But if this is answered, the read- er May wonder why one of the above lines has ben placed in black face. And to satisfy this will require a lot of explaining. Last fall, the Student council offered the motion to have the money for a subscription to the Michigan Alumnus added to the class 4dies. A later story in The Daily carries the news that the proposal found no favor in any school except the literary college. Therefore, two good dollars were added to the senior dues to make a subscription to The Alumnus necessary to each student. This move turns into nothing but un- authorized and uncalled-for sub- sidization, for there are undoubt- edly many hundreds of seniors who care for cash instead of The Alumnus, but who must pay for it or else go without invitations and some of the other necessaries of graduation. This becomes com- pulsory because no other invita- tions are accepted at the exercises of graduation. In the first place, it hardly seems right that a single class of- ficer shoulel take the step of add- ing two dollars onto class dues with such important bearings and results, as has been done in the literary college. In the second1 place, The Alumnus ought to bet able to find more legitimate meth-I ods of gaining circulation without having to use subsidization of the money of unwilling seniors. The Stu-1 dent council's move was probably made with the best intentions to in- crease alumni interest in the Uni- versity, but when the seniors of all schools and colleges except 6nef veto the. idea, the literary seniors should not have been called uponk to go on with the agreement ex- < money mandatory to graduation ist unheard of. Why subsidize The Alumnus? A SINGLE APPEARANCE 1 ' Tonight in Hill auditorium, Ann i Arbor will have the first and only opportunity this semester of seeing one of its debating teams in ac- tion. The affirmative tam will meet Northwestern here, while the ' negative team makes the trip to Madison to conpete with the rep- resentatives of Wisconsin. Thus, after a third of a semester of preparation, the debating season will open and close on a single eve- ning. Two weeks were occupied, at the beginning of the semester, in choosing a team, and the timee since then has been used in prac- ticing. Just why only one contest has been scheduled is not very some will rtmember the class day ferent picture. Some will remem- clear. The topic, the jury system, is a live one and offers an excel- lent opportunity for an exhaustive study. It seems rather ridiculous to spend six weeks in preparing for one evening of activity. And be- sides, only one of the two teams will ever appear here. One of the teams representing the University will never have the chance to pre- sent itself before a Univerity audience. It is quite obvious that one con- test a year offers practically no time for a team to function prop- erly. If the purpose of extra-cur- ricula activities is to give the par- ticipant an experience that cannot be transmitted through a class- room, why not make that experi- ence worth while? Debating is a valuable activity, but the value re- ceived from one debate is almost negligible. Is not some more sat- isfactory arrangement possible? 0 SPRING IS HERE, THEY SAY Sometime last night, the latest edition of Spring arrived. In,a few quarters, the arrival was duly ob- served but only a few awoke this morning with the realisation of a strange feeling of having gone to sleep in the wintertime and having awakened in Spring. Upperclassmen know that the arrival of the spring months ushers into the University program the most beautiful time! of year on the campus and the most enjoyable of the three seasons of the college year. Spring house parties, base- ball, tennis and golf, other sports, appointments, spring elections for the important campus offices, ini- tiations to honorary societies, and finally the ceremonies which mark the passing of seniors and the as- sumption of new roles by the members of other classes; all will fill the next two and a half months with enjoyment for all. . In the minds of those who have been on campus a year or more, Spring has come to mean many things, each calling forth a dif- igamua and other honorary groups, ber the colorful initiation of Mich- igamua and other honorary groups, some will remember the class day spectacles with the thousands of t seniors in cap and govn marching on the campus, others will remem- ber canoe rides or the May Festi- val concerts or candidacy for of- fice. The new season will be welcomed by all. It lends a color and mean- inlg to University life that the crowd-pictures of Fall and the barren pictures of Winter cannot bring. Let us then be up and do- ing. (ie, up and on our horse to get those theses written before va. cation or decoration day at the latest). Spring is here! IOASTED OL HOW ABOUT r ANOTHER HOBBY EDITOR'S NOTE-With this is- sue Rolls presents the ninth of a series of Interviews on the hobbies of the prominent students on the University campus. These inter- views will appear daily, and will they throw interesting sidelights on the intimate lives of prominent campus political puppets? Oh, my! * * * "Wee" Wi lie Nissen, Union Laborer Likes To Make Noise Like Executive "I have no faith in public opinion," declared "Wee" Willie Nissen, self-declarative campus big shot in his Rolls interview, which he has been waiting pa- tiently for and wondering why he wasn't first. "I like to boss things and run them my own way, regardless of the outcome. Lately, however, people haveM been getting wise to my whims and consequently my efforts have been ineffectual, quite to the benefit of the campus, no doubt, but quite a blow to my pride, which I have plenty of." Mr. Nissen's hobby is quite1 obviously bossing peopfe and things and acting important4 over things quite trivial. "My entire life has been de- voted to the perfection of my executive ability," he continued, "I hope to live a long, long time. "My most embarrassing mo- ment? Well, you've heard the tale about the passing of the Union amendment." "Wee" Willie says he hopesj his college training will some day help him to be a great man. All who know him wish him wel in this ambition. The other day a man broke three teeth biting into a pancake. No, it was not in an Ann Arbor restaurant. * * * When you saw the Union Opera this year, did you think you would ever see chorus work like that again, boys and girls? See the Junior Girls' Play, or you haven't seen nothin' yet. A prize to the boy or girl who can guess which half of the chorus was in and which half was out of step. There are no strings to this, and the prize will be genuine. * * * Indications Of Spring Doc May taking his annual work- out with the Indian clubs and dropping them all over Waterman gymnasium, as usual . . . Love- stricken couples beginning to pat- ronzie the Boulevard . . ..The ap- pearance of snappy sport roadsters about town (who said "auto ban"?) Saps (organic and inorganic) running about . . . The seasonal campus "spread" . . . Political caucuses getting ready for elec- tions . . . Last year's light suits cleaned and pressed . . . Men on the front porches of fraternity houses trying to look oh-so-impor- tant.j If this Vindication Fund; committee really wanted to make some money, they should have waited three weeks and then placed a toal gate at the - entrance to the Boulevard. A front page headline in The Daily tells us that Debaters Finish Training period. That's great. Now that they are out of training theyl can smoke something but Oldl Golds. There were free movies at the Michigan yesterday to celebrate! the Michigan Gliding club, who won the Conference champion- ship, or something. No, there was no riot. Now isn't there some way in which we could say that the choruses of the Junior Girls' Play, while they did not move like the works of an eight day clock, really had some qualities of an ankle watch? A professor at the University of Syracuse has deplored the lack of good, round, descriptive, American cuss-words. Well,' professor, you come around to our office about ten minutes before the deadline any after- noon when we have two pages to z° and ask us to heln vn Music And Drama O t3 : TONIGHT: The Junior Girls pre- sent their annual play, "Forward Miarch" in the Whitney Theatre, j beginning at 8:15 o'clock. "FORWARD MARCH" E Reviewed by Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe Musical comedies are to "tease us out of thought"; they should be seen and heard, not reviewed. However, I rather unexpectedly6 found myself quite free to think during a good part of the two and one half hours of "Forward March."I One can usually tell from the overture of a musical show wheth- er anything will be set tingling in one's feet and lilting through one's head; when the curtain went up my mind was still unrelieved of wondering chiefly how gynococracy would be pronounced. Nor was my confidence in the significance of overtures seriously disturbed by anything that followed. As for the book, there were flashes of wit so bright as to intensify the feeling of protest against the, well, eighty percent of dull lines. That the story was without freshness merely reminded me that I prefer vaude- ville or revue to musical shows with plot. If I seem to be taking the Jun- for Girls' Play too seriously it is that as an institution, it appears to take itself too seriously. As in the case of the men's Opera, avoid- ance of any comparison with pro- fessional shows should be sought. The youthfulness and spontaneity of such performances . is their charm, and should be left as free as possible. The men have an ad- vantage in the altogether delight- ful element of the grotesque in their miming of women. Outside of this, the possibilities for humor would be best realized in what be-I longs uniquely to student life, or even in local and timely matter. There is enough talent available for an hour and a half of good acts-why pad with a conventional1 story and dullness? Traditional in- stitutions have a habit of getting I overgrown. I can imagine the older tradition of a Junior Girls' 1 Play as purely a tribute to the Senior women, and a gay frolic be- tween the two classes as a finer thing than the new. I must confess inconsistency, how.evt.there are many things in this week's performance I should I hate to have missed. Helen Hart- er's diabolically clever mismanage- ment of the human form in her eccentric Swiss dance must beI Splacedfirst. The Swiss chorus that followed, with its costuming, was charming; the rendering of "Forward March", spirited. The dancing as a whole was enjoyable, the singing might have been so, in an intimate theatre. I shall not soon I forget Claire Simmons as Oswald, nor Margaret Ohlson as the Presi- dent of Gynococracy. The debonair intrusions of the Author, Dorothyl Goodridge, were always a, pleasure. Lillian Setchell is a charming enough person always to receive acclaim, but someone should keep so talented a person from running wild as she did in this play. The artistry, combining sweetness with verve, with which she did a song and dance interlude in "The Cas- silis Engagement" led me to expect something very different from what appears this week. Dora VandenBerg was thoroughly sat- isfying as a musical comedy lead- ing man (they always look like women any way); she has a fine voice and presence. Helen Bush was also all that could be asked of a leading lady. The suggestion of real talent for acting in these last two suggests a regret for the amount of time necessarily spent on a kind of work that after all gives little real development to such talent. "THE BACHELOR FATHER" It would seemi to me to be one of the shining virtues of this m6- rality-bound life to be able to do nothing beautifully. Moralists find virtue in duty, etc., etc.; I prefer! to find virtue, not in the vice of immorality, but in unmorality- when it is done so glitteringly and wittily as Edward Carpenter has done it in his play, "The Bachelor Father", which Belasco is offeringI in the Wilson Theatre a4l of this week. It is the story of Sir Basil Silver-j ton who was a facile hand . at fathering but a fugitive from the obligations of parenthood. The melancholy combination of gout and a gloomy doctor suggest one last joke at life-to gather the chil- dren about the parental knee from, 4QUAUTY *QUALM.,Y h/v (V vo . 1 ;! Lawn Rollers ............... ....12.50 and 15.00 Lawn Seed Roller Skates ............ ........$1.50 to $2.00 Velocipides, Wagons. Kiddie Kars, Teeter Totters. Gymnasiums, Etc. Large assortment of Bird Houses an Fixtures J no. C. Fischer o. e~f oIve UAUTY. /QALIT"" . q tI ebet a 'es Bran The most popular ready-to-eat cereals served in the dining- rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fraterni- ties are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Corn Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Rice Krispies, Krumbles, and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee-the coffee that lets you sleep. Now for a new treat in flavor and crispness ! These better bran flakes, made by Kellogg, have no equal. There's the flavor that only PEP can give. Extra crisp- ness. The nourishment from the. wheat. With all this taste-goodness is just enough bran to be mildly laxative. Try these better bran flakes with milk or cream. You'll say they're great. PEP' BRAN FLAKES t- BRAN FLAKES W , O-SH m MnT ""Z*** *N ." . ;,+ xsC R .v . a . 1 } . ' 3 f L c -1 II Editorial Comment i WE OBJECT (Michigan State News) It is seldom that we take sides with our neighboring institution at Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan, but when the contro- versy roams outside the state, we must take issue and back the Wolverines. Prof. Frank G. Dickinson of the University of Illinois rates Wis- consin as superior to Michigany through his "point system" that he has used in the past to determine disputed football championships. He bases his conclusions on the fact that Wisconsin defeated Pur- due twice in basketball, a team Michigan did not meet, and Mich- igan losses to Northwestern and Illinois. Wisconsin defeated the former twice and Illinois is rated a second division club. All this evidence, Dickinson asserts, over- weighs the fact that Wisconsin had a clean slate with the exception of a brace of reverses at the hands' AND O N HAVE ? . A RT 15 Obviousl chance - or matadors out even in the nor man events, the welcome as a re Happily there's or refreshment stand of ice-cold Coca-Cc around the corner fron With its delicious tast Delicious and Refreshing IT'S REALLY A SHAME 0 INTERRUPT TH E PIZO- SSORIS CHASE OF THE JRNAL LEPIDOPTERA TURN THE BULL H1IM BUT YOU TO BLAME THE ,T FO R THAT. ly, few of us have the temerity - to make of ourselves. But rmal course of hu- ere's nothing so freshing pause. a soda fountain 3-with plenty , ola ready - n anywhere. e and cool " t,it makes .gh for a /, Ga . . R MILLION after-senseof refreshmen a little minute long enou big rest. The Coca-Cola Co.. Atlant r i I