[OCHF D A AILL VH111 im nr1 The auxiliary ynasium of the1 The 24 bowlinte ams enteredi in
~ EN:un~E~T BN ~ [I1N1IIN13J133 IILInew .Intramural building was first ;the inlterfraterity bowling league
MN 10h WEST[E N COEN[ CEIN000R RMa=::p==d
used on the organized sports pro- have completed the first round of
u n r d s the tournament. The 16 highest
11 Lettermen Available From Last ble point winners in the 880 yard gram by the faculty in the opening teams in this round will roll this
TYear's Squad; Wolves Strong run. The Seymour twins, Dale of the faculty volley ball schedule; week to determine the eight best
In Distances and Dalton, seem likely to mak yesterday afternoon. A definite teams. This process will continue
the quarter mile event a family hdl a en ragdb h until all teams have been eliminat-
.affair unless Freese, a member of schedule has been arranged by the~;utlaltmshvbeneina
TEAM IS UNTRIED lastyears' mile relay team, suc- intramural department for play by "ed except two who will roll for the
ceeds in gaining a place. I faculty members in this sport. championship.
With the close of the first semes- Tarbell and Kinney, two mem- The students will first make use I
ter, >Wolverine trackmen have re- bers of last year's squad, and Pot- of the volley ball courts in the TYPEWRITING
sumed regular practice in the ter, who earned freshman numerals auxiliary gymnasium with the be- and
field house in preparation for the at Yale, will take care of the low ginning of the interfraternity vol- HIMEOGRAPHING
Conference Indoor meet which will hurdles, with Kinney expected to ley ball schedule next Monday. The A specialty for
be held on Feb. 8 and 9 at Iowa lead the Wolverines in the high teams have been placed in 12 twenty years.
City. Trials in all events will be hurdles event. leagues of four teams each. All 48' Prompt service.. Experienced op-
held every Saturday afternoon Weak In Sprints teams will play three games each erators.. Moderate rates.
until the meet to determine the The dashmen this year do not before the opening of the elimina-;
Michigan entries, appear up to the former Maize and tion tournament among the win- I 0. D. MORRILL
Coach Farrell has a nucleus of 11 Blue standard. Tolan, a numeral ners in their respective leagues. 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
lettermen around which to build winner last year, has shown the.
his team, while a number of mem- most speed so far, with Grodsky,
bers of last year's Varsity and who earned his letter in a dual Dootwear
freshman squads and several cross- meet last year, and Murray, an- _
country men are also expected to other sophomore, the best of the 1
make .bids for places. Due to tlh' other possibilities in the short runs.
fact that most of the Wolverines Eardley and Erickson, two veter-
strength again lies in the, field ans, will vie with Pottle for honors
events, where Captain Ketz, Con- in the pole vault. Chapman, an-
ference hammer throw champion, other letter winner, Arendt. and'
Knoepp, javelin thrower, Carlson Dahlem, Varsity halfback, will per-1
in the shot put, and Chapman, form in the broad jump. Felker,
broad jumper, are counted point who has been clearing six feet, is
winners, the prospects for the in- the only prospect in the high
door season, which will not include jump.
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these events, do not seem bright, oorman At Slot
according to the veteran mentor. Poorman,another M man, and
Illinois Is In Van Brooks, a sophomore, will take care
At the beginning of his 17th of the shot putting assignment for
campaign this year, however, the Wolverines. Several new men
Coach Farrell recalled that since I have reported in the last few days
Michigan returned to the Confer- and it is largely a matter of con-
ence only Illinois and Michigan ! jecture whether or not they
have ever won the Big Ten out3 will add materially to the poten-
door meet, and that the Maize and tialites of the team.
Blue teams are but one behind the The Farrell men have suffered
Indians in victories. 'Illini also from lack of indoor competition
boasts the distinction of being the and no doubt this lack will be ap-=
only team to defeat Michigan in a parent in the only appearance of f
dual meet since Coach Farrell be- the locals in indoor competition
came track coach 17 years ago. when they entrain for Iowa City in
Wolves Look To Distance March to take up the quest of
The Wolverines' best indoor Western Indoor cinderpath laurels.
prospects appear to be in the mile (It is an unfortunate circumstance
and the four mile relay. Monroe, according to Coach Farrell that it
a letter winner, Austin, a member is practically impossible to hold a1
of last year's squad, Benson, a sop- meet in the Yost Field house with I
homore, and Captain Wuerfel of the basketball floor holding the
the cross-country team have been position of the sprint and hurdle
showing the best in this distance. lanes.
Jesson Grunow," and D'Anna, with
Captain Wuerfel will take care of INDIANA.--The inter-fraternity
the two mile work, council has, approved of the
Lomont, another M man, and adoption of a unifor inset of
Mueller, star of last year's fresh- pledging rules, and has appointed
man squad, appear the only possi- a committee to draw them up.
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