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March 20, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-20

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nnirTnrrnr nm rflO'

Will- Award Numerals
To 4Yearling M atmen


Weather Still Stays
Favorable To FisherI

Dl~ i i UIL :( umerals,,will be. awarded to the
riiu sifications 'in the. All-Campus
Although Coach Courtrit .of wrestling- tourney, which will be. one
the Varsity golf team has not; of the feature. events on the Intra-
ordered any definite practice mural Open.House Porxm}of

schedule as yet, he feels that with I;
the addition of two putting rugs to'
the. equipment already in place at
the Field House the aspirants, for}
the teamr will come out and avail
themselves of the opportunity to 1
get their game going.
The, new putting rugs will be'
constructed as xmuch like real grass
greens _as possible, with regulation
cups .sunk in them. Space. will be
available for two men to. practice
at once, and these, added to the
driving nets already in place,
should draw a number of the3
m oshie' wielders from the campus.
As soon. as clear weather is in;
prospect, thee Wolverine coach ex-,
pects that the men will get out-]
side and try to straighten their
shots out before the competition[
to decide the members of the Var-
sity squad.?
This, tournament. will probably'
be held at the Washtenaw, Country
Club course, and the mien whoI
qualify for the. first squad will,
work out at Barton Hills as theI
team did last year. In case. the
University is unable to use W ashte-'
now for the qualification, the Ann
Arbor course will be used.I
Michigan's coaching staff, Pro-
fessor Anderson of the Board -<in
Control of Athletics, 'Mr. Mitchell~
of, the .Intramural department, Dr.
G.A. May, all athletic; captains,
Otto Pommerening, the Michigan
glee club quartet, Sid Straight,
leading man in the" opera, and, 16
-members of the boxing, wrestling,;
and fencinig-squads were the guests
of the 'Detroit Yacht club on Moni-
day. night.3
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$2,25 .for the half year.

Mvarchn2Q W ijn a,n ~uuuir 01 Weiz
winter sport activities Will. be cul-
min~ted ,
According. to Russ Sauer, fresh-
man. wrestling coach, the. yearlings
expect. to. win at least three places
in the All-Campus tourney. Men
on the freshman team who' do not
win their numerals in this meet
will have opportunities to do so
later in the All-Freshman. meet and
the. state A A. U. meet which will
be. held, in Flint next month. Ad-
ditional, numerals will be given at
tlhe: end of the: season to' those.
grapplers who have note won a
first place in any of the 'three
meets but who deserve an award
because of their hard work.

Michigan's hockey, team, while (Continued From Page 6)
turning in a record of but five vic-; as they of the opposing Confer-
tories in 17 games, shared the ence hurlers, and has lost little of
scoring honors rather evenly, his cunning.
With they frost out of the ground
There was no one man on thej as a result of the last few 'days of
squad who far excelled the othersI warm weather, the varsity, out-
in the matter of collecting goals. iedr should be able to, prac-
Joseph led in this department of Lc out of doors by the Weekend,
play, scoring 'eight markers. Hart~ while the infielders may also get
and Maney 'closely followed him! a chance if the diamonid hardens.
with seven apiece, while Fisher and{ Coach Fisher is. depending on a
Schlanderer turned in five. Other {week of practice outdoors: to aid
scorers during the season were) him in the selection. of the 'squad
Nygard an Mason with three, to make the spring ti suh
Copeland with two, and Bryant, _ riouh
Abbott, Shea, and Courtis with oneI San Francisco.-Lloyd Waner -has
apiece. signed his contract with, the Pitts-.
In conference competition the burgh Pirates, but his brother. Paul
Michigan team turned in only 10 1 still is a holdout.

(Continued From Page 6)
'ham capable of 45, Michigan's
chances to place in this event do
not appear very promising. Poor-
4man, Michigan's best bet, has yet
to do 44 feft in practice.
Favorite, In Hurdles
1n the hurdles. events Cornell ap-
pears .a top heavy favorite to gain
a decided edge. Much depends on
'the' ability of'"Kinney, Wolverine'
veteran. who -is suffering from a legI
1njury, to compete. Cornell looks
a' bit better in the high hurdles
then over the low barriers.
The pole vault will probably re-

Places between Courtney oif thc
visitors and Coach Fararell's trio of
hopefuls Erickson, McLellan, and
E;Pottle. Collyer, 'Coirnel's sophoa-
more vault star, with a leap of
over 13 feet to his record should
win in this event.
Felkeri Michigan's star high
;jumper, i rated as a slight favoritej
ito win the high jump. 'Wickham
app ears as Cornell's 'best in this
event' and is entered along with
Hoppenstedt and Payne.
1The Wolves should have things
I their own way in' the 'mile relay
with the Cornell array of quarter
milers stamvped as only mediocre,
while the Seymour brothers, tar-
I bill, Grodsky and Freese, Coach
I Farrell's candidates, all operate

markers. Mason, Hart, and ~Joseph
were each responsible for two
goals, while Shea, Schlander, Cope-
land, and Nygard garnered one

Chicago.-Catholic prep school
basketball teams are heading for
the annual tournament w h i c h
starts here today.$

During Summer Vacation




Youtng rmen with college back-
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Spend a delightful vacation in the air. Prepare
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