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SENIORSINFNAL Wide And Varied Choice Of Careers Is
Open To Women, Says Willard E. Parker
GAME BYDEFEATING Indiscussing the occupational larly attractive field for the college
fields open to women, Willard E.. tramned woman.
Parker, executive secretary of the The work of the Committee onI
36 TO Committee on Vocational Gui Vocational Guidance, of which Mr. Elliott II. Ayers Is In Charge Of
Parker is the executive secretary. New Purchasing Department
______ ance and Placement, stated thatistofehlpoalUnvrtyf
f women have entered all but 33 of is to offer help to all University of
ROTH TEAMS EXHIBIT GREAT the 367 occupations listed by the Michigan students in choosing a HAS COST-PLUS BASIS
IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY United States Census Bureau forIvocation and in placing them in ;__
OF PLAYING2 nit tese urea for it after they graduate. The Com-'
b1920. From these figures it is mittee offers its services in advis- Cooperative food buying by frat-
W obvious that women have a wide ing a choice of occupation, gives ernities has this year been devel-
WIN~~~;h INFORTH QARTudandtariedchogcrof creer
Enumerating the general fields help to the student n regard to oped at Leland Stanford Univer-.
his program and the training re- sity at Palo Alto. California, ac-
Yellow Team Swamps Blue Club kthat of education quired for the field of his cording to Miss Lenna Cooper, food
By Score of 18 To 5 In Parker placed ha f d cai cen eeshmt uhr
Wely Plyed Gae T n first, though the Committee itself ice, and refers him to author-I director of the University, who
We ____ Gis not concerned with it, as being n the subject and to pub- visited in Palo Alto last winter.
the field that brings the most in 'i"'e-' Ui4LLii. The movement at Stanford has
As the basketball season draws to immdiate retrns. Office and When the student is ready to se- taken the form of a Students' Co-
a close, the quality of the playing business administration . attracts cure a position upon graduating, operative Purchasing association
is improving greatly. The principal large numbers of women, Mr. the Committee is ready to give of which 25 fraternities are mem-
game of yesterdayIernoon, e-Parker declared, and he advises him information regarding the bers, she says.
tween the Senior I and the Fresh-ithat any woman entering this standing and policies of companies The work of the Stanford asso-
man e unished man Fex field equip .herself with a know- obtained from national surveys, ciation is not nearly so inclusive
citing minutes. Though the seniors ledge of short hand and typing, as and the firm's or company's atti- as that of the purchasing system1
won a 3-25 victory, the se the way to positions that will tude toward its employees. The now operating at Michigan, Miss
ascorreatt a ew Iserve as an entering wedge to student is also informed as to the Cooper observes. Collective buying
indicates. It was only in the last higher executive places. Very few possible advancement offered by is limited to the staple groceries
few minutes of the last quarter firms admit women immediately the position, the salary, and the and canned goods and dairy pro-
teso ast ur to their executive departments personal equipment necessary for ducts are also contracted for, but
poinatthemargi osrthe efwided-our tomereualredntearmnncest
tage but women already in the Firm in such a place and the means of en-|meats, fresh vegetables, and fruits
vatagh-moresubordinate places often tr a given position. are bought by each fraternity
The wholeae may be clarac-have the opportunity to enter va-,. Investigate Records separately. Neither does the Ca-
t e by s ay it waaoo cancies. Secretarial work also ap- Before a student is considered n system provide for the plan
basketball. The freshmen centers peals to many women. for a position, a great deal of in- ning of menus, which is an impor-
x sked up e eo n w en Store Work Is Third formation has been collected about tant feature of the Michigan plan.
showed up exceptionally well, even 1hStre orkIsbhi- In charge of the food buying at
in the midst of the general good Department store work comes him by the bureau. His personal SInnchrg of th H. Aying t
playing,. third in demand, Mr. Parker be- history, family background, edu-StnodiElotH.Aesfth
cational recod, exracurricularpurchasing department of that
The game began with a great lieves, and pays about $18 a week t battionalerecordo extrancurricular, University. The system is run on'
k deal of snap, and the rapid pace to begin with. Most of the better 1t esons ocatio ciceshi' what is known as a cost-plus basis,
e reasons for his choice, his
was kept up throughout the four i department stores now have train- health record, and his empyteach fraternity being charged three!
quarters. The seniors dared not let ing departments to orient new dempEoye
down because the freshmen were employees, after which they are record arrsinvestygated.eEstimatesm p ent of asmbeen
fighting with such spirit and deter- placed i the departments for his professors and from em oyers f teringthe purchasing system. This|
mination. The half closed with which they seem the mot sed.- whom he may have interviewed. is in contrast to the Michigan plan uiteri
the score at 17-10. Many departments are betterserv-tIn short, ever y have inter is hincpras to t Mixid plan
The first few minutes of the ed by women than by men, and it Whihroidsboraeixdreric
te rsted inlte of is in these that women find open- made to fit the man and the posi-
oquarter resulted n little changeof ings, many of them working up to tion. The bureau is interested in
score, but the seven point advaTe become assistant buyers. ,placing students in careers, not
S was tightened dawn to four. The eSocial service work also draws merely in securing them temporary
score was raised alternately-first by many women, and more and more jobs.
the seniors and then btheir op-I women are going into scientific In order to facilitate this pro-
games Br t as evdrt of that work, which offers positions for cess of helping a student decide
"I am the winner had been decided. The laboratory technicians, bacteriol- on his occupation, a bibliography
.14' freshmen broke under a new on- ogists, and chemists. Pharmacy is has been compiled by the Commit-
3, rsuhtn thoe senor pule nei now attracting women, and also tee, listing references on more than
score up beyond the danger point,! they are entering various branches ninety occupations, and even giving
siorp b tesgepnt of medicine. Dental hygiene is a their file numbers in the libra-
Seniors-Freshmen- ir field that is occupied almost ex- ry. This book is titled "Vocational
F. Miller ......RF...... E. Birdze lusively by women. Nursing and Information and Bibliography."
A. Zauer .......LF.........E. Bates dietetic work are also popular.
F. Neyer.......JC.....M. Smith All phases of civil service gov- I~- NESTLE
J. Jones ........SC..... M. Hershey ernmental work are open to wom-
B. Smither.....RG......B. Louden en, and various branches of sales- I Crciiine
J. Sauerborn ....LG.... E. La Rowe manship are now entered by wom- 'T
This game was the last in which Ien, notably that of- real estate,
seniors and freshmen play, and so though many other firms employ'
fixes the final standing of these women in their sales departments
. two teams. The seniors have won Personel departments also em-
four games and tied two; the fresh- j play many women as interviewers!
C men have won two games-lost and employment agents. 'UR \/'OtJRC'P'-
three, and tied one. Journalism Is Popular -1 manenr Wre will he as!
Yellow and Blue teams met once Advertising and journalism are j tight or as loose as yo desire
again later in the afternoon. Per- two fields that are also being en- , fo ' may choose ,,, ,
haps it was due to the rain, but tered by more and more women, , anceexactwaveyouwant-
there was some difficulty in collect- as is publishing house work. Jobs GIRCULINE Waving
ing the full teams. However, once that require linguistic training are
this had been done, the players perhaps the hardest to obtain, Mr.
recompensed for the delay by put- Parker stated, because there are
' ting on a better game than is usu- only a few needs for such ability.
ally played by the second teams. The arts, including music, paint- . BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels
The Yellows swamped their oppo- ing, and dramatics, have always 5 Nickels Arcade
nents by a score of 18-5, but it was attracted women, of course. Library '
an enjoyable game nevertheless. work seems to me a particu-
- ::'lillflilllilllllllillllilllllilitlllllllli llillllllllllilllillilllitlllllIIIII;Iur niiu n11:l uuti lrulltn1ilutinn 11N11111HI11t iti1tll illllllltlltt;.;
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Teaching As Profession Is Becoming 'BASEBALL GAMES
More Respected, Claims Dr. W. J. Cooper! WILL BEGIN SOON
"Teaching as a profession is at ing, and the actual experiences According to an announcement
last coming into its own," was the with my pupils in the class room made Monday at a meeting of ath-
statement made by Dr William much more than I do the worl. I letic managers from all organized
John Cooper, newly appointed am in now, essential as it may be. I houses, an Intramural baseball
am very informal in my classes. I tournament will begin during the
United States Commissioner of talk to my students, just as I talk- week of April first and will con-
Education in an interview just I ed to you this afternoon. It doesn't tinue after spring vacation. The
after his lecture on "Is Teaching bother me, I just go ahead and tournament will be a regular elim-
a Profession," given last Monday in give what I have to give." ination event, the-winning team to
wi*n the cup offered annually to
the University High School audi- "And some of the most worth- n the Intramural baseball champios.
F torium. while memories I have are of mo- h All managers who were not 'at
Teachers themselves are no long- ments with some of my former the meeting should obtain entrance
er ashamed to admit their occupa- students. I like to think of the bhk wicg o be etrne
Lion, and gradually are being edu- number of students whom, as a 'by March 28. The blanks must con-
cated as the public is, to respect teacher I have influenced, and' ai, besides the nameand classof
it, as they realize its responsibility. perhaps been the turning point in 'each player, the playing time pre-
Mrs. Lindbergh has done a great their lives. Some of them were on eerencey Games will be scheduled
deal to inspire this respect for the verge of being expelled when ' I nfor every Mondav, Wednesday and
teachers which is becoming pie- I got hold of them, and straighten- Friday at 4 and 5 o'clockd.
:.valent, by the quiet way she has ed them around. I was only their _y____nd_________k
continued to teach at Cass Tech- teacher, but I was in a position to ,Buya
nical High School, Detroit, during do something for them which B $an Ensiyn subscription now
aliost the entire period she was certainly meant a great deal . to r$, a y i te srg.
in the public eye. She certainly them later." receiving a copy in the spring.
was not ashamed to being a teach- "The main reason for this
er. !change in attitude toward teachers'
"Personally, I think teaching is a hand the work they are doing, is
wonderful profession, and I am ; due to the fact that they, as al
proud to be numbered as one of body are becoming more organ-fI13H
the people who may claim to be ized," said Dr. Cooper in concn- I
in its ranks. I really enjoy, teach- zion "It used to be that anyoneU
charge. who couldn't do anything else rr
Part of the cost of the cooperative!woul aseach.aNo s e Manicurng, Scalp Treatment
buying system at Stanford is paideacing as a profession is becom- Shampooing, Facials, Marelling
out of the three per cent charge: ing systematized. We have spe-
made to the fraternities, but the of- cialization in various fields, and Henna Rinse and Finger Waving,
flees and clerical assistance requir- not only that but we have four- Women's and Children's Hair
ed are furnished by the University. year college courses preparing Cutting.
This is somewhat similar to the sys- teachers, emphasizing the psy-
tem at Michigan. The Michigan bhology of teaching, and the phil- Open Friday Evenings
food-buying plan has been in oper- osophy of teaching, and other 1 MARCEL MADE PERMANENT
ation for two years, under the di- branches of education."
rection of Miss Cooper, and in- _IOUR SPECIALTY
eludes fraternities, sororities, and Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Dial 3083 Mich. Theater Bldg.
one dormitory. $2.25 for the half year.
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