FMU THIE MICHrAN DATILY DUMBAY, "Tvt r fi 20,-1 t')29 - L- - ' . I aaa v . aI Sy; L f L L- fM - - --' L - 1- lY.l.[11t t"il laVy 17L+ 3 OW.0 Published' every morning except Monday] dui jug the University year ty the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled 'to the ugse fq-~ republication: of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor, Miel igan, z a second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master Genreral. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street.,s Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 212r4. I easiness which does not concern1 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORI KENNETH G. PATRICK ditor........... .........Nelson I. Smith City Editor............. Stewart Hooker News Editor... .....Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn Women's .Editor....... Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor..........:..George Stauter Music and Drama............R. L. Aslcren Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar Night Editors JosephE. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilleya Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexande ? Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwi a 11 enry Merry Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife Arthur ,ernsteu Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bavee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell !a. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank ;E. Cooper Howard Simon Uelen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret 'Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson. Robert J :Feldman JaneThayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas Williatm Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Wslter Wilds Richard" Jung. George E. Wohlgemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland. Wyllie C!the University function of giving learning has been noticed. So far, the students, who have found the college and university administration heads poking noses, into their private lives outside the schoolroom and school work, have borne it bravely, even going so far as givingup automobiles at sev- eral schools, the wearing of bloom- ers by women students at Indiana university, and other regulations of private life which may appear queer to many outside the field of education. But in most of these cases, justification has ,been found for the rules, far-fetched as they may appear to a layman. But the University of Detroit heads have apparently left behind any of the sane reasoning that may have gone with the other reg- ulations, and have taken a step which should make educational ad- ministration a jest around the na- tion. It has found it necessary to threaten with immediate expulsion any woman student seen in' con- versation with a man on the De-. troit campus. So this is modern .education with its latitude of expression and knowledge! .When the dean of women at the school complains that the ruling is necessary be- cause of the waste of time that is caused by the comparatively few women students stopping to talk to the males, it is nothing but amusing. It reaches the state of real humor however when she adds that she cares little if one woman would talk tol only one or two men but when one talks to eight or ten gathered around her on the cam- pus walks, it is high time to object. Poor woman of the University of Detroit! This is one of the few times in history that such a mis- fortune has befallen your sex.. Not alone do you see your recognised right of spech taken away, but you see it imposed by nothing more feudal than the administration of a college in which you are sup- posed to be receiving an education. It is to be hoped that some real opposition .will be shown to this action. University and college ad- ministrations have been taking themselves altogether too serious- ly for the general good of those to whom they administer and for the good of, Education as a whole. On such a picayune measure as this, the chance for the jolt to be given has come. Speech, girls! OPEN HOUSE THIS SEEMS TO BE OUR HOBBY I BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HUL$E Assistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER 7 Music And Drama 0O (1 Department Managers Advertising.x............Ale K. Scherer Advertising.. ......A. James Jordan Advertising.............. .Carl W. Hammer Service.. ............Herbert E. Varnum Circulation........ ....George S. Bradley Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications...............Ray M> Jiofelich Mary Chase Jeanette Dale Vetnor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster:' Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Ick Horwich tx Humpbrey Awistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky B~ernuard Larson Hollister M abley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead EDITOR'S NOTE: With this is- sue Rolls presents the eighth of a series of Interviews on the hobbies of the prominent students on the University campus. These inter- views will appear daily, and will they throw interesting sidelights on the intimate lives of prominent campus political puppets? Oh, my! * * * Harlan Xenophon Cristee Loves Self More than Anything Else "From my eariest recollec- tion," bragged H. Xenophon Cristee, jovially called "Bag- pipe" among his friends, "I have alway thought I was pretty good. Hence all my life some one has approved of me. Everything I ever did, say, or thought (which was very little, to be sure) appealed to me. I am thankful to say that there is not another boy like me in the world." We cannot but agree with Mr. Cristee. "Because of this characteris- tic, my hobby has been con- gratulating myself for every- thing and anything. I just gloat over myself. I have a manner of doing things that no one e'se ever has had. That probably is why I congratulate myself so frequently. The time I made a mistake," here Mr. Cristee laughed that conciliatory laugh of his, "'al- most' convinced me that I was wrong in my impression of my- self, but I soon recovered and got the better of myself. It was not hard. "Yes," continued Mr. Cristee, "the letter' to wear out first on my typewriter is the letter 'I'."j A newly-married couple, the bride 67 and the groom 74, have filed suit for a divorce. All of which just goes to prove that the first hundred years are the hardest. e * * The ex-king of Bulgaria is in Cape Town, chasing butterfies in compliance with a hobby of his. Now the mother butter- flies in Africa will warn their progeny that if they go out at night they'll be "just like the butterfly that was caught in the reign." That august journal, The Wash- tenaw Tribune, training ground for our University journalism depart- ment, has intimated, just with a sly hint, nothing open, you know, just a mild innuendo, that this ad- mirable paper was "peeved" be- cause the Tribune scoopedeus (they just love to use those obsolete journalistic terms which they probable got from a Richard Hard- ing Davis novel) on a story. We reply to the youthful editors (they must be ,youthful or college men or something to makel so many breaches of ethics) that we are not sore because the Tribune scooped us (if they did). We only get sore when a newspaper sc.oops us. . A man in New York claims that he has made some 348 trips across the Atlantic in the past few years. Well, that is one way for Americans to evade the prohibition laws. * * * It is going to be pretty hard for some of the instructors and pro- fessors in this University to furnish evidence necessary to claim ex- emption in the new earned income clause of the income tax law. TONIGHT: The Junior Girls pre- sent their satiric extravaganza, "Forward March" at the Whit- ney Theatre, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. "FORWARD MARCH" Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren For once in a way someone, or some bodies, with a sense of humor staged a Junior Girls' Play and the result is eminently worth awhole evening's time. The author kid- ded the book, the cast kidded the author, the chorus kidded the cast and the whole outfit kidded the audience into thinking it was fun- which it certainly was, especially when served up by the freshest and most ambitious gang of Jun- iors seen in the course of this col- legiate generation. There really would seem little more to be said. Unless it be this; that author Frances Sackett-and besides writ- ing the thing she did a day's work in the various choruses-has begun with one of the wetter ideas for a book and proceeded to ring (no pun intended) in a collection of puns to such an extent that the show not only stopped dead but went back about three thousand years-which was exactly the right thing to do considering the fact that nobody took anything serious- ly and was all eyes for Lillian Set- chell, and Helen Bush, to say quite nothing at all about Dora Vanden- Berg and Kathleen Suggs. But then, it is difficult to say anything about a cast that had such a good time and succeeded in infecting the audience with it too. By com- parison, The Opera was a dour show, excepting always the ebulli- ent Dan Buell. And if the Opera had a tighter book and better mu- sic, no one really cares because the J-P is a play-show and much' more fun. Certainly Bob Carson's band in the pit made the music, with the help of a couple of fine voices, for to .speak any more critically of its writing would be to catalogue a series of reminiscences. Song num- bers that will be the hum of the campus seem to be "Right Outof Heaven", and "Paris Bound" in which Kathleen Suggs glittered. Another number, eccentric dance, I that.atad out like the proverbial needle in the haystack was Helen Harter's Swiss cheese walk. She managed a tight sort of unrhythm that was a knockout. The second act dragged a trifle, perhaps because the author thought to take himself seriously over the plot, but the elan, the esprit, or whatever it was that made the show so peppy and fresh saved the whole to make it a mar- velous show. THE MALKIN TRIO Reviewed by G. R. Reich Proportion, delicate balance, me- ticulously studied interpretation, well defined dynamic shadings, and brilliant technique tempered with restraint and rich tone colorings constitute the salient factors of last night's trio concert. At no time was one instrument harshly predominent above the others. Throughout the performance there was maintained a charming one- ness of impression, a smoothness and unity. Cello, violin and piano! were as, one organ-like instrument. Sudden fortes and sudden pianos were executed with excellent co- operative precision and climatic crescendoes and diminuendoes were finely timed and proportion- ed. Technique was polished and tone quality was full. Most commendable however Strings . . Supplies Repairs for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. - 221 E. Liberty "EXCLUSIVELY RADIO" Phone 3694 ' ! i ow U R ADIO Parts and Service .1 FOR ALL MAKES GEO. WEDEMEYER ry xr ,'! :i '.} y at..: .. > WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS THE DORMITORY MOVEMENT Now that dormitories can be brought into the conversation without producing a chorus of groans from the great female army of room-renters, and without caus- ing worthy citizens to invoke the Deity through the Washtenaw Tribune, it may safely be recalled that the dormitory movement here and elsewhere is still. going forward. In this connection it is interest- ing to note that' the aims of the movement diverge at Ann Arbor. This University plans to begin construction next year on a huge dormitory housing 500 students. while other universities contem- plating dormitory erection have adopted the small unit plan. The wherefores of our rejecting the more modern practice of smaller units should be weighedhcarefully against the opinion of the leading thought in dormitory design. Clearly there is one outstanding motive behind the huge size of the proposed dormitory-the necessity of getting as much dormitory as possible for the money, since the firm financing its construction is not in the. business purely for its health. Also, with the league house situation what it is, there is a natural wish to provide dormitory. space for girls as soon as possible. Balanced against these argu- ments is the undeniable prefer- ence expressed in many places for the superior intimacy of the small unit. The University of Virginia is building dormitory units of three floors with eight men living on each floor, making a total of 24 students using each entrance as compared with the 125 that will use each entrance*of the proposed building on Observatory street. Similar units have been built for the Harvard Business school, and the local Lawyers' Club reflects the spirit of small dormitory commu- nities. While it is probably too late to alter plans for the next dormitory, unit, cognizance should be taken in the future of the newer fash- ion. Michigan parading huge new# dormitories will be the object ofI the same sort of glances that would follow a hooped skirt and wasp; waist down the street. Climaxing a season of the most intensive athletics-for-all program ever held in an -educational institu- tion, the Intramural department tonight will hold the first annual Open house for the public. In- cluded on the program will be the finals of the inter-fraternity bas- ketball tourney, of squash, tennis, handball, and other sports compe- titions in progress of the past few months in the new Intramural building. The athletic association has again scored a distinct success in leading the way to the sane idea of athletics-for-all. Tonight, those individuals who cannot or do notI care to compete on Varsity squads will have a chance to shine in the public eye. This is the time for the more ordinary who do not boast bulging muscles or great athletic ability. It will climax a season in which thousands have been able to enjoy the University's large ath- letic plant, instead of the chosen few. 0 NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT While it is still early in the week and the calendar for the next few days is still incomplete, it is only proper to call attention to ithe Cornell track meet here next Sat- urday night. Considering the chances for competition that they have had this year, the tracl team has done exceedingly well in the two meets in. which they have participated. The Cornell meet next Saturday. will be the first and only indoor dual meet of the season, and will give local track fans the only chance to see the team in action indoors. this year. In the past, small crowds have attended the meets and the teams and coaches have I had poor cooperation in staging the events. The track team is a major sport team, just like the football, bas- ketball, and baseball teams. It deserves every bit as much support as these others. In some ways, track gives the spectator the thrill of man-to-man competition that others lack. Saturday's. meet now appears to be one of the closest and best ever staged here; why not boost the track team, that night? Reports have had it that two orj 1 r l 1111111f11it11t1111Itlit11i 11ii 1511i11111111111|1111111111111 11 f i liif it 1i ll1111ig1 111III11 ti1fi I I -a Warm Weather Increases The Demand for Clean Comfortable Laundry Work 'Warm weather means an increased demand on your wardrobe -- means the use of more lien and the need for the best Laundry Service. The ragged, stiff shirt or collar makes the day unbearable. Varsity Service guaran- tees to eliminate these -nuisancs and points I -u - (1 ME _ ND I' E { * was the remarkable adeptness with A taxi driver in Chicago was which the moods of the composers robbed of $15 by a hold-up were interpreted. B r a h m s was! man. They must have belong- Brahms, with all his suaveness and ed to hdifferent factions. austerity, yet withal a gentle, fas- cinating air of mystery pervading. *C *Tschaikowsky was Tschaikowsky, A report from California in- the moody, inconsistent, rapid tern forms' the American tourist that a po changing, emotional Russian. At native son killed a quail and rabbit times the rendering of his quiet with one shot. Well, with a winter passages were like pastoral scenes, passed in Florida without a hurri- soft and lullaby-like, sombre and cane, California will have to get beautiful. And again the music out some high-powered propagan- gave vent to spasms of efferves- da in order to stick in the running. cence, animated, sensuous, hell-firy notes, which fairly seerhed to stum- C C * ble one over the other. The Mal- The following enlightening kins exhibited a masterful ability headline was found yesterday to read in to their playing the com- in the Chicago Tribune: Irish poser's feelings and an inherent Celebrate St. Patrick's Day. power to convey these feeling to Well, we guess the Irish can I their audience. celebrate it too if they want to. -A Trio by Smetana nicely round- * * , ed out a well chosen and well play- A boy 11 months old in Denver ed program,