2, 1924 HR II-I1GAN W 1 , FLOATING UNIVERSITY HAS MAYADVANTAGES ACCORDING TO RUFUt TWENTY-TWO MICHIGAN ME 4ND WOMEN IN LUDED ON 1927 TOUR SORT RECEPTIONS IOVE! Side Of International Problems I Presented Which Cannot Be Qtherwise Obtained Telling of the advantages of a ''floating university" educatio, Prof.- W. C. Rufus, PhD., assistan Professbr of astronomy, heartil: gndorsed the 1929 campaign fo: apphcants, n an interview re- cently. "Twenty-two Michigan men an women were students on the 1926- 27 cruise "Dr. Rufus said, "includ- ing four members of the "floating' faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Crc- 4er,. Capt. Albert Freeman and Mrs Freeman, and myself were among the older members of t4 , ocear school. Capt. Freeman had charg of the. Physical Education, Mr Crocker assisted in the rhetoric de- partment, and I had charge of mathematics, astronomy and navi- gation." When asked about some of the high lights of the 1927 tour, Pro- fessor Rufus smiled and rubbed his forehead. "I don't know where to begin, there were so many," he continued, "I suppose, though, that our re- ception by Mussolini and my in- terview with Pope Pius XI gave me the biggest thrills. I remember once, when we were in Bankok, Pam, the Kingof Siam, who is an Oxford man, turned over the dor- nitories to our men students for the night, and opened'the former royal palace for the convenience of the faculty. The King was a most courteous creature, giving us free reign everywhere. I will never forget our'reception in his court." Professor Rufus went on to ex- plain the advantages of a college education on the high seas. He stressed the fact that "reading about something is one thing; se- ing the original is another." "For political science, interna- tional relations, and economics, I can't imagine a ;more effective method than through the "float-] ing University"," the professor cdn- cluded. "The conferences with stu- delts of foreign Universities give o.inen and women the other side oggrat Thternational problems hi'f. they could never grasp through reading alone. The ideal plan would be three years in a land University and one year on the cruise.' The number of available places fot the 1929-30 world "floating Tniversity" has been cut from 600 1ito00. This decrease will necessi- tite- immediate action on the part 4f any Michigan students who are iterested in the novel educational plan. Further information can be secured from Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, at The Daily office. lpha Nu Has Second Literature Program Alpha Ni instituted its second prpgram of literature review and citicism last night in the Alpha Nu room with a discussion of ar- igles published for the "Sibyl", the 1i ditional bi-monthly magazine of the fraternity. From the organization's incep- tien in the roaring forties down t ough the Civil war period the "§ibyl" was onie of the principal functions of the society. Soon after the Civil war the fraternity turned to a purely forensic group an(d the "Sibyl" was discontinued. The discovery of several ancient diocumcnts recently prompted the return of° the. magazine, so that it is now a regular form of procedure, the first program of which was ield in January. Richard M. Web- ber, '29, is editor. The meeting last night consisted of three essay5 written by various inmbers of the society. "The Re- birth of the Sibyl" was the feature. article of this edition. I Is I .1, Y t r k It II JournalistsRecei*v ADAN E ANNUAL TOU Fake Pottery Sale Scholarship Awards Is LDeclining-Gut e From Hpor Society O F Dr. Carl E. Guthe, associate di- rector of the museum of anthro- Four, seniors in the journalism pology, and national authority on department of the University are Plans for the eighth annual tour Indian pottery, who returned yes- included in the list of 89 represent-I of 'Michigan cities for foreign stu- terday from the recent "bootleg' ing 80 colleges and universities who dents in the University are n pottery" trial at Louisville, Ky, have been recognized by Sigma gI staked that he believes such ne- Delta Chi as recipients of its 1929 being formulated. The trip will be farious practices are on the de- scholarship awards. made during spring vacation and cline. The award which consists of a Jwill take the students to Battle The "bootleggers" realizing that gold key inscribed with the Greek Creek, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, the evidence' was too s t r a n g letter insignia of the organization. Lansing, and Jackson for a five against them, pleaded guilty. This, is made strictly on a scholarship day j saved Dr. Guthe and the other aul basis. The work done during the ayjourney. thorities subpoenaed the trouble entire period of time that a stu- The principal purpose of this trip of testifying that the pottery beingj dent is in college is taken into con- is to acquait those students from passed off as genuine, was fake. sideration. To be eligible for the foreign countries, who are too far The widespread practice of selling award, a student's average must from home to take advantage of counterfeit vases would* not be so I rank in the upper 10 per cent of their vacations, with representative prevalent, Dr. Guthe believes, if"I all those seniors taking work in the American life which would other- the buyer would consult experts; departrment of journalism. Mem- wise be inaccessible to them. bership in the fraternity is not a While in Battle Creek those on Furnish Extra Trains requisite. ' the tour will visit the food com- Michigan students so honored pany's plants, the Battle Creek For Vacation Exodus are: Eleanor A. Gaiser, '29, Frank Sanitarium, and the Duplex print- Holmes,' '29, Kenneth 9. - Patrick, ing plant. The party will be en- Three major transportation con- '29, and Charles A. Lewis, '29. These tertalned at night by alumni resid- panics, the Michigan Central and students are the first to receive the mg i that city through the co- Pennsylvania railroads and tlie tionor here although similar operation of the A .A. U. W. Over- Greyhound Bus Lines, are offering awards have been made by Sigma night arrangements in all cities, special service to home-going stu- Delta Chi in other colleges during will in many cases be in the dents for . the spring vacation on the past two years. homes of graduates of the Uni- Friday, April 5, according to an- The wversity.nouncements yesterday. Tewhale purpose of the awards, i aaaoth tdnswillTeGeyon ie according to a statement which 'In Kalamazoo, the students will The Greyhound Lines, planning accompanied the announcement of visit the Western State Teacher's an extensive vacation service, will the winnersd is to announcmrng- college and then the Kalamazoo'send a fleet of buses to Ann Arbdr heners, jrnis dgiveencourage- college where they will have charge which will run as expresses to entetogeoral i s studntsforof convocation exercises. points out of the state. higher general 'scholarship.________________ Judges making the awards were1 Roy L. French, director of th iournalism department of the Uni- r 'nyj of nf h~n f!a-fn- - Inverted speech will, in the next war, enable messages to be sent in such a manner that the enemy will not be able to decipher them, Sergius P. Grace, assistant Vice- President of the Bell Telephone Laboratories stated in an inter- view last night. If absolute secrecy was desired, the transmitting out- fit could even be installed on the present trans-Atlantic telephone system with success he believed. "Delayed speech," said Grace, isi being used now in trans-oceanic telephony to keep circuits from "Research men are really a fifth singing and to allow switches to estate, and are gradually coming open and close. The delay is 15- to be recognized and given credit 1000 of a second, but our labora- for aiding the progress of science. tories have conducted experiments 'The New York laboratories of the in which the delay has been as Bell Telephone Company serve all high as ten seconds. the Bell Phone systems in the "In conducting these demonstra- country. Men who have spent sev- tions we use four tons of equip- eral years in research are takIen ment. The electro-dynamic loud- into executive positions of great speakers we used this evening are responsibility by many firms." the largest in the world and were Dr. Grace does not believe that perfected by E. C. Wente, '11.'-e the telephone has been perfected, is the Director of Scientific Instru- but that as long as research is be- ment Development in our labora- ing performed it will become in- tories. creasingly better. USE OF INVERTED SPEECH BY BELIGERENT COUNTRIES WILL ENABLE SENDING OF UNDECIPHERABLE MESSAGES 7 James H. Stewart, managing editor of the Indianapolis Star; and Charles E. Snyder, managing edi- tor of the Chicago Daily Drovers' Journal. Dean Bates Will TalkI Before Student Forum Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law school will speak on "Laws and Morals" at the next student forum under the auspices of the Student Christian association, at 4:05 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Lane hall. The meeting is open to! all students and faculty members who wish to attend. y The weekly forums, started last semester by the S. C. A. are on the general topic of "Looking on Life.'" F Each week some"prominent me- mer of the 'faculty addresses 'the group on some phase of the sub- j'eet, a different departmentabeing represented each week. Informal discussion follows tde talk. Thurs- day's forum is the sixth 'of a. series of twelve, which are to be contin- ued throughout the semester. John L. Webster, '30, is chairman of the l :committee in charge. Order Punch and Sherbet From The Ann Arbor Dawry- 11 AS' expanses of burning sand spread in all directions from Arawan, a village in tbc great Sahara Desert. Only a few palms and an occasional desert shrub can maintain a precarious foothold. An acorn planted herewould not have a chance,although, placed in more suitable soil, it might have all the potentialities of a giant oak. A successful career, likca great oak, is possible only where the conditions arc favorable. A college mian plan- ""g h ais-cared- should consider not { my his potciitialitics, buy their adapt- ity to the envi ronment in which ;uch an occupation will place him. When a man elects to devote his cncr- vies and abilities to the investment I 11 with a flavor sure to please you and your guest. Serve Ann Arbor Dairy punch at your next party! SCerbt- made deliciously of pure ingredients by Ann Arbor Dairy careful and correct methods. You'll like this sherbet. I ,1 I SPECIAL ICE CREAM MOLDS ANN ARBOR DAIRY Co Te Home of P u r eMilk -DIAL 4101 it C(iCAG,()ZO o Sth La Sale St. .M iLWA V KF K4.5 ,alt Tf'te~r 5S. J Im m fffil I 1111111 == ma [M t THIRTY-SIXTH Annual May Festival } . , X .. FOUR DAYS SIX CONCERTS May 22, 23, 24, 25, 1929 For the clo4sng event in the Semi- Cents-ary Cocert oeit of the University Musical Society, the following distin- guished artist ad organizations have been engaged a EDITH MASON, Prima Donna Soprano, Chicago Civic, Opcta Company JEANNIATE VREELAND, Distinguished Arneican Sop!-ano SOPHIE BRASLAU, Renowned American Contralto MARION TELVA, Contralto, Metropolitan Opera Coan 'i y RICITHARD CROOKS, Tenor, Premier American Concert Artist PAUL ALTHOUSE, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Company LAWRENCE TIBBET, Jaritoiie, Metropolitan Opera Company RICHARD BONELLI, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company BARRE HILL, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company WILLIAM GUSTAFSON, Bass, Metropolitan Opera Comlpa'uy JOSEF HOFMANN, Polish Pianist FREM ZIMBALIST, lHungarian Violinist T E CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCEJ LSTRI [A, Fredetick Stock, Conduetok THE UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION, lal v. MloIC. Conductor CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL CHORUS, juva I Iifgbce, (Ionductor CHORAL WORKS: Samson and Delilah, by Saint Sachs: The New Lie, L Wolf Ferrari; The Requiem, by Br ahis; The I luinting of the Snaik (C h i- dren), by Boyd. TICKETS Block "A"-Patrons Tickets, (all remainig seats in sections 2. 3 and 4 on the Main Floor and sections 7, 8 and 9 in 'the First Balcony,) $5.00 each if Choral Union Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $8.00 each. Block "B"-Sections 1 and 5 on the Maui Floor and Sections 0 and 0 in i Fij''it Balcony, $4.00 each if Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $7.00 calh. Block "C "--All Seats in the Second Balcony (Top Balcony) $3.00 each if 'est'iva I Coupon is returned, otherwise $6.00. Al mail orders will be filed in sequence and filled in he s i n ordcr r0c.ccjt that orders received prior to February 28 are considered as of14 t0at dte. Titk leI will be seleeted as near as possible to locations requested and will 1b rayd out early in Anril at nurehnse ' risks unless rp'Istdr, nfi 1 i nlr 7 r 7 ', t " mmi....,t 4 if you're hungry and want to cat with your friends you'Il see them where all the good fellows mect -at Harrison's LUN H 301 South State St. . ..bt a mosquito blocked the way "Will Ramona Beauty Shop Liquid Henna I:t M!IM