J .
N IRPSETOIBy Isabelle Chares Nelson said, "we were to have ; RThe annual Intramural swim- }
P ING"It was during the last year of a very attractive reception roomi mSKE1BALL A5ing meet for the women of the r
President Burton's administration which was to be called the "Green University will be held in the Union
here on campus that the first com- Room," where it would be possible pool Thursday night, March 28. All 1
mittee for the invesigation and for the actors to assemble in com- This week begins the final round of the sororities and dormitories o-
study of the needs and means of fort between the calls, and also in the interclass basketball tourna- are urged to make entries in the
obtaining an all-campus or uni- where receptions and other forms ment, with each team playing only events. Every house with at least
WOMEN APPEAR IN CAPS AND versity theater was actually ap- of social entertainment could be once. The senior I team meets the five women entered in the meet
GOWNS FOR FIRST TIME i1pointed," said Prof. J. Raleigh Nel- held, for the members of the au- freshman I team at 4 o'clock this will receive 35 points for entry to
AT SOCIAL EVENT son, professor of English in the dience to meet the actors.We had afternoon and the Blue club plays alone. At the end of the meet the
College of Engineering and also also hoped," he added, "that we the Yellow club at 5 o'clock, while houses receiving first, second, and
chairman of this original commit- could have some kind of perma- the junior and sophomore first third places will be awarded addi-_
SONGS FEATURE PROGRAM tee, authorized to organize and nent organization made up of some squads and the junior and senior tional points. The meet is open to th
submit the plans for a theater to professional actors, and perhaps second teams play at the same independent women also, and allt
Members Of Senior Class Vote the regents. some graduates, and advance stu- hours Thursday afternoon. those interested are urged to get in fr
Down Custom Of Wearing "The University theater," con- dents which we could form into a Class rivalry has been very keen practice.
Qarb On Wednesdays tinued Professor Nelson, "as it was permanent stock organization to this year. This week will show the The program of events is ar- c
-conceived by the members of this supplement the program which best that each team has and will ranged so that it will be of inter- sh
Resounding to gay Michigan ccmmittee, was to be a new educa- would be given at the theater. determine the winner of the tour- est to beginning as well as ad- h
tunes, the ballroom of the Union tional unit which would through "One thing in connection with nament. 'So far the standing is as vanced swimmers. The events for y
was the scene last night of the an- its curriculum correlate many fac- this University theater, I would like follows: The seniors have won the beginning and intermediate p1
nual senior women's supper, held ilities for study in dramatic arts, to make very clear," Professor Nel- three games and tied two; the jun- swimmers are the side stroke and n
according to tradition on tne open- which were already part of the son, said in conclusion, "and that iors have won two games and lost the elementary back stroke. The m
ing night of the junior Girls' Play. University plan. It was, also, to is that this laboratory theater was three; the sophomores have won events for the advanced swimmers ai
Attired for the first time in caps include courses in physical edu- to be at the disposal of any group one, lost three and tied one; and include the breast stroke, back r
and gowns, more than 550 women cation, in voice training, public in the University who were inter- the freshmen have won two, lost crawl, free style, and diving. Each
assembled at their first class func- speaking, interpretive reading, the ested in the study of dramatic art, two, and tied one. In the second event is for one length of the pool.
tion of the year. Their black garb study of dramatic literature, both and that it was intended to foster team tournament the senior 'ar There will be three requirements
provided a striking contrast with in English and in other foreign and encourge all sudent initiative ranks first, junior second, Yellow for diving. The first dive must be
the brig~ht spring flowers and tap- languages, and in design as applied and to assist student organizations club third, and Blue club fourth either a plain front or a running
ers which decorated the room. to staging, costumes, and proper- co-operating with them in work in Following the tradition of hold- front dive, the second will be a
More than seventy five nurses at- ties in general, and any other ele- play production' already developed ing a banquet after each major front jack-knife, and the third I
tended the affair. ments which would need to be ad- on this campus." sport season, the annual basket- dive will be optional.
During the course of the supper ded to such a curriculum, in order ball banquet has been arranged to There will be time for three
the exuberant singing of "I Want to make it a well-rounded training lfbe held at 6 o'clock, March 26, in more practices in the Union pool
.To Go Back To Michigan", "We'll for those who expected to enter uO N IG L S the Women's Athletic building. It before the meet takes place.
Ne'er Forget Our College Days" and this field. f eIIiUIUUis hoped that many of those inter- There will be practices Tuesday and
other. Michigan songs dispelled all "It will be seen," he continued, rested will attend. Thursday nights of this week and
thoughts of grief, on the score that "that all of these elements already The tickets are being sold for one next Tuesday night at the hours
this marks the "beginning of the exist in different branches of the dollar, and must be purchased by j when the pool is always open to
end." University, and only need to be ___Friday of this week. Reservations the women. All women who ex-
Parodies on "Elusive Man" and i correlated around one central idea, Ao may be made by signing on the pect to enter the meet are urged
"For the Love of Pete", song hits such as the University theater. ' All men and women students and bulletin board in Barbour gymna- to have one or more practices to
from last year's junior play, were "As to the plans themselves," faculty members are cordially in- sium, or by calling Helen Wilson, get i trim for the meet.
also sung. The 'former parody was Professor Nelson continued, "they vited to attend a class in social '31, at 22249, or Jessie Church '29, All women entering the meet
dedicated to the juniors, while the provided for two theaters, one for dancing which will be given every at 7891. must have an admittance card to
parody on "For the Love of Pete" large productions, which would Tuesday and Thursday evening ---y
was sung in honor of the senior ;seat from 1,200 to 1,500 people, andr0
women themselves. Edna Mower, which was to be equipped with from 7:30 to 8:30 by the Physical
'29, chairman , of the music comi- ievery modern stage convenience, Education club, under the direc-
mteeodahMasoygan, sied y 'ngvonry cmpurnstorga vnins.cleEILEL N
nittee, led the binging, assisted by |and a smaller theater for plays put tion of Miss Ethel McCormick, aL
Theodora Malay and Shirley King' on by campus organizations. The! member of the physical education
"Peter" and "Claire", respectively, small theater was to be fitted out mepbrrmonthe le duction
in the cast of the 1929 play. I department. The lessons will bet
The qust of ther senyorsadequately as a laboratory, includ- given at the Women's Athletic OF
The question of whether seniors ; ing a room for the study of design- building and will consist of a seriesf
should continue the tradition of iing of costumes, shops for the de- of six at three dollars.
wearing caps and gowns on Wed-;signing and making of properties, The music will be furnished by
nesdays following Swing-Out was and the building and painting of Edna Mower's orchestra which is
presented to the group by Elaine scenery, and a room where experi-!very well known on campus. Miss
Gruber, vice-president of the class mental work in stage lighting McCormick will be assisted by wo- "
Deslte its traditional aspect and'might be done. men of the physical education de Wed d M
the fact that the cutsom prevails "Special provision was also made partment in order that a great deal WnesayMorning
the country, the . women turned for an open-air theater stage, of individual attention may beex
down this opportunity of reestab- I which was to be so placed that the given to each person. The course Here is an excellent
lishing it here. properties from both indoor stages is open both to beginners and to opportuity to pur
Seats were reserved at the speak- could be used. In fact, the build- I those who merely wish to improve chase the latest styles
era table for the Mortar Board and Igs were to be specially arranged their dancig.
Senior Society, honorary senior so that properties from all three Those who wish to enroll in the -an
women's organizations, and also stages could be interchanged when- course may do so at office 2 in
for the guests of honor. The latter ever this was necessary. Besides Barbour Gymnasium or at the only $2.95
included Miss Alice Lloyd Miss this open air theater, the plans in- front desk of the Women's Athletic kony$29
Grace Richards, and Miss Beatrice cluded other convenient features building. The class has been lim-
Johnson, advisers to women; Miss such as dressing rooms, make-up ited to 80, but if the interest in -
Shirley C. Titus,.Dr.,Margaret Bell, rooms, storage rooms, and places such a class is great enough more
head of the physical education de- for rehearsals to the end that sev- sections will be formed meeting on
patent foyr a wo ed is Ethel eral rehearsals could be given at different nights. The first class All merchandise in this special bargain offering is new stock.
partment for women; Miss Ethel one ilme nTusaMrh 21
McCormick; Margaret Harder, once. will meet on Thursday, Marc All sales are final.
president of the senior nurses' Ii addition to all this," Professor at 7:30-
class; Mis.'Joseph A. Bursely, M rs. : i11111111111111 111111111t fI1111111 11 111111111111111N11i1111llllllillililitl1 ilfllttlli
John At Effinger, and Mrs. James
B. Edmondson.
Immediately after the supper,
the traditional march to the Whit-'-
ney Theatre took place. Headed '
by Mary White, president of the a t.risS rarte s
League, and Elaine Gruber, who
were in turn followed by the mem-
bers of Mortar Board and Senior -
Society, the line proceded down
State Street to Huron, thence to.-
Main street and continued to the n
theatre, where the premiere show-
ing of "Forward March, 25th
nual Junior Girls' Play.
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