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Charles A. Sink Anniounces Courses
Which Will Form Large Part
Of Summer Work
Extension work will this sum-
tier form a large part of the work
of. the University School of Music,
according to the summer tsession
announcement just released ly
Charies A. Sink, president. In past
years the school has limited its ex-
tension work to Ann Arbor. This
year. an addition will be made
through sending regular instruct-
ors or those who;havetpreviously
taught in Ann Arbor to the Na-
tional High School Band and Or-1
chestra camp at Interlochen.
Courses at the camp will beginI
June 24, to continue for six weeks)
until August 16, throughout which
time instructors will be given un-
usual opportunities to observe in-
strumental and vocal instruction toI
students of high school 'age.
Courses for instructors and super-
visors will be entirely separate.
from those designed for high
school students attending the camp.
for instruction in band, chorus or
orchestra work.
Courses in vocal methods and
various instrumental ,t e a:c h in gi
methods, as well as conductingt
and orchestration will be taught by
Prof.Joseph E. Maddy, head of ,the
public school music department,
David Mattern' and Thaddeus P.
Giddings, both of the same depart-
The 1929 summer session will
close the independent regime of
the school of music, for in the fall
it will become an integral part of
the University, following the ab-
sorption of the school. Degrees
and diplomas will be granted at
the regular commencement exer-
cises of the university.
Credits earned during the sung-
mer session may be applied on the
following degrees and diplomas:
,Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Mu-
sic in Education, Artist or Normal .
diplomas, and certificates..
Honorary Fraternity
Elects New Members TP
Initiation of fifteen new mem- BRARY STABLISHED
bers into Coif, honorary legal frat-
ernity, was announced yesterday by As an aid to rhetoric professors
officials of the organization. in selecting their outside-reading
The initiates, all of whom are for the coming year, Prof. E. A.
senior law students are: G. B. Walter of that department, is sup-
Christensen, M. DeRoven, Gerrit ervising the establishment of a
Demmink, Austin Fleming, Waldo text-book library made up of all
K. Greiner, Stuart W. Hill, James I books recently published that might
- be used in Rhetoric' 1 2, 31, and 32.
Johnson, Charles A. Mertens, Edgar The plan was put in operation last
I M. Morsman, Howard Neitzert, Syl- fall when 12 well-known publishers
van S. Rosenbaum, Paul J. Smith, were asked to cooperate by sending
James A. Sprowl, Gordon B. Wheel- Professor Walter any works from
er, and Henry S. Wingate. their press' which they might deem
useful in the teaching of rhetoric.
Since: that" time the collection has
DR. OLIVER KAMM grown rapidly and now fills four
TO SPEAK FRIDAY s 'selves and numbers some 100
books in all.
The library is open to any mem-
Dr. Oliver Kamm, president of ber of the rhetoric department de-
the Michigan Academy of Science, siring to look over a book before
Arts and Letters for the next year, ordering copies of it for class-room
will speak on "Pituitron Hormones" use. Through'this arrangement in-
at 4:15 o'clock next Friday after- structors and professors can or-
noon in the Natural Science audi- ganize thoroughly their plans for
torium. The lecture is being spon- future outside reading since the
sored by Phi Lambda Upsilon, the best books will be at their disposal
honorary chemistry Jociety, and at all times. Mr. Walter is sure of
will be oper to the public, the library's success and as an ex-
Dr. Kamm was last year's winner ample of its usefulness cites the
of the annual $1,000 award given fact that over 2700 books have been
by the Association= for the Advance- ordered by faculty membeis who
m ent of Science, for his valuable have taken advantage of this
work on ductless glands. Iservice.
President Hoover. and his new.
cabinet as it is now constituted
posed for their first .photograph as
a group in Washington. Reading
from left to right, front row; Wal-
ter F. Brown, postmaster-general;.
James, A. Good, secretary of war; Mellon, secretary of the treasury; Arthur M._Hyde, secretary of agri-'
Frank B. Kellogg, secretay of state William D. Mitchell, attorney gen- culture; Vice-President Curtis; Ray
who served during the Coolidge ad- eral; back row, same order; James Lyman Wilbur, secretary of inte-'
ministration and is. now . acting J: Davis, secretary of labor; Robert rior; Charles F. Adams, secretary
until the new secretary, Henry L. P. Lamont, secretary of commerce; of navy.
Stimson, arrives to take up his
duties; President Hoover; Andrew G'
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