W1 I r.E , For THE IIHICAN DAILY~ SATUJRDAY, MARCH le)1-,1929 . 1 ALUMNI REUNIONS Published every morning except Monday With the announcement of plans dosing the University yearbys.the Board in for reunions of 20 classes of the, Control of Student Pub~tisI0 Member of Western Conference Editorial University to be held during the Association-w e e k- e n d beginning June 14, _n , .r rerr I,,srr .;ar~irir O- - --T- V- Tne Associated Press is excusively titled to the "se fo- republication of all news CC dispatches redited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- 9g lisped herein.t Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, c Michigan, zs second class matter. Special rate of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post- s master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- S card Street.G Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF ca Telephone. 4925 1 MANAGING EDITOR t KENNETH G. PATRICKb Editor........ ....Nelson J. Smith City Editor............J.. Stewart hooker News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink Sports IEditor............. W. Morris Qi b Women's Editor...... ... Sylvia S. StoneR Telegraph Editor .............George Stauter Music and Drama............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editorst joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Dcnald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg n Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon George C. Tilleyf Paul L. Adams Morris Alexande? C. A. Askren Bertram Askwif h Louise Behyme- Arthur -$ernste~& Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles r.. R. Chub Frank E. Cooper Helen Domine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. }keldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. HempsteE Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufm Ruth Kelsey Reporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald henry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swanson Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams ad Jr. Wr-ter Wilds George I,. Woblgemuth an Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF1 Telephone 21214I BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER AderisngDepartment Managers Advrtsig................. Alex K. Scherer Advertising..............A. James Jordan Advertising...............Carl 'W. Hammer Service..................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation...............George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Fgblicatioa...............yRay M. Holoelich Assistants Mary Chase Marion Kerr J eanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky VVernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley Sally Faster 1. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose asper Hlalversoa Carl V. Schemmn eorge Hamilton George Spater ixN umphrey MarieoWellstead SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL THE RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX! Whether or not the University authorities should honor Sphinx's petition for reinstatement presents two questions: is Sphirx desirable, and has it already been disciplined enough for last fall's misbehavior? The problem of demonstrating to the administration that the an- swer to both of these questions is yes, still remains. As to Sphinx's desirability it should be pointed out that the or- ganization is a Michigan tradi- tion of a quarter-century's stand- ing. In this day and age of wan- ing warmth of college spirit and of increasing indifference to hoary customs and the glory that was Michigan's, it seems too bad de- liberately to discontinue one of the most virile among surviving tradi- tions. It should also be considered that in any field of endeavor a system of rewards and punishments is an incentive to better work. In a Uni- versity where discreditable per- formances are punished by inter-' views with deans and then par- ents, balance demands a system of tewards to be given those who. labor faithfully to Michigan's credit. If extra-curriculun activ- ities are to be encouraged at all, Sphinx is desirable. In debating whether the pur- poses of discipline have been serv- ed by a half-year's anihilation, the heinousness of last fall's offense must be considered. It can ae more calmly considered now that the, journalistic tempest in a teapotI set to howling by Detroit and Chi- cago papers, has blown over. Strip- ped of the sensationalism lent byI newspaper rumors of liquor andI drunkenness, the. high crime of- last fall becomes an accident of student irresponsibility. Irresponsibility, while heartily toI be condemned, is nevertheless a1 common manifestation of youth.. It cannot be classed with suchc moral or habitual misdemeanors asc dishonesty, public drunkenness, or I malicious destruction of property. Guidance rather than punishmenti should be the treatment of irre- slnsibiv I omes the thought of a great athering of the real builders of he University. Administrative offi- s ers, from presidents to private s ecretaries, have come and gone. o Most of them have left their marksU omewhere in the organization.I ,reat presidents as Angell, Burton, nd Little, will be remembered t s long as the University lives, be- o ause of the great advances madec during their respective adminis- trations. These men are, of course, builders of the University. No less a part in the develop- ment in this great institution has been that of the student body. Moving always forward in their advance toward education and the business or professional world, they have carried on the spirit of Michigan. Parallel to the march of progress by the students has been the same march of progress by the University. The University has developed far more than would have been possible under one class or under any group whose interest was only of four years duration. These many men and women who have played a part and are still playing a part in the University are its real builders. They are a vital part of the institution and through their interest and their efforts Michigan has become what it is today. Members of the older classes who will return for the first time in many years will find a school vast- ly different in nearly every phase from that which they knew as students. New buildings have loomed on plots which were once vacant lots, the familiar faces which appeared behind the lec- ture desks in years gone by have been replaced in a majority of cases by younger men. One thing, however, should not have been altered in the many years since the graduation of the oldest of them. That is a Michi- gan spirit; not the spirit of lots of noise during athletic cotests, but a feeling of appreciation toward those builders of the University. The Alumni who return for class reunions in the spring are deserv- ing of a hearty welcome from aIl Michigan students whose part it should be to be sure the "old grads" are royally entertained by * their own University. 0 -l SPEED, AND YET MORE SPEEDj The fatal crash of the 36, cylin- dered Triplex automobile in which Lee Bible, the inexperienced driver, was killed and a photographer also lost his life while taking the pic- tures, has done little but give the demagogues of the pulpit and the platform more material for tirades upon the Age of Speed. And this time, rightly so, for the breaking of the record would have done little but bring fame to the driver and the record back to this country. On the other hand, it has sicken- ed automobile enthusiasts on ac- count of the apparent uselessness of the gesture. Races held under Association guardianship, such as the Indiana- polis event, have been defended on the grounds that the racing cars of today furnish the designs for the passenger car of tomorrow. This point is well taken as an in- spection of present-day models will show. But the excessive speed of Seagrave and of Bible has done little but pale the motoring pub- lic, after the first little thrill of thinking about a man going more than four or five times the ordi- nary rate. This is the second time in a year that a driver has lost his life in an attempt to break a record, Ray Keech having been killed before. And with automobile clubs, law of- ficers, and thousands of organiza- tions working almost fruitlessly to curb speed, such attempts fall short of the intended heroism and bravado, and incite -others to step on the gas and go. Death will be little deterrent-the argument is that Seagrave drove 231 miles an hour and lived. I The national association should. now curb any such efforts to de- feat Seagrave's record until, these fast motor cars are made and proved more foolproof. Such things are more of a black eye to motor- dom than certain apprehended cases of reckless driving on city streets. 0 A MATTER OF POSTERS s r-' r n fn" svr iil - r -nwnr ;" 'M I?!STEDRS!L THIS IS A Wow EDITOR'S NOTE-With this is- ue Rolls presents the sixth of a eries of Interviews on the hobbies f the prominent students on the University campus. These inter- iews will appear daily, and will hey throw interesting sidelightsk on the intimate lives of prominent campus politicial puppets? Oh, my!c s t Irnee McKoi Likes Publicity Above All Earthly Things-Amen "Yes," boasted Irnee McKoi,t known among his henchmenI as "Public Print" McKoi, "I am just goofy about publicity, in fact I am just goofy about any- thing; one might go so far as to say I am just goofy. This passion of mine to see my1 name in type began with early1 childhood and has persisted ever since.; "This strange delight of mine has such a hold on me that I'll go to almost any extreme to satisfy it. I'll exchange anything in my power for it, even as much as a basketball managership or two." Mr. McKoi has not stated what he can do about getting publicity after he graduates and can have no connection with the student newspaper, but, as he says, "I always have found sone way." Mr. McKoi admitted that his favorite quotation is the one that goes like this: "Pride goeth before a fall." Those tough students in Mad-- rid, Spain, have been rioting with resultant clashes with the police, news report tell us. Guess the University of Madrid must save won their annual bull fight with Seville. * * * Probably the student news- paper will start a vindication fund. 800 pesetas for a new bull! .. * * * No, that noise wasn't a student riot, that was Eric the Red turn- ing over in his grave after seeing Robert Henderson as a Viking chief. Those naughty girls of the class of 1930. To look at their costumes in the Junior Girls' P ay you'd think they were put- ting on a musical comedy! .* * If the adviser of women censors a few more things in connection with the Junior Girls' Play, "For- ward March" will come to a. halt. Two Cents, But Not Worth It Didn't mean to butt in, Lark, but one portion of a Lindbergh story that appeared in the News the other days is too good to blush'unseen. The portion I refer to said that "return to the United States was believed to be delayed at least until completion of repairs on his plane, City of Wichita, dam- aged when he clashed with his fiancee, Miss Anne Morrow, ten days ago." It must have been a swell fight, Lark, but the pity of it is they aren't even married yet. All right, that's my two cents' worth. GunVey. Music And DramaI TONIGHT: Play Production pre- sent, by request, an additional performance of the student-writ-' ten one-act play bill in Univer- sity Ball theater, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. Curtain at 8:30 sharp.' * * * "THlE VIKINGS" TICKETS &J Want Ads Pay A Review By Herbert Schwartz Such auxiliaries to the play- wright's communication as the color and tone organ may be en- tirely legitimate if they can focus more relevant attention on what he isycommunicating; when they merely exploit,, for their own dis-I play, the background of the action they are only to be disparaged. Both uses of these devices were apparent in last night's perfor- mance of The Vikings; in the second act, with the banquet guests under the fearful spell of Hjordis' wrath, the shifting light' served admirably to aid Miss Kelly and Mr. Ibsen in the difficult task of making the audience feel the tension of the necessarily inert witnesses to the scene. The back- ground of surging waves in the first and last acts was very ef- fective too, if one makes all al- lowances for the crude stage of the clavilux so far. The absence of the ocean's roar was a little in- congruous. But the melodramatic thrills of light in the last act were hardly defensible. They were bad because they forced attention and emotional excitement on what was, after all, only a minor denoue- ment. The heroic background of 1 the play, the superstitions of these mystic people, are all transparent disguise of people we know. These may serve to lend a certain grand- errr to the action, but the chaac- ters remain the characters of When We Dead Awaken, of Hedda Gabler, of John Gabriel Bjorkman{ and The Lady From the Sea. The tremendously affecting culmina- tion of the play, the flight of the heroic souls into Valhalla is only the culmination of these expedi- ents. The drama has ended with the disappearance of Hjordis, and the conviction of her death by her own hands. The exaggerated rep- resentation of flight of souls was overwhelming, utterly convincing of greatness, but after the emotion one asked what it was that was great.AThe connection of the theme and the background had been lost. What had happened to Hjordis during all this triumph, and w)y should she, if indeed she did,, keep the company, in a climactic scene, of heroes, to be sure, but heroes one had barely met? The acting last night was fair- ly good but here too there were undesirable results of the innova- tion. I think that much of the over-acting was simply the emo- tive effect of the lighting on the actors themselves. Also there was I (intimately related to this over- acting) a tendency to rely on the general effect of the presentation: I the performance was too emotion- al. It was an effort to follow Ibsen's thesis. Miss Kelly and Mr. Evans easily took first honors, which was to be expected from their titles in the cast (Mr. Evans and Miss Kelly as against Robert Henderson etc.). 'Robert Henderson's performance has improved much since last summer, but he still remains too much the spoiled darlingto ade- quately do a Norse hero. Miss Kelly did a difficult and unsym- pathetic role very acceptably. * * * PUBLICf1 AIN 1 i it Don, therTrefol Tomorrow, St. Patrick's birthday is celebrated tomorrow. Ireland's patron saint was born in Dumbarton, Scotland, March, 396 A. D., but the day is uncer- tain. There was a difference of opinion as to whether he was born on the 8th or the 9th, so the two numbers were added together anct the 17th is celebrated to everyone's satisfaction. Perhaps, you often have the same trouble trying to remember how much you spent and when you spent it, but you can not settle it so easily by merely adding disputed amounts' together. A checking account leaves no room for doubt. It's a record and a receipt for every dollar you spend--a convenience you can not afford to be without. Open That Account Today RESERVATIONS For. All Important Take and Ocean Line. Tours, Cruises Independ ent Travel E. G. Kuebler ctn. samh ip Age"c 601 E. Huron Ph. 6413 ANN ARDOR Dawn Donuts The Partner for your Coffee at Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the Stores and Restaurants. - - - - - - - - - - - - - i Strings . . Supplies ..Repairs . for all Musical Instruments 1Scheeberle& So'n MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK IL 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave. 11' i S L fS \ Lhrhi l1 ( 11 ., , ; ELECTRIC TOASTERS IN SEVERAL STYLES AND PRICES A man and his housekeeper The Division of English an- were sentenced to a prison term nounces that Wahr's Publishing the other day for allowing the f house has secured the original man's child to go about in such manuscripts of the four student- a manner as that would allow his written plays which Play Produc- feet to be frozen. " Heavens, the tion have been presenting all this parents of some three thousand week and will issue them in book co-eds are liable to prison terms! form. The plays included will be (Sponsors of Junior Girls' Play "Outside This Room," by Doirothy and patrons of feminine morals in Ackerman, "Passion's Progress," by general, please note.) R. Leslie Askren, "My Man," by *5 *' Jerome McCarthy, and "The Join- Prohibition is a seasonal af- ers" by Arthur Hinkley, with the fair in Florida, according to a addition of "Puppets" by Helen Chicago Tribune dispatch, and Adler. "Puppets" received honor- at certain times during the able mention in the first elimina- year the denizens indulge tion contest but technical difficul- scarcely at al!. Yes, but think, ties prohibited its production. Pro- they can't raise corn all year fessor Kenneth T. Rowe, who is round, even in Florida. editing the book, has felt, however, * * * with the heads of departments in Yes, we can ju imagine former the Division of English, that Miss Vice-president Dawes at the court Adler's play deserves a reading of St. James. "Hell 'n Maria, audience who will be unhampered king!" imaginatively by technical details. * * *Professor Louis A. Strauss, head We can't understand why of the English Department has the rival generals are making consented to write an Introduction I y a .hnntalltha+ ha to the volume, and Editor Rowe MERIDEN.....$ 2.95 WESTINGHOUSE TURNOVER... 5.00 SUNBEAM FLAT TYPE... 8.00 TOASTMASTER AUTOMATIC.. 12.50 Terms If Desired ELECTRIC TOAST is not like any other- for light luncheon, breakfast, and ,for special cishes. Appetizing, crisp, golden -hot off the electric toaster at your el- bow: that's perfect toast. If you haven't tasted it, you cannot know the flavor, the superior quality, that distinguishes this delicious product from ordinary toast. An electric toaster is cool and clean -yet it is as economical as any less convenient method. Detroit Edison Appliances Carry a Year's Guarantee -Unconditionally -rHE ~ ,~- ____ T H E . i i i 11