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March 16, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-16

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r Ad

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open ...y

Whitney Theater, Will House SetLs For IE'Forward Mar chl," Colorful And Spectau lar Offering By Thin
Currnt Proiu~tio 3airie~ ome And Warfare In Slver Annivray'rga
First Night To &e Dedicated To Senior Women

dYear Girls

... Rt- 4-.


Yet dcspil(e (t;.1li ige in. its 'character, the,
Junior irl s 1,,y lha' niot lost its tradition6- In
the early days illw is given in honor of'the sei-
ior womeni, and ),o men xerc permitted to at-
tend. The first night is still dedicated to the
seniors, who at tend, dressed- in caps and gowns,
following the traditional Senior Supper. But six
additional .performances are now customary, for
the play, and "Forward March" will run all next
week at the Whitney, with both a matinee and
,in everning performance on Satur'd y. Friday'
night will be formal night, and Sat,;:_wiay night,
Alumnae Night.

U..lppr Lceft -Iaie 'Frot I(h(' sccrehtn Pof War, iln the Uo I!Ualc In Iich she )pears illn/hert. hp sp ccllt , Iio, c rd ~cMarch?,,
Middle-Thc chor usfor " Y0,. G(otta Dance,'' Reading ayfrom rleft to rig/t;l; orolhj) Strautb, JPgggpjiccels, Dore h i Vhiiirr, Mw fcir-
ri gall, Frances Sackett, Katherint. ie izpariclI , Rachel Robbins-aid JBetty p I'femingr.
IRight--Lillian Setchell, as Given, the tcotnedij girl, 1 ho is the /1mericoll college churni of i/ic leading )woftiwi.
Lowver 1_41-- Readig from left to right: Dora Vandenib(rg (Lajr-p n ,-re, leading man) , Helen Bush (bui c, leading woman~r, rU(aftg/de of Ihet
president of the republic) , Lillian '$elehall, ((s abote. (and WallyMA/Jc Phersort, 1/ic cotitedy) ru,~cIn.
-Loprn'c rRigt 1Rading .1rmm t~tleft to right :Muriel /lndcrsour, Kathecrinec Jru tier, and Ruth Brookge, as thep Milluappear il lte I;, Iortvs
"Paris 21c1(1."


- The first Junior Girls' Plays, which were
really plays and not musical. comedies, were pre-
sented ini th1w ,pirit of' fun for fun's sake. This
spirit has wnot been lost, although the play has
since become an important money-making en-
terprise as well as an activity the thrill of which'
no junior woman wants to miss. The most
popular songs from each play pass into the rep-
ertoire of the Michigan women of immediately
succeeding years. One of the oldest 'of -such
songs Is -"I kind 'o Like Ann .Arbor" from the
play of 1908, a song that is still popular; at

Switzerlanda. While there is yodeling a-plenty
to give the correct. foreign a tmnospheire, Am criesa,
is not forgotten, for the leading ma i is ani
American geologist, and the vivacious and re-
sourceful college chum of the leading woan.
is,: as might be expected, an American girl. Dora
Vandenberg, as Larry Lane, the geologist, is
handsome and romantic enough to serve as a
model. to many a Michigan man, and playing
opposite her in the role of Julie, the winsome
ingenue daughter of the president; of the wom-
en's ,republic, is Helen' Bush. The part of Gwen,
Julie's college chum, is taken by Lillian Setcheil.
Al cast of record sizie, numbering 24 women,
leas permitted the introduction of a great many
comedy_ characters. The large number of speak-
ing parts does not tend to slow up the action of
the play, but rather facilitates its rapid ad-
vancement. It is a question whether Wally, the
comedy man, played by Kathleen Suggs, dloe~s
more to solve the riddles of the play than he
does to complicate the plot. Pursued relentless-
ly by Gwen, he extricates Larry from difficulties

arimy, v:; onei of (.he trae comedy ch araecrs of
the play, both iia his scenes with his 'ifc ondl
\Vll heJ~ yodels with the Swis;s cook, "Yodel
for Me" is one of the best feature sonlM~s of 1the
ploy. "Osw<ald" is played by C'laire Simlmonas.
"Right Out of Heaven" and "Paris Bound"
:trc songs fea turcd . by thec choruses at, various
tin-es, while "Mine Baby" and ".The Retason
Why" should also go over big. The title song
is one of the real hits of the play. Nor. are
romantic molments lacking amid the incidents
of war times. "Is Anybody Coinaing; My Way", as
Isung by harry, is a real "bftues" sengan";aad a
p)athel c note is sounded -by "Poor Little Me,"' the
lamn 1, of 1the Viltainess,
Mu Lch Crc dit Due Chorul ses
'l'iaagling will persons lay and vivacity, timc
cl('10s~e ire55 dii2 to conie in for Ka large sha"re
of theN credit [or potting t lvN play across. They
hive been. (1,61iimdby C ).W Yja lubel, chairman;
of (Imeecs, wiiti especial s: vess being placed on
the) developuin tof p-..~; :onaity in the dancing.
Snecialtics o v.; .d types accompany most.

flit military (CO~tii, !tS XV hti 'i~l a (1lii 0c1to tUc
effect produced. by the lively chorruses. All of
thle cos'olines used inl.''Fporwarxd Mardi' ave ,
been designed tand execuIted Iby I h-: 0t1oe
conlut! £e, with Louisa Souklip as cha,1i rmrta..
To Phyllis Loughton, '28, the ctrz ; .3r c,
"Forward March," is due by far the most credit
for m~aking of the play what it is, Mis a Lough -
ton's. dramatic achievements scarcely need ire-
cital, for her name was on the tongule of every
play-goer in Annr Arbor during, the years that
she spent at Michigan. Not only was Miss
Loughton one of tie outstanding members of.
the cast, in mnany Mimes and Comedy Club
plays, but she genth -le first student director of
a Junior Girls! Play. "Eight Till Eight," the
p.resentation of the women of the class, of '28,
faS irect~ed by Miss Loughton., then in her
Jiunior year. Since her graduationr, she has been
,;;rr'scc t ibe1wi{th Miss Jessie Bonsratelle at the
Btt'oiivic l~r tha ,I Miss Loughton i., a mem-
ber of Sigma Dela Phi, honiorary forensic so -
city. Su he w~ilI he irmmbehpred for the l~leain~y

Co labor minkg with Frances Saclkett, the
Lkuii or of "Forwa4rd M\4archi," Lorhicla McAndrew,
c h'iinat of mnusic and lyrics, has written the
.scorcs ,and mAany of the lyrics whicht are now
' riu g 'carried'aroun d In the heads of. mr~ore than
vight y women. C anilla liub'el, anrce clhair-
mani, and Marjorie Foflimi, ch aiirman of pub-
licity, haye, with their committees, carried
heavy responsibilities, and on themn much of'.the
i'uces of the' play depends. Th'le moake-ur~p corn
iitteec, under; Margaret Bush, 'has. been at work
for several weeks and has attainecl considerable
-bill in applying mnake-up. Doris Arnkenberger,
as5 chairman"1 of properties, and Erwilli Schneider,
as, chairman of ushers complete the list 'of the
memvobers of the ceritral. comnmittee of the play.
With a quar £r-century, of t.ra~ition bellind
it, t:henr, the Junior Girls' Play oif.the class of
1 930 narks the end of an era of development;
it ir the latest word, the foremost step in, prog-
ress. IF, earnings, which have averaged around
$2,000 for the past few years, .have gonse to swell
the fund for the construction of the Michigan
Lceague b mi'ding, a dream that is now a reality.
Bumt it has never becen purely commercial enter'-
p~rie, the primary objective harvinig been the
stimLa ion0 of Class friendships in a productioni
to hoor the seniors.
Satire Is Feature
(3- iethat scintillati ig artwa 'xiiswift used1
,;o well, isl here turned to thie uses of the "young
moderns.'What they think of war is not quite
what Swift thought, but, like all the other
thoughts of the present generation,. it is arrest-
ina) aind1 worth car) sitdhtion. =Junior w'iiinn

From a r-eview. of the titles of the plalys of
toe past may be gleaned an idea of the chanxge
in their character. There is the contrast of
"Don Quixote, the -Coed Knight," or "Patricia
Passes" with "Thank You, Madam" and "Becky
Behave.,, "Jane Climbs a Mountain," in 1923,
was the occasion of the opening of the play to
men as well as women. Each year brings some
innovation. In 1925, Prof. J. R. Brumm, who

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