THE MICHIGAN DAILY .SATtRDAY", MARCH 16, 1929, PROF, WILLARD TELLS f rni:ra wUnIQTV AfD IOfficials Confer To Decide University Pa.ymnent For Cit y S ew~ge Care Plani. U1U I 111 II I1 1 1 H U H l University-officials conferred with, engineers and council members of A discovery which will probably' the city Wednesday evening, in an greatly change 'the chromium plat-I effort to obtain an estimate on ing industry was explained in two' the amount that the state will be papers by Prof. Hobart H. Willard,1 called upon to pay in behalf of, of the chemistry department, and the University as its share in the Richard Schneiderwind, of the en- cost of the sewage disposal plant, gineringschol a a eetig o deemed a necessity for Ann Arbor. the Michigan section of the Amer - SilySihertr;Rgn f ean Electrochemical society, held IrlySih ertr;Rgn reenptly in Detroit. Professor Wzi- Junius E. Beal, and E. C. Pardon, lard spoke on "The Gravimetric superintendent of buildings and ;Determination of Sulphate in a grounds, represented the Univer- Chromic-Acid Chromium Plating sity at the meeting. Solution" and Schneiderwind on Engineers, submitting estimates "The Use of the Sulphur Photo- and suggestions on the project, meter for the Rapid Determina-i estimated the University's share at tion of Sulphate in Chromium Plat- "roughly one third of the total cost, ing Solutions." whch however, will not be deter- Fmined until the city decides what Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,l plans will be adopted. $2.25 for the half year. Under one plan, recommended by one of, the,. two eangineeringA firms which seek the contract for the plant construction, the disposal plant would be located across the river. back of they ttini- versity hospital, about 1,600 feet distant from the building. With, proper construction, one of the engineers said, the plant wpul1 cause no odors which would cause,~ trouble at the hospital, even if, in- I the course of years further hos-E I pital ' buildings ape constructed. nearer the river in the future. The. opposing firm recommended the; use of a, site 20,000 feet far ther down. the river from the. so7-called l'pe site" near the hospital. The University has urged that the state's share in. the. plant cost. be' determined, a s son, as possibl Iso. that a request for funds may be sent. to the state legislature in, time to permit an early appropria. lion of funds by-'the legislature. CO1RNWELL COAL - COKE jj Scranton, Pocahontas" Kentucky and. West Virginia. Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has ben, growing~ ever. uinmee it was established. The secret- "'iving. absolute satisf action to our f ~~custom ers." We, believe. it.Payp to do biaisessi in a friendly way. If you think s4 too, lot's_ get together,. CORNWELL COAL - COKE . eadthe Classif ie.d. A ds The, Art of The Films ICOSMOPOLITAN OPENING TODAY Sancttfi I by a Greai Love JOSEPH M. SCHENCK I" HENRY KN' Most Unusual ,, Production ( °: a C .~ presents ,Ar POI CL 2:00 3:35 loc 7 i.O $8:4Q 10c 1oc P E OR -rn 1 7 r-i I / A: / f7 l . , - _ ,l f Appoinftents GRANTLAND "ALL.SET" AESOP'S T,)Ik Eyes of the Worl4 PAJRANOUNT NEWS A1tr AND BEAU TY 2* C 3 \ ,f V I o j i t GILBERT ROLAND 1When you've lived through this inspiring romance with Norma Talmnadge-whcn you've known how it feels to be the idol of a man's heart one daY .and be cast aside the next--when you've heard the_ call. of country and sacrificed your love and -name that others might live- when ,you've found a passion great enough to even smile at death- Then- aiid only them--will you know the joy of seeing PfliU"ECT M OTI ON PICTURE ENTERTAINMIENT NVorma T aIm adge's supreine achievernent! - I