1 H NMi 1Ii A 1D£A L-- x. ....................... SIX WVOLVERINE TRACKMEN G30 To ILLIIIOIS, FIVE TO CLEVELAND FOR SEASONING RUNS' . ,_. «. a s. ,:t, .. .:' .xr- :. ti'zs,,c salt. .:z. a? .L .s1 :,-D. ,i xiX . u' .. #ka k4.-.......i:a. .z .. 2. _ .. :x fAL .. PJ'oan., Tarbiil, Austin, Lomont, And McClellan' Cojipete At lUrbana Felker, WVill co RELAYMEETSRIICKV With- six trackmnen 'leaving for Urbana this morning to compete in individual events in the annual Il- linois relay carnival, and a mile relay quartet and a' sprinter enter- ed "inY the Cleveland High school meet .Saturday night, Coach Far- relt's squad appears set for some of the' seasomiing which the veteran mentor claims is what the Maize and Blue team needs most Tolan, Tarbill, McClellan, Felker, Austin, and Lorhont, accompanied by Coach Farrell, will make. the trip to the Indian camp, while Grodsky, Freese, and Dale and Dal- ton Seymour will compose the mile relay team conmpeting against the Buckeyes at Cleveland. Murray is making the latter journey to run against Kriss .of Ohio in a special 40 yard invitation event. 'u Of the' W olverine entrants in the Illinois meet, Tolan and Felker ap- pear the surest point, winners,; al- though both are' slated to meet with plenty of comipetition in their respective, events. Tolan, who took second to' Simpson in 'the '60' yard dash' in the Conference meet last Saturday,, will have the Buckeye' for competition' in the 75 yard event at Urbana, while Elder of Notre Dame, and Timm of Illinois will also make strong bids for first CORRECTION I I our, ad" yesterday ar error was made. It should have read: I 'place, with the Irish sprinter fav- ored over' the rest of the field. Felker, who tied for first with- five others in the high jump i the Big Ten meet, will have nmuchl the same field to compete against and may have "to" better his. mark of 6 feet 1 1-2 inches to win. Run- ning in the '75 yard low hurdles for the first- time this year, Tarbill will oppose strong Indiian 'and Buckeye entries in two Illinois sophomores, Burchardt and Sentman, and{ Crooks, .Pierce, and Rockaway of Ohio. Austin, entered in the 1500 meter run, has a 'chance to' take 'one of, the latter places behind 'Martin of Purdue and Stine of Illinois, while Lomont, competing in the 100 yard race, may surprise with a place against the Illini victors in the, Big Ten half 'mile, Orlovich; and White. McClellan will enter the pole vault. p ' 0 IFRESHMAN BATTERYMEN I (Freshman battery candidates (are urged to report for practice . ( ( any afternoon 'this Week at the J (field house and ,bring their own Tonight and Saturday at GRANGERI' T'ikets $1.00 at Stater's STYLS, OTHFUL CHAD TS S LI DIS GLISIIED SERVICE T :..... STATES, Suoits OQ9 ~Topooats - 4ca Sr :..r r . ::n. _ .. .: .:_ s C ADVERTISING LS I FIEL NOTICE-A few positions are open to Sophomores and Juniors offer- ing summer and permanent enm- Iployment with large definite re- m runeration. and advancements. Inquire by Phone 3761 Friday night between 13.00 and 10:30. 122 THE Frederic's Permanent is still FOR RENT ;;Ni $.0and guaranteed. Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop. Phone 7561. 1221 PIANO TU'NING---The Concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Alimendinger. Not with any. music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence. 1608 Morton Ave. Wed., Thu., Fri., c a NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 T,Th,F, c NOTICE -- Home Laundry --- Soft water used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190. W.Th.F. c NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe L~aundry 204 N., Main St., for laundry se.-v- ice with real personal attention like received at home. C TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Ilartsu if, Dial 9387. C TYPEWRITER SERVICE -- New Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ington portables, also used large and portable typewriters of all makes bought andl sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned,- repaired. Large stock, best service, consid- erate prices. Phorne 6015. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels' Arcade. FOR RENT-Six rooms, model~n, newly decorated house. $45 a month.' Phone. 7188. 709 Church St., FOR RENT--Double fronit room private family, steam heat,' w'll lighted, reasonable rates. 1106 Forest. LOST LOST-Feb. 26, orange1 cat.' Please Ireturn to 219 S. Thayer. Phoine 8035. 122 LOST-Trhursday, a s'ilver choker, near Taffan Hall. Reward. Pho0e Miss Carrow 6517. I - A LOST-Sunday night near M., C. depot, a man's green gold wrist watch with gold mesh band. Re- ward. Call 9468 after 7 o'clock. ; 121, 122 LOST-A white gold, Masonic' ring. on Oakland between Arbor st. an d the Lawyer's Club. Call 6367. Re- ward. 120, 121, 122 WILL the gentleman who picked up 'a green fountain pen off the desk in the branch, postoff ice yesterday afternoon' kindly' re- turn it to the Daily' office equipment, Coach Jack Blott. Want Ads Pay SUITS $5to $50 TOPCOATSI $27,.50' to $33.50 U- -UO' "The Home of Hart Schaffner& Marx" Theyre Here Fell ows. THE NE W TOPCOATS PkN' FEATURING HART SHAFFNER& MARX at $3001, f y *± .ter OURMSTORE, ISaH II *OF ANN ARBOR The character, of~ the suits and SUBSCRIBE 'tO TH MICHIGAN f topcoats tailored by Charter Houseo wnl eafn your most sincere liking. w .. M DAILY I IEGE . MAW D* " a a a S 4 a NOTICE--Beautiful Axminister and Koch & Hienne. spring line of Wilton rugs. IT'S WORTH IT! M I 1111111111111 MI I IBM Want Ads-Pay DEL PRETE 213 Eash; Liberty St. U r,,. Tom; W ould Vote To Re-elect This ,Smoke' So.Richmrond, Va. July 20,'198 arus & Brother Co., Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: As a constant izser of EDGE- WORTH Tobacco for, the' past four years, I can say I have enjoyed 'the comforts and- pleasure of the World's Finest Tobacco. If EDGEWGORTH Owere running, for re-election, here is, one sure vote for, it., Its. uniform quality is the outstanding feature andj I recommend it ioly. Th1e DG- WORTH Club hour over WIRVA is highly pleasing and hl ps to forn'i a good combination. Fraternally yours,I ($4gned) Franklin Moiitg;omeryl Edgewo4rtli 'extra Highu'Grade Smoingtobacco I1 r .__ 0 /. i 11 Camtels Hair.. Tweeds . .'Pattern Knits in Snappy Greys and Tans Conlin-& Wetherbee, =,t; , 7a 'q r f~4 i xeusVE AGrN'T s . Thffcah 1 91f~p I 118 E.Washington Dowpiown nib 1 T I S A LWAYS TIME FOR A THOS:, HEATH SUIT I Y , OUR BROKEN LOT SALE Thos. Heath Clothes have a retuarkablc habi of being at home everywhere--and on every occasion* For example, when you OF haven't time to change, it is quite possible to appear at dinner in your Thos. Hath morning suitandunless it is a. very formal dier id eed,yuwl find explanations hardly neesr. Por along with the com pa ninable 'ease and freedom of Thkios,,Heath Clothes goes an unfailing effect of savoir faire, which is surely a I finer thing than mere adherence -,to coliv7enti lls,4. Such is the E-ND)S SATURtDAY NIlGHT r ALL BROKEN AND DISCONTINUED STYLES OF F LORS HEI-M OX.F1OR"DS ARE BEING ENTIRELY CLOSED LET A T,$6,85, $7.85, $8.45 I ORMER $10.00 AN 11$11.0o SELE~ "TH1I7IP MAk'7IA AWE ATTVlgq2qnNWTOT17_A- resu t of somuch hanid'work, personal supervision, and, verlast. ihg fussin with details. t.N ;.31 HEI !I