H 19Z T H E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F SVE - -y - -.4 ;'gill Ic vAl M- RE Need For Student Theater On Campus Is Discussed By Professor Straus "We have here at Michigan a edy Club and others, which hav vital need of an all-campus the- all been on campus long befo ater," said Professor Louis A. the appearance or even the po Seniors Are Held To 31-31 Tic By Strauss, head of the department sibility of this theater, as we h'a, Sophomores While Freshmen of English, and also past chairman these organizations which ha' Lose To Seniors of campus dramatics, "and I am grown up, independent of the Un very much interested in seeing versity, I think they should be er SENIOR SWAMPS BLUE the plans and ideas for such a couraged to continue in this way ;building realized. "On the other hand," Profess Conti"I remember, some years ago, a. Strauss said, "If 411 these societi4 inuing with its improved group of students from a junior could get together, and organi form, the cellar position sopho- class came to me and asked me campus dramatics of their ow mores added new credit to their to advise them as to what to d( free will, then I believe it wou playing by holding the tournament with a sum of money that they be an entirely different matte leaders, the seniors, to a 31-31 tie, had left from the Junior Hop. 1 and in this case everything woul yesterday afternoon. At the same told them about this project of an depend on the man at the hea time, the junior I team was stag- I know, this sum of money was of it." ing another upset by defeating the then in its infancy and, as far a < "All around us we have exam freshmen in a game that ended 40 I know, this sum of money, was pies of what other universities a] to 16 in favor of the upperelass- the beginiing of the present "all- doing in this field 6f dramatics risen. campus theater fund." Since that he continued. "We have the wor At the end of the first half the time other minor sums have been of Professor Baker of . Yale, wh seniors held a two point margin added to this, but in reality little is addressing his attention mainl s ar has been done towards the actual to the training of playwrights. the beginnig of the second eriod realization of a building which think it is at the Uhiversityc pe, could be called an all-campus North Carolina, that unusuall the sophomores passed the seniors, theater. successful classes in the directio making the score 23-22, With an- There are many urgent rea- of photoplays are being offerer other spark of fire, the seniors sons why the University should And Carnegie Tech is turning ou again took the lead and for.a have such a building," he con- every year, students who hav while they seemed quite safe, with tinued.."I believe, that economic- specialized in acting, and stag the sophomore trailing behind them ally, it would be one of the big-eciaize in ating andhst p producig-s technique and other branchesc five points and not much time to gest boons to campus productions dramatic art. go. that could possibly be given them, The line-up was: for they would be able to give o Senior I Sophomore I their plays in a modern buildingI ISENIOR WOMEN A. 2aer. .RF. E. Wood with the up-to-date equipment I Today is absolutely the last F. Zauer......LF. Qu.rrodthey need, for a very nominal fee. I day on which senior collars, F. Miller.....LF .....J. Quarry "In connection with these or- I caps, and gowns may be ob- F. Neyer ......JC.....H. Moore, ganizations, "Professor Strauss I tained. You may get them V. Johnson . . . .SC.. .... H. Wilson j continued, "I am not of the opin- between 2 and 5 o'clock at C. Hawkins .. . .RG....R. Crooks ion that the all-campus theater I B a r b o u r Gymnasium. The M. Hartwig ....LG... E. Whitney should assume control of any of I price for the collars is 35 Substitutions: seniors:-B. Smith- the various dramatic societies on ( cents. cr, - J. Sauborn; sophomores -R. campus, such as Mimes, or Com- 0 Reed.- The score of the junior-freshman MISS STRONG TO NOTICES game is not an indication of the SING N DE TROIT c T be a meetingBof a] cones tht as laed.ItwasINathletic managers in Barbour fast throughout. The fact that the GyI at 4:15 o'clock Monday. usual game accounted for the fact Miss May A. Strong, voice in- yThe League of Women Voter freshmen were not playing their structor in the University School ewill meet on Wednesday at that the juniors were able to take of Music, will sing with the chorus o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. build h of the Tuesday Morning Musicale The second team game of the in Detroit next Tuesday, March 19. afternoon was between the senior II squad and the blue club team, The selections she has chosen are and the seniors won by a score of "Slumber Song of the. Madonna," EASTER 19 to 1. The Blue team put up a her own composition and "I Know 1 S e il big fight, but did not have quite the That My Redeemed Liveth", from an ycas calibre of the seniors. Handel's "Messiah". Largest display -- _ Women In Mimes Productions Break sTO Tradition Of Men In Women's parts ve IBASKTBALL BANOUIti s believe that Mimes produc-1 Women in Mimes productions a2 re bons are materially much better first caused a great deal of con- s- with women in women's parts troversy, especially among the ve With only one more week of with men in women's parts Mimes alumni. This was natural. Thirty-five women have entcred ve games in the interclass basketball than with men in women's parts, for Mimes had always been an all- the 'rifle, archery, and bowling I tournament, definite plans for the as was once the tradition," Mr. men organization, and it is diff- competitions being sponsored by Shuter, who has been director of cult to place traditions aside. The I the Intramural department. They . annual Mimes for the last three years alumni, however, were pacified, are practicing in the field house or will be held on Tuesday evening, told us. He said, "Although fwe when assured that the Opera, an- every day now aiming for high es March 26, are now being made. have done some remarkably fine nually produced by Mimes, should scores that will enable them to ze Tickets for the banquet are on things with all men casts, I think continue to have an all-men cast. enter the final contests that will n sale for one dollar. Freshmen that the plays are enhanced by There was consolation in the fact, be held immediately following the Ld and sophomores may obtain theirs women doing women's parts. The too, that the Princeton Triangle, basketball banquet on Tuesday r, university officials had been ask-' had started using women in their' evening, March 26. dfrom Helen Wilson, '32, by callig ing us to put women in our dra- plays the year before. The Prince- Those wh6 have already come d her at 22249, and juniors and matic productions long before we ton Triangle, at Princeton, and out for the various sports are as seniors will get theirs from Jessie I did, but it was difficult to break Mimes had held unique positions follows: Church, '29, at 7891. from tradition. The new plan is in university organizations be- Bowling-Gladys Pike, '29; Dal- re The banquet will be a gala affair, profitable to both women and the cause of the fact that they were las Dutton, '30; Alica Twanley, ," according to those in charge. It Mimes, for there are many tal- all-men dramatic clubs. Since the '29; Elizabeth Whitney, '31; Meryle k is hoped that all women who have ented women and Mimes has Princeton Triangle had broken Steele, '32; Myrna Steele, '32; Dor- o been out for either Intramural much to offer them. No other this tradition first by using wom- othy Lyons, '29; Fern Conrad,:-'29; ly basketball or Interclass basket- theater on the Michigan campus en in their presentation of Shaw's Elsie Hauschild, '29E.; Beth Oich- I ball this season, the members of can compare with it in equipment, 'Candida" in 1923, it was easier enberger, '31; Clara Jean Leith, of W. A. A. executive board and of such as scenery and lighting sys- for Mimes to depart from the old '32; Mary Anne Joslyn, '31; Helen 4 the Intramural board, as well as tem." tradition. Burrell, '29; Velma Johnson, n all others who are interested in The break in tradition occurred Mimes has become very popular '29Ed.; Margaret Stahl, '30;'-Jane d. the sport will attend. in 1924. In that year Mimes help- with women in the last five years Robinson, '31; Marjory Elsvwrth, t All awards will be made at this1ed Masques, the all-women's dra- Just as it has always been with '32. re j time. The women- who have par- matic organization, to produce a men. The women tryouts have Rifie-Velma Benedict, '29; Irene ,e ticipated in the interclass tourna-Iplay, in order to help them out of increased every year. Out of 300 Cook, '29; Dorothy Edmands, '32; of ment will be given W. A. A. points. financial trouble. This event prov- tryouts last semester for parts in Helen Nicol, '32; Helen Preston, * "M's" and class numerals will be'ed to be a good start in a new this semesters productions 78 of '30M. awarded to those who have earned plan, for, from then on, wo- them were women. There are, Archery-Margaret Neuman, '31; -o them for the first time. Kappa I men have taken women's parts in naturally, a great many more peo- Marion Williston, '31; Edna Hen- ; ( Kappa Gamma will also receive Mimes productions. There have ple catalogued than Mimes can ley, '32; Mary Anne Joslyn,,-'31; the intramural cup at this time been, it is true, plays with all ever use. Because of this great Dorothy Lincoln, '32; Paula Hale, which it will hold for one year in; male casts in the last five years, selection Mimes has generally se- '31; Ruth Hollister, '31; Katherine recognition of its championship ( but these are the exception rather cured the best talent on the Fessin, '32; Frances Miller, '31; team. Later in the evening, the than the rule. "To the Ladies", campus. It is their policy, too, to F c Hall, '31; Gladys Lowen I individual cups will be given toithe play produced last week, was use as many newcomers as pos- berg, '32; Myrtle Gerisch, '32. the winners in the rifle, archery, also played at Mimes two years Sible, but even so, it is impossible and bowling finals. Other fea- ago, with an all-male cast. How- to exhaust their lists. CHICAGO-Otto Von Prat's bures of the eveninl O nclude ever, it has become an established tglovespounded Tom Heeney's i the naming of the all star team custom that women take their Buy an 'Ensian subscription nowi heavyweight hopes into nothing in and the singing of class songs. own parts. for $5.50, and you will be sure of 'a bout here. Heeney had to go to receiving .a copy in the spring. the hospital. TON IGHT I Hats With a CleverTO 31 I- Colleg enne Slantat Hill Auditorium on Style $5 to $1850 Its brim rises slicer n front but turns down- at. the sides being. slightly wider- and delicately mn~ltd- oeyfaefr>":;;r':::::::.. .a....ated:...:.y..rme.fo PI5' -at4 M '1 ? i'. T- ii r i- 1c« 3 - r1 19 11 of Easter Candy i ntown for Mother, Wife, Kiddies-or Sweetheart Sweeland 212 So. Main St. ii I1 the face. In back the brim is long -one of thV new themes repre- sented in the spring collection at ACOBSON'S -. _- I''' ml LILL 14, -'-4. -s Y y S" a. LX ' CREATE YOUR OWN ENSEMBLE IN AN INDIVIDUAL WAY L Jacobsons Coats and Dresses have; been chosen this spring with style and color harmony as the keynote t .9. -N I This season, Fashion decrees that the leading coat colors are Black, Beige, and Middy Blue-in fact they are most ideally suited as'the colors with which to work out perfect color harmony with the dress that suits your personality. With this thought in mind Ile us present the proper colors, relative to the forcks which should be worn with the coat you choose. With a Coat of Black Beige, Cupicine Chartruse, Summer Rose, or Print. The materials may be either flat crepe or printed crepe which feature these colors in their patterns. With a Coat of Beige Bright Navy, Bright Red, Bright Green or Beige. Lucky indeed is the woman who can wear, these colors favorably as each forms a smart contrast to the coat color so much in demand and classed as particularly smart. With a Coat of Middy Blue Cupicine, Chartruse, Bright Navy, Light Blue, or Beige. Here again is a chance for one to create unusual smart effects in color harmony according to type. Coats priced from $29.75 to $98,50 Dresses priced from $19.75 to $69.75 .4 w -- mm E - PUTT ING ONE'S -- smm ° e -iFO IrR.. r: w w1 IKs I F = -- .j iZ )F Y- - .-.... - - E The mrattci of smnartness in your Spring ensemnble has a Sdefinite beginning with the problem of correct footwear. The °S =knowing foot comies to this store for complete satisfaction. For =the Diagonal, spring parties, sports. , Forward March, to Z SMack's Shoc Department and the lovely shoes priced at oily ° x - $7.00 and ,.OO .Y J t: .'r LAUNDRY COMPANY OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. MN -z A Zoo ZOO Ilf'lON ~'k T 41f/N t::I